High definition beautiful pictures are coming! Let’s take a look at the kindergarten after "people to public", and stage super changes!

In the past year

Have you found any kindergartens in Longgang?

"Quietly" upgraded~

Kindergarten teachers are stronger

The environment in the park has become better


Many kindergartens in Longgang

The road of "people to public" has been completed

What changes have been made to the kindergarten after the transfer?

Let’s take a look.


Longcheng Street New Asia Kindergarten

Longcheng Street New Asia Kindergarten was established in 2002 and has a history of 19 years. It is a provincial-level kindergarten that has always pursued development with characteristics. After years of accumulation, it has formed a good new Asian management culture and shared curriculum culture.

After the transfer, the kindergarten takes health, comprehensiveness, nature, harmony, autonomy and cooperation as its educational philosophy, and strives to establish a kindergarten with stories and dreams.

The activity rooms and function rooms of the park are fully equipped, the outdoor activity venues are wide, and the equipment and facilities are advanced, which fully reflects the ingenious integration of "children and nature". Children have sand pools, water pools, mud pools, football fields, plantations, climbing frames, music areas and other outdoor play areas to meet the needs of children’s outdoor play. At the same time, the kindergarten has also replaced class tables, chairs, beds and other hardware facilities, adding rich regional materials and teaching toys to meet children’s activities and learning needs, providing excellent conditions for children’s growth and development.

All along, New Asia Kindergarten has also paid attention to teacher team building, provided a teacher development platform, paid attention to teacher professional training, and gave full play to the professional leading role of key teachers in education and teaching. The improvement and development of the teacher team has laid a good scientific research foundation and team support for the construction of the curriculum system.


Baolong Street Baolong No. 1 Kindergarten

Baolong No. 1 Kindergarten, Baolong Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, was founded in 2009 and has been in operation for more than ten years. It is a new type of public park transformed from a private Yadi Baolong Kindergarten in June 2020.

The kindergarten covers an area of 3500 square meters, with a construction area of 4148 square meters and an outdoor activity area of 1296 square meters. The garden is shady with trees, full of flowers, warm and childlike, and has a beautiful environment. The garden is spacious and bright, safe and comfortable, with reasonable layout and complete facilities.

In 2013, it passed the first-level assessment of Longgang District in Shenzhen, the first-level kindergarten in Shenzhen in 2014, and successfully applied for the high-quality demonstration area park in Longgang District in 2016. In 2019, it passed the re-evaluation of the municipal first-level kindergarten, and in 2020, it passed the canteen A-level assessment.

Since Baolong No. 1 Youth transferred to public office, it has always aimed to "run a high-quality public kindergarten with new concepts, high standards and excellent quality", constantly improving hardware facilities, improving the conditions for running the kindergarten, beautifying the appearance of the garden, and striving to create a healthy, safe and natural garden-style kindergarten for children.

The kindergarten adheres to the concept of "Let education be as natural as breathing, and childhood bloom like flowers", and adheres to the educational concept of "love, respect and freedom", so that children can feel the beauty of childhood in a natural environment full of vitality, in a life-oriented course full of change and fun, and grow up here!


Nanwan Street Xintiandi Jiayuan Kindergarten

Nanwan Street Xintiandi Home Kindergarten is located at No. 451, Shaping North Road, Nanwan Street, Longgang District. Founded in September 2016, it is a municipal first-class public kindergarten. The park covers an area of 2004.4 square meters and has a construction area of 1600.27 square meters. It now offers 7 teaching classes and 38 teaching staff.

Today’s kindergarten has been perfectly transformed and has become another new world in the eyes of children. Xintiandi set sail from the brand new name of the kindergarten, designed a new logo unique to the culture of the kindergarten, added a new publicity column at the entrance of the park, purchased new sports equipment, and remodeled the teacher’s office and function room.

Here there is a "small bridge and flowing water" playing area, a unique art corridor, a big stage to show oneself, and a leisure corner where you can play house with children. This has become a dream paradise for children. Kindergarten has become a new world for children’s life and learning.


Longcheng Street Huilongpu No. 1 Kindergarten

After a comprehensive upgrade during the summer vacation, the environment of Huilongpu No. 1 Kindergarten on Longcheng Street has been greatly rectified, and the upgraded kindergarten has taken on a completely new look!

The fairy tale kingdom-like exterior walls, unique outdoor playgrounds, tall and beautiful slides, gurgling streams, and green football fields create a natural and poetic children’s paradise for children!

The rectified outdoor game venue is unique, with slides, sand pools, small bridges, streams, and grasslands integrated into one, with an elegant environment and natural ecology, providing good conditions for children’s outdoor activities. On weekdays, children’s faces are filled with bright smiles, exploring in the kindergarten together, roaming in the kingdom of childlike fun, and starting a happy childhood journey!


Nanwan Street Shiyaling Kindergarten

From 2020 to 2021, Shiyaling Kindergarten stopped to look back at the time and engraved too many beautiful memories. In this extraordinary year, they have gone through trials and tribulations, and every step they have taken together has become a beautiful scenery on the road to growth!

Kindergarten door, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten flag-raising platform, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten playground, slide to view changes before →

New class environment, swipe to see before the change →

Kindergarten gazebo, slide to view changes before →

Outdoor venue, slide to view changes before →

Outdoor venue, slide to view changes before →

Outdoor venue, slide to view changes before →

Sand pool site, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten restroom, swipe to see before the change →

Kindergarten restroom, swipe to see before the change →

Stair environment, slide to see before changes →


Longcheng Street Hongji Kindergarten

During the summer vacation, Hongji Kindergarten renovated and renovated the gate, publicity board, kitchen, class toilet, security room, etc., making the kindergarten environment more beautiful, childlike and operational. All along, Hongji Kindergarten has been adhering to the concept of "accompanying and guarding with love, inspiring and leading with love, and letting every life fly", so that children can enjoy the most intimate care and care.

Kindergarten door, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten door, slide to view changes before →

The renovated class bathroom is equipped with an induction faucet, which effectively avoids bacterial cross-infection and saves water.


Buji Street Keyuan Second Kindergarten

After the second kindergarten of Keyuan on Buji Street was "converted from people to public", the renovated venues include: playground environment including grass, equipment placement room, slide, climbing frame, etc., book corner, etc.

Children have a more comfortable environment for outdoor activities and reading sharing, so that their bodies and minds are on the road.

Kindergarten after "people to public"

Whether it is hardware facilities or faculty

Have been significantly improved

Create better conditions for students

It has always been the direction of our efforts

Let’s look forward to a better tomorrow together.

Source | Shenzhen Longgang District Education Bureau

Thank you to the above schools for providing materials

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