Chen He’s "Super Express" press conference incarnates a courier man and speaks for the courier

1905 movie network news On November 29, Chen He attended the film’s premiere press conference in Shanghai. Super Express is an action comedy blockbuster directed by Song Xiao and starring Chen He, Song Zhixiao, David Bell, Xiao Yang, and Li Chun. The film has dense punchlines and wonderful action scenes. Chen He is the first to try action comedy, and has a lot of tense and exciting action scenes in the film.

Chen He blew himself up to practice driving skills for filming, and completed Song Zhixiao’s mysterious task with wit

As the lead actor of the film, Chen He shared many stories in front of and behind the scenes with the audience at the press conference, and even more self-proclaimed "motorcycle skills specially trained for a period of time for filming", which made fans praise him for his professionalism. Song Zhixiao, who was not present, made a surprise appearance by video, and brought task packages representing "Bojun Yixiao", "Customer" and "Difficult" to the creators present.

Chen He took the lead in accepting the task. Facing the challenge of the "Bojun Yixiao" task, Chen He, as the "funny responsibility", did his best to give full play to his funny talent and easily amused his girlfriend Li Yuan in the film. When completing the task sent by Xiao Yang, the "customer representative", Chen He’s difficult physical movements also made the screams at the press conference one after another. The representatives of the "difficult" task package are David Bell, the "father of global parkour" and Li Chun, the son of the famous director Li An. Chen He, who refused to admit defeat, challenged the "difficult" task on the spot and had an "arm wrestle" competition with David Bell. The atmosphere of the scene was once again pushed to a climax by the sound of fans.

Chen He incarnated as "Express Man" to speak for the courier

Not only did he complete the mysterious task arranged by Song Zhixiao on the spot, but the courier played by Chen He in the film also completed a series of thrilling "treasure hunting" tasks. Chen He admitted that the action scenes were difficult and dangerous, and the "whole team is very amazing" to be able to complete the shooting of the film with high quality. Chen He also said that in the process of playing the courier, he fully realized the hard work and difficulty of every courier, and called on the fans to be more understanding and tolerant of the courier in their lives. Whether it is personally shooting the difficult action scenes or speaking out for the couriers, Chen He’s dedication and responsibility have been unanimously recognized by the audience and fans, and everyone expressed their high expectations for the film.


It is reported that "Super Express" will land in major theaters across the country on December 2 to meet audiences.