Year of the loong’s first day at work? These three tips will help you to be full of energy tomorrow

Today is the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.
It is also the last day of the Spring Festival holiday.
An important reminder:
I will go to work tomorrow!
Everyone is about to start from
Switch "Vacation Mode" to "Work Mode"
How to adjust the state
Welcome to the first day of construction
Please check these tips.
It is very important to return to work.
There are ways to deal with "post-holiday syndrome"
Going to work after the holiday is worried that you can’t find the state?
Feeling listless?
Difficulties in getting up, anxiety, excessive internal heat, fatigue and irritability.
What should we do?
Don’t panic!
maybe"Postholiday syndrome"Incoming
"Postholiday syndrome"
Is "sign"Not a "disease"
"Post-holiday syndrome" refers to a series of problems that arise when people suddenly enter the tense state of work from the relaxed state of holidays, and the balance between physiology and psychology is broken.
But it is called "sign" rather than "symptom" because it is a functional disorder, not an organic lesion, and it is not a disease. Everyone can return to normal work and life after a little recovery, so don’t worry too much ~
How to deal with "post-holiday syndrome"
Try the following methods.
Yue Xiaodong, a professor at the School of Psychology of Capital Normal University, pointed out
Going to work after the holiday is not in the state
It is inappropriate to attribute it to "laziness"
Because the whole rhythm of life in the early stage was out of order.
The autonomic nerve is also messed up.
It’s not that the motive is not in place
But energy can’t keep up.
Most people need a transition period.
You can try these methods to find your status.
Adjust sleep schedule
Three meals diet rule
Moderate sports activities
Actively adjust mentality, etc.
Set the alarm clock to check the road conditions.
The first working day in year of the loong never starts late.
Tomorrow (February 18th) is Sunday.
But it’s also a working day.
Pay attention to setting the alarm clock.
Don’t be late tomorrow ~
The first day to work
Morning and evening peak road conditions need attention
Spring Festival travel rush Return+First Day of Resumption of Work
Increased traffic pressure
Traffic control departments of several cities have released
Early warning and travel tips for congested road sections
There is no limit to the tail number of motor vehicles tomorrow
8:00 to 9: 00 and 17: 30 to 19:30 are the peak hours.
The peak period is from 7:30 to 8:30 tomorrow morning.
Four types of roads have high risk of traffic congestion.
Pay attention to the release of the local traffic control department
Get road information
Please plan ahead for work.
Travel modes and routes
Try to avoid construction and easy-to-slow sections.
Start working healthily, don’t ignore the cold wave, keep warm.
From today (February 17th)
Year of the loong’s first cold wave
Will affect our country from west to east.
Many areas will have severe ups and downs.
Accompanied by a wide range of rain and snow
There is freezing rain in Henan, Hubei, Hunan and Guizhou.
There is heavy snowfall in Xinjiang and Heilongjiang.
Don’t worry about collecting thick clothes.
Add clothes in time to guard against colds!
a new year
Let’s start together when we are full of energy.
I wish everyone a good start.
(Source: CCTV News)