It was love at first sight at dinner, and a director of Zhejiang fell in love and was sentenced to 8 years!

Zhejiang Legal News reported that "Gao Hua (pseudonym), as a national cadre, is brilliant, outstanding in ability and has a bright future, and now his future is ruined because of my mistake …" Lu Yue (pseudonym) standing in the dock regretted it.

A few days ago, Gao Hua, the former party secretary and director of a bureau in Quzhou City, who was prosecuted by Qujiang District Procuratorate, and Lu Yue, a specific related person, publicly pronounced a verdict in the first instance of Qujiang District Court. The defendant Gao Hua was sentenced to 8 years in prison and fined 550,000 yuan; The defendant Lu Yue was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 500,000 yuan. The stolen goods obtained by the two men were recovered and turned over to the state treasury.

Love at first sight at a dinner party.

Gao Hua was born in Quzhou in 1970. Judging from his resume, Gao Hua’s life can be described as smooth sailing.

In 1991, Gao Hua entered a bureau in Quzhou. Because of his active work and outstanding business ability, Gao Hua was gradually promoted from an ordinary civil servant to the head of a bureau in Quzhou City. Since 2003, Gao Hua has gradually risen from the head of the municipal bureau to the director of the district branch bureau and the deputy director of a municipal bureau. At the end of 2016, Gao Hua was appointed as the party secretary and director of a bureau in Quzhou City, and presided over the overall work of a bureau in Quzhou City.

With the promotion of the position, Gao Hua’s friends and dinners have also increased. At a dinner party in early 2009, he met Lu Yue.

Lu Yue is nine years younger than Gao Hua. According to Lu Yue’s statement, the first time she met Gao Hua, she was conquered by this gentle and elegant man. They fell in love at first sight and had a good impression on each other, leaving contact information. Since then, the two have frequent exchanges and gradually developed into an extramarital relationship.

"We are together and there are too many places to spend money." Gao Hua said. Since then, Gao Hua has never resisted his inner greed in the face of the temptation of money.

Taking advantage of his authority, Gao Hua successively helped to undertake engineering projects, took care of project management, fund allocation and project payment settlement, and arranged others to work in relevant units, so as to seek personal gain and accept benefits for others.

According to the accusation of Qujiang District Procuratorate, Gao Hua took bribes alone for more than 1.82 million yuan from 2009 to 2018 when he met Lu Hou.  

Don’t go to work, still "get paid"

Because Gao Hua made her affair with Lu Yue public in their circle of friends and social circles, she would take Lu Yue to attend every dinner. When someone wanted to ask Gao Hua for help, she would also send property to Lu Yue to help Gao Hua.

In 2010, in order to get help from Gao Hua in undertaking government and other engineering projects, Hu Mou, who is engaged in paint business, rented a single apartment in a certain district of Quzhou City for Gao Hua and Lu Yue to use. For this apartment, Hu paid the rent until 2018, and paid a total of 43,200 yuan on his behalf. Gao Hua has also provided help for Hu in undertaking several construction projects.

Gao Hua said that his salary income was limited and he couldn’t afford the high consumption of Lu Yue, so he agreed that Lu Yue would receive the property sent by his bosses, and hinted that the bosses would take Lu Yue to earn more money.

From 2015 to 2018, Lu Yue received a total of 552,000 yuan from two companies that undertook elevator installation and aluminum alloy doors and windows installation projects in the name of salary income without actually going to work.  

From 70,000 yuan to 1 million yuan

"After knowing Luo Ping (a pseudonym), I made a bigger mistake." Lu Yue said.

Luo Ping is the general manager of a construction company in Quzhou. In October 2016, Luo Ping found Lu Yue, saying that there was a good supervision project in a primary school in Quzhou. His friend’s company wanted to bid and asked Lu Yue to help and said that Lu Yue could also make some money. Lu Yue told Gao Hua about it, and Luo Ping gave Lu Yue 70,000 yuan after winning the bid.

One day in 2017, Luo Ping found Lu Yue again and asked Gao Hua to help in the bidding of a project. Lu Yue told Gao Hua about it. Later, the two attended the dinner organized by Luo Ping together. Gao Hua introduced Luo Ping to others and said, "This is my little brother. Please take care of him." After the job was done, Lu Yue received 1 million yuan in cash.

In 2018, Luo Ping once again asked Gao Hua to help in the illegal construction of a real estate project in Zhangzhou through Lu Yue, and gave Lu Yue 1 million yuan in cash after the completion.

In addition, Lu Yue also used her influence on Gao Hua many times to intercede for the boss who asked Gao Hua to help in the project, and obtained benefits by accepting cash, gifts and travel.

It was determined that Gao Hua and a specific related person, Lu Yue, received property from others and converted it into RMB 3,215,534.

When talking about Gao Hua, Lu Yue seems to be full of admiration and love. She said he was a workaholic and took his career very seriously. But in the end, it was this abnormal relationship that violated public order, good customs and moral ethics, and the greedy desire that they could not restrain themselves, which ruined the bright future of Lu Yue and this young cadre.

Original title: "We are together, there are too many places to spend money." An acquaintance at a dinner party made this cadre deeply lost.

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