"People’s democracy in the whole process" and "dynamic clearing" … The first press conference of the National People’s Congress of the two sessions responded to these hot questions

At 12 o’clock today (March 4), the Fifth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress held a press conference in the Press Room of the Great Hall of the People. Zhang Yesui, a spokesman for the conference, introduced the agenda of the conference and answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on issues related to the work of the NPC.

Zhang Yesui responded to hot issues such as "dynamic clearing", "people’s democracy in the whole process" and "Sino-US relations".

Announce the agenda of the Fifth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress.

Zhang Yesui introduced that there were 2,951 deputies to the 13th National People’s Congress. At present, 2,801 people have reported to the Congress, and all preparations for the Congress have been made. The six-and-a-half-day conference opened on the morning of March 5th and closed on the morning of 11th, with 10 items on the agenda.

Talking about legislative work: paying more attention to improving quality and social effect

Zhang Yesui introduced that in the past year, the NPC and its Standing Committee strengthened legislation in key areas, emerging areas and foreign-related areas, and paid more attention to improving the quality and social effects of legislation while speeding up legislation.

On epidemic prevention and control: "dynamic zero clearing" is not the pursuit of "zero infection"

Zhang Yesui introduced that "dynamic zero clearing" is a prevention and control policy put forward on the basis of adhering to the general strategy of "external defense input and internal defense rebound" and earnestly summing up the experiences and lessons of various places. It mainly includes three aspects:

1. Take the initiative to find the source of infection in time.

2、Take public health or social intervention measures quickly, track and manage secret contact personnel, and cut off the transmission route.

3. Effectively treat patients.

Zhang Yesui also said that "dynamic zero clearing" is not to pursue zero infection, but to control the epidemic as soon as possible. Facts have proved that this practice is in line with the actual situation in China, and the approach is correct and the effect is good. No matter from the figures of diagnosis and death, or from the data of economic development, China is one of the most successful countries in epidemic prevention work in the world.

Talking about democracy: democratic and undemocratic practice is the most convincing, and the people have the most say.

Zhang Yesui introduced that there are two key words in the whole process of people’s democracy, one is people’s democracy and the other is the whole process. In the whole process of developing people’s democracy in China, there are not only complete institutional procedures, but also complete participation in practice.

In addition, Zhang Yesui also said that democracy is not an ornament, not for decoration, but for solving problems that people need to solve. A country is democratic and undemocratic, practice is the most convincing, and the people of this country have the most say. Democracy is not the best, only better. China is willing to exchange and learn from other countries on the basis of mutual respect, and constantly enrich and improve the achievements of human political civilization.

On the election of deputies to the National People’s Congress: fully embodying the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the people

Zhang Yesui introduced that the people’s congress system is the fundamental political system of China. The principle of combining direct elections with indirect elections has the widest universality and representativeness, and fully reflects the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the people. There are five deputies to the National People’s Congress in China, all of whom are democratically elected for a term of five years.

Talking about Sino-US relations: Taking China as a strategic competitor will only undermine mutual trust and cooperation between China and the United States.

Zhang Yesui said that mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation should be the correct way for China and the United States to get along in the new era. The key to peaceful coexistence is mutual respect. Win-win cooperation is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples and is also the expectation of the international community. How the United States can improve its own competitiveness is its own business. Taking China’s development as an excuse and taking China as a strategic competitor will only undermine mutual trust and cooperation between China and the United States, and will certainly harm its own interests. Draw a line with ideology, draw a "small circle" and engage in group confrontation, all of which are contrary to the development trend of the times and simply won’t work.

On neutral relations: there is no so-called economic coercion in China.

Zhang Yesui said that the Lithuanian government has seriously violated the one-China principle and the political commitment made by China when it established diplomatic relations in a neutral way. It is completely justified and inevitable that the China government will respond resolutely to this. At present, the responsibility for the problems in the relations between the two countries lies entirely with the cube. In international trade, China never discriminates against any country or enterprise, and there is no so-called "economic coercion". China hopes that the EU will take an objective and fair stance and will not escalate the issue of neutrality to the level of China-EU relations.

Talking about vaccines: China is the country that provides the most vaccines to foreign countries.

Zhang Yesui said that up to now, China has provided more than 2.1 billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations, accounting for one-third of the total vaccine use in the world outside China, and it is the country that provides the most vaccines to foreign countries.

China will continue to insist on developing countries as its main partners in vaccine cooperation. Some enterprises in China have cooperated with many developing countries to produce and can vaccines, and signed joint vaccine production agreements with many developing countries, initially forming an annual production capacity of more than 1 billion doses.

On "Foreign Sanctions Law": a defensive measure to deal with containment and suppression.

Zhang Yesui said that China’s Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law is a special law with strong directionality and pertinence, and the word "anti" stands out. China’s anti-foreign sanctions law is a defensive measure to contain and suppress, which is essentially different from the "unilateral sanctions" of some countries.

Producer: Lu Yi

Producer Zhang Yuan

General Desk reporter Wang Nan Fan Jing