Culinary zero-skill fresh meat Chan Weiting joins Nicholas Tse in "Twelve Sharps II"




In the third quarter of 2014, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s food reality show "Twelve Flavors" conquered countless "foodies" with its movie-quality graphics, luxurious guest lineup, and wonderful food journey. After a year, the much-anticipated second season of "Twelve Flavors" finally has new news. Recently, Zhejiang Satellite TV announced that the second season of "Twelve Flavors" will officially return in the third quarter of 2015. In the program, in addition to "Fangwei Chef" Nicholas Tse, a fixed lineup of four star celebrities will also be added to the "Fangwei Family". The first member of the "Fangwei Family" to be exposed is "Instant Noodles Big Brother" William Chan, whose culinary skills are identified as zero. It is reported that in order to learn to cook with his "big brother", Chan Weiting also rejected many movie advertising invitations. According to Nicholas Tse’s network accumulated in the entertainment industry over the years and the "terrifying" guest lineup last season, the identities of the other three family members are also very worth looking forward to.

Rate 4 big coffee friends to "Return to Chinese Food" in the third quarter

Nicholas Tse’s group "Fengwei Family" delicious "Ting" can’t come down

In the interview, Nicholas Tse summed up his vision for the second season of "Twelve Flavors" with "This is a return". After searching for food all over the world, he wants to "return to Chinese food culture". In this mysterious and warm journey of Chinese food, Nicholas Tse will lead the "Fengwei family" to travel all over China, explore rare ingredients of Chinese food, promote the extensive and profound Chinese food culture, and create a unique "Fengge" Twelve Flavors with a combination of Chinese and Western methods.

In the first season of "Twelve Flavors", in addition to the unprecedented cast of super stars and the wonderful multi-national food tour, what left the most profound impression on the audience was the exquisite film-quality pictures. The Academy Award-level photography and lighting brought by Nicholas Tse’s own special effects production company PO Chaoting made every frame of the show extremely beautiful, creating a precedent for film-level reality shows. The second season of "Twelve Flavors" will continue to pursue the extreme of the picture, and the photography, lighting, setting, props, etc. can reach the film-level level.

In the first season of the show, although every episode was accompanied by friends, most of the time "Chef Xie" cooked the food alone. In the second season of the show, Nicholas Tse will invite four star friends to form the "Fangwei Family" to accompany him on this food journey. One of the first family members to be exposed is his junior brother Chen Weiting at Emperor Entertainment. When "Da Xihong" meets "Senior Brother" and "Dark Cuisine" collides with "Top Delicious", the fans of the two can’t hold back before the show starts. And after announcing this delicious combination that can’t be "Ting" at all, the other three members of the "Fangwei Family" have become even more exciting. I believe that with Nicholas Tse’s connections, these three guests will not disappoint everyone.

"Instant Noodle Senior Brother" Chen Weiting becomes the first member of the "Fengwei Family"

Refusing movies and advertising invitations for learning to cook is a huge loss

In the promotional VCR released by Zhejiang Satellite TV, Chen Weiting was named the most handsome "big brother of instant noodles" in the dark cooking industry. Chen Weiting himself also revealed in the VCR: "People who know me know that I can’t cook things, and my best is to cook instant noodles." Therefore, as a member of the "Fengwei family", he was able to participate in the second season of "Twelve Frontiers", learn to cook with "Senior Brother Tingfeng", and get rid of the nickname "Chen who can only cook noodles, etc." It became a very happy thing for Chen Weiting. On Weibo, Chen Weiting happily called out "When dark cuisine and so on meet the top Feng, it is so delicious that he has no friends." He also matched it with a proud expression of a doge, and he turned over many fans. Many fans left messages with anticipation: "Is the king finally going to lift the seal of cooking?"

However, if you want to learn cooking skills with Nicholas Tse, the price you have to pay is not small. In order to ensure the smooth shooting of the second season of "Twelve Sharks", Emperor Entertainment Artist Director Hovinci admitted that he had rejected many invitations for films and TV series from Nicholas Tse and William Chan, and even rejected more than ten advertising contracts for William Chan, resulting in huge losses. And this cruel intention is to allow Nicholas Tse and William Chan, the brothers and sisters, to concentrate on the second season of "Twelve Sharks".

After watching Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen’s new drama, he knew that the winner of the "Break Up" incident in "Hurricane" had always been him

Nowadays, it seems that it is difficult for the TV drama market to experience "phenomenon-level" explosions, and it has been two years since the last "Hurricane" aired.

After the broadcast of "Hurricane" at that time, Zhang Songwen became a hot star actor, and Zhang Yi also consolidated his position with this drama.

But now two years have passed, and when I look back at the works of these two, I realize that he has always been the only winner.

Zhang Yi’s new drama "Nine Prosecutors"

It seems that every summer, there is Zhang Yi’s figure, and this year is no exception.

No matter whether it was the previous "Hurricane" or the current "Nine Prosecutors", the feedback in the market was not generally good.

Especially this new drama, the plot is very tight at first.

The beginning was due to the illegal execution of the task, resulting in the death of the suspect, followed by the transfer to the place, the whole process did not exceed ten minutes.

After arriving at the place, it is also very realistic. If you don’t understand the work content and are not accepted by your colleagues, you can only be idle every day and find things to do by yourself.

Because I don’t understand the situation,Zhang Yi, who just took office, acted privately and bought a bar and an Internet cafeInstead of the imagined recognition, he was told by the leader, which disrupted the original plan.

Although I didn’t say it directly, every detail was saying:Sorry, this environment doesn’t accept you.

But Zhang Yi still bit the bullet and went on. Obviously, when the environment repels you, drinking cold water is stuffed with teeth.

After the school speech, a female student called Zhang Yi to say that she had been bullied.

As a result, just as she was about to take it back, the girl disappeared.

Then the details came, "Nine Prosecutors" did not go directly to the police to find people like other dramas.

But as a party, he was taken back for questioning first, because he violated the basic principles of work, so he had to follow the due process.

After the investigation, there was also news at the scene. Those who didn’t procrastinate kept looking for the heroine, and the protagonist had to find evidence.

It can only be said that there is no fictitious plot, it is all dry goods.

It’s like having yet to accept this Airborne Leader.But no one held back when performing the task, and the IQ of all the staff was online.

Even aside from the plot, Zhang Yi’s acting skills in this drama are also very surprising. He can’t see the shadow of "An Xin" at all, and he feels like an "old fritter" all over his body.

When I first arrived here, I knew that my colleagues were all girls, and I wanted to discuss with the leader about changing departments.

Just hold your hands in front of your body, shake your body slightly, and ask the leader with a more "flattering" smile. The image of "workplace old fritters" is instantly three-dimensional.

After meeting those female colleagues and starting to work together,All the time is a kind of daring to speak out, that "aggrieved" look, really distressed and funny.

But as a prosecutor, Zhang Yi did not always insist on justice like "An Xin", but faced different people with different sides.

It can only be said that it is different from "An Xin", but there is no sense of separation from the characters in this drama.

In the last second, he was still a famous prosecutor, but in the next second, he became a "repairman".

Although he was the leader at a dinner party that he knew was giving him a slap in the face, he was also the most "humble" at the entire table.

All kinds of embarrassed smiles, all kinds of small movements, sure enough, people will be very busy when they are embarrassed.

Wu Jing once said that Zhang Yi treats every filming as the last time in his life, so he will definitely succeed.

Facts proved that Wu Jing was right, and Zhang Yi did it.

He left "An Xin" in that summer two years ago, and then introduced us to "actor Zhang Yi" in different roles.

In the years after the explosion of "Hurricane", Zhang Yi, whether it is a movie or a TV drama, has received a double harvest of word-of-mouth ratings.

But on the other hand, Zhang Songwen, who was also popular because of "Hurricane", seemed almost embarrassed.

Zhang Songwen’s "Lonely Boat"

Just like Zhang Songwen’s latest spy drama "Lonely Boat", many netizens don’t know why he picked up the drama.

Most netizens had the same idea: Did the director save his life?

Otherwise, it was unexpected that Zhang Songwen, who had such requirements for the script, would take the initiative to ask to star in such a lax spy drama.

The most serious flaw in the entire show is the various execution tasks and connections.

First, without investigating the identity of the male protagonist at all, he let the male protagonist join the team, and even took it directly to perform the task.

Isn’t it so sloppy? I see that in "Lost City Lonely", if you don’t investigate your identity, you don’t even say your name!

The male protagonist is like this, and the female protagonist is not much better.

Obviously, he had already been discovered, and he was unwilling to change his clothes, so he went directly to the joint.

Of course, the visual effect is understandable, it doesn’t matter.

But other people’s connectors can’t wait to lower their heads to the ground, and no one should find it. You just stand in front of the connectors so well, are you afraid that no one will be able to find it?

The most difficult thing to understand about the whole TV show is that,In an emergency, the undercover found Zhang Songwen and insisted on connecting, but only for two cans of milk powder.

The most outrageous thing is that the next day, Zhang Songwen actually brought it and sat on the street talking about the children.

Do you have to add such a funny scene to such a more rigorous spy drama?

Have you ever seen Sun Honglei ask Yao Chen if he wants to eat his elbow when he was on a mission in "Hidden"?

Have you seen Liu Yunlong and his brother say in "Kite", no, are you going to buy two clothes for my daughter-in-law?

Completely impossible.

It’s okay to experience a good relationship between you and to be more life-like throughout the show, but at least it has to be logical.

It’s almost dry and smoking here, and you’re waiting to drink milk powder with your mouth open, right?

Of course, in addition to the plot, Zhang Songwen’s acting skills are also very fascinating. Although there is no big problem, there is no breakthrough. It feels exactly the same as the previous dramas.

And the feeling when I first saw "Gao Qiqiang" in "Hurricane" can only be described by the difference between heaven and earth.

Especially when I see Zhang Songwen playing handsome to the camera, I really want to say the title of "oil king", and Mr. Zhang is definitely expected to take over.

Teacher Zhang, if not, let’s take a break and settle down. There is no need to embarrass ourselves so much.

Whether it was "Ice Hunt" some time ago or "Lonely Boat" this time, it was enough to prove that acting was important, but the script was more important.

Therefore, Mr. Zhang should still pick and choose the script, as you said yourself, cherish your feathers as an actor.

Do you think that two years after the "break-up" incident of the "Hurricane" crew, looking back at the current situation of Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen, is there really a winner?

Ren Xianqi exposes himself: I agreed to be sterilized together with Tao Jingying’s husband, but I broke my appointment

  April 13, Hong Kong. Ren Xianqi’s new work "Qi Zai R.S.V.P", which has been out of Mandarin music for two years, will be officially released on April 27. An intriguing song on the album is the witty love song "Tracheitis", which was retouched by Ang Lee. Xiao Qi invited fellow Chinese and Hong Kong students, Dabing and Liu Haolong, to sing the song together. China News Agency issued AEG photo

  China News Service, April 15, Ren Xianqi recently went to Taiwan’s variety show "College Student" to share "the charm of a good man", facing the host Tao Zi (Tao Jingying), he was embarrassed to self-destruct, he and Li Li Ren can’t bear his wife to suffer from the pain of production, originally made an appointment to get a vasectomy, but he didn’t have time to go, and finally let Li Li Ren pigeon, "I read the newspaper to know, he has gone, I’m really sorry."

  According to Taiwan’s China Times, even though Ren Xianqi broke the appointment temporarily, Tao Zi praised Ren Xianqi’s act of loving his wife. She said: "Ren Xianqi will take Tina’s hand to breakfast on rainy mornings, which is very romantic." Ren Xianqi, who has been involved in the recent marriage of Karen Mok and Zheng Xiuwen in Taiwan’s entertainment industry, said he was not worried about Tina misunderstanding. "My trick is to let Tina know them."

  Ren Xianqi said that his declaration of a good man is "to be responsible, to be cared for, not to be scolded." He will take Tina to scuba diving and surfing. Tina is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She has an S-shaped devil figure and makes people drool in sexy clothes. Ren Xianqi said that as long as his wife has the conditions, there is nothing wrong with wearing beautiful clothes. This statement made Tao Zi, who has not fully recovered from the postpartum figure, envious and joked at himself: "No wonder, my husband has told me to wear more clothes recently."

Editor in charge: Wang Xin

Meituan buys medicine: After New Year’s Day, the demand for A and B drugs will rise, and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen can already "check at home".

On January 4, the National Influenza Center released the 52nd week of "Influenza Surveillance Weekly Report". The monitoring data showed that the positive rate of influenza virus testing in southern provinces increased this week, while that in northern provinces decreased. The A (H3N2) subtype (that is, influenza A) is the main type, and the proportion of B (Victoria) series (that is, B) continues to increase. During the same period, the Meituan Drug Buying Health Index on January 5 shows that the national A and B stream-related drugs oseltamivir and Sufuda have fallen behind after a short period of demand last week, and the search and order volume of drugs have shown an upward trend this week. At present, Meituan Pharmaceutical has opened a home express inspection service in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Doctors remind a variety of influenza and respiratory diseases during the epidemic period, and it is meaningful to identify the

According to CCTV news client side news, Shanghai Children’s Hospital’s recent outpatient and emergency patient test results show that the total number of influenza patients has not changed in recent times, but the proportion of outpatient and emergency influenza patients has risen from less than 10% in early December to more than 40% in recent days. But overall, there are still more A-stream patients than B-stream patients. Meituan’s health index shows that in addition to the growth of A-stream and B-stream drugs, the search for cough medicine dextromethorphan nationwide has nearly doubled this week. Nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever have become high-frequency terms for recent inquiries.

Figure: In the past week, right methorphan has nearly doubled, and nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever have become high-frequency words for recent inquiries (Source: Meituan Drug Buying Health Index)

From a city-by-city perspective, the order volume of oseltamivir Shenzhen has nearly doubled in the week; the order volume of Sufuda in Changzhou, Taiyuan, Fuzhou, Dalian and Shantou has more than doubled in the week; the order volume of dextromethorphan in Xuzhou, Taiyuan and Huizhou has more than doubled in the week. Overall, the jump rate in East China and South China is more obvious, and everyone still needs to pay attention to protection.

Figure: Influenza-related drugs as a whole have jumped more significantly in East China and South China (Source: Meituan Buying Drug Health Index)

After the recent B-stream related news frequently appeared on the hot search, many netizens also said: "I thought that the A-stream was about to be sent away, but I didn’t expect the B-stream to come again. After I have symptoms, I don’t know what virus I have been recruited?" In this regard, the person in charge of the Meituan Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Service Center introduced: "Among the several epidemic diseases that have received high attention recently, the A and B stream has the characteristics of urgent onset, hot topic, headache, and muscle soreness all over the body. The body temperature often peaks within a few hours or 24 hours, reaching 39-40 ° C, or even higher; COVID-19 patients usually have fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and myalgia symptoms, and a small number of patients will have abnormal sense of smell and/or taste; while the common cold is mostly caused by viruses, a small part is caused by bacteria, and local symptoms are the main ones, including sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, etc. Generally, there are few fever symptoms, or only low fever. If you can’t tell the difference, you can test the results first and then treat it symptomatically. "

Ms. Fei, who lives in Beijing, has been sneezing frequently recently, has a runny nose, coughs, has a dry and itchy throat, and her whole body is sore. Because she doesn’t know what type of disease she is suffering from, she first ordered the "home express inspection" service on Meituan to buy medicine. She received the test report in about three hours and found that she was not infected with A and B. Then, Ms. Fei asked the doctor at the entrance of Meituan to ask the respiratory physician of Tier 1 hospital how to take medicine. The respiratory doctor who received the treatment asked Dr. Liu in detail about Ms. Fei’s specific symptoms and medication. According to the test results and the patient’s symptoms, it is more likely to consider ordinary influenza. Therefore, she prescribed relevant medicines for Ms. Fei and provided detailed medication instructions and health suggestions.

The relevant person in charge of Meituan Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Service Center specially reminded that antiviral drugs should be taken symptomatically according to the doctor’s instructions. You should not reduce the dosage or blindly stop the drug after the symptoms are relieved. You need to take it in sufficient quantities and for a full course of treatment under the guidance of a doctor. Similar antipyretics cannot be taken together. For example, ibuprofen and acetaminophen are both non-steroidal antipyretic and analgesic drugs. Avoid combining them to avoid overdose or toxic synergy. Do not take cold medicines containing the same ingredients repeatedly. Most compound cold medicines contain acetaminophen to avoid liver damage caused by overdose of acetaminophen. During the medication period, you should avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy, cold and greasy foods. It is not advisable to take tonic traditional Chinese medicine at the same time during the medication.

At the same time, the New Year’s Day holiday has ended, and the person in charge of Meituan Pharmacy Service Center also reminded that after the holiday, you should pay attention to the adjustment of work and rest, especially after returning from foreign travel, you should keep warm or take off clothes according to the specific situation. In addition, daily preventive measures are essential to block the spread of B stream. It is recommended that you pay more attention to your own situation and maintain good hygiene habits.

Jackie Chan "kissed wildly" Zhao Benshan, bluntly saying that Wang Leehom’s pay for filming is too high

Jackie Chan hugs Zhao Benshan and kisses wildly

Jackie Chan kisses Cao Ying

Jackie Chan hugs Leehom Wang

        Movie Network News(Photo/Yao Yao, Text/Zhang Wei) On February 3, the movie "Young Soldier" premiered in Beijing, and director Ding Sheng made an appearance with Jackie Chan, Wang Leehom, Liu Chengjun, Lin Peng, and Xin Qi Xiaofu. Zhao Benshan came to the scene specially. To express his gratitude, Jackie Chan not only took the initiative to hug him, but also kissed him, which surprised Zhao Benshan. As for Wang Leehom, who played the grumpy general in the film, Jackie Chan bluntly said that his salary was very high. "He said this price, and thought I would negotiate the price, but I didn’t." The film will be released on February 14.

Jackie Chan "kisses" Zhao Benshan, and the stars support it comparable to "The Founding of a Nation" 

        Jackie Chan’s popularity in the circle is well known, but among the many guests who came to cheer, the most eye-catching was Zhao Benshan and Xiao Shenyang. The combination of one red and one green looked quite humorous. When Xiao Shenyang first called Jackie Chan "big brother", he was interrupted by Zhao Benshan, "You can’t call it big brother, you have to call it uncle." A sentence amused all the audience. Xiao Shenyang, who has always been known for imitating, sang Jackie Chan’s "Feeling" on the spot. He thought he could get praise from the big brother, but the "vengeful" Jackie Chan said: "I can’t be as ugly as you sing!" After saying that, he repeated the original sound. In order to express his gratitude to the two of them for coming to the venue, Jackie Chan gave Zhao Benshan a special kiss when he hugged him. The venue immediately exclaimed, and then burst into laughter.

        At the premiere of "Young Soldiers", in addition to his son Jaycee Chan coming to the scene to cheer for his father, Li Zongsheng and Zhou Huajian also specially came to cheer for their old friends. The two formed a new combination "Horizon" with Jackie Chan and Wang Leehom, and sang the popular "True Hero". For a time, all the audience applauded in unison, and the atmosphere reached a climax. Wang Leehom, who is known as a "high-quality idol", not only sang the movie’s theme song "Rape Flower" aloud, but also sang his golden song "Change Yourself", which attracted the continuous screams of countless fans in the venue. Wang Baoqiang, who only had one line in the film, was also present to congratulate and sang a song "Unstoppable". Zeng Baoyi, Zhou Hui, Lin Bao and others all came to cheer for Jackie Chan.

Leehom Wang

Zhao Benshan, Xiao Shenyang

Zeng Baoyi, Jaycee Chan

Jackie Chan

Wang Leehom answers media questions after the party

Jackie Chan’s studio is full of prestige, admitting that Wang Leehom’s salary is similar to his own

        Jackie Chan, who is over 50 years old, has been filming action scenes for 50 years, and he is naturally full of prestige on the set. Even he himself said bluntly that "I am the biggest on the set", while Wang Leehom is just a "movie newcomer". Naturally, he is often called around by Jackie Chan, "I will say’Leehom come here ‘on the set, and then he will come, (I say) ‘ get out of here ‘, and he will leave." Although Jackie Chan is an absolute big brother in acting, he has to ask Wang Leehom humbly for advice on singing, "The director played the song’Rape Blossom’ on the spot and asked me to sing it. I didn’t understand it, so I ran over and asked him, because he is a genius in the music industry." 

        As one of the bosses of "Young Soldiers", Jackie Chan admits that he is never harsh on the salary of actors, and he is not stingy about Wang Leehom’s salary, "He thought I would bargain, but I didn’t, so Wang Leehom’s salary is a lot." However, Jackie Chan refused to disclose the specific figure, only saying that Wang Leehom’s salary in this drama is similar to his own. After filming for many years, he said that now he is not making movies for money. "I am not short of money at all, but I feel that as a filmmaker, I have a sense of responsibility. There are many children watching our movies, so I can’t cause bad influence on them."

Actress Lin Peng (middle)

Li Zongsheng

Zhou Huajian

Wang Baoqiang

Liu Chengjun and Xin Qi Xiaofu Dance

[Movie Network] Exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

Next page More wonderful pictures

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Gold supporting actor Wu Mengda was admitted to the hospital with cancer, which is not far from us ordinary people

Those who love to watch Hong Kong movies must be familiar with Wu Mengda. The nonsense comedy he once cooperated with Zhou Xingchi swept the Chinese film industry. As an old-timer in the Hong Kong film industry, many peers and juniors respectfully called him "Uncle Da".

On February 20, according to Hong Kong media reports, Wu Mengda was ill and admitted to a cancer hospital in Hong Kong. Tian Qiwen revealed Wu Mengda’s condition in an interview.

"Wu Mengda was found to have liver cancer before the Lunar New Year, and the cancer has begun to spread. He recently completed surgery and entered the chemotherapy stage. He is so weak that he can’t even speak."

Perhaps knowing the danger of liver cancer, Hong Kong media reported that Wu Mengda had made wills for his five children.

When it comes to celebrities suffering from liver cancer, it is actually quite a few. The famous poet Wang Guozhen, the Hong Kong film and television actress Shen Dianxia, Fu Biao, Luo Wen, and the famous musician Zhao Yingjun… They all died of liver cancer.

Liver cancer is not far away from us.

Statistics show that the number of new cases of liver cancer in the world in 2020 is about 910,000, the number of deaths is 830,000, and the number of deaths ranks third among all cancers! In terms of gender, men are far ahead of women in various data!

The scope is narrowed down to domestic,Our country accounts for 55% of the world’s liver cancer patients.Global average liver cancer in 2020The number of new cases is about 410,000, and the number of liver cancer deaths is 390,000, ranking second among all cancers.

Understanding liver cancer

Liver cancer was once called the "king of cancers."In China, on average, one person is diagnosed with liver cancer every 67 secondsOn average, one person dies from liver cancer every 74 seconds (2015 data).

In our country, the high incidence of liver cancer has an important pathogenic factor – more than 100 million people with chronic hepatitis B/C patients. More than 80% of liver cancer patients have a history of chronic hepatitis B/C virus infection, and the course of the vast majority of liver cancer patients in our country follows this path:

Chronic hepatitis such as hepatitis Bliver cirrhosisliver cancer

After being infected with the virus, many patients do not receive timely treatment and gradually develop into chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and liver cirrhosis. On the basis of liver cirrhosis, it is found that there are space-occupying lesions or elevated alpha-fetoprotein in the liver, which basically reaches the level of precancerous lesions of the liver.

Liver cancer is very insidious, with fewer early and mid-stage symptoms that are difficult to detect, and once signs such as ascites, abdominal mass, and severe jaundice appear, it is often advanced…

How to cause liver cancer

The following factors can all contribute to liver cancer, including:

Water pollution, hepatitis virus infection, eating moldy food,Long-term mood changes, long-term consumption of high-salt and smoked foods,heredity.Alcoholism, staying up late, taking too many drugs.

Liver cancer symptoms

There may be no obvious symptoms in the early stage of liver cancer. When patients with liver cancer experience uncomfortable symptoms, they are mostly in the advanced stage of liver cancer

Some liver cancers develop from cirrhosis, and the symptoms of cirrhosis are to some extent equivalent to the symptoms before or in the early stages of liver cancer, including:

Loss of appetite, bloating, weight loss, yellowing of skin and white eyeballs, deepening of urine color, bleeding, "liver palms (red on both sides of the palm) ", red moles on the skin of the chest and back, female menstrual disorders, female amenorrhea, decreased male libido, male hair loss, male breast development, dark skin, low fever, edema, varicose veins in the abdominal wall, etc.

Liver cancer survival

In general,Early liver cancer did not spread and metastasize, Surgical resection is a more effective treatment method. After resection, with radiotherapy and chemotherapy,The 5-year survival rate can reach over 60%.

Once advanced, especially after the tumor has metastasized, the surgical effect is much worse. If the patient cooperates with treatment, the survival time is slightly longer, and vice versa.

Liver cancer tests include

Blood test tumor indicators

Abdominal ultrasound

Puncture biopsy – A small sample of liver tissue is taken under a microscope to determine whether it is cancerous.

Liver cancer treatment options

Surgery to remove the cancerous part

Liver Transplantation – Replacing a diseased liver with a healthy liver

Ablation therapy – kills cancer cells in the liver without surgery and can be done with heat, microwaves, lasers, or radiation

Immunotherapy – ready-to-use drugs work with the immune system to block cancer growth

Chemotherapy – using drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their growth

Prevent liver cancer

1. Vaccination against hepatitis B starts with the prevention of chronic hepatitis B to prevent the occurrence of liver cancer.

2. Patients with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C should receive standard antiviral treatment.

3. Avoid eating moldy foods to reduce aflatoxin exposure.

4. Avoid drinking water containing microcystins.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should pay attention to chronic disease control and strengthen physical examination.

6. People at high risk of liver cancer should undergo regular screening to test for tumor markers and liver imaging.

The emphasis here is on drinking,Drinking alcohol can be said to be the most damaging thing to the liver!

The main component of alcohol is ethanol. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, it only takes 15 minutes for 50% of the ethanol to enter the bloodstream, and 45% of it will go to the liver! It is conceivable how much damage long-term drinking can do to the liver. Over time, fatty liver and alcoholic liver follow one after another. Alcoholic hepatitis is also prone to secondary cirrhosis until the occurrence of liver cancer.

In addition, I would like to say that the elderly must pay attention to their personal health. When we are young, we can do whatever we want with our bodies. However, once we enter the threshold of middle age, our body’s immune function will decline and we will be more susceptible to diseases.

The People’s Daily published an article entitled "How Many People Have Not Survived the Dangerous Period of 45-55?", which states:45-55 years old is a high-risk period in lifeDuring this period, various diseases were highly susceptible to outbreaksThe doctors called it"The Swamp of Life’s Journey"

Doctors divide a person’s life into four important periods:

0-35 years old – healthy period

During the most active period of life, various tissues and organs of the body develop from the beginning to perfection, and their physical functions are at their best.

35-45 years old – the stage of disease formation

People’s physical functions decline, and some organs begin to decline, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, and diabetes symptoms begin to appear.

45-55 years old – during the outbreak of the disease

Many diseases explode at this stage, especially heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

55-65 years old – a safe transition period

If you are lucky enough to have no obvious symptoms of disease after the age of 65, later life is a relatively safe period.

This age group happens to be at the peak of life and career. They often work overtime and are in a state of sub-health. They are burdened with family responsibilities, old and young, and bear both mental and economic pressures. During this period, they have the most frequent interpersonal relationships, social entertainment, frequent drinking and smoking, and are most susceptible to illness.

Therefore, don’t neglect your own health just because you are young and strong, and wait until some diseases are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Therefore, remember one truth:Never make fun of your health!

Recommend Meitu’s Pinterest, how to rely on machine learning to attract attention?

Recommend Meitu's Pinterest, how to rely on machine learning to attract attention?


Pinterest, which has 100 million monthly active users, is increasingly relying on machine learning to help uncover new internet insights.

Users around the world visit Pinterest to explore, save, and share photos and articles. Help users find content they love, and users will naturally be retained: 30% of interactions on Pinterest and 25% of Pinterest internal purchases come from Pinterest-recommended content. To recommend the right content, Pinterest uses state-of-the-art, data-driven technology and conducts a lot of experimentation.

So how does Pinterest use machine learning?

Mohammad Shahangian, lead discovery science engineer at Pinterest, said: "My main job is to find a way to solve the content discovery problem. We experiment with very small changes to the algorithm, and every attempt has an improvement or a downside."

Exclusive advantage: based on interest

Recommend Meitu's Pinterest, how to rely on machine learning to attract attention?


In fact, this is not unrelated to the characteristics of Pinterset: one of its strengths is that Pinterset is a community built around users’ interests, and users will sort the products, articles, and images they find on the Internet by interest.This means that instead of guessing a user’s interests by clicking patterns or time spent on a page, as other social networking sites do, Pinterest can directly use algorithms to measure the relationship between 75 billion entries in its database that are likely to be grouped under the same interest.

"Many companies try to derive user interest from inputs or signals," says Mr. Shahangian. "But on Pinterest, users clearly signal what they are interested in."

Users who visit Pinterest continue to add to the social landscape of users, collected items, and favorite boards. This data allows Pinterest to provide more accurate content for user homepage feeds, search results, and related content recommendations. Recommendations based solely on what users care about are not ideal, and recommendations for similar content are easy to repeat.

For Mohammad Shahangian, "If you collect one kitchen sink, should we recommend more sinks or something that will make your kitchen look new?"

Constantly testing in practice

To make these decisions, Pinterest engineers experimented with a variety of machine learning algorithms. They studied how well these algorithms worked on related and unrelated items, and how they affected the active levels of real users.

Mohammad Shahangian said: "We do experiment directly on Pinterest, but a lot of times we do a lot of preparation before experimenting."

Of course, there is no way to know whether a user will like the new recommendation without conducting actual testing. "I can’t pay someone to tell me whether a user will like the new recommendation," says Mohammad Shahangian. But by studying whether the content recommended by the algorithm will be classified as an interest by real users, it is relatively reliable.

Previously, Pinterest changed the message flow on the user’s homepage from purely chronological attention to the user’s message, to an algorithm-generated message flow, which increased the user’s active level by one-fifth to one-tenth. Subsequent algorithm improvements will bring additional improvements.

"Pinterest has come a long way throughout the improvement process," says Mr. Shahangian. "Personalisation has greatly increased user engagement rates."

Improved image search function

Pinterest has also been improving image search to help users better find similar images. Pinterest engineers worked with researchers at the Vision and Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, to develop the technology. It now uses deep learning algorithms to automatically identify objects in images. This way, users can click on those objects to find relevant items in Pinterest.

Dmitry Kislyuk, a visual search engineer at Pinterest, said: "This is not a classification algorithm to distinguish between cats and dogs. We want to find similarities between images in real time."

He says the visual search tool works well for finding home decorations and fashion items in Pinterest, and in the future Pinterest hopes to improve its auto-sorting function to better serve other search needs, such as helping users find new recipes that are similar.

Speaking about using deep learning to classify images more efficiently, Pinterest visual search engineer Andrew Zhai said: "I think our model will become more semantic and better."

While Pinterest engineers focus on perfecting object recognition and search, they also plan to develop an app that will allow smartphone users to photograph real-world objects and then get recommendations for related items on Pinterest.

"The field of deep learning, computer vision is very exciting right now," says Mr. Kislyuk. "The world is changing so fast that top technologies change every two months."

Via fastcompany

Recommended reading:

Pinterest completes Series G financing, the total amount of 553 million US dollars does not meet expectations

The designer who created the classic look of Apple Mac will join Pinterest to be responsible for product design’s original articles are prohibited from being reproduced without authorization. For details, please refer to the instructions for reprinting.

Yang Mi makes his Cannes debut, Fan Ye and Zhou Xun compete for "China Night"

Fan BingbingThe "Chinese Film Night" to be held in Cannes in 2012 is bound to win the audience again 

Fan Bingbing Attends 2011 Movie Channel’s "China Movie Night" Press Conference

    Movie Network News(Text/Cannes Film Festival News Team) The most eye-catching event during the Cannes International Film Festival every year is the "Chinese Film Night" organized by the Film Channel. The most Chinese programs and the latest Chinese blockbusters will be featured here, and of course the hottest stars. In 2012, on May 17, French time, Zhou Xun, Fan Bingbing, Yang Mi and others will all appear at the "Chinese Film Night", and the three female stars will compete for beauty. In addition, Jackie Chan, Tong Dawei, Fei Xiang, Chen Yanxi, Gu Changwei and other stars will come to help.

    Fan Ye, who is already a regular visitor to Cannes, will also appear in this beautiful seaside town in 2012. In 2011, she surprised the audience with a purple dress. Fan Bingbing, who has become more and more international, has cooperated with the movie channel for many years. After hearing that the movie channel will hold "China Night", she immediately decided to come to help. Another A-list actress, Zhou Xun, will also appear at the event that night to promote Chinese movies to the world.

Feng Shaofeng and Yang Mi will make their debut at Cannes with Painted Skin 2, attending the "Chinese Film Night"

"Feng Mi" is styled in "Painted Skin 2"

"Painted Skin 2" heroine Zhou Xun will fight with "Fan Ye"

"Painted Skin 2" Character Poster: Zhou Xun


    The popular Yang Mi will make her debut at the Cannes International Film Festival, which is bound to cause a frenzy. On the evening of May 17, she will appear with Feng Shaofeng at the "Chinese Film Night" to uncover the mystery. As the most famous Chinese martial arts star overseas, Jackie Chan’s appearance will also set off a climax of the event. He will also bring his apprentice Qi Xiaofu to present a wonderful program for the audience.

    China’s domestic film market is booming, the annual box office has exceeded 13.10 billion yuan, and Chinese films are increasingly attracting the attention of the world. During this trip to Cannes, many Chinese stars will attend the "China Film Night" event organized by the Film Channel to introduce Chinese films to the world and promote Chinese films.

Next page More wonderful pictures of previous "Chinese Movie Night"

Authoritative foreign media KM77 dynamic test Geely Galaxy E8 elk test result 82km/h

  Recently, the world’s well-known media "KM77", which focuses on elk testing, took the lead in testing the Geely Galaxy E8. In the end, the Geely Galaxy E8 passed the elk test at a speed of 82km/h, and the test results exceeded the Porsche Taycan and Mercedes-Benz EQE, and even better than the Porsche 911, Mercedes-Benz SL AMG and other supercars.

Authoritative foreign media KM77 dynamic test Geely Galaxy E8 Elk test result 82km/h_fororder_image001

  The Elk test is a safety test based on driving control, and the KM77 test is carried out in accordance with ISO 3888-2 international standards. The test screen shows that KM77 first tested the Geely Galaxy E8 at a speed of 76 km/h to know the real situation. The Geely Galaxy E8 body posture is smooth, and there is neither understeering nor oversteering.

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  In view of the good performance of the Geely Galaxy E8, KM77 continuously improved the test speed. Finally, the Geely Galaxy E8 passed the elk test smoothly at a pile entry speed of 82km/h, with a smooth body posture and stable and controllable vehicle.

  In addition, in the KM77 pile winding test timing list, the Geely Galaxy E8 also ranked fourth with a time of 23.5s. This result allows the Geely Galaxy E8 to surpass many strong models such as the BMW M340i, Mercedes-Benz EQE, and BMW i4 on the original list.

Authoritative foreign media KM77 dynamic test Geely Galaxy E8 Elk test result 82km/h_fororder_image003

  Geely Galaxy E8 is the first pure electric car developed based on the million-level SEA architecture. Facing the new market environment and client base, Geely advocates "Chinese-style car design". On the basis of solving user requests, it emphasizes "Chinese human touch" and expresses the intangible spirit and value of the brand in tangible and design language.

  Geely Galaxy E8 adopts the new design language of "Ripple Aesthetics". "Ripple", as Geely’s unique brand super sign, is inspired by West Lake. In the new era of smart electric vehicles, the front face is integrated with modern technological elements, inheriting and evolving the water ripple front face of Geely’s fuel vehicle era, adding elements such as sound, light, electricity, people, cars, nets, etc., to design the "ripple of light" in the new era, and the lamp language is sparkling like the ripples of West Lake. The design of the eaves tiger vision headlight group, the rising sun through the tail light, the moisturizing jade streamer body surface, etc., integrates culture, technology and experience, so that the appearance of Geely Galaxy E8 is technological without losing nobility, sports without losing elegance, and the vehicle body realizes the perfect balance of ergonomics and design aesthetics, setting a new benchmark for Chinese automobile brand design.

Authoritative foreign media KM77 dynamic test Geely Galaxy E8 Elk test result 82km/h_fororder_image004

  Geely Galaxy E8 length, width and height are 5010/1920/1465mm respectively, and the wheelbase is up to 2925mm. The overall side adopts a relatively simple design style, and the shape of the back is matched with large-size wheels, which is full of sports. In addition, the new car adopts a low wind resistance design such as low wind resistance closed pneumatic rims, and the wind resistance coefficient is only 0.199Cd. 

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  Looking up at the bright galaxy and reflecting the Xizi waterfront, Geely Galaxy E8 extends the cosmology of "harmony between man and nature" in Chinese culture to the science and technology cockpit space, integrates the concept of science and technology integration, combines science and technology with humanities, and creates an overall galaxy cockpit atmosphere around "luxury and comfort, audio-visual enjoyment, and intelligent driving". 

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  The Geely Galaxy E8 car is equipped with a 45-inch 8K screen. The official said that the effective display area size of this screen has reached 1130mm * 138mm, and the 7.5mm border is achieved. The screen ratio is 98%, and the thickness is 9.8mm. The screen pixels are 7680 × 936, reaching a quasi-retina-level 8K pixel density. When the vehicle is in P gear, this large screen also supports direct connection of the mobile phone or handle to play games.

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  In addition, the Geely Galaxy E8 will also be equipped with a new generation of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 flagship cockpit chips and a new car system, using 5nm process, AI computing power reaches 30TOPS, compared to 8155 (7nm) GPU overall performance increased by 2 times, 3D rendering performance increased by 3 times.

  It is understood that the Geely Galaxy E8 will be pre-sold at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which opens on November 17, and is expected to go on sale in the fourth quarter of this year. (Text: Wu Yue, Photo: Geely Automobile)