"Planning for this period" property market loosening: challenges and opportunities coexist

  China xiaokang. com exclusive feature

  Text | "Xiaokang" China Xiaokang.com reporter Mai Yuhua

  "Living and living in peace and contentment" has always been a great concern of China people. Recently, the national property market as a whole has shown a trend of falling volume and price. Facing the new situation, the real estate market optimization and adjustment policies are frequent from the central government to the local government to consolidate the sustainable development of the property market.

  We should adjust and optimize the real estate policy in a timely manner; We will implement policies and measures such as reducing the down payment ratio and loan interest rate for the purchase of the first home, reducing taxes and fees for the purchase of improved housing, and "recognizing the house without repaying the loan" for personal housing loans; Precise implementation of differentiated housing credit policies due to city policies … Recently, the relevant departments of the central government frequently optimize and adjust the real estate market.

  The central government set the tone, and local governments responded. Many cities in the first, second and third tiers loosened restrictive housing purchase policies and continuously optimized real estate control policies. Among them, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other first-tier cities have voiced their voices, saying that they will support residents’ rigid and improved housing needs in light of their own real estate conditions. Second-and third-tier cities have also introduced policies: more than 10 cities such as Changsha, Qingdao and Hefei have relaxed their loan restrictions; Changzhou, Wuxi and other cities relaxed the price limit; Zhengzhou, Xiamen, Qingdao and other cities have relaxed restrictions on sales …

  "Living and living in peace and contentment" has always been a part of China people’s concern. The change of the real estate market is the embodiment of the economic and social development on the macro level, and it also affects the value of the just-needed residence of everyone in China on the micro level. Therefore, under the new adjustment cycle, both the central and local governments have actively and continuously introduced various new policies to loosen the property market in order to develop. What impact will these new policies have on the real estate market? What challenges and opportunities do housing enterprises and individuals face?

  The national property market as a whole shows a trend of falling volume and price.

  Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released "Basic Situation of National Real Estate Market from January to July 2023" and "Changes in Sales Price of Commercial Housing in 70 Large and Medium-sized Cities in July 2023". Judging from the completion of real estate development investment, from January to July 2023, the national real estate development investment was 6,771.7 billion yuan, down 8.5% year-on-year; Among them, residential investment was 5,148.5 billion yuan, down 7.6%. It can be seen that the investment in real estate development generally shows a downward trend.

  Judging from the sales and sale of commercial housing, from January to July 2023, the sales area of commercial housing was 665.63 million square meters, down 6.5% year-on-year, of which the sales area of residential housing decreased by 4.3%. The sales of commercial housing was 7,045 billion yuan, down by 1.5%, of which residential sales increased by 0.7%. Except for the slight increase in residential sales year-on-year, the rest of the data showed a downward trend. Geographically, the increase in residential sales is mainly due to the 3% year-on-year increase in commercial housing sales in the eastern region including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong and Hainan. However, residential sales in central, western and northeastern regions all decreased year-on-year. Among them, the sales of commercial housing in the central region decreased by 9.5% year-on-year.

  Judging from the changes in the sales price of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the sales price of commercial housing fluctuated slightly in July 2023. Sheng Guoqing, chief statistician of the Urban Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, explained that the sales price of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities has increased, and the number of cities has decreased. The sales price of commercial housing in each city has remained flat or decreased, and it has increased and decreased year-on-year.

  The data shows that in July 2023, among the 70 large and medium-sized cities, the sales prices of newly-built commercial housing and second-hand housing increased by 20 and 6 respectively, which was 11 and 1 less than that in June 2023.

  "The sales prices of commercial residential buildings in cities in various lines decreased slightly from the previous month. From the perspective of new commercial housing, in July, the sales price of new commercial housing in first-tier cities was flat for two consecutive months, with Beijing and Shanghai rising by 0.4% and 0.2% respectively, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen dropping by 0.2% and 0.6% respectively. The sales price of new commercial housing in second-tier cities changed from flat last month to a decrease of 0.2%; The sales price of new commercial housing in third-tier cities decreased by 0.3% month-on-month, and the decline rate was 0.2 percentage points higher than that of last month. From the perspective of second-hand housing, in July, the sales price of second-hand housing in first-tier cities decreased by 0.8% month-on-month, and the decline was 0.1 percentage points higher than that of the previous month; The sales price of second-hand residential buildings in second-tier cities decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage points higher than that of last month; The sales price of second-hand residential buildings in third-tier cities decreased by 0.4% month-on-month, the same as last month. " Sheng Guoqing said.

  The sales prices of commercial housing in cities of all lines have increased and decreased year-on-year. In July 2023, among 70 large and medium-sized cities, the sales prices of newly-built commercial housing and second-hand housing increased year-on-year, with 26 and 5 cities respectively, one less than that in June 2023.

  According to the interpretation of the National Day, in July 2023, the sales price of new commercial housing in first-and second-tier cities increased by 1.0% and 0.2% respectively year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 0.3 percentage points from the previous month; The sales price of new commercial housing in third-tier cities decreased by 1.5% year-on-year, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage point higher than that of last month. In July 2023, the sales prices of second-hand houses in first-,second-and third-tier cities decreased by 1.4%, 2.7% and 3.5% year-on-year, respectively, and the decline rates increased by 1.0, 0.3 and 0.1 percentage points compared with the previous month.

  "In my opinion, there are several main reasons for the recent decline in real estate prices." Feng Jianlin, chief economist of Beijing Fushengde Information Consulting Co., Ltd. believes that in the medium and long term, the real estate industry has entered a downward channel, and the relationship between supply and demand and price expectations have changed. Everyone buys up and does not buy down. In the medium term, the economy is still recovering, and the employment and income expectations of residents are weak. In the short term, some large real estate enterprises have financial crisis, which makes all parties have doubts about whether they can get the house or not.

  "From a policy perspective, everyone expects the policy to be adjusted, and the mortgage down payment and interest rate may be lowered. These policies are slowly coming out, and some people may be waiting. The property market continues to be depressed and the downward pressure is increasing, which has a wide and far-reaching impact. For the country, the overall economic situation has been dragged down, affecting taxation and land transfer, and affecting the construction industry and employment. For developers, the pressure of capital turnover is great, and the operation is more difficult, so it is necessary to promote the payment as much as possible. For an individual, if he is buying a new house, he may choose to wait and see and wait for the house price to go down before buying. For second-hand housing transactions, both buyers and sellers may have price reduction expectations. " Feng Jianlin said.


  In the future, China will adjust and optimize the real estate policy in a timely manner, and make good use of the relevant policy toolbox to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Mai yuhua/photo

  The central government issued effective policies in time to prevent risks.

  There is an objective relationship between the stable and healthy development of the real estate market and the economic growth of China. Therefore, in the past three years, the real estate industry has continuously implemented the central government’s prevention and resolution of risks in key areas, and at the same time, all localities have effectively responded to the downward pressure on the real estate industry due to urban policies.

  On July 24th, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to effectively prevent and resolve risks in key areas, adapt to the new situation in which the relationship between supply and demand in China’s real estate market has undergone major changes, adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner, and make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. The meeting proposed for the first time to adjust and optimize the real estate policy in a timely manner.

  At the end of July, Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that he strongly supported the demand for rigid and improved housing, and further implemented policies and measures such as reducing the down payment ratio and loan interest rate for the first home purchase, reducing taxes and fees for the purchase of improved housing, and "recognizing housing without repaying loans" for personal housing loans; Continue to do a good job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, speed up the delivery of project construction, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. This is not only the implementation of "timely adjustment and optimization of real estate policy", but also the key guiding significance for local policy adjustment. On July 26, the State Administration of Taxation issued guidelines on relevant preferential tax policies in recent years, involving deed tax and value-added tax on individual house purchases.

  On August 1st, the People’s Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange stated that they should accurately implement differentiated housing credit policies due to the city’s policy and continue to guide the downward trend of individual housing loan interest rates and down payment ratio. Guide commercial banks to adjust the interest rate of existing individual housing loans in an orderly manner according to law. On August 3rd, Pan Gongsheng, Party Secretary and President of China People’s Bank, presided over a symposium on financial support for the development of private enterprises. Pan Gongsheng demanded that differentiated housing credit policies should be accurately implemented to meet the reasonable financing needs of private real estate enterprises and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate industry.

  Chen Jia, an independent international strategy researcher, believes that the central government is far-sighted and timely puts forward a scientific judgment of "adapting to the new situation in which the supply and demand relationship in China’s real estate market has undergone major changes". Under the guidance of this judgment, in the future, China will adjust and optimize the real estate policy in a timely manner, and make good use of the relevant policy toolbox to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  "From the perspective of specific grasping, there are currently three main directions. First, the construction and supply of affordable housing; Second, the reconstruction of villages in cities and the construction of public infrastructure for both peacetime and emergency use; The third is the revitalization of all kinds of idle real estate. " Chen Jia said.

  He also believes that from the analysis of the latest real estate policy spirit of the central government and various parts, the central government has a clear and clear positioning for the economic growth pulling effect of the stable and healthy development of the real estate industry under the new era and new requirements. In particular, under the new situation, there is a clearer and clearer strategic direction on how to adjust and optimize the real estate regulation and control policies, innovate the policy toolbox according to local conditions, promote the real estate industry to speed up the risk clearing, improve the effective investment in real estate, and promote the consumption of related industrial chains such as home decoration.

  Feng Jianlin said that it is very necessary to lower the mortgage interest rate and down payment. The effectiveness of the policy should still be expected. The main reason is that if the second home down payment and interest rate are lowered, it will help to release the demand for improvement. At present, two-thirds of China’s population are permanent residents in cities and towns, and there are a lot of improvement needs in these populations.

  "The policy of lowering the second home loan interest rate and down payment should be introduced as soon as possible. At the same time, the strength of this policy should be greater. If we continue to hesitate and squeeze toothpaste, we may miss the opportunity, let the market continue to cool down, and let the industry and the whole economy bear greater pressure and risks. Timely adjust and optimize the real estate policy’. I personally understand that this’ timely’ is now. This’ adjustment and optimization’ requires a certain degree of strength. Only by timely introducing strong policies can we achieve the goal of preventing and resolving risks. " Feng Jianlin said.

  Different cities boost market confidence because of city policies

  From the central government to the local government, whether it is first-tier cities or second-and third-tier cities, the real estate market optimization and adjustment policies are frequent everywhere to consolidate the sustainable development of the property market. Fu Linghui, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics and director of the National Economic Statistics Department, pointed out that recently, the first-tier cities in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have voiced their voices intensively, saying that they should support and better meet the demand for rigid and improved housing. Some second-and third-tier cities are also introducing new real estate control policies, and the adjustment and optimization of local real estate policies will help boost market confidence. With the economic recovery improving, residents’ income increasing, and the real estate market adjustment and optimization policy effective, residents’ housing consumption and housing enterprises’ willingness to invest are expected to gradually improve.

  At present, all kinds of cities are planning to adjust their real estate policies. Among them, first-tier cities quickly voiced their voices after the "timely adjustment and optimization of real estate policies" was put forward. On the evening of July 29th, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development stated that it would adhere to the general tone of striving for progress while maintaining stability, combine with the actual situation of Beijing’s real estate market, and work closely with relevant departments to implement the work, vigorously support and better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, and promote the stable and healthy development of Beijing’s real estate market.

  On July 30th, Shenzhen Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau said that it would work with relevant municipal departments, central institutions stationed in Shenzhen and all districts to better meet the demand of residents for rigid and improved housing, solidly promote the work of guaranteeing the delivery of buildings, effectively maintain the order of the real estate market, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in Shenzhen.


  From January to July 2023, the national real estate development investment was 6,771.7 billion yuan, down 8.5% year-on-year; Among them, residential investment was 5,148.5 billion yuan, down 7.6%.

  Also on July 30th, Guangzhou Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau also stated that it would adhere to the general tone of striving for stability, seek truth from facts and step up implementation, and launch relevant policies and measures as soon as possible in light of Guangzhou’s actual situation, vigorously support and better meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, and promote the stable and healthy development of Guangzhou’s real estate market.

  On July 31, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Municipal Housing Management Bureau stated that they would adhere to the general tone of striving for stability, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, support the rigid and improved housing demand due to the city’s policy, do a good job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, people’s livelihood and stability, and promote the stable and healthy development of the Shanghai real estate market.

  This is the first time since 2017 that four first-tier cities have made a centralized statement. Chen Jia believes that the policies of some core first-and second-tier cities are relatively strict, and there is still much room for policy adjustment. Feng Jianlin suggested that first-tier cities can also have more creative practices. For example, zoning policies allow districts to appropriately adjust policies such as purchase restrictions.

  In addition to the North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the provincial level and many cities such as Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Shenyang and Xining have introduced policies related to real estate. At the provincial level, the Hunan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on Further Stabilizing the Real Estate Market in July 2023, and introduced 11 measures such as classified regulation of the property market and regional linkage regulation. Jiangsu allows all localities to take comprehensive measures such as house purchase subsidies, house ticket placement, house purchase group purchase, etc. to better meet the housing demand of residents.

  The property market policies introduced by several cities have different characteristics. Hefei proposed to boldly and steadily promote the pilot project of "existing home sales" of commercial housing, and actively explore the pricing of commercial housing sales according to the interior area. Zhengzhou implements the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans"; For the purchase of improved housing, the original housing will be suspended from the sale restriction policy.

  Many cities also encourage the purchase of houses in the form of housing subsidies. For example, Nanjing introduced a housing subsidy policy. Its policy is clear, encouraging the new six districts to continue to purchase new commercial housing within the specified period according to the actual situation of the regional market, and give a certain proportion of housing subsidies according to the contract price. Qixia District and Yuhuatai District will implement subsidies for the purchase of new commercial housing after evaluating the actual market situation within their respective jurisdictions, effectively reducing the burden of rigid and improved housing purchase. In addition, some third-and fourth-tier cities have also introduced housing subsidy policies. For example, Jinhua, Zhejiang, gives 0.8% ~ 1.2% subsidy to residents who buy houses from August to September this year, and Lanxi, Zhejiang gives 1% subsidy to residents who buy new houses from August to September this year.

  Many places have also given policy support from the housing provident fund system, especially encouraging the withdrawal of provident fund as a down payment trend. On August 4, Hainan Provincial Housing Provident Fund Administration and Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice, allowing Hainan to withdraw housing provident fund to pay the down payment for the purchase of new commercial housing and affordable housing in the province. In addition, Chongqing, Qingdao, Shandong, Fuyang, Anhui, Meizhou, Guangdong and other places have clearly proposed to encourage the withdrawal of provident fund for down payment.

  Regarding the policies at different levels and in different cities, Chen Jia believes that there are great regional differences in urban development, so in the future, all localities must make policies according to local conditions and cities. It is necessary to fully estimate the space and time for the adjustment of local policy toolboxes, and pay close attention to the specific market operation of each city. Judging from the time series data, the current real estate restrictive policies in the second, third and fourth tier cities are in the basic liberalization range.

  "China’s real estate industry policy adjustment in the future can be considered from four directions. First, adjust and optimize regional policy price limits and stabilize price repair expectations; The second is to optimize the recognition of housing and loans, reduce the down payment, and release the just-needed; The third is to optimize the purchase restriction policy and accelerate destocking due to the city’s policy; The fourth is to open up a blocking point in the second-hand housing sales market and accelerate the capital turnover in the real estate market. " Chen Jia said.


  From January to July 2023, the sales area of commercial housing was 665.63 million square meters, down 6.5% year-on-year. The sales of commercial housing reached 7,045 billion yuan, down by 1.5%.

  The exposure of housing enterprises’ debt risks affects market expectations.

  Recently, the news about Country Garden has been overwhelming. The reason is that Country Garden has two US dollar debt coupons due on August 7, totaling 22.5 million US dollars, but it failed to pay them on time. On August 10th, Country Garden issued a profit warning and insider information announcement. It is mentioned that the company’s management has made a profound reflection. Although it has predicted the current market adjustment cycle, it has underestimated the depth, intensity and persistence of the market downturn, failed to make a more powerful response as early as possible, failed to see that the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market has undergone major changes, and failed to understand the potential risks such as excessive investment ratio in third-and fourth-tier cities and lower-tier cities, insufficient speed of debt ratio drop, and failed to resolve them in time and effectively.

  According to the financial report, by the end of 2022, Country Garden’s contracted sales in third-and fourth-tier cities still accounted for 60%; The land that has been signed or delisted has a building area of 201.5 million square meters, 79% of which are distributed outside Guangdong and are highly scattered all over the country. The profit warning and insider information announcement mentioned that the company’s net loss in the first half of 2023 will be between 45 billion yuan and 55 billion yuan.

  Subsequently, on August 11th, Country Garden issued an apology letter. Yang Huiyan, chairman of the board of directors of the company, and Mo Bin, president of the company, said in a joint letter that although the company has gone all out to save itself, the overall market has not recovered, the absolute scale of the industry has declined, it will take time to restore confidence in the capital market, and the overall operating pressure of the company has increased, facing the biggest difficulty since its establishment.

  Regarding the recent Country Garden real estate incident, Fu Linghui said that at present, the real estate market is generally in the adjustment stage, and some housing enterprises have encountered certain difficulties, especially the debt risks of some leading housing enterprises have been exposed, which has affected market expectations. However, we should see that these problems are phased. With the gradual function of the market adjustment mechanism and the adjustment and optimization of the real estate market policies, the risks of housing enterprises are expected to be gradually resolved.

  Not only Country Garden, but also many real estate enterprises are experiencing "the darkest hour" in recent years. Evergrande, which was the first to have problems, issued a clarification announcement on the market news about "bankruptcy protection" on August 18th. The announcement said that it is currently promoting overseas debt restructuring as planned. "As the US dollar bonds of the Company are governed by the laws of new york, the Company applied to the US court for recognition of the overseas debt restructuring arrangements under the legal systems of Hong Kong and British Virgin Islands (BVI) in accordance with Chapter 15 of Title 11 of the US Code, which is part of the normal overseas restructuring procedure and does not involve bankruptcy application."


  Buyers expect that the policy will be adjusted, and the mortgage down payment and interest rate may be lowered, so the wait-and-see mood is strong. The picture shows Hu Yan/photo of a real estate sales center in Qingyuan, Guangdong.

  And Sunac is still saving itself. On August 18th, Sunac announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it expected a net loss of 15 billion yuan to 16 billion yuan in the first half of the year, compared with 18.76 billion yuan in the same period last year. "The loss was mainly affected by the downturn of the real estate market, and the gross profit margin of the carried-over property projects was low during this period, and the expected net exchange loss was caused by foreign exchange fluctuations."

  In order to solve the debt repayment problem, Sunac has been selling projects recently. On July 7th, Sunac sold 100% equity of Zhenhuafu Project Company at a price of 200 million yuan. The buyer was Ronglian Road and Bridge Company designated by Rong Feng Company to offset Sunac’s debt of 200 million yuan to Rong Feng Company. On August 10th, Sunac sold the Rongyao City Project in Fuzhou, which was jointly developed with Shoukai. On August 17th, Sunac announced that it would sell three projects, including Zhenhuafu Hotel, Wangjinsha Hotel and Hefei Xiuchang Hotel, with a total amount of about 1.23 billion yuan, in order to solve the debt repayment problem of Rong Feng Company.

  For many housing enterprises facing the "dark moment", Feng Jianlin believes that on the whole, the entire real estate industry has entered the downward channel, and both private enterprises and state-owned enterprises will face pressure. At present, urbanization has obviously slowed down. Before the epidemic, the urbanization rate increased by 1.3-1.5 percentage points every year, but only by 0.5-0.8 percentage points in the past two years. The population of new cities has dropped by about half, so naturally there is no need to build so many new houses. Therefore, there is a serious overcapacity in the real estate development industry.

  "Now, to go through a process of de-capacity, a considerable number of housing enterprises will eventually be eliminated. This process will continue for some time, and winter is still very long. Housing enterprises should prepare for the winter as soon as possible, quickly reduce leverage, be flexible in price policies, and do more marketing through various methods. " Feng Jianlin said.

  Chen Jia believes that no matter how the property tax and other policies are optimized, China’s real estate industry must change the low-quality development model of "high debt, high leverage and high turnover" for many years.

  "The recent transformation of the real estate industry from light assets to emerging service industries such as property management and business management is an active exploration of accelerating reform, upgrading risk control, digital transformation and business model transformation, and promoting the transformation of the real estate industry to a high-quality development model. In the future, with the continuous deepening of digital technology, financial technology and technological progress in the real estate industry chain in China, the comprehensive digital transformation of the real estate industry will continue to exert its strength. The foundation of destocking and risk reduction in China’s real estate industry is expected to be further consolidated, the central policy is expected to be effectively implemented, and the macro economy is expected to be further supported and pulled by the real estate industry. " Chen Jia said.

  ("Xiaokang" China Xiaokang. com exclusive feature)

  This article was published in the mid-September 2023 issue of Xiaokang.

  Author: Mai Wanhua


China will further improve the monitoring and early warning of disastrous weather.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 10 (Reporter Huang Yao) In 2024, China will further enhance its ability to monitor and warn severe weather and do its best to prevent and reduce meteorological disasters.

  This is what the reporter learned at the 2024 National Meteorological Work Conference, which opened on the 10th. Chen Zhenlin, director of the China Meteorological Bureau, introduced at the meeting that in 2023, the 24-hour average path prediction error of typhoons in China was 62 kilometers, the best in history; The accuracy of 24-hour rainstorm forecast has reached a new high; The warning signal of severe convective weather was released 43 minutes in advance.

  Under the background of climate warming, extreme weather and climate events occur frequently and violently. Chen Zhenlin said that meteorological departments should strengthen meteorological disaster risk prediction and response, pay close attention to monitoring, forecasting and early warning services, further improve the linkage mechanism of disaster prevention and mitigation led by meteorological early warning, and build the first line of defense for meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation.

  According to reports, in 2024, the meteorological department will further enhance the monitoring and early warning capability of severe weather by strengthening the monitoring and early warning of short-term approaching weather, doing a good job in point-to-point accurate forecasting and rolling update, strengthening the construction of national and provincial short-term monitoring and early warning platforms, and promoting the adjustment of rainstorm early warning signals.

  At the same time, the meteorological department will also improve the emergency response and linkage mechanism for disaster prevention and mitigation, including promoting the full integration of meteorological services into the local comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation command and dispatch work system, improving the "calling" mechanism and process of high-level meteorological disaster early warning, fully implementing the progressive meteorological service mechanism, encouraging chief forecasters to interpret weather trends and disaster impacts online, and enhancing the prevention capability of meteorological disasters in the whole society.


Tian Zhuangzhuang’s mother Yu Lan: Making a movie is "her blessing"

Beijing, July 4 (Reporter Song Yusheng) At 21: 07 pm on June 27, Yu Lan, a famous film performance artist who played the classic role "Jiang Jie" in the movie "Eternal Life in Fire", died in Beijing at the age of 99.
On July 1, the reporter saw in Beijing Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital that the small farewell hall was filled with wreaths and elegiac couplets, and Yu Lan’s body was lying quietly in the middle of the farewell hall.
On that day, Ye Xiangzhen, the daughter of Marshal Ye Jianying, and Li Xuejian, Yu Lan’s nephew and famous performance artist, went to pay their respects. Beijing Film Academy and china children film association also sent wreaths. Yu Lan’s family and friends accepted an interview with Zhongxin. com.
On July 1st, in the farewell hall of Beijing Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, people from all walks of life came to pay tribute to Ms. Yu Lan, a famous China film performance artist. Zhongxin.com reporter Li Junshe
"Movies are her blessing."
Yu Lan, formerly known as Yu Peiwen, is one of the "22 movie stars" in New China. She won the Best Actress Award at the Moscow International Film Festival and the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 27th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award. Starring works include Cuigang Red Flag, Longxugou, Lin Jiapu, Revolutionary Family, Eternal Life in Fire and so on. Among them, her role of "Jiang Jie" in "Eternal Life in Fire" is most well known to the audience.
The picture shows Ms. Ye Xiangzhen (second from right), the daughter of Marshal Ye Jianying and former director of China News Service (who directed Yuan Ye, etc.), who went to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital on July 1 to mourn Yu Lan. China News Service reporter Han Kai photo
In public memory, the name Yu Lan is inseparable from the new China movies.
According to Tian Zhuangzhuang, the son of Blue and a famous director, it is "her blessing" for her mother to enter the film industry. "Without the spread of movies, she could not be recognized and recognized by so many people. Of course, this is also related to her efforts and creativity."
The picture shows actor Li Xuejian mourning in the mourning hall. Zhongxin.com reporter Li Junshe
In 1938, 17-year-old Yu Lan left Beiping for Yan ‘an, and then studied at Yan ‘an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University. After school, she often participates in various amateur drama performances. In the spring of 1940, Yu Lan entered Lu Xun Art College and became an actor. Since then, she has embarked on the road of art.. After the founding of New China, Yu Lan began to contact movies, and her identity changed from a stage actor to a film actor.
In the autumn of 1949, Yu Lan first appeared on the screen, starring in the film The Warrior in White. Since then, she has appeared in films such as Cuigang Red Flag, Longxugou, Lin Jiapu and Revolutionary Family, and became a "star" on the film stage of New China.
Yu Lan plays "Jiang Jie" in Eternal Life in Fire. Screenshot of movie
Yu Lan’s most well-known role is Jiang Jie in Eternal Life in Fire. This film, which was released in 1965, later became the memory of several generations.
Tian Zhuangzhuang told reporters that there are many excellent people in the film industry, but there are not so many people who can pay for the film for a long time and really love it. "I think my mother is one of them. She really loves this career and movies, and she will spare no effort to support anything she can do about movies."
Hou Keming still remembers that the last time Yu Lan left Beijing for a trip was in November 2017 to attend the China International Children’s Film Festival. "At that time, she was 96 years old. As soon as she knew that a film festival would be held, she would go. In fact, she had not been out of Beijing for several years. But this film festival is her own child, and she said she must go. "
In 2018, 97-year-old Yu Lan starred in "Those Women" filmed to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Although there are not many scenes, she is extremely happy. She said, "It’s great to be able to act! I really want to play it again. " In the same year, Yu Lan also starred in China Film Co., Ltd.’ s public welfare film Everything is Like You.
When Tian Zhuangzhuang recalled the film made by Lan in her later years, she said frankly, "She felt great in acting. Even at this age, she is still an actress, and she will have a good way to deal with the role." (End)

A hundred years after the end of World War I: the grief of the war has not disappeared, and the international community urges to learn from history.

  Zhongxin. com, November 11 (Zhang Aijing) November 11 is the centenary of the end of the First World War. One hundred years ago today, representatives of the German government and the Allies signed an armistice agreement in Compiè ne, France, thus ending the First World War.

  This unprecedented war has brought profound disasters to mankind and profoundly affected the historical development of Europe and even the world. On the centenary of the end of World War I, looking back at history and commemorating the "armistice" is not only to mourn Qian Qian’s life lost in the war, but also to impress the present and future generations that war is cruel and peace is priceless.

  On August 25, 2018, hundreds of volunteers from 18 countries gathered in Verdun, France, put on the uniforms of soldiers in World War I and re-enacted the scene of the Battle of Verdun as one of a series of activities to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War I.

  A brief history of the First World War

  At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 1920s, western imperialist countries launched fierce struggles around the struggle for world hegemony and colonies, and the contradictions among European powers were complicated.

  Before World War I, major European countries formed two potentially hostile alliances, Germany and Austria-Hungary on one side, France, Britain and Russia on the other. On June 28th, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated in Sarajevo, which triggered a series of reactions and eventually ignited a full-scale war between the two alliances — — The first world war.

  After the war, the allies (Germany, Austria-Hungary, etc.) and the allies (France, Britain, Russia, etc.) fought on the European battlefield. But soon, the war went beyond the scope of Europe and involved the whole world in the whirlpool of war.

  World War I lasted more than four years, and finally ended in the defeat of the Allies. During the war, wars spread all over Europe, Asia and Africa, more than 30 countries and regions with a population of about 1.5 billion were involved in the war, 65 million people participated in the war, and the number of casualties exceeded 30 million, resulting in economic losses of about 170 billion US dollars.

  On November 2, 2018, in Maize, Belgium, the local botanical garden used thousands of poppies made of red bottle caps to pose as pigeons.

  Change the historical trajectory of the world

  World War I brought great disasters to mankind and had a profound impact on world history.

  After the war, the balance of power among imperialist countries changed. Germany was defeated and ceded land for compensation; The Austro-Hungarian Empire completely collapsed; Although Britain and France won, they were weakened and weakened in the war. The United States made huge profits in the war and became an economic power.

  On the other hand, through the Paris Peace Conference and the Washington Conference, the imperialist powers established the "Versailles-Washington System" and established the ruling order in Europe, West Asia, Africa, East Asia and the Pacific.

  However, this new system used to carve up the world did not eliminate the fundamental contradiction between imperialist countries, but was broken with the rise of fascism in Germany, Italy and Japan. Only 20 years after the end of World War I, World War II broke out.

  On November 6, 2018, in London, England, thousands of torches were lit around the Tower of London to welcome the centenary of the armistice in the First World War and to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

  Many countries commemorate the centenary of armistice.

  From 1918 to 2018, it has been a hundred years since the end of World War I. A century of history has given this year’s Armistice Day more commemorative significance.

  Recently, with the approach of November 11th, many countries have held different forms of commemorative activities. In Maize, Belgium, the local botanical garden made "poppies" with thousands of red bottle caps and used them to pose as doves of peace. In London, England, thousands of torches were lit around the famous Tower of London to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

  In France, French President Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May visited Albert, a town in northern France, on the 9th to mourn the officers and men killed in the Battle of the Somme in World War I.. On the 10th, Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the Compiè ne Forest, north of Paris, and visited the train carriages that signed the armistice agreement a hundred years ago.

  The official week-long commemoration in France will reach its climax on the 11th. Leaders of about 70 countries, including the United States, Russia, Germany and Britain, will gather in Paris to attend the centenary of the end of World War I and the peace forum.

  Reflection on war and peace are priceless.

  World War I has become history, but the discussion on World War I has not ended. On the centenary of the end of World War I, the French ambassador to Japan and the German ambassador to Japan also published articles together, reflecting on the history of the war and reviewing the post-war reconciliation process between France and Germany.

  According to the article, the First World War spread to most parts of the world, and many continents ignited wars. For Europeans who lost their loved ones, this war is a terrible tragedy. The long war devoured the population and economic strength of Europe. However, the end of World War I did not bring about permanent peace. Twenty years later, a more tragic war broke out again, which claimed more lives.

  "France and Germany understand the suffering and cost of war. In order not to repeat past mistakes, the two countries are committed to developing close and friendly relations." Ambassador France and Germany said in the article.

  Remembering the painful lessons of history is for mankind to enjoy a peaceful and beautiful future. In today’s world, there are still countless people suffering from war. The international community should draw profound lessons from history, cherish and safeguard the hard-won peace situation, persist in resolving international disputes through dialogue and consultation, strengthen and improve global governance, and safeguard lasting world peace.

  A hundred years after the end of World War I, people put poppies on their chests to mourn the soldiers killed in World War I and remember those who died in the war. And this "little red flower" that has passed through a hundred years is constantly reminding people that war is cruel and peace is priceless!

What is the United States fighting for with a history of 240 years and more than 200 wars?

  From Vietnam to North Korea

  From Afghanistan to Syria

  The United States often hits

  "Humanitarian intervention"

  "Combating terrorism"

  Wait for the banner to use force against foreign countries

  For more than two centuries

  War and force

  The DNA that has been integrated into this country

  Historically speaking,

  The United States is the most combative country in the world.

  Since the declaration of independence in 1776, in the history of more than 240 years, the United States has launched and participated in more than 200 wars, and has not participated in wars for less than 20 years.

  For hundreds of years, in order to plunder land and resources, the United States has violently expelled and killed aborigines. From the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the population of Native Americans dropped sharply from 5 million to 250,000. The history of American development is the history of aboriginal blood and tears.

  More than 170 years ago, the United States forced Mexico to sign an unequal treaty through the US-Mexico War and other means, and plundered large areas of territory that originally belonged to Mexico, including Texas, California and Arizona.

  After the end of World War II, the United States intervened in or launched many wars overseas, which claimed a lot of lives, especially caused extremely serious civilian casualties and brought eye-catching humanitarian disasters. According to incomplete statistics, from the end of World War II in 1945 to 2001, there were 248 armed conflicts in 153 regions of the world, of which 201 were initiated by the United States, accounting for about 81%. From the Korean War to the Vietnam War, millions of civilians were killed in the war. However, the United States used "Agent Orange" on a large scale in the Vietnam War, and used depleted uranium bombs on a large scale in the Gulf War and the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, causing local people to suffer from cancer or other diseases.

  After 2001, under the banner of "anti-terrorism", the United States continued to fight militarily and launched wars and military operations in 85 countries around the world. The war claimed more than 900,000 lives, including 387,000 civilians. Tens of millions of refugees have been displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other places most devastated by war.

  The reasons why the United States launched these wars are high-sounding, often under the banner of so-called humanitarian intervention and combating terrorism. But in fact, what are the reasons behind the frequent use of force by the United States?

  Plunder oil under the guise of human rights and democracy

  US Vice President Harris:You know, in the past many years, generations have been fighting for oil.

  Harris let slip that the so-called human rights and democracy are just a cover for waging war, and the real purpose is to rob oil and control other countries by controlling global oil resources. Syria, Iraq, Libya and other countries are victims of American oil ambitions.

  American historian Peter Kuznik:As former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, unfortunately, Americans are unwilling to admit that we invaded Iraq for oil.

  Israeli political analyst Ariel Ben Solomon:The fact is that Libya has relatively large oil reserves, which is an important reason for western military intervention.

  Venezuelan President Maduro:Our country has the richest oil reserves in the world, and American imperialist rulers are looking at it and trying to get their hands on our oil, just as they did in Iraq and Libya.

  Syrian President Bashar al-Assad:The United States harms the interests of other people, undermines international law, destroys the foundation of humanity, and so on, all for the sake of oil.

  The military-industrial complex issued a "war windfall"

  American military enterprises are closely related to the US government and Congress, forming a powerful military industry interest group. According to the survey report released by the Institute of Security Policy Reform, an independent think tank in the United States, from October 2001 to August 2021,Lockheed — Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and northrop — Grumman Corp.The five American military giants received a total of $2.02 trillion from Congress. These arms dealers have also spent huge sums of money lobbying Washington politicians. As a result, not only have the US military spending been rising year after year, but they have also taken advantage of the intensification of various foreign policies and regional situations to promote arms around the world.

  Andrew Hunter, Director of the Defense Industry Initiative Group of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in the United States:For most defense industries, their biggest source of business is the Pentagon, so their fate follows the defense budget.

  Control other countries and safeguard global hegemony

  These interests, such as oil and arms, are only superficial reasons. What the United States has shown behind its years of belligerence is actually a hegemonic mentality of "giving priority to the United States and taking all the strong" and a unilateral thinking of "being the only one who cares about the world". Kurt Ritter, a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, published an article on the website of Russian TV today on the 11th, saying, "The United States is trying to reshape the world according to its own ideas. The United States feels that it is the most important country, and other countries should act in the direction guided by the United States, otherwise it will be the enemy of the United States. "

  International political expert Giger:Since 1945, the foreign policy of the United States has always been to maintain hegemony at all costs in areas they consider strategic.

  Iranian political analyst Huszcza Shm:This is the embodiment of (American) hegemony. The United States doesn’t care about other countries at all, and it doesn’t care about the United Nations. It thinks it is superior to other countries, so it dares to bully, invade and plunder the people of other countries. The attitude and behavior of the United States in the past 20 years can explain the fact that the United States simply doesn’t care about the values it preaches, such as democracy, the rule of law, and counter-terrorism. The United States only uses these as tools.

Why are more and more women "returning to the family"? The fundamental reason is that the social status is too low.

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day.

Because I hope children can enter a good university.

So we should study well in middle school.

Then try to get into a good middle school.

Then you must go to a good primary school.

There must be a good affiliated kindergarten next to a good primary school.

If you want to enter a good affiliated kindergarten

Then you have to go to a good nursery

If you want to enter a good nursery, you must arrange your own egg schedule.

To arrange the egg schedule, you must arrange your own life.

You can’t go to work day and night. The best job is to be stable from nine to five.

So as to win in the womb.

The above is the text record of interviewing young mothers in the documentary "No Starting Line". The life, work and mental journey of young mothers are evident.

This generation has lived in such a social environment. Although the material life has been greatly enriched, in fact, it has become more and more nervous, cautious and cautious psychologically.

Because I know the wonderful world and the distinction between people, I have a very high standard in my heart. Even if I am just an ordinary person in an ordinary family, it will not hinder my dream of being a noble family.

However, not everyone has the talent and opportunity to be elon musk, and not everyone has a mother like elon musk.

Needless to say, even if you have a smart and tough mother like elon musk, can you also have an engineer father like elon musk?

Obviously, we are talking about family background, genetic factors, and by the way, how the social environment affects a person’s success.

Looking back, why is it that mom talks about these issues and rarely sees dad thinking conveniently here?

It’s not that fathers don’t consider it. It’s mainly that children are born to women, and women take it for granted. Since you want to raise it, it is natural to plan it from head to toe by yourself.

In this way, it is a standard for an ordinary girl to get married and have children after working for one or two years after graduating from college and resign to take care of her children at home.

Men just need to go to work to earn money and come back. The elderly, children and women at home shoulder the burden of housework-if you don’t work, you should be a full-time housewife to take care of your family.

Otherwise, why should I give you living expenses every month? Who doesn’t want to stay at home? Who wants to go out drinking and socializing? I play games and kick a ball. What’s wrong? When a girl falls into the circle of marriage and childbirth, men take it for granted to live their own free and unfettered lives.

The reason is: as the head of the family who takes money home every month, it is more important than women-who told me to work hard!

80% of women have received such mental PUA, and they are totally dependent on men economically.

If your parents can help you, it will be a great happy event, because it not only means that you can be fully prepared during pregnancy, but also means that your parents can help you and make plans for yourself. For example, after giving birth, we will take care of it for you, and you can continue to go to work. Although you don’t have much money, it is an income after all. If you have a way out, you won’t be angry with the man and your husband’s family.

With such helpful parents, a woman can at least stay relaxed and happy mentally, have more sources of income economically, and have a better chance of making great progress in her work.

Only when a woman is economically independent, cheerful and has a strong working ability can the emotional relationship between women and men be guaranteed in quality, and the family relationship be more harmonious, and the children will have a better growth environment, both mentally and materially.

Because, fundamentally speaking, men are more rational and value the role of one thing and one person in society and family.

If a woman has been living on her own for a long time, and because she has no money to save money, she has been living a very poor life and then becomes a yellow-faced woman, then this woman has almost no place in a man’s heart, and even becomes a psychological burden.

Although women have to resign from home because of having children and raising children, it is men’s jobs that are sacrificed for preservation, but few people can get this feeling. What people see is nothing but women’s idleness, laziness, bloated and trivial conversation. Then despise all aspects of her and question her existence value …

When more and more women choose to return to their families and take care of their children, and when the whole society’s doubts about stay-at-home mothers reach the peak, what we think more about is not whether women give up on themselves, but the lack of system design at the level of national and social system design.

Women have no corresponding social logistics support after giving birth, so they have to rely on men. This forces men to work better to bear the heavy responsibility of making money to support their families.

At the same time, the cost of raising children, which should be borne by the society and the state, now falls entirely on the heads of individual families. No one has ever questioned why childbearing is advocated without any social security after childbirth.

Individuals almost have to sacrifice the opportunity and time of a lifetime in exchange for the smooth birth, growth and success of a descendant.

As the pillars, men can’t return to their families, because they must be busy creating greater wealth for the society and the family, and promoting the progress and operation of the whole society.

Since ancient times, women have shouldered the heavy responsibility of reproducing and raising offspring. No matter how the times change, such historical responsibility has never been abandoned.

deep-rootedDedication and self-sacrifice, like a rope tied to every girl and woman. Even in statistics, women in China have the highest participation index among women in the world, which cannot change the trend and fact that women in China have to return to their families to become full-time mothers for their children.

This situation is also the most painful for President Zhang Guimei.

Training a girl to go to college is not to let her return to her family to be a full-time wife, but to let an independent person live a better life with the strength given to her by knowledge and have more social value.

Although President Zhang Guimei’s words were very rough, he got to a fundamental problem:

What kind of life and life does a person have to live once and come to the world once? Is it really the only way for women who return to their families after giving birth? Is this life really as worthwhile as you say?

Does this kind of life reduce the grandeur of life to a small node and forget the mission of exploring the deeper integration of self and society?

– The End –

Author | Magic Little

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Wells, A. (2019). Breaking the cybercode: understanding and treating the human metacognitive control system to enhance mental health. Frontiers in Psychology, 10,2621.

Wechat WeChat official account: the first psychology

In 2023, the first Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation and Development Conference was held in Guangzhou.

Zhongxin. com, Guangzhou, December 11th (Reporter Jun Guo) The first 2023 Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation and Development Conference was held in Guangzhou on the 10th. More than 300 celebrities and representatives from the fashion industry and digital economy, as well as representatives from more than 30 universities including Jinan University and South China Agricultural University attended the meeting to discuss how to release the vitality of the national fashion industry and how to use digital technology to help the industry develop with high quality.

The first 2023 Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation and Development Conference was held in Guangzhou on the 10th. Photo by Jun Guo

The conference was co-sponsored by Guangdong Garment Industry Association, Guangdong Electronic Commerce Association, Guangdong Business Economics Association and China Education Group, and undertaken by Guangdong Baiyun College. The theme of the conference is "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation". Ren Xingzhou, former director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, Fu Longcheng, vice president of China Business Federation, and Ji Wenbo, vice president of China Fashion Designers Association, and other industry experts gave speeches on topics such as "Super-large-scale consumer market and great opportunity of fashion industry in the tide of the country", "Boosting consumer service innovation to provide strong support for building a new development pattern with double cycles" and "The tide of the country calls for innovative talents in international fashion design".

In his keynote speech, Ren Xingzhou pointed out that the trend of China’s consumer fashion showed obvious stage characteristics with the development of reform and opening up. Take clothing as an example, from the imitation of fashion in Hong Kong and Taiwan in 1980s and 1990s, to the pursuit of Japanese and Korean fashion trends by some young people, to the favor of European and American fashion brands after the obvious upgrade of consumption, and to the rise of national fashion and the development of rapid consumption.

Ren Xingzhou believes that national fashion is the product of China’s sustained economic development and escalating consumption, which is determined by China’s manufacturing supply capacity, consumption scale and consumption grade. In essence, it is the dynamic balance between consumption and supply, and it is also the result of strong industrial chain, supply chain and ecological chain support. At present, the development of national fashion is facing great opportunities, and cultural self-confidence is a powerful driving force for the rise of national fashion. Digital economy is an accelerator for the development of national fashion industry, and the continuous opening up has improved the internationalization level of fashion industry.

At the meeting, Wang Xianqing, vice president of China Business Economics Association, released the Report on the Development of Fashion Industry in the Bay Area in 2023, which revealed the development trend of fashion industry in the national tide represented by clothing with data and cases, and deeply studied the layout and characteristics of fashion industry agglomeration in Greater Bay Area. (End)

How sensitive is a girl’s body? (No boys allowed)

  Doctor, for a minute, the posture keeps rising.

  -End of this period-

Girls’ brains weigh about 1,250g, which is a little less than boys’, but there are more divine cells and the links between the left and right brains are closer, which makes girls’ brains more efficient than boys’ and more sensitive to emotional feelings. This may be the reason why your girlfriend is easy to get angry. Girls’ eyes are very sensitive to colors, and they can identify colors that many boys can’t see. What’s more, some girls’ eyes have "super powers" knowledge points. Only three kinds of cone cells can make them see about 1 million colors, but a few girls can have four kinds of cone cells. There are 100 million kinds of colors they can see. Girls with this "super power" are called "four-color viewers". Girls have about 50% more olfactory cells than boys, which also makes girls’ sense of smell more sensitive. It is said that girls will smell the "body fragrance" of a person if they like him. If boys look at her with their eyes, it may be possible for them to find a partner.

The Historical Meaning of Civilization and Its Contemporary Enlightenment

[Excerpts from arguments]

He Zhonghua wrote in the 6th issue of China Social Sciences in 2023 that "civilization" and "culture" can be used in a broad sense. In the early days of human civilization, people’s self-centeredness is a common cultural and psychological phenomenon, but the symbol of civilization maturity lies in the sublation of this self-centeredness. The existence of human beings is transcendent, and the positive interaction between human individuals and classes makes human civilization evolve in an accelerated way. The anthropological ontological paradox of the division between human physical existence and spiritual existence has its own manifestations in both eastern and western civilizations. The modernity shaped by western civilization exists the paradox of civilization and barbarism and the hegemony of "pseudo-universality". From a long period of history, the focus of human civilization is constantly shifting with different historical opportunities, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will profoundly affect the new pattern of civilization in the 21st century. Universal communication of human beings is an important condition for the development of civilization, and mutual learning of civilizations is helpful for different nationalities to make their own unique contributions to the overall progress of human civilization.

Guangming Daily (11th edition, September 15th, 2023)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily