The price is 1.098 million! BYD’s "black technology" luxury car is not afraid of floating and single-wheel puncture.

K diagram 002594_0

K figure 01211_0

  After eight months of preheating,To the million levelThe first product that entered the car market finally went to the market.

  On September 20th, Wangwang’s first model, Wangwang U8, was officially launched. The official price of the new car was 1.098 million yuan, which was consistent with the previously announced pre-sale price.


  Image from video screenshot

  In the record of investor relations activities disclosed on September 18, BYD made a preliminary exposition on looking up to the black technology carried by the brand. In this listing activity, BYD also took the company’s understanding and research on core technologies as the "key words" of the conference.

  In the view of Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, shaping high-end brands does not depend on stacking configuration, but on design and technology.


  Easy Sifang technology leads to hot discussion in the market

  At the beginning of this year, BYD launched the "Easy Sifang" technology when it released its look-up brand. According to reports, "Yi Sifang" is a set of fourThe dynamic system with independent drive as the core is surrounded by three dimensions: perception, decision-making and execution.The characteristics of the vehicle have been completely reconstructed, subverting the power system capability system of the previous fuel vehicle.

  For example, after a single wheel of a vehicle has a flat tire, the "Easy Square" technology can accurately adjust the torque of the remaining three wheels at a frequency of 1,000 times per second, and make powerful compensation intervention on the body posture through the driving wheel in time to help the driver stop the vehicle stably and controllably. Today, this technology has been successfully applied to Wangwang U8, which has just been listed.


  When public opinion generally focuses on the million-class off-road vehicle launched by BYD, many investment institutions pay more attention to the core technology carried by BYD U8.

  According to the analysis, BYD’s "Easy Sifang" technology platform is the key core technology of looking up to the brand. The independent driving of each wheel is realized through four wheels, combined with the deep fusion perception of the whole vehicle, and based on the technology of body stability vector control, the safety of the product can be further improved.

  safe and soundIt is believed that the "Easy Sifang" technology platform and the launch of U8 are of great significance for independent brands to impact the high-end market. Looking up to the brand and positioning a million-level brand, before that, there were few models that reached this price band by independent car companies. The launch of "Easy Sifang" means that China brand has ushered in the opportunity to impact the high-end market with its core technological advantages, and has the ability to master the definition of high-end performance, which reflects to some extent that independent car companies areTechnical confidence of the times. In the long run, if we hope that the brand can form a certain market reputation and brand appeal among domestic and even global users, it will be of valuable reference significance for independent automobile enterprises to attack the million-level high-end market, and at the same time, it will be of great significance to enhance the self-confidence and cultural self-confidence of Chinese automobile brands.

  Emergency floating function has attracted much attention.

  At the press conference, BYDIt also introduces in detail the emergency floating function that has attracted much attention from the market. It is reported that this function has achieved the whole system standard in looking up to U8 models.


  According to reports, looking up at U8 has a good sealing performance, which can ensure that the vehicle does not sink. At the same time, its easy-to-square technology can ensure the control of the vehicle after it enters the floating state by mistake. When the emergency floating capacity is triggered, the engine looking up to U8 version will automatically shut down in advance.

  "Looking up to U8′ s emergency floating ability is passively triggered. When the user starts wading mode through the Xinghe curved screen and starts wading, the vehicle will pass a variety ofMonitor the wading depth, body posture, wheel slip state, etc. If it meets the floating conditions, it will automatically trigger emergency floating, and realize the forward and steering control of the vehicle after it enters the floating state in the water. According to BYD insiders, this function can greatly ensure the safety of drivers and passengers when the vehicle accidentally wades.

  first half of a yearA year-on-year increase of 220.02%

  Not long ago, BYD disclosed the 2023 semi-annual report. The financial report shows that BYD achieved revenue of 260.124 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 72.72%; The net profit of returning to the mother was 10.954 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 204.68%; The net profit after deducting non-profit was 9.695 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 220.02%.

  BYD introduced that in the first half of the year, the company consolidated its leading position in the field of new energy vehicles, and its market share expanded to 33.5%, an increase of 6.5 percentage points over 2022.

  In terms of sales volume, in the first half of the year, BYD acted as China.Automobile leader, with a cumulative sales volume of 1,255,600 vehicles, up 95.78% year-on-year. It is worth mentioning that in addition to continuously expanding the sales scale, BYD also focused on high-end breakthroughs in the first half of the year. It is reported that in addition to looking up to the brand, the main market range of BYD Tengshi brand has been locked in the market of 300,000 to 500,000 yuan, and the personalized brand equation Leopard will be in the price range of 400,000 to 600,000 yuan. This means that at this stage, BYD’s product portfolio has fully covered almost all levels and prices of the mainstream new energy passenger car market in China, and there is a trend of continuous upward penetration.

The three-dimensional parking garage of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University opened the queuing parking building for medical vehicles, but it was "empty"

Qianlong-France Evening Joint Report (Reporter Gong Zhu) In order to alleviate the traffic congestion and parking difficulties around the hospital, last year, the Third Hospital of Peking University started to build a "mechanical three-dimensional parking garage", increasing the original 30 parking spaces to nearly 300. It is understood that the "parking building" was officially put into use in June.

Has the chronic disease of "full of cars" been cured?

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of June 11th, the reporter came to the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, which is located in Huayuan North Road, and saw that the citizens who came to see the doctor had already driven to the third traffic light on the road outside the hospital. One of the drivers told the reporter that it took nearly two hours to get to the hospital gate.

However, the mechanical three-dimensional parking garage officially put into use recently is in a "semi-paralyzed" state, and the building is "empty".

The parking administrator told the reporter that the new parking building has restrictions on the size of vehicles, and vehicles exceeding this size still need to park in the ground parking lot. In addition, because the ground parking lot and the three-dimensional parking building "share" an entrance, so "the big car is blocked in front, and when the ground parking lot is vacant, the small car should also be blocked in the back." The administrator said.


Vehicles waiting in line for medical treatment are "empty"

It is understood that in the past, there were only ground parking lots in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, and the number of parking spaces was small. Parking in the hospital had to wait in line at the door for a long time, which led to the consistent congestion at the surrounding intersections.

In order to improve the parking difficulty in hospitals, the foundation stone laying ceremony of mechanical three-dimensional parking garage was opened in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University on May 29th last year. It is understood that the three-dimensional parking garage is located between the hospital beauty center building and the outpatient building, covering an area of 576 square meters. The parking building has a total of 12 floors and 24 meters high, with a total of 281 parking spaces, using vertical lifting double-column tower garage technology.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of June 11th, the reporter came to the Third Hospital of Peking University, which is located in Huayuan North Road, and saw that the vehicles driven by the citizens who came to see the doctor were lined up for nearly 1 kilometer, and they were discharged from the hospital gate to Longxiang Road (outside the third traffic light of the hospital). One of the drivers in the front told the reporter that he had been in line for nearly two hours and still had no vacancy.

The reporter saw at the scene that the ground parking lot was "hard to find", but in the mechanical three-dimensional parking garage that was officially put into use recently, it was "empty" and almost no vehicles were parked.

In this regard, a parking administrator told reporters that the new parking building has a small capacity specification, which limits the size of vehicles. Vehicles exceeding this size, such as medium and large vehicles, still need to park in the ground parking lot, and even vehicles within the size specification often encounter situations where they can’t park, so most parking spaces are empty.

Find business opportunities at the entrance of 39 yuan parking service Hospital   

Parking difficulty has become a major social problem, but from another perspective, helping users solve parking difficulties has also become a business opportunity.

At the intersection outside the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, the reporter saw a man wearing a blue vest patrolling back and forth. He came forward and asked that he was the driver of "e-driver" and usually helped park around here during the day.

The man told reporters that his main purpose is to "help drivers who are in a hurry to stop and queue up for them". He has parked three cars today. If the time does not exceed 1 hour, the fee for one trip to parking service is 39 yuan.

In addition, some netizens in Weibo broke the news that there were arbitrary charges in the nearby parking lot. The reporter visited a roadside parking lot opposite the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University and found that there was no "arbitrary charges". The parking administrator told the reporter that the parking fee is 10 yuan/hour, and there is no charge within 15 minutes.

Explore the cause

The specifications are limited, and the garage can only enter the "car" 

The reporter saw at the scene that the new three-dimensional parking garage in the hospital is located between the beauty center building and the outpatient building of the hospital. There are six garage entrances, and each entrance is guarded by a parking administrator, and the driver is instructed to park the berth smoothly.

"Most parking spaces in the parking building are empty." A parking manager told reporters that the parking garage is currently "paraplegic". He explained that "the new parking building has restrictions on the size of vehicles, so the big car can’t get in and the small car can’t stop. However, because the ground parking lot and the three-dimensional parking garage in the courtyard have to enter from this entrance, the big car is blocked in front, and the small car will be blocked in the back when the ground parking lot is empty."

The reporter noticed that there are obvious vehicle size signs at the entrance of the parking garage. Among them, the bus size is less than or equal to 5.1 meters in length, less than or equal to 1.85 meters in width, less than or equal to 1.55 meters in height and less than or equal to 2.2 tons in weight.

However, the reality is that for comfort, people are more willing to buy SUVs or medium-sized and large cars now. Moreover, at the hospital site, the reporter also noticed that the citizens who came to see a doctor mainly drove such vehicles, and small cars accounted for a minority. Moreover, in the common models, most of the vehicle sizes are beyond the capacity specifications of the three-dimensional garage, which is easy to be "stuck". Therefore, car owners can only wait for the original few ground parking spaces.

In addition, the reporter learned at the scene that even the models that meet the specifications are basically in line with the "garage door". It is difficult for drivers to drive the car in one step, and some novices even need to get off the car repeatedly to check the distance.

"I have reversed the car several times. If I am a novice, I guess I can’t stop!" A car owner who just parked his car said that he spent nearly an hour in line today.

Coach Zhang of Jingshun Driving School also said that even the old drivers have to rub a few steering wheels to get in, which is very difficult for novices. Coach Zhang also said, "Generally, the open space in front of the garage entrance should be 1.5 to 2 times the length of the car, and the width of the garage should be 60cm wider than the car body (excluding the rearview mirror). Obviously, the width of the garage and the distance before the entrance are not enough, so it is very difficult to stop."

The reporter called the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University about the car capacity design of the parking building. As of press time, we have not received any relevant reply.

Xingyue L is equipped with Volvo engine, Changan and Haval announce brand-new SUV, and BBA recalls it.

It is expected to pre-sell Haval in April and release the official map of the new model Haval Red Rabbit.

A few days ago, Great Wall Motor officially released the official map of its brand-new model Haval Red Rabbit. It is planned that the new car will be officially opened for pre-sale in April this year. The appearance of Haval Red Rabbit adopts the brand-new aesthetic design concept of "Tide Awakening" of the Great Wall. The front grille is an iconic large-size hexagon, and the interior adopts a straight waterfall design with chrome-plated decoration. The headlights are irregular in shape, and the daytime running lights and headlights are separated. The D-pillar design of Haval Red Rabbit is more rounded, and a large suspended tail is added, giving people a visual effect of sharp style and movement. It is reported that the design of the new car is inspired by the charge posture maintained by athletes when they start to exert their strength.

The new car is positioned in a compact SUV, with a length of 4450mm and a wheelbase of 2700mm in body size, which is quite satisfactory in its class. This car is based on the global intelligent vehicle platform Lemon Platform, and it is the fourth model mass-produced by this platform. Lemon platform has the characteristics of high flexibility, high performance, high safety and light weight, which can give new cars good advantages in intelligence, performance, safety and space ratio.

At present, the power scheme of the new car has not been announced yet, but we predict that the new car will adopt a combination of 1.5T engine with high and low power and 7DCT wet dual-clutch gearbox. Among them, the high-power version can output the maximum power of 135Kw and the peak torque of 270Nm.

Recently, Geely Automobile announced the latest news of Xingyue L. The new car will come standard with Volvo Drive-E 2.0TD power. The maximum power of the 2.0T engine is 175kW (about 238 HP) and the peak torque is 350 Nm. It is worth mentioning that the Star Yue L is a brand-new SUV based on the CMA super matrix. Compared with the Star Yue on sale, the "L" of the Star Yue L has the meanings of Larger, luxurious and subversive.

In terms of design, the straight waterfall net of Xingyue L is very atmospheric, and the "meter-level full screen" of the interior is also amazing, giving people a refreshing feeling. Although the car is positioned as a compact SUV, in terms of body size, it has reached the standards of many medium-sized SUVs, even much larger than the Jetway X70 PLUS, Buick Angkewei, Tiguan L, Chevrolet Explorer and other models positioned as medium-sized SUVs.

Changan Automobile’s new car release frequency is really fierce in recent two years. Not long ago, Changan Automobile officially released a set of new car preview maps, but the car has strict camouflage. It is reported that the new car belongs to CS series. But judging from the lines of the car body, it is likely to be the third car in the UNI series.

The new car adopts a sharp headlight shape, and the body camouflage sticker is printed with all kinds of hot words in the mouth of young people. Obviously, this car user group will also target young people; The lines on the side of the car body are sharp, especially the layering of the two waistlines on the D-pillar is very strong; In terms of power, it is expected that it will most likely be equipped with Changan Blue Whale NE 1.5T L4 engine and 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. Other aspects have not released more information for the time being, and we will continue to pay attention.

Mercedes-Benz (China) Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. and Beijing Benz Automobile Co., Ltd. filed a recall plan with the State Administration of Market Supervision according to the requirements of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall and the Implementation Measures of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall. The recall involved some imported and domestic C-class (platform 205) vehicles, totaling 125,568 vehicles. The reason for the recall is that if the vehicle is idling for a long time under the unfavorable heat dissipation environment, the heat generated by the rectifier bridge diode may not be dissipated in time, and individual diodes may also cause short-circuit failure due to exceeding the maximum working temperature, which leads to the temperature rise of the alternator stator coil, which cannot rule out the fire risk and has potential safety hazards.

Therefore, Mercedes-Benz (China) Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. and Beijing Benz Automobile Co., Ltd. will upgrade the engine control unit software for vehicles within the scope of recall through authorized dealers to eliminate potential safety hazards.

Coincidentally, at the time of Mercedes-Benz recall, Audi also announced the recall of domestic A6L, Audi Q3, imported Audi A6 Avant 2.0T and imported Audi A7. The specific production time of vehicles is some domestic A6L 2.0T vehicles produced from April 25th, 2018 to November 24th, 2020, totaling 118,074 vehicles. And some imported A6 Avant 2.0T and A7 2.0T vehicles produced from October 14th, 2019 to November 13th, 2020, totaling 6,724 vehicles.

The reason for the recall is that under certain working conditions when the engine is idling, the imperfect learning function of the camshaft adjuster driving algorithm in the engine control unit may lead to the deviation of the results, which may cause the camshaft not to be adjusted to the correct position, which may lead to the unstable operation of the engine, and in extreme cases, the engine may stop running, posing a safety hazard. FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd. will entrust Audi authorized dealers to upgrade the engine control unit software for vehicles within the recall range free of charge to eliminate potential safety hazards. There are also two Audi Q3′ s recalled because the pulley in the steering gear may have dimensional deviation, which may lead to the incorrect installation of the circlip during the assembly process.

As if it was agreed, BMW Brilliance Automobile Co., Ltd. also filed a recall plan with the State Administration of Market Supervision. A total of 8,114 X3 and iX3 vehicles with production dates from December 29th, 2020 to January 25th, 2021 were recalled.

The reason is that a rocker switch in the automatic seat belt retractor in the middle of the rear row may be positioned incorrectly due to the assembly error of the vehicle in the production process of the supplier. In case of failure, the inductive locking sensor may not work normally in the seat belt retractor, thus causing the passengers to be unable to be fixed on the seat during emergency braking. BMW Brilliance Automobile Co., Ltd. will check the rear middle seat belt for the affected vehicles free of charge and replace the rear middle seat belt if necessary. I have to say that these three brands deliberately chose to announce the recall plan at the same time. It is really a coup to distract consumers’ attention!

"Dual Personality" Executive Class Car, Test Drive a New Generation Mercedes-Benz E300 L

"Since 1947, we have delivered more than 14 million E-class cars to customers all over the world. It is the best-selling model in Mercedes-history and the veritable backbone of the brand." Yang Ming, President and CEO of Mercedes-Sales & Service Co., Ltd., was full of pride when talking about E-Class.

In 2005, the E-class car became the first domestic model launched by the strategy of "Made in China, Exclusive to China". After 15 years of development, it was accepted by more and more consumers in China, and at the same time, it achieved 3 million vehicles. On the eve of this year’s auto show, a new generation of long-wheelbase E-Class sedan was officially launched, and 12 new models were launched, with the price ranging from 430,800 yuan to 642,800 yuan.

Although it is a mid-term modified model, the change of a new generation of long-wheelbase E-class cars can also be called "replacement". The overall design is gradually returning to the exquisite elegance of the W211 era. The interior design vividly interprets luxury and leads the trend impeccably. In terms of power, it maintains three mature and reliable engines, 1.5T and 2.0T, of the previous models. In addition, in terms of intelligence, a new generation of long-wheelbase E-class cars has also been innovated. So, how will this younger and more exquisite luxury benchmark perform when it is opened?

This time, the model of the car headline APP test drive is a new generation of E300 L distinguished model (hereinafter referred to as "new"). The new car still maintains both luxurious and sporty appearances, setting a brand-new design benchmark and injecting "movement" into the elegant executive car shape.

First of all, the brand-new shield grille design is matched with the classic standard. The grille shape abandons the sharp edges and corners, adopts a rounded corner design that highlights the sense of science and technology, and cooperates with the penetrating front enclosure design from the S-class car, which is magnificent and neat.

On the sports car, a single chrome trim and a sparkling star-like grille make the front face look more dynamic and avant-garde, and the double ridged line design on the hood is highly recognizable, combined with the AMG-style front-surrounded air intake grille with two air blades on both sides, it has its own sports style like AMG GT.

Long-range geometric multi-beam LED headlights adopt a brand-new "front eyebrows and bright eyes" design, which inherits the classic "four-eye headlights" of E-class cars. When lighting, 84 independent LED light sources of each headlamp bring fine beam distribution, providing an illumination range of nearly 650 meters.

The soothing waistline of the car body divides the length of the front and rear doors into the ultimate beauty of the golden ratio. Wherever you look, the slender and smooth lines still provide clear recognition for the E-class, and the perfect front-rear ratio makes it still look the most pleasing. "Long wheelbase luxury car".

In short, when you come to the scene and pay attention to it, you will find that all the E-class cars outlined in the photos are inaccurate. From all directions, you can still clearly realize that this is the most perfect E-class car in history.

Stepping into the car, the familiar embracing curve extends horizontally, and the first inductive touch steering wheel is the icing on the cake. In addition to the outstanding experience advantage, it seems to pay tribute to the classics in a unique way. Through the breakthrough capacitance sensing technology, the new steering wheel can detect the driver’s control state of the steering wheel, replace the traditional physical torque perception, and identify the driver’s control driving state more quickly.

Compared with foreign standard wheelbase models, the long-wheelbase E-Class car brings more than 10 luxury additions to China’s rear row, such as extended wheelbase, rear 7-inch touch screen and rear private triangular window.

According to different models, the inductive touch steering wheel wrapped in NAPPA leather has two styles of "gull-wing" and "two-wing" movement, and adopts capacitance sensing technology, which can control the dashboard and multimedia display screen like a smart phone, so as to identify the driver’s control driving state more quickly and accurately, and improve the convenience and safety of driving.

The newly optimized central display screen supports multi-touch, and the focus of intelligent upgrade is the newly equipped MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system. In the speed of speech recognition, MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system has improved by 33% compared with the previous generation technology, and the accuracy has increased by more than 10%. At the same time, it supports the interactive way of natural voice, touch and gesture to control the relevant settings and services in the car.

Specifically, thanks to the extraordinary running ability of NVIDIA Parker 128 smart chip, MBUX has significantly reduced the phenomenon of stuck and crashed due to high image quality, and can smoothly load a large number of 3D depth-of-field effects, bringing an immersive visual experience.

The newly added "mind-reading voice assistant" has the ability of natural language recognition, which can complete the operation of corresponding functions through simple words, and can recognize Cantonese and Sichuan dialects in addition to Mandarin. The "Real-life Crossing Navigation" using augmented reality technology realizes the combination of real-life pictures and virtual icons, and the navigation display is more clear and intuitive, and it can also be familiar with strange roads. Finally, the "intelligent induction assistant" can recognize the hand movements of the driver and the front passenger, and can make personalized preset, so as to understand its operation requirements and realize the corresponding functions such as turning on the reading light.

In addition, through OTA online upgrade, some functions of MBUX intelligent human-computer interaction system can be easily updated and constantly improved.

A variety of power combinations are newly provided for consumers, among which E350 L 4MATIC, E260 L 4MATIC and E260 L models are all equipped with 48V intelligent motors, which can achieve the excellent driving experience of "smooth start-up, quiet driving and low fuel consumption" while gaining 10kW extra power. The output power and peak torque of E350 L 4MATIC equipped with a 2.0-liter inline four-cylinder turbocharged engine are 220kW and 400Nm respectively. The E300 L model of this test drive is equipped with a 2.0-liter inline four-cylinder turbocharged engine, and its maximum power and peak torque are 190kW and 370Nm respectively.

In terms of transmission, all models will continue to come standard with a 9-speed automatic manual transmission. At the same time, the chassis type of the new car is front multi-link independent+rear multi-link independent suspension.

In the road test drive composed of various road conditions such as expressways, provincial highways, mountain roads and urban highways, with the departure of the motorcade, the speed adjustment function based on the path can adjust the speed in advance according to the data of traffic information, and automatically reduce the speed when the congested road section is detected.

The traffic jam assistance system specially optimized for China market can not only shorten the following distance, but also activate the active stop assistance function to automatically start acceleration when the intelligent pilot distance limit function is turned on and the speed is lower than 60km/h on the expressway or urban road, thus making it easy for the vehicles in the driving team to follow the car. When the test driver needs to change lanes, the activation speed of the active lane-changing assistance system is reduced from 80 km/h to 60 km/h, which can better meet the actual driving needs of China roads.

In addition, in the face of potential collision risk, the newly added active brake assist system with turning function can apply braking force to reduce the degree of collision or even avoid collision in the case of finding stationary vehicles ahead and pedestrians crossing the road. When turning at an intersection, the steering detection function can also identify the potential opposite collision risk and provide timely warning and braking assistance.

At the same time, in the event of a side collision with other road users in the blind spot area, the upgraded active blind spot assistance system with the function of getting off the bus will give a visual and audible warning. At this time, if the passenger in the car tries to open the door, the system will alert him through sound and lighting warning.

It can be said that behind the excellent driving assistance performance is the linkage support of sensors covering 360 degrees of the car body. On the basis of four panoramic cameras and binocular stereo cameras, the new generation of long-wheelbase E-Class cars are also equipped with five millimeter-wave radars and 12 ultrasonic sensors, and the maximum detection distance can reach 500 meters.

In addition, in a variety of car scenarios, the new can also bring a more intelligent experience anytime and anywhere. For example, when arriving at the parking lot, the intelligent parking function with PARKTRONIC and 360 camera can automatically identify the parking mark, and can detect the parking space even if there is no car on the left or right, so as to complete parking in vertical or lateral parking spaces, making parking easier. When leaving the parking space, the system can remind the driver to pay attention to the lateral traffic behind the vehicle and apply auxiliary braking when necessary.

In addition to many active safety technologies, new cars have accumulated profound wisdom in the field of passive safety to ensure the highest safety standards. The body-in-white of a new generation of long-wheelbase E-class vehicles is carefully mixed with steel and aluminum materials, ranging from thermoformed and ultra-high-strength steel widely used in the passenger compartment, to the energy-absorbing design adopted by the front anti-collision beam, from the high-pressure aluminum die-casting parts used in the front shock absorption tower and the rear shock absorption area, to the high steel-aluminum mixed design of the rear floor, etc., which further reduces the body weight while achieving the highest collision requirements. The safety of passengers and road users is ensured to the maximum extent from the integrated molding process to the advanced body connection technology, and then to the pedestrian protection of the engine compartment cover by raising the engine compartment cover through active hinges to reduce the pedestrian collision injury.

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Reminder | New scam! Do you know the mobile phone extension? Someone lost 50 thousand overnight

  CCTV News:Pretending to be an acquaintance to borrow money, pretending to be a public security bureau, a procuratorate or a court officer to investigate a case, and hiding a Trojan link &hellip in short messages and QR codes; … These tricks must have made everyone immune, but do you know? Some telecommunications services that you have never heard of have also begun to become new traps set by scammers!

The mobile phone was locked and more than 50,000 yuan was stolen.

  When he woke up, Mr. He in Shenzhen found that his mobile phone was locked. At the same time, a shopping platform account was stolen by strangers. Criminals used white bars to spend and apply for loans, and robbed more than 50,000 yuan overnight.


  Later, Mr. He discovered that his mobile phone had been taken over by a strange number. The short message from the operator shows that this is a business to add a secondary number, and Mr. He’s mobile phone number was added as a secondary number by criminals. When the secondary phone is turned off, all short messages will be received by the primary phone, and criminals will receive Mr. He’s short message verification code during this period, and then commit crimes.


"Subnumber" ≠ "kinship number"

  Without an ID card, a bank card or even a real name, the money is gone. What the hell is a minor number?

  Many people think of "family number" at first, but "deputy number" and "family number" are not the same thing.


  Family number usually refers to the phone bill package opened by different owners and different numbers in order to make calls between them cheaper, and the secondary number is the "one card with many numbers" service provided by operators. On the basis of not changing mobile phones and SIM cards, users can add up to three real mobile phones as secondary numbers. The main and auxiliary numbers can stand by at the same time, and you can freely choose any number to dial, answer the phone and send and receive short messages as needed.

Don’t reply to text messages too casually.

  Then, how did Mr. He’s mobile phone number become the "secondary number" of criminals?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Buy materials.Criminals buy leaked names, bank card numbers, ID numbers and reserved mobile phone numbers online, commonly known as "four big pieces".

  Step 2: Fishing.Criminals apply to the users who have mastered the bank card information, initiate the business application of binding the sub-number, and find the target of the crime by casting a net widely. Once you reply by mistake, you are hooked.

  Step 3: Forced shutdown.Because the main number can only take over the SMS when the secondary number is turned off, criminals usually use two means at this time. One is to use SMS bombing to force the target to turn off the mobile phone, and the other is to use the mobile phone cloud service to remotely operate the mobile phone.

  Step 4: White Wolf with Empty Gloves.Using the SMS verification code received by the main number, criminals ransacked the online shopping account bound to the mobile phone number.

  Patterns are stacked, and it is impossible to prevent them! For this kind of fraud, after receiving all kinds of SMS notifications, you must read the content of the SMS clearly and do not reply at will.

"SMS custody" business is also not very secure.

  After the SMS storage service is opened, you can save your mobile phone messages on the server of the operator. Now, many mobile phone manufacturers’ cloud services are doing the same thing. However, this is a hidden danger function.

  Case review

  One morning, Miss Ding saw two short messages from banks and mobile phone operators on her mobile phone, which were sent at 3:43 am and 4:12 am respectively. As soon as the account is checked, the balance of more than 100,000 yuan will be zero overnight! Not only that, Miss Ding also suffered a credit card theft and was "applied" for a bank universal loan of 70,000 yuan.

  How on earth did all this happen?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Hit the database to get all kinds of account information.The so-called "library collision" means using software to try a high probability digital sequence. Using this simple and rude method, the user’s network identity, online banking account number, mobile phone business hall and other accounts can be seen at a glance. Insiders said: "The speed of library collision is very fast, at least thousands per minute. If some good equipment is used, the efficiency is higher and the success rate is above 50%."

  Step 2: Open SMS storage and SMS interception services to obtain verification code.This is the most critical step. After the opening of this service, the dynamic verification code to ensure the safety of landing has successfully become the bag of criminals.

  Step 3: Open the physical SIM card.At this point, criminals can pretend to be victims and apply for 4G card replacement service in the online business hall. For the convenience of the people, some operators can express the card directly to the designated address.

  By intercepting short messages and copying SIM cards, fraudsters can "do whatever they want".

  As we all know, many important services rely on mobile phone authentication. If you back up the SMS to the server synchronously, it will increase the exposure opportunity. Once the service password of the online business hall is stolen, or the login permission of the cloud service is stolen, it is equivalent to "swimming naked".

The loopholes in the unpopular business are targeted by scammers.


  The "Research Report on the Trend of Online Fraud in 2016" released by the anti-fraud reporting platform "Hunting Network Platform" proposes that since 2016, online fraud has mainly shown several obvious characteristics:

  Mobile phone cards have become new theft targets;

  Jump to the phishing website by using short URL and weiyun sharing link;

  Well-known recruitment websites and voice platforms for open recruitment;

  A phishing website that is difficult to distinguish between true and false;

  The implementation of precision fraud;

  Fraud professionalism is getting higher and higher;

  Using loopholes in new business and unpopular business to commit fraud;

  Use cloud disk and synchronization software to steal information.

  Among them, the loopholes in mobile phone cards and unpopular business are mentioned.

  Security experts suggest that we should develop good online habits, don’t click unfamiliar links, don’t fill in our personal information in the website interface with unknown security, and regularly modify the password of social accounts to avoid information such as mobile phone contact information being leaked; Improve safety awareness, develop good habits of using mobile phones, and avoid being infected by mobile phone viruses.

Looking forward to the listing price of U8 Deluxe Edition of 1.098 million, positioning the million-level with subversive technology.

On September 20th, 2023, Wangwang Automobile’s first product, Wangwang U8 Deluxe Edition, was officially launched with a listing price of 1.098 million yuan. Users can purchase and place orders by looking up at the official car App or applet. Looking up to U8 to locate a million-level new energy hard-core off-road, with the blessing of the two core technologies of Yifangfang and Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system, it has 1,200 super horsepower, comparable to the third-generation main battle tank, with the fastest acceleration of 3.6 seconds. It has the ability of all-terrain in-situ U-turn, flat tire and emergency floating, bringing unprecedented extreme safety, extreme performance and extreme experience to users, and is expected to rewrite the market structure of million-level luxury cars. Looking forward to the U8 Deluxe Exhibition Car will arrive in 13 cities including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Ningbo, and users can experience it in person. The first batch of U8 Deluxe Edition will be delivered to users in late October.

Take the first two subversive core technologies: Easy Sifang and Yunnian-P.

The two subversive core technologies, Yi Sifang and Yunqi -P, are the solid foundation for U8 to surpass the extreme and never before. Traditional cars are limited by the central driving form with two wheels driven, and active safety still has great limitations. Looking up to U8, which is equipped with easy Sifang technology platform, with distributed four-motor as the core and four-wheel torque independent vector control, has the technical characteristics of fast sensing speed, accurate recognition accuracy and strong control ability, and is the golden key to unlock the safety of body attitude control. Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system opens six degrees of freedom of the vehicle in three dimensions, and fully realizes the horizontal-vertical-vertical integrated control of the vehicle. Yunqi -P has a strong ability to recognize the road environment, fast adjustment speed and high control accuracy for the suspension and body posture, and has a total adjustment stroke of 150mm for ultra-high suspension, three-level stiffness and continuous adaptive damping adjustment, matching 15+1 off-road modes, so that Wangqi U8 Deluxe Edition can calmly cope with all kinds of complex terrain and fully release the driving pleasure.

1,200 super horsepower, with the fastest acceleration of 3.6 seconds. It has the ability of all-terrain in-situ U-turn, flat tire and emergency floating.

Easy Sifang technology endows the U8 Deluxe Edition with 1,200 super horsepower comparable to the third-generation main battle tank, making it the world’s first mass-produced new energy vehicle to climb the "Desert Everest" Bilutu Peak; The maximum power of the whole vehicle is 880kW, and the fastest acceleration is 3.6 seconds, which is comparable to super-running. Looking up at U8 Deluxe Edition, the wheel end torque is as high as 8700N·m, and with the precise control ability of Easy Square, it breaks through the friction restrictions of different roads with high and low attachments, and can realize all-terrain in-situ U-turn, greatly improving the mobility of hard-core off-road. Easy Sifang technology, through the independent and accurate control of four-wheel torque, makes Wangwang U8 Deluxe Edition still stable and controllable in the case of tire puncture, greatly expanding the boundary of vehicle active safety. In extreme situations such as rainstorm waterlogging or wading in the wild, in order to ensure the safety of users to the greatest extent, U8 Deluxe Edition is expected to have emergency floating capacity. Based on the sealing advantages of the whole vehicle and its core components, combined with the control ability of Easy Square, looking up at U8 Deluxe Edition can float in 30 minutes, still maintain a stable posture, and realize the forward and direction control of the vehicle to help users get out of danger quickly. Emergency floating capacity is an emergency function that is passively triggered. Officials advise users not to try it easily in non-emergency situations. Once triggered, it needs to be sent back to the direct service store for maintenance.

Extreme security, all-round security from the inside out

Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition equipped with plug-in hybrid power system, combined with the easy Sifang technology platform, CLTC has a comprehensive cruising range of 1000km, which fully meets the long-life needs of users for outdoor travel. Support up to 110kW DC fast charging, 30% to 80% charging only takes 18 minutes at the earliest, and timely and efficiently recharge the power in case of emergency. Look forward to the external discharge function of U8 Deluxe Edition with a maximum power of 6kW to ensure the safety of outdoor energy supply. This function can be compatible with a variety of electrical equipment at the same time, and supports the continuous use of 2kW ultra-high power electrical appliances for about 25 hours. There are 3 wireless charging places in the front and rear rows, which can support 50W fast charging, and it can also be charged quickly and conveniently when many people travel. Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition, it is equipped with NVDIA ADRIVE Orin intelligent driving processor with 38 high-precision components and a fusion computing power of up to 508Tops, which has high sensing accuracy and sufficient computing power, further improving driving active safety. In order to continue the ultimate safety gene, U8 Deluxe Edition is equipped with blade battery, supplemented by CTC battery chassis integration technology, and the blade battery is directly connected to the girder as a safety structure. The excellent side column collision safety advantage fully guarantees the travel safety.

Quality materials and innovative scientific and technological functions endow new energy with off-road luxury travel experience.

Beyond the hardcore, look up to the cockpit design of U8 Deluxe Edition, fully integrate the sense of luxury, innovative technology configuration and off-road attributes, and create a unique technological luxury feeling of new energy hard-core off-road. Based on the profile design requirements of the interior, Wangwang U8 pioneered the design of 12.8-inch R800 Xinghe curved screen, which uses OLED material and 2K resolution to restore the true color, and the color contrast is 50 times higher than that of the traditional LCD screen. The curved screen of Xinghe is seamlessly connected with the two 23.6-inch mini LED screens of the main driver and the auxiliary driver, creating a borderless immersion, forming a unique triple screen, which is as colorful as the Milky Way Waterfall, and with the symmetrical structure of the double-encircling star-ring cockpit, the seating space is surrounded, showing the unique luxury style of new energy.

Looking up at U8 Deluxe Intelligent Cockpit, equipped with 4nm 5G chips jointly customized by BYD and Qualcomm, has high computing speed and strong compatibility, and is embedded in the intelligent networking system of Looking Up at Link, which has a complete application ecology. The front 70-inch AR-HUD head-up display, the central control screen of the Milky Way curved surface, the co-driver multimedia screen and two 12.8-inch rear suspended multimedia screens have the function of borderless five-screen linkage, which is not limited by space and supports information interaction between multiple screens, bringing a richer intelligent experience to the drivers and passengers of the whole car. Full-scene intelligent voice can support independent interaction of four-tone areas, and voice commands between different tone areas can also produce linkage. Users can also customize common scenes through voice to fully meet the personalized use requirements. The 70-inch AR-HUD upgrades the head-up display from a plane image to a 3D stereoscopic image, and the vehicle road information is projected on the screen in real time, so that the driver can easily grasp various information such as vehicle status or map, and concentrate on driving without leaving the road.

Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition, the whole car seat is made of high-grade Nappa leather, with high-end Sabili wood, which has uniform texture and delicate touch, showing the visual texture of pure natural logs and the touch of fingertips to the fullest. The whole vehicle is equipped with intelligent fragrance system with natural solar terms theme and compressor refrigerator with anti-forgetting reminder, which makes the ride quality further. When the vehicle speed reaches 60km/h, look up to the U8 Deluxe Edition, and the interior noise will not exceed 55dB, creating a quiet and enjoyable space at the library level. The whole vehicle is equipped with the world’s first Hi-End audio of Dana Platinum Evidence Series, with a total of 22 speakers, creating a 7.1.4 Dolby panoramic sound to restore the real sound field. The extraordinary NVH quietness and high-quality audio bring users a heavenly hearing enjoyment. In view of the requirements of off-road properties, we look up to the design of some physical buttons adopted under the curved screen of U8 luxury center console, which can quickly switch and adjust various driving modes and enhance the convenience and practicability of off-road control. Focusing on the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, we hope that the interior design of U8 Deluxe Edition will make every place the ultimate luxury experience.

Looking up to U8 Deluxe Edition, there are five kinds of car paint colors in appearance, including dragon stone green, obsidian black and fluorite white, and matte dragon stone green and matte moonlight silver are optional. The interior provides two color matching schemes: black orange and gray brown; The whole vehicle comes standard with 22-inch sports forged wheels, and provides 22-inch simple forged wheels and 20-inch sports forged wheels for users to choose, which fully matches the personalized selection needs of users.

The ultimate technology has made Looking Up, and the trust of users has made Looking Up to the brand "faithful" hospitality. Looking Up to the car will use the full direct mode to serve users. At present, more than 70 direct stores are under construction, and it is expected that more than 90 stores will be opened in more than 40 cities across the country this year, so consumers can experience looking up to the car’s products and services more conveniently. Looking up to the car will uphold the most sincere service attitude and bring users a more extreme brand experience!

BYD Tang Family was officially listed, and the price range was 219,800-269,800 yuan.

After BYD’s slogan of "electricity is lower than oil", both Qin PLUS’s 79,800 yuan and Song and Han’s new listing have brought a lot of price shocks to the market. Now BYD has launched the glory version of Tang EV (parameter picture), the glory version of Tang DM-p and the 2024 version of God of War. The listing of this series of new models has made BYD’s product cost-effective again.

On April 22nd, BYD officially announced that its Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition were officially launched. The new car has launched a total of six models with a price range of 219.8-269.8 million yuan. This price positioning will undoubtedly stir up the SUV market again and provide consumers with more diversified choices.

As a new member of BYD Tang family, Tang EV Glory Edition is equipped with AC permanent magnet synchronous motor, which greatly improves the energy density of the battery and provides long battery life and strong power output. The single-motor two-wheel drive version has a pure electric cruising range of up to 730km, while the dual-motor four-wheel drive version increases the power to 517 HP, the peak torque is as high as 700 Nm, and the acceleration of 100 km takes only 4.4 seconds.

What’s more worth mentioning is that the new car can achieve a maximum of 170kW safe boost DC fast charge, and the longest battery life is 173km after charging for 10 minutes, which greatly improves the convenience of users in the use process.

Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition are equipped with DM-p hybrid system, which is another breakthrough of BYD in the field of hybrid technology. The system combines the advantages of Xiaoyun-Plug-in special turbocharged 1.5Ti high-efficiency engine and motor. The maximum power of the engine is 102 kW, and the peak torque is 231 Nm. The powerful power output of the front and rear motors makes the new car accelerate as fast as 4.3s, and the fuel consumption is as low as 6.5L under comprehensive working conditions.

In terms of chassis adjustment and handling, all three new models come standard with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system. This system can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of shock absorber. When the vehicle passes through the bumpy road, the system will automatically adopt the comfort control strategy of high frequency and small damping to make the chassis "soft", thus improving the driving comfort. However, when the vehicle is cornering, accelerating or braking rapidly, the system will adopt a low-frequency and large-damping maneuverability control strategy to make the chassis "hard" to provide greater support, effectively restrain the body roll and pitch, and ensure the stability and maneuverability of the vehicle under various driving conditions.

In terms of design, Tang EV Glory Edition adopts Dragon Face closed front face shape, showing the unique charm of new energy vehicles. Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition chose DragonFace’s sporty front face with sharp headlights to create a strong visual impact. All three new models are equipped with 20-inch wheels and through Chinese knot LED taillights, and three new car colors of silver glaze white, glacier blue and silver sand black are available for consumers to choose from.

In terms of interior, the new car provides a brand-new lotus rhyme gray color matching, creating a high-grade and warm interior environment. The upgrade of -DiLink 100, the advanced version of the intelligent cockpit, brings a smarter interactive experience to drivers. The new romantic mode, parking unlocking function and 3D real car color matching function further enhance the fun of car use. In addition, the 12-speaker sound system, 31-color ambient lights, ventilation, heating and electric adjustment of the main and co-pilot seats all allow passengers to enjoy a comfortable journey and feel BYD’s Excellence in details.

In terms of safety performance, the new car is equipped with DiPilot 10 intelligent driving assistance system, achieving L2+ intelligent driving assistance level. The addition of BSD blind area monitoring and DOW early warning makes the driving process more secure. At the same time, the convenience configuration of 220V AC socket, 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging and 6kW mobile power station in the car has greatly improved the convenience of using the car.

The listing of BYD Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition further consolidated BYD’s position in the 200,000-level new energy vehicle market. Moreover, all three models come standard with Yunqi -C, which makes Tang’s chassis strength and comfort popular and meets the pursuit of vehicle comfort by family users. In addition, BYD’s continuous iteration in technological innovation and product design provides better performance and rich configuration, and is also constantly satisfying consumers’ pursuit of scientific and technological travel.

Daqing Volvo XC60 Hot Promotion! The latest offer is 289,500! just this once

In the [Easy Car Daqing Local Car Market Promotion Channel], we sorted out the ongoing
Preferential activities. As a car that has attracted much attention, the current discount rate of Volvo XC60 is still amazing. The highest discount rate can even reach 132,400, and the lowest starting price is only 289,500. You can win a larger discount rate by clicking the "Inquiry" button in the quotation form. If you are looking for a practical and affordable model, you may wish to learn about the preferential situation of Volvo XC60.

Let’s take a look at the appearance of the Volvo XC60 first. The front face of the Volvo XC60 feels very round and lovely, and it is equipped with a straight waterfall grille, which looks sporty. Coupled with the headlights, the overall look has a certain sense of hierarchy. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, headlight height adjustment, automatic opening and closing, delayed closing and so on. Coming to the side of the car, the body size of the car is 4708MM*1902MM*1660MM, and the car adopts dynamic and lively lines, giving people a very round feeling at the side. With large-sized thick-walled tires, the shape is eye-catching. In the rear design, Volvo XC60′ s rear line is simple, the taillights are very beautiful, and with the unique exhaust pipe, the shape is more spiritual.

Coming into the Volvo XC60 car, the front face of the Volvo XC60 looks very young and fashionable, and the visual effect is good. The steering wheel design of this car is very fashionable and dynamic, made of genuine leather, with a high palm fit. From the central control point of view, with a 9-inch central control screen, the interior style is impressive and meets the aesthetic standards of most consumers. The dashboard and seats give people a good feeling, too. Let’s take a look. The car is equipped with a fashionable dashboard, which looks very tough. The car uses leather/fabric mixed seats, equipped with sports style seats, auxiliary seats with memory electric adjustment, seat with memory electric adjustment, seat proportion down and other functions, and the overall comfort and wrapping are not bad.

The power performance of Volvo XC60 is impressive, and you can feel abundant power output during driving. The design is fashionable and atmospheric, and the lines are smooth and natural, which leaves a deep impression on people. In addition, the space of the vehicle is also very spacious, which can provide a comfortable ride experience in both the front and rear rows. Generally speaking, the Volvo XC60 has excellent performance in power, appearance and space, and is a model worthy of recommendation.