2020 Jackie Chan leads the team "Pioneer", really happy to welcome the National Day!

2020 has indeed endured too much, just like that online joke said, I really hope that when I wake up, it is still the Spring Festival of 2020! Of course I can’t do this in reality, but I seem to be able to do it in the cinema! Originally supposed to be a strong competitor of the Spring Festival in 2020, "Pioneer", met you on this special National Day schedule! With the domestic epidemic gradually under control, the audience can finally enter the theater with confidence, just like the Chinese New Year, enjoy the action audio-visual feast brought to us by Jackie Chan, Yang Yang and Alan!

"Rapid Pioneer" is the ninth action blockbuster that Jackie Chan has collaborated with director Tang Jili in the past 30 years. As the Chinese director who knows Jackie Chan’s style best and has the most international vision, Tang Jili directed "Rapid Pioneer" without leaving its roots. It has traveled to 5 countries and 9 cities. Under different cultural atmospheres and city beauty, it still tells the most Jackie Chan and most Chinese stories.

The first is the story and character definition. The international security "vanguard" team composed of Jackie Chan, Yang Yang, Alan, Maiya and Zhu Zhengting in "Vanguard" actually shows the traditional Chinese spirit of justice and justice. From a certain perspective, it is the same as the people’s confidence shown in "Wolf Warrior" and "Operation Red Sea", but this confidence from the people is obviously more acceptable to the audience.

On the other hand, the most unexpected thing in "The Pioneer" is Yang Yang. For the first time in an action movie, he boldly challenged the scale of Jackie Chan’s movie. All the action scenes are played in person, and there is a good style in every move, especially the performance of firearms tactics, which is very suitable for the tutorial. In addition, the character played by Yang Yang is unsmiling, and he has a handsome and cold male temperament, which is completely different from his previous role. It can be said that it has completely opened up a new way of acting, which is eye-catching. And from the perspective of the play arrangement, Jackie Chan seems to also intend to give more roles to young people, so the role played by Yang Yang can be regarded as his successor inside and outside the play.

In addition, Alan also played his strengths from Happy Twist in addition to the action scenes, inheriting the essence of Jackie Chan’s big brother’s vaudeville comedy very well. He not only showed humor through lines and figures, but also integrated this humor into the action scenes, and took on most of the laughs in the whole film. Plus the beauty and handsomeness of the mother and Zhu Zhengting. "Pioneer" from characters to scenes, taking into account the preferences of all audiences, can be said to be a real family entertainment blockbuster, there is always a suitable one for you!

Jackie Chan movies, director Tang Jili’s works, or the golden age of Hong Kong movies have always adhered to the mass line of coming from the audience to the audience. In addition to the design of action scenes, there is never a threshold for viewing movies, always ensuring a smooth and clear story line, the most concise and clear emotional expression, in addition to the ultimate images and fancy and lively action scene design, so that the audience can experience the most direct Chinese-style human feelings. Watching a movie, for the vast majority of audiences, what they want is a relaxation, a cool word, and these are precisely what Jackie Chan is best at, and these are also the most significant characteristics of "Pioneer"!

So, don’t say anything! During the 2020 National Day holiday, hurry up and go to the cinema, watch a Jackie Chan big brother’s "Pioneer", and let yourself have enough fun!

Nanchang City has issued detailed rules for the management of online car-hailing: it is not allowed to pick up passengers at airports and other places

  CCTV News:Our reporter learned from relevant departments that three reform policy documents, including the "Nanchang Municipal People’s Government’s Implementation Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", "Nanchang City’s Implementation Detailed Rules for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" and "Nanchang City’s Implementation Opinions on Regulating Private Passenger Car Co-hailing Travel", will be officially implemented from June 1, 2017. This means that Nanchang City will set corresponding business boundaries for the new and old business formats of the taxi industry, promote taxi, online car-hailing, and shared car dislocation services, and differentiated operations, and achieve integrated development.

  Online car-hailing must be a vehicle within 3 years of initial registration

  "Nanchang city network booking taxi business service management implementation rules" clearly, Nanchang city network about car platform company should have the status of enterprise legal person, in Nanchang city registration authority, with online and offline service capabilities, operating license validity period of 4 years.

  Nanchang City makes it clear that online car-hailing operators should establish enterprises with corporate legal personality or branches with business licenses in Nanchang City, and have office space and management personnel in Nanchang City that are commensurate with the scale of operation. They have service capabilities such as safety management, personnel training, and complaint acceptance. They have a sound operation management system, safety production management system, and service quality assurance system. At the same time, the network service platform database should be connected to the supervision platform of Nanchang City’s transportation administrative department.

  The "Nanchang City Online Booking Taxi Business Service Management Implementation Rules" pointed out that the online car must be registered as a car in the city, with 7 seats and less; the fuel vehicle grade should be higher than the existing mainstream taxis in the city, and the vehicle wheelbase should not be less than 2650mm, and meet the Nanchang City Motor Vehicle Emission Standards; new online car-hailing encourages the use of new energy vehicles, with a wheelbase of not less than 2400mm and a cruising range of not less than 150km; vehicles need to be installed with emergency alarm devices and on-board satellite positioning devices with driving record functions, and the on-board satellite positioning devices should comply with relevant national regulations; vehicle technical performance should meet the requirements of relevant national and industry operating safety standards, and relevant operating insurance should be insured according to regulations; vehicle owners agree to register the nature of vehicle use as "booking taxi passenger transportation"; vehicle initial registration date to application date should not exceed 3 years If the vehicle belongs to an individual, other taxis and online taxis that should not be registered under the name of the vehicle owner, I shall obtain the "Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License", register as required, and directly engage in operational activities.

  Online car-hailing is not allowed to pick up passengers at airports, railway stations, etc

  Nanchang City clearly stipulates that online car-hailing drivers are registered in the city or have obtained a residence permit in the city, and their age has not exceeded the national legal retirement age; they have obtained the corresponding type of motor vehicle driver’s license and have more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug use record, no driving record after drinking, and no 12-point record in the last 3 consecutive scoring periods; no violent criminal record; no record of being revoked as a taxi driver in the last 5 years.

  According to the principle of misplaced development of online car-hailing and taxis, Nanchang City has clarified the scope of operation of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing cannot pick up customers by parade, nor can it pick up customers at taxi dispatch service stations such as Nanchang Airport, railway station, and bus terminal or places that implement queuing.

  It is understood that three reform policy documents for the taxi industry in Nanchang will be implemented on June 1, 2017. For online car-hailing platform companies that have already started online car-hailing business in Nanchang City, Nanchang City will give a 12-month transition period. During the transition period, platform companies must go through the procedures for online car-hailing business licenses according to regulations. For vehicles and personnel that do not meet relevant regulations, Nanchang City will clean up.

  The "Nanchang Municipal People’s Government’s Implementation Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" states that Nanchang City encourages taxis to provide operating services through telecommunications, the Internet, and other means, promotes the use of non-cash payment methods that comply with regulations, and supports taxi operators to transform and provide online ride-hailing services.

  Eligible private cars and used cars can carry out online car-hailing operations

  The relevant person in charge of the Nanchang Transportation Bureau told reporters that online car-hailing is a type of taxi, and the vehicles providing services should be operating vehicles. Private cars in the traditional sense refer to non-operating passenger cars owned by individuals. Our country strictly distinguishes between operating and non-operating vehicles, and the two are different in many aspects such as vehicle technical performance, safety testing, scrap life, and insurance rates. Therefore, private cars cannot engage in online car-hailing services, but eligible private cars can engage in online car-hailing services after applying for approval and registration as reserved taxis according to procedures. Although they are still owned by individuals, they have been transformed into operational ones.

  Nanchang City requires that the ride-hailing vehicle must be a vehicle with an initial registration of less than three years. This regulation is to prevent a large number of second-hand cars from entering the online ride-hailing market, reduce the vehicle grade in disguise, bring certain safety hazards to passengers, and cause unfair competition to traditional taxis. However, second-hand cars that meet the requirements can also apply for online ride-hailing operations.

  The relevant person in charge also said that those who have obtained the qualification of a taxi driver and meet the conditions stipulated by the city’s detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing can directly obtain the "Online Booking Taxi Driver Permit" after applying by themselves or the entrusted platform company, so as to convert to online car-hailing driver. (CCTV reporter, Manshuai)

Recommend Meitu’s Pinterest, how to rely on machine learning to attract attention?

Recommend Meitu's Pinterest, how to rely on machine learning to attract attention?


Pinterest, which has 100 million monthly active users, is increasingly relying on machine learning to help uncover new internet insights.

Users around the world visit Pinterest to explore, save, and share photos and articles. Help users find content they love, and users will naturally be retained: 30% of interactions on Pinterest and 25% of Pinterest internal purchases come from Pinterest-recommended content. To recommend the right content, Pinterest uses state-of-the-art, data-driven technology and conducts a lot of experimentation.

So how does Pinterest use machine learning?

Mohammad Shahangian, lead discovery science engineer at Pinterest, said: "My main job is to find a way to solve the content discovery problem. We experiment with very small changes to the algorithm, and every attempt has an improvement or a downside."

Exclusive advantage: based on interest

Recommend Meitu's Pinterest, how to rely on machine learning to attract attention?


In fact, this is not unrelated to the characteristics of Pinterset: one of its strengths is that Pinterset is a community built around users’ interests, and users will sort the products, articles, and images they find on the Internet by interest.This means that instead of guessing a user’s interests by clicking patterns or time spent on a page, as other social networking sites do, Pinterest can directly use algorithms to measure the relationship between 75 billion entries in its database that are likely to be grouped under the same interest.

"Many companies try to derive user interest from inputs or signals," says Mr. Shahangian. "But on Pinterest, users clearly signal what they are interested in."

Users who visit Pinterest continue to add to the social landscape of users, collected items, and favorite boards. This data allows Pinterest to provide more accurate content for user homepage feeds, search results, and related content recommendations. Recommendations based solely on what users care about are not ideal, and recommendations for similar content are easy to repeat.

For Mohammad Shahangian, "If you collect one kitchen sink, should we recommend more sinks or something that will make your kitchen look new?"

Constantly testing in practice

To make these decisions, Pinterest engineers experimented with a variety of machine learning algorithms. They studied how well these algorithms worked on related and unrelated items, and how they affected the active levels of real users.

Mohammad Shahangian said: "We do experiment directly on Pinterest, but a lot of times we do a lot of preparation before experimenting."

Of course, there is no way to know whether a user will like the new recommendation without conducting actual testing. "I can’t pay someone to tell me whether a user will like the new recommendation," says Mohammad Shahangian. But by studying whether the content recommended by the algorithm will be classified as an interest by real users, it is relatively reliable.

Previously, Pinterest changed the message flow on the user’s homepage from purely chronological attention to the user’s message, to an algorithm-generated message flow, which increased the user’s active level by one-fifth to one-tenth. Subsequent algorithm improvements will bring additional improvements.

"Pinterest has come a long way throughout the improvement process," says Mr. Shahangian. "Personalisation has greatly increased user engagement rates."

Improved image search function

Pinterest has also been improving image search to help users better find similar images. Pinterest engineers worked with researchers at the Vision and Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, to develop the technology. It now uses deep learning algorithms to automatically identify objects in images. This way, users can click on those objects to find relevant items in Pinterest.

Dmitry Kislyuk, a visual search engineer at Pinterest, said: "This is not a classification algorithm to distinguish between cats and dogs. We want to find similarities between images in real time."

He says the visual search tool works well for finding home decorations and fashion items in Pinterest, and in the future Pinterest hopes to improve its auto-sorting function to better serve other search needs, such as helping users find new recipes that are similar.

Speaking about using deep learning to classify images more efficiently, Pinterest visual search engineer Andrew Zhai said: "I think our model will become more semantic and better."

While Pinterest engineers focus on perfecting object recognition and search, they also plan to develop an app that will allow smartphone users to photograph real-world objects and then get recommendations for related items on Pinterest.

"The field of deep learning, computer vision is very exciting right now," says Mr. Kislyuk. "The world is changing so fast that top technologies change every two months."

Via fastcompany

Recommended reading:

Pinterest completes Series G financing, the total amount of 553 million US dollars does not meet expectations

The designer who created the classic look of Apple Mac will join Pinterest to be responsible for product design

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Peak Dialogue: Zhou Xingchi Exposes His Favorite Shu Qi, Ma Yun Supports Feng Xiaogang

Jack Ma, Stephen Chow, Wang Zhonglei

Video: Zhou Xingchi wants to invite Ma Yun to play Sun Wukong, joking that he has no chance to get married when he is old

    Movie Network News(Text/Li Chao) The film starring Shu Qi, Article and Huang Bo will be released on the first day of the new year on February 10. On January 4, the film director Zhou Xingchi held a "peak dialogue" with Alibaba founder Jack Ma at the Communication University of China.

    During the conversation, Zhou Xingchi said that his current work focus is mainly on being a director, and he revealed that Shu Qi is the favorite among Chinese actresses. Ma Yun, the second largest shareholder of Huayi Brothers Media Group, expressed that he is not concerned about the box office problem, and supported Feng Xiaogang, praising that the box office did not meet expectations as a good work in the history of Chinese film.

The two hit it off

Ma Yun taught Zhou Xingchi to play Tai Chi on the spot

Zhou Xingchi prefers creative desire to concentrate on being a director, saying that Chinese actresses love Shu Qi the most

    The theme of the dialogue that day was "Imagination in the wild". Zhou Xingchi and Ma Yun explained to the 1,500 college students present the secrets of success in the film industry and business world in four aspects: "dream", "team", "persistence" and "imagination". Referring to his dream, Zhou Xingchi said: "I can’t be an entrepreneur, but my interest in creation has not diminished. Whether it is an entrepreneur, whether it is making a movie, or talking about creativity, first have a good idea, and then have the ability to execute it and realize it."

    In "Journey to the West: Conquering Demons", Stephen Chow gave up his chance to star in the film and instead retreated to the background to focus on directing. In response, Xing Ye first praised Huang Bo, who played Sun Wukong in the film, for being better than himself. He also laughed and said that he was "old and running out of time." He did not act in order to make the film better. At the same time, Zhou Xingchi also told college students about his insistence on making movies: "Making movies is too complicated. I hope the music can be better, the special effects can be better, the picture can be better, 3D can be better. If everything can be a little better, it may add up to a lot better. Someone asked me if it is necessary to insist on such a little bit of things? But I think it is still necessary."

    At that year’s "Journey to the West" was widely spread by college students on the Internet and became a classic. During the event, "Zixia", the BBS moderator who took the lead in "interpreting big words", also appeared to express his admiration to Zhou Xingchi and Ma Yun. Other college students present were also very enthusiastic. During the question-and-answer session, some students asked Zhou Xingchi who his favorite actress was. Xing Ye said generously: "If it is a Chinese actress, I think Shu Qi is very good." The scene exploded with screams.

Next page:Ma Yun opposes "box office success or failure theory" and supports Feng Xiaogang’s praise

Yang Mi makes his Cannes debut, Fan Ye and Zhou Xun compete for "China Night"

Fan BingbingThe "Chinese Film Night" to be held in Cannes in 2012 is bound to win the audience again 

Fan Bingbing Attends 2011 Movie Channel’s "China Movie Night" Press Conference

    Movie Network News(Text/Cannes Film Festival News Team) The most eye-catching event during the Cannes International Film Festival every year is the "Chinese Film Night" organized by the Film Channel. The most Chinese programs and the latest Chinese blockbusters will be featured here, and of course the hottest stars. In 2012, on May 17, French time, Zhou Xun, Fan Bingbing, Yang Mi and others will all appear at the "Chinese Film Night", and the three female stars will compete for beauty. In addition, Jackie Chan, Tong Dawei, Fei Xiang, Chen Yanxi, Gu Changwei and other stars will come to help.

    Fan Ye, who is already a regular visitor to Cannes, will also appear in this beautiful seaside town in 2012. In 2011, she surprised the audience with a purple dress. Fan Bingbing, who has become more and more international, has cooperated with the movie channel for many years. After hearing that the movie channel will hold "China Night", she immediately decided to come to help. Another A-list actress, Zhou Xun, will also appear at the event that night to promote Chinese movies to the world.

Feng Shaofeng and Yang Mi will make their debut at Cannes with Painted Skin 2, attending the "Chinese Film Night"

"Feng Mi" is styled in "Painted Skin 2"

"Painted Skin 2" heroine Zhou Xun will fight with "Fan Ye"

"Painted Skin 2" Character Poster: Zhou Xun


    The popular Yang Mi will make her debut at the Cannes International Film Festival, which is bound to cause a frenzy. On the evening of May 17, she will appear with Feng Shaofeng at the "Chinese Film Night" to uncover the mystery. As the most famous Chinese martial arts star overseas, Jackie Chan’s appearance will also set off a climax of the event. He will also bring his apprentice Qi Xiaofu to present a wonderful program for the audience.

    China’s domestic film market is booming, the annual box office has exceeded 13.10 billion yuan, and Chinese films are increasingly attracting the attention of the world. During this trip to Cannes, many Chinese stars will attend the "China Film Night" event organized by the Film Channel to introduce Chinese films to the world and promote Chinese films.

Next page More wonderful pictures of previous "Chinese Movie Night"

Geely nova, the more spy photos are exposed! Changing the penetrating headlight 2.0T is more powerful.

The online auto market has obtained the road test spy photos of Geely’s new Xingyue L, and the front face of the new car adopts a more recognizable penetrating light strip. The new Xingyue L will also upgrade the powertrain, and it is expected that it will be replaced with the same 2.0T high-power engine of Lectra 03(CMA platform), which is more powerful than the current one. The plan shows that the new car will be listed in the second half of this year.

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 1

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 2

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 1

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 3

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 4

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 5

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 6

The picture shows the interior of Bo Yue L.

The front face of the new Xingyue L follows the straight waterfall air intake grille, and the dot matrix through light strip is added above, and the headlight groups and bumper shapes on both sides will also be adjusted. Referring to the new Xingrui, it is expected that the new car will also provide new style wheels and change new shapes to run through the taillights. The new Xingyue L interior or the same interior design of Bo Yue L will be equipped with the latest high-end intelligent driving system.

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 1

Geely nova is more powerful than l spy photos exposure for penetrating headlights 2.0T-Figure 2

The new Xingyue L fuel version will continue to be equipped with a 2.0T engine, which is divided into low/high power adjustments, and the high power parameters are expected to be further improved, matching with a 7-speed dual clutch or an 8-speed automatic gearbox; The hybrid version of oil and electricity is expected to be equipped with the same 1.5T engine of the new Xingrui HEV, with a slight increase in maximum power.

This article is reproduced from the online auto market. The purpose of reprinting this article on this website is to convey more information, which does not mean agreeing with its views and being responsible for its authenticity. If the content, copyright and other issues of the work are involved, please contact this website within 30 days, and we will delete the content as soon as possible. This website has the final right to interpret this statement.

Hisense Home Appliances released the first half of 2023 "transcript" Hisense central air conditioner high-quality innovation to help people live a healthy life

On the evening of August 28, Hisense Home Appliances (SZ 000921, HK 00921) released its 2023 semi-annual report. The financial report shows that Hisense Home Appliances’ operating income was 429.4.40 billion yuan, an increase of 12.10% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the mother was 14.9.80 billion yuan, an increase of 141.45% year-on-year; the net profit deducted from the mother was 12.6.30 billion yuan, a significant increase of 195.10% year-on-year.

According to the announcement, by product, the HVAC business achieved main business income of 211.6 billion yuan, an increase of 11.68% year-on-year. Through in-depth insight into user requests and continuous technological innovation, the company’s central air-conditioning business achieved steady growth year after year, and maintained a leading position in the domestic multi-line market with a share of more than 20%. During the reporting period, the central air-conditioning business achieved a year-on-year increase in revenue of 12.5% and a year-on-year increase in net profit of 25.5%.

Among them, Hisense central air conditioning in the first half of this year, thanks to the product innovation, marketing, corporate social practice and other aspects and drive, continue to lead the market development, with high-quality innovation to empower people’s healthy life, for the group’s overall performance single add luster.

User-centered, continuous innovation to create healthy air

For a long time, Hisense Home Appliances has always adhered to the core concept of "technology establishment", creating new products that are healthy, intelligent and energy-saving. As a representative of national central air conditioning, Hisense Central Air Conditioning is based on the new national product positioning of quality and health, with the concept of "for every healthy breath", relying on the strong technical support of Hisense Group, it has been deeply cultivating the research and development of air, and is committed to providing comfortable and healthy central air conditioning full life cycle solutions. The home improvement field has successively launched a series of solutions leading the industry innovation such as 5G Honor Home, Ai Home, Villa Home III, etc. The commercial field has created Hi-Multi G2 series, Hi-Multi M2 (Module) series, Hi-Smart H + series, magnetic suspension water machine, air-cooled screw chiller (heat pump) unit, air source heat pump hot water unit and other series of commercial products. By creating a one-stop service that meets the air demand of the whole scene in an all-round way, it will Quality and healthy air is brought to more families and all aspects of society.

With continuous innovation, Hisense Central Air Conditioning has broken through the multi-line intelligent predictive control technology and indoor temperature and humidity comprehensive control technology to achieve high-efficiency, energy-saving and comfortable operation, and meet the personalized needs of high-end users. The project "Multi-line intelligent predictive control system based on temperature and humidity dual control and performance measurement technology" has been rated as the international leading level through the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements; The multi-line building load forecasting technology has made breakthroughs, and for the first time realized the self-identification of multi-line room-level building load characteristics and high-precision prediction of building cold and heat loads. It can automatically identify 9 typical building scenarios and realize the energy-saving operation of central air-conditioning equipment.

In the home improvement retail market, the industry launched the exclusive "family doctor" system for central air conditioners based on the "fault pre-diagnosis function" to promote the upgrade of product and service standards. In terms of specific products, in the face of the current consumers’ increasingly important demands for air health, Hisense 5G Honor Home, Ai Home and other household central air conditioning products are equipped with full health modules and use Nanoe technology, which can effectively remove formaldehyde, decompose harmful substances in PM2.5, inhibit bacteria, mold, pollen and other allergic substances, and create a clean and fresh home air environment for consumers. Focusing on the scene of life, Hisense Ai Home Central Air Conditioning integrates the scene-based solution with the eco-home concept. Through the industry’s first fusion of 5G and PLC technology, air-conditioning products can be linked with smart appliances such as curtains and lights with one click, creating a high-end life aesthetic of "Internet of Everything, Wisdom and Convenience", leading the trend of life and market upgrading with leading concepts and ecological integration. With its leading aesthetic application and experience design, Hisense Ai Xiangjia APP won the German IF Award and Red Dot Award at the same time.

This summer, many places across the country issued high-temperature red alerts. In the face of continuous high-temperature baking tests, hard-core air conditioners with fast cooling, strong cooling, and long-term protection are highly anticipated. At the same time, indoor air quality under high temperatures attracts more attention. Hisense Central Air Conditioning has launched a new series of "Performance Small Steel Cannon in Air Duct Machine" Zhifeng series. Fearless of heat refining, cold and clean pioneer, Hisense Zhifeng series focuses on 43 ° C cooling without attenuation, 55 ° C high temperature without stopping; at the same time, it integrates the fifth generation of internal and external self-cleaning + 58 ° C high-temperature sterilization to clean and rejuvenate a comfortable home; 18 decibels of soft sound protection, quiet and comfortable; new appearance design in a round sky, with both performance and aesthetics; first-class energy efficiency, energy saving and From appearance to temperature control, purification, noise reduction, energy efficiency and other comprehensive strength.

In addition, in the first half of the year, Hisense’s central air-conditioning household field also launched the Hi Enjoy Home series with intimate design, cooling and heating at will, to provide healthy air solutions for exquisite spaces. In the real estate supporting market, combined with the national dual-carbon strategy, the company innovatively launched the industry’s first ultra-small capacity multi-connected central air-conditioning, combined with high-efficiency heat recovery fresh air ventilation system, to effectively reduce the energy consumption of air system operation and meet the needs of ultra-low energy buildings. In the engineering project market, the company continued to strengthen the advantages of multi-connected products, quickly replenished the full water machine, heat pump, fresh air product line, and built a full-category product matrix to provide customers with customized green energy-saving, low-carbon environmental protection solutions. The company has launched a full-capacity magnetic levitation variable frequency centrifugal water machine solution for customers in the fields of education, agriculture, animal husbandry, and rail transit, which has improved product operation efficiency and reduced post-maintenance costs. The water machine business has increased by 57% in the first half of the year.

Overall, through a variety of innovative products to meet the indoor air needs of different groups of people, Hisense Central Air Conditioning brings inspiration to users to build comfortable living aesthetics in an all-round way, and also highlights its technological and innovative strength as a leading brand in the field of central air conditioning.

Diversified marketing efforts connect consumers, so that the quality and strength of national products continue to come out of the circle

Hardcore products consolidate the competitive heritage, and multi-marketing efforts connect consumers. In order to allow more people to experience the high-quality and good air created by national products, Hisense Central Air Conditioning focuses on consumer concerns, actively explores diverse communication methods that can create resonance, and promotes continuous upgrading of brand value.

Good air conditioner, quality visible. Hisense Central Air Conditioning continued to launch the factory see activity in the first half of the year. Through multiple methods such as live broadcast in the factory, disassembly explanation, and inviting experts to visit the factory, consumers can witness the technological content and standardized process behind good air conditioners, as well as the quality of each component and the "991 difficult" test that needs to go through to the market, so that the quality of national products can be seen transparently.

In an era when the younger generation has become a new consumer force in the market, Hisense Central Air Conditioning is exploring ways to promote its brand in a way that suits the younger generation, such as continuously sponsoring the world’s top sports events such as the European Cup and the World Cup, as well as a variety of hardcore launches such as the title high-speed rail. It integrates elements such as sportsmanship, hard work, and Chinese speed with the strength of national products to release strong brand vitality and influence.

In the first half of the year, Hisense Central Air Conditioning also integrated the champion spirit with the national product spirit through the group’s "Olympic champion Chen Meng experiences a day of working people". In addition, around the hot summer graduate job season, Hisense central air conditioning also launched #new start in the workplace, new not cold field #topic interaction, spontaneous derivative topic #graduates because of a poster successful entry #, on the Weibo hot list, to create 1 billion topic reading, 32.10,000 interactive volume, workplace tips posters placed in 200 + cities across the country, 400 + high-speed rail sites, and synchronously launched video clock in, topic clock in and other prize online activities, through online and offline all-round linkage, mobilize young people to participate in enthusiasm, fully enhance brand exposure, but also let the brand influence in more people’s hearts.

 Adhere to green and low-carbon practices of responsibility, so that healthy air continues to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

In the "dual carbon" era, Hisense Central Air Conditioning has been actively practicing and pioneering dual carbon for a long time. It has always adhered to independent innovation and led the development of green energy-saving technologies, and continuously launched new energy-saving and environmental protection technology products to demonstrate its new national product responsibility.

Take it from nature and return it to nature. Hisense photovoltaic central air conditioning is specially designed to solve the problem of building energy consumption, allowing air conditioners to use light to generate electricity and become power transfer stations at the same time. Relying on photovoltaic direct drive technology, Hisense photovoltaic series has built a photovoltaic direct storage flexible frequency conversion central air conditioning system with self-developed technology, which directly reduces energy consumption by 8% compared with ordinary photovoltaic air conditioners, transforming air conditioners from large power consumers into distributed energy system transfer stations, ensuring the stability of air conditioning operation, and at the same time supplying electricity to other equipment in the building through photovoltaic power, improving energy efficiency and better responding to the low-carbon and energy-saving needs under the sustainable development proposition

In the "Fortune" China ESG Impact List released in the first half of the year, Hisense was selected for the second time for its performance in technology research and development, production and manufacturing, and supply chain partner selection. Hisense photovoltaic central air conditioning is recognized for its major technological innovation breakthroughs in the green field.

Green is the brand color of Hisense. In response to the national "double carbon" goal and the healthy China strategy, Hisense Central Air Conditioning also continues to carry out the "Healthy Nanshan Run" to make the concept of healthy life affect more people. And convert the running mileage into a variety of ways such as Haloxylon trees, to effectively be the guardian of green and low-carbon. On the "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought", Hisense Central Air Conditioning also joined hands with NPO Green Life Public Welfare Organization to go to Northwest China’s windproof sand-fixing life infra Dunhuang Yangguan Forest Farm in Gansu Province to start the "Carbon Green Silk Road" Hisense Desert Oasis Co-construction Action to help Dunhuang’s desertification control cause.

In addition, as a representative of national products, Hisense Central Air Conditioning has a wide range of public welfare eyes. Not long ago, Hisense Central Air Conditioning provided professional air solutions for the concert hall and scripture writing room of Dunhuang Mogao Art School by combining two sets of Hisense Hi-Multi M2 series central air conditioners and air duct machines with energy-saving, comfortable, healthy and environmentally friendly systems, helping to inherit and carry forward Dunhuang culture and art.

In addition, in response to the globalization development strategy of Hisense Home Appliances Group, Hisense Central Air Conditioning has also been paying attention to the layout of overseas markets for a long time. According to the announcement, during the reporting period, Hisense brand central air conditioners seized the opportunity in the European market and actively established an overseas marketing system. They achieved breakthroughs in large-scale high-end model projects in many countries and regions, and their own brand revenue increased by 42%. At the same time, the company launched multi-line and air source heat pumps with new refrigerants such as R32, and continuously improved the multi-line and heat pump product matrix. Heat pump export revenue increased by 106% year-on-year.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted from our website to provide readers with more news information. The content involved does not constitute investment or consumption advice and is for readers’ reference only.

Domestic action new STG game "Attack Humanoid: Original Body": Steam store 94% praise

The new domestic STG game "Strike the Humanoid: The Original Body" opened the early experience on Steam yesterday. At present, the overall evaluation of the game Steam game is particularly positive, and 94% of the reviews are positive as of press time.

Nomad Starry Sky

The game is currently on special pre-sale, with a 28% discount of only 18 yuan. The special offer lasts until September 23rd, and the game supports Simplified Chinese.

Game promotion video:

Game Introduction:

"Attack on Humanoid: The Original" is a retro-style arcade shooter with unique gameplay and a host of modern elements.

[Accumulate combos, sweep away thousands of troops]

Focusing on the combat system of combo accumulation. Accumulating combo points will upgrade the power of weapons, consume combo points to use powerful items, and deduct combo points accumulation after being hit by enemies without immediate death. Therefore, combo is experience, energy, and life.

[Switch weapons, defeat the enemy]

Unique weapon restraint system, using restrained weapons can destroy enemies with half the effort, and you must always decide which weapon to use to destroy which monster first.

[Search for relics, the stronger you fight]

Contains a large number of Rougelite elements, unlock and collect a large number of relic items, each relic will be combined to produce different effects. You can freely match various relic items to enter the game, so that you have stronger combat capabilities and more combat strategies and combat styles.

Other features:

Dynamic Difficulty: The dynamic difficulty blessed by the director system will automatically generate enemies at any time according to the player’s experience, so as to achieve a completely different experience every time you enter the game.

Monster Affix: Random combination of Elite monster affix system, making enemies richer and more cunning.

Weapon Collection: In addition to basic weapons, the arsenal also has a large number of special weapons with their own relics for you to try.

Lottery System: Every battle will get a coin lottery, try your luck!

Follow-up plan:

The game will be continuously updated after release, including:

More bosses: Fight with different styles and types of bosses.

More relics: Strange and varied relics.

More Weapons: More combinations of base and relic weapons.

More characters to choose from: Other characters with different attributes and combat styles.

More scene changes: New scenarios and scenarios with unique battlefield environments.

Purchase instructions:

As a special gameplay version of the traditional STG (Shooting Game) game, the overall process is similar to the infinite reincarnation of arcade machines in the 1980s, with high difficulty.

This game has a bullet comment element instead of a bullet comment STG, and players are not killed by one hit when they have a combo.

This special effect has the characteristics of flickering and discoloration, which may make light-sensitive players uncomfortable.

System requirements:

[Minimum configuration]

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

Operating system: Windows 7 or newer

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 (2 * 1866)

Memory: 2 GB RAM

Graphics Card: GeForce 7600 GS (512 MB)

DirectX Version: 10

Storage: Requires 1 GB of free space

[Recommended configuration]

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit

Processor: Intel i5 9400

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics card: GeForce GTX 970

DirectX Version: 11

Storage: Requires 1 GB of free space

Game screen:

Nomad Starry Sky

Nomad Starry Sky

Nomad Starry Sky