The police confirmed that it was indeed "Erkang" Zhou Jie who drove over the taxi

Feature: Zhou Jie caught in the "car door crash"

    Actor Zhou Jie. Infographic

    Yesterday, two injured passengers were waiting for treatment in the emergency room of Chaoyang Hospital. Photo by Wang Guibin, Beijing News

    A passerby inspects an unlicensed Mercedes-Benz at the scene of the incident. Photo by Wang Guibin, Beijing News

    At about 3:50 am yesterday, an unlicensed Mercedes-Benz collided with a taxi on Gaobeidian North Road (Chaoyang District, Beijing), injuring three people in the taxi. The reporter learned from Chaoyang Traffic Detachment today that the owner of the Mercedes-Benz was indeed Zhou Jie, an actor who played Erkang in "Huanzhu Gege". After the incident, Zhou Jie dialed 122 to call the police, but then left the scene. Yesterday afternoon, Zhou Jie had come to the traffic detachment to deal with the accident. At this time, an alcohol test was carried out, and the test result was zero.

Traffic control authorities told the media in the morning that the police received two consecutive calls at about 3.53am yesterday, from a witness and "the victim claiming to be surnamed Zhou". When police arrived at the scene, they found that the accident occurred near the entrance of the No. 115 bus stop. The taxi had been pushed overboard by the "Da Ben" and hit a telephone pole. The car body was squeezed and deformed. The owner of the "Da Ben" was not found at the scene. The taxi driver and two passengers were injured, one of whom was fractured.

    This morning, the police played a recording of the incident to reporters. In the recording, the owner, who gave his surname as Zhou, clearly reported the scene of the accident and the license plate number of the Mercedes-Benz. But the police at the scene found that the R-Class Mercedes-Benz had no number plates hanging from the front and rear. Later, the police found the number plate in the trunk.

    After investigation, the owner of the car was the actor Zhou Jie. After the police checked the vehicle file database, they contacted Zhou Jie with the alarm phone number and the vehicle registration phone number respectively. The person who answered the phone claimed to be Zhou’s friend. The "friend" told the police that he would notify Zhou Jie as soon as possible and go to the traffic team to deal with it. Soon, Chaoyang police searched Zhou Jie’s residence according to the address registered by the vehicle, but still found no trace of him.

    At 4 p.m. yesterday, Zhou Jie came to Chaoyang Traffic Detachment for treatment, and said, "After the accident, I felt uncomfortable, chest tightness, dizziness, and went to the hospital for examination and treatment."

    "He wasn’t drinking," Mr. Zhou said, referring to suspicions that the other party in the accident was driving under the influence. The police conducted a breath alcohol test at this time, and the result was zero.

    The traffic control department said in the morning that the accident needs to be handled by "normal procedures", and that the collection of evidence and the identification of the injuries of the wounded will take some time. The investigation is currently underway. The police said that whether Zhou Jie’s account of the accident was true also needs to continue to be investigated. But because he called the police at the scene and reported his license plate number, the "hit and run" theory is not valid. Now it can be determined that the car did not hang the number plate as required, and the police will punish it according to law. Reporter Enron

  Related links:

  • Beijing unlicensed Mercedes hit the taxi, the owner is said to be actor Zhou Jie 2009-06-03


The morning newspaper is super promising. Leung Ka-hui Koo Tianle will star in "Dragon Chasing 2" Wang Sicong is on fire eating hot dogs

Fresh information morning call is all in the morning newspaper


Good morning, melon-eating netizens! The November calendar has turned over, and there are only two or three days left before the New Year’s Eve. These days, Beijing has made people feel the cold of winter, so I have a girl to send warmth to the bosses. All the hot news in the movie industry that happened in the past 24 hours will be given to you!

Preview: Wang Jing will push "Dragon Chasing 2"? "Detective Conan: Zero’s Executor" China and Japan have the same lineup


According to "Hong Kong Film Bar" Weibo, Wang Jing is about to release the movie "Dragon Chasing 2", starring Leung Ka Fai and Koo Tianle, and posted a poster of the film in English. The poster clearly shows Leung Ka Fai and Koo Tianle as the two stars. Leung Ka Fai is wearing a suit and Koo Tianle is holding a gun. The two look serious and nervous. In front of them, there is an unknown figure tied to a chair and facing the picture. It can be said that it is very exciting~

At the beginning of this year, the poster and actor information of Wang Jing’s new film were exposed at the Hong Kong International Film and Television Festival. The film starred the four best actors Leung Ka Fai, Koo Tian Le, Lin Jiadong, and Ren Dahua. The English name of the film is "Master of Ransom", and the poster of "Chasing the Dragon 2" also shows the same English name. Therefore, if nothing else, "Chasing the Dragon 2" and "King of Thieves" are the same film~ SO, Wang Jing invited the four best actors to star in "Chasing the Dragon 2" this time, which is simply making things happen! It’s really hard not to attract attention~

Continue to pay attention to the new film information! The 22nd Conan theatrical version, which will be released nationwide this Friday, recently completed an unprecedented grand assembly of the lineup at the Beijing Station of "Five Cities and Ten Games". Director Tachikawa Rao, and the voice actors who acted as the Mandarin voice for the major stars attended the scene, and "Father of Conan Animation" Suwa Michihiko led the major producers to escort, and was shouted by fans: "The strongest lineup in the universe". As the most anticipated Japanese anime movie this year, the film previously grossed up to 9 billion yen in Japan, making it the highest-grossing theatrical anime in history~ Conan is stable this time!

Since the release of the Conan theatrical version 22 years ago, mainland audiences have rarely had the opportunity to walk into the theater to enjoy the Conan story on the big screen, so the reputation of the first wave of early adopters in the mainland is even more eye-catching~ Audiences have cried out after watching it: "When watching it, I was so excited that the whole process of groundhog screaming" "It turns out that watching Conan in the cinema is such a cool thing" "Devil-level handsomeness" "The long wait before the release is worth it" and other fancy confession movies, those of us who have not seen the movie are just jealous~

Box office trumpet Shu 10 days box office only exceeded 10 million, Wu Kequn: I lost!


Singer Wu Kequn’s self-directed and self-starred new film "Writing Poems for You" has been released for ten days, and the film has only accounted for 0.2% of the films. The cumulative box office has only exceeded 10 million, and the Douban score is 4.1. Compared with the (box office 379 million) and (box office 1.361 billion) that are also changed into movies through classic songs, Wu Kequn’s film can be said to be a double "hit the street" by word of mouth and box office.

Wu Kequn wrote on Weibo in the early morning of the 4th that "I have completely lost this battle". In fact, before the film started filming, Wu Kequn’s mother was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. He revealed to the Beijing News that he had thought about giving up filming "Writing Poems for You", but his mother’s encouragement made him insist on finishing the project. It’s just a pity that his mother didn’t see it on the day of the release. At the premiere, he specially left a seat for his mother, and "Writing Poems for You" is even more of a memorial to his mother. In short, no matter whether the movie is good or not, any girl will add oil to the filial Wu Kequn and give him a thumbs up!

The star thing Shu IG won the championship and Wang Sicong sent benefits! Xiao Yang accidentally hit the hot search


In the past few days, the fat circle of friends who have material girls has been swiped by IG to win the championship. League of Legends S8 season IG3:0 swept FNC, and the whole people are congratulating on the exciting moment! The first world championship, everyone is quite excited, this excitement doesn’t matter, Xiao Yang was sent to the hot search, and the response of the deity is simply confused! The thing is like this: Rookie of the IG team looks too much like the singer Xiao Yang!! netizens ridiculed the two for bumping faces and caused "Congratulations Xiao Yang" to reach the top of the hot search. Emmmm~ It really looks like a brother who has been lost for many years!

In addition to the fans who were very happy to win the championship, the happiest person was the boss Wang Sicong. After the game, the national husband sent Weibo to solicit what everyone wanted, and the lucky ones would be selected! Some netizens ridiculed: "Hot dogs?" Wang Sicong replied: "You are poisonous, blocked"

Movie Calendar | Yang Zi was born

(The specific broadcast content is subject to TV)

Want to get more fresh movie information, one-hand love beans, exclusive live video, don’t hurry to download CCTV6 movie channel app, there are materials waiting for you to make an appointment!

The final of the 20th "Google Cup" Student Entrepreneurship Competition of Shanghai Jiaotong University was held.

On the evening of December 19th, the final of the 20th "Google Cup" Student Entrepreneurship Competition of Shanghai Jiaotong University was held at the Global Roadshow Center of the School of Media and Communication. Wang Weiming, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president, Zhou Hongxing, deputy director of the Student Affairs Center of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and Zhu Aimin, manager of the Education Cooperation Department of Google (China), attended the finals. More than 30 well-known venture capitalists, entrepreneurial tutors, venture capital tutors and entrepreneurial education scholars served as the final judges.


Zhao Xu, Executive Vice President of Entrepreneurship College, Du Jinning, Vice President of Entrepreneurship College and General Manager of University Science Park, Chen Jiangping, Director of Student Innovation Center, Wang Liwei, Vice President of School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Li Jinxiang, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Xu Yibin, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Antai school of economics and management, Wu Chao, Head of Student Work of Design College, Zhang Zhigang, General Manager of Zero Bay Venture Capital Co., Ltd., Li Hourui, Deputy Director of News Center of Party Committee Propaganda Department, and other nearly 300 teachers and students watched the final.


Zhu Aimin first delivered a speech for the contest finals on behalf of Google. He reviewed the good cooperative relationship and history between Jiaotong University and Google in the past ten years, and spoke highly of the outstanding achievements made by Jiaotong University in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship education. He said that under the background of signing a cooperation agreement between Shanghai Jiaotong University and Google, Google will continue to support Jiaotong University to carry out innovation and entrepreneurship competition in the future and continue to explore and broaden the cooperation areas of innovation and entrepreneurship education.




Subsequently, seven projects that participated in the final public welfare special competition, practice special competition and business plan competition appeared in turn, bringing wonderful roadshows to the audience. After fierce roadshow competition, in the voting session, more than 30 judges voted through the online voting system to select the final ranking.






In the end, the project of "Research and development of fundus camera for screening and diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy" in the School of Design won the gold medal and the best popularity award in the Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, and the project of "ALWhales intelligent whale control system: the leader of micro-industrial wisdom and things" in the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering won the gold medal in the practical special competition, and Antai school of economics and management’s "Sublimation: the solution of asymmetric information for students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to enter mainland universities" won the best public welfare award in the public welfare special competition. Wang Weiming, Zhou Hongxing, Zhu Aimin, the leaders of the organizing committee, departments and departments and the leaders of the final team presented awards for the winning projects.


During the finals, the unveiling ceremony of the first batch of departments of Shanghai Jiaotong University, "Huigu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Studio", was held. Combined with the organization, mobilization and previous accumulation of this Google Cup Business Plan Competition, the first batch of department studios were established in the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, and the School of Materials Science and Engineering. Relying on the studio, the Entrepreneurship College, the University Science Park, the Student Innovation Center, the Youth League Committee and relevant departments will carry out all-round cooperation in the fields of personnel training, Industry-University-Research platform construction, project joint declaration, etc., and build the studio into an important platform for students’ innovation and entrepreneurship practice, project and team incubation, school-enterprise cooperation and promoting the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.


Wang Weiming made a concluding speech for the contest. He congratulated the winning team and thanked Google for its strong support and the hard work of the final judges and counseling experts. He pointed out that although there are winners and losers in the competition, the experience, thinking and growth gained by the participating students in the competition are the most precious wealth. I hope that students can cultivate innovative spirit and entrepreneurial thinking through the business plan competition. He pointed out that the school attaches great importance to innovation and entrepreneurship education. Since 1999, the first business plan competition has been held. In the past 20 years, the business plan competition has become the "top competition" for campus entrepreneurship. He emphasized that the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents is the global trend in the future. I hope that as a "powerful generation", Jiaotong University students will inherit the blood tradition of innovation and entrepreneurship in Jiaotong University and use it to build dreams. The school will also promote innovation and entrepreneurship education with greater determination and courage. Support more Jiaotong University students to fly their dreams of innovation and entrepreneurship. 

In order to implement the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges and Universities (Guo Ban Fa [2015] No.36), thoroughly implement the entrepreneurship training plan for college students, expand the coverage of entrepreneurship education, and promote the cultivation and transformation of entrepreneurship projects, the Entrepreneurship College, the Academic Committee (Youth League Committee), the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, the Graduate School, the Academic Affairs Office, the Student Innovation Center, the National University Science Park, and No.0 Bay formed an organizing committee on. Since the launch of the contest, 76 projects from 19 departments have signed up for the competition. After the preliminary examination, semi-finals and semi-finals, seven teams have finally entered the finals.

Attachment: List of winners of the 20th "Google Cup" Student Entrepreneurship Competition of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

(1) Business Plan Competition

Gold medal:

Development of fundus camera for screening and diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy (design)

Silver award:

Thermal Prophet: High-precision heat treatment process design software (material)

Energy-efficient deicing inspection robot for power grid (mobile)

Bronze award:

Intelligent driving wizard-data-driven vehicle driving APP (ship building)

I am a big coffee (Institute of Electric Power)

Scheme: Event Planning and Management Solution (Michigan)

Turning waste into treasure-a new technology for agricultural waste treatment (agricultural students)

SJTU-Walker multifunctional unmanned platform (low-carbon in China and Britain)

(2) Practice events

Gold medal:

ALWhales intelligent whale control system: the leader of micro-industrial intelligent IOT (Electric Power Institute)

Silver award:

RUNOX (Dianyuan)

Bronze award:

MBR Membrane Tank: Individualized Sewage Treatment Plant (Health Department)

Chance & Better (Electric Power Institute)

(3) Public welfare special events

Best public welfare award:

Sublimation: A Solution to the Information Asymmetry of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Students Going to Mainland Universities (Antai)

Public welfare innovation award:

SteamCaster- Science and Technology Education Development for Primary and Secondary School Students (Dianyuan)

University "Pills": a mental health service platform represented by college students (materials)

Furry love: finding a permanent home for stray animals (biomedical workers)

(4) winning prize

Magic Violin magic clothes (Antai)

Evaluation and application of intelligent logistics system based on unitized recycling box (mobile)

Preparation of chip-level crystalline silicon based on original silane method (chemical industry)

Liqing-One-stop solution for urban solid waste rejuvenation (agricultural students)

MN microneedle technology-the change of the use of skin care products (agricultural students)

Small household multifunctional greenhouse (agricultural) based on photovoltaic sunshade net

Bookstore Planet Alliance (Wenchuang College)

"joji Intersection" Cultural Creativity (Design)

Zero Loss High Performance HTS Cable (Physics)

Turning waste into treasure: environmental enzymes save the earth (medical college)

The 27th Huading Awards Nominations Announced, Hu Ge Jackson Yee for Best Actor

1905 movie network news On June 11, the 27th Huading Awards announced the list of 12 awards nominated by the "China Film Satisfaction Survey". Five films of different genres and themes were shortlisted for Best Film. Directors such as Chen Kaige, Guo Fan, and Dumpling (Yang Yu) were nominated for Best Director. Wang Jingchun, Hu Ge, Xiao Yang, Shen Teng, and Jackson Yee competed for Best Actor. Wing Mei, Zhou Dongyu, Yao Chen, Ren Suxi, and Liu Yan competed for Best Actress.

2019 domestic film creation harvest

None of the shortlisted films is dominant


2019 was a bumper year for the creation of domestic films. Chinese filmmakers made breakthroughs in various genres and themes such as science fiction, animation, main theme, literature and art, youth and suspense, and also won the praise of the audience and the favor of the market. This made the nomination competition for this year’s Huading Awards particularly intense. There was no one-to-one situation where one or two films won multiple nominations, but the nominations for various awards were more evenly divided by popular films such as "Wandering Earth", "Nezha’s Devil Child", "My Motherland and Me", "Young You", and "The Wild Goose Lake".


Judging from the specific nominations of various awards, "Young You" has been nominated for seven awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor, making it the film with the largest number of nominations at this year’s Huading Awards.


"The Devil’s Child of Nezha", "Forever", "Half Comedy" were nominated for five awards, "The Wandering Earth", "The Wild Goose Lake" received four nominations each, and "My Motherland" received two nominations. These films are all strong contenders for the important awards of this year’s Huading Awards.


It is worth mentioning that the domestic science fiction blockbuster "Wandering Earth" won four nominations for best film, best director, best screenplay and best song, which earned 4.686 billion yuan at the box office during the Spring Festival last year and is a landmark film in the history of Chinese science fiction films. It is the first domestic science fiction film to be nominated since the establishment of the Huading Awards.


The domestic animated blockbuster "The Devil’s Child of Nezha" won five awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Emerging Director and Best Song, setting a record for a domestic animated film to be nominated for an important film award. This fully reflects that the Huading Awards are based on the results of the "Audience Satisfaction Survey" as the core evaluation criterion, and are not limited to the genre and theme of the film.


Idol stars and powerful actors

The competition for the best actor is quite suspenseful


In the past, idol traffic stars were often considered by the audience to have no acting skills, but the five actors Wang Jingchun, Hu Ge, Xiao Yang, Shen Teng and Jackson Yee who were nominated for the best actor in this year’s Huading Awards have an interesting pattern of idol stars and powerful actors. They have performed very well in their respective shortlisted works, making the competition for the best actor in this year’s Huading Awards quite suspenseful.


In the camp of powerful actors, Wang Jingchun was nominated for "Long Live". His simple and natural performance in the film not only moved thousands of viewers, but also moved the judges. He won the Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival last year and the Best Actor at the Golden Rooster Award. This time, he is also a popular candidate for the Best Actor at the Huading Award;

Shen Teng’s performance in China is very easy, although there is no big breakthrough, but this "man who grows on the joke point" is all about drama, and can be called the most acting comedy star in China at present; Xiao Yang changed his former comedy screen image in "Manslaughter", vividly portraying a tough father who competed with the police, which is impressive.


In the idol star camp, Hu Ge was shortlisted for the literary film "The Wild Goose Lake" directed by Diao Yinan. As an idol star, Hu Ge has been working hard to transform into a powerful actor over the years. In 2015, his wonderful performance as Mei Changsu in the TV series "Langya Ranking" has enabled him to successfully prove his acting skills on the screen. "The Wild Goose Lake" is an important work for him to achieve transformation on the big screen. In the film, he has no idol baggage at all. He successfully played an unshaven and desperate fugitive, winning praise from the majority of movie fans.


The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Jackson Yee, who won two nominations for this year’s Huading Awards for "Young You", was a big surprise in the Chinese film industry last year. He debuted as a member of the teenage idol group Tfboys at the age of 13, and is now a top idol traffic star in the Chinese entertainment industry. No one expected him to have such an excellent and mature performance in his big screen debut "Young You". This time, he was shortlisted for the Huading Awards for Best Actor and Best New Actor, which is the greatest affirmation of his acting skills by the audience.


Zhou Dongyu Yongmei won the award

It is not easy to win the Best Actress Award


The competition for the best actress of this year’s Huading Awards is also quite intense. The five actresses nominated, Wing Mei, Zhou Dongyu, Yao Chen, Ren Suxi and Liu Yan, are some recognized as powerful stars, some are late bloomers, some are popular little flowers that combine Reiki and luck, and some have performed very well in the shortlisted works.


Wing Mei, 50, is a late bloomer. She is not a professional. She entered the film and television industry by chance in the 1990s, and has participated in many TV dramas over the years, but she has been lukewarm. Last year, she starred in the literary film "Long Live" directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, and Yiming was amazing in the Chinese film industry. She won the Berlin Film Festival and the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress, and won the award softly. It is reasonable to be shortlisted for the Huading Award for Best Actress this time, but it is not easy to win the award, because her competitors are also strong.


Zhou Dongyu, 28, is one of Wing Mei’s biggest competitors in this year’s Huading Awards. Although Zhou Dongyu is more than 20 years younger than Wing Mei, she has grown into the most popular flower in the Chinese film industry over the years with her wonderful performances in many films. The growth and maturity of her acting skills are obvious to all. This time, she played the girl Chen Nian in "Young You", and the character of the character is cold on the outside and hot on the inside is just right. The performance is very explosive. She just won the Best Actress Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards, and the call for Best Actress at the Huading Award is also very high.


In addition, Yao Chen has also performed well as always in the films he produced and starred in; Ren Suxi’s performance in the comedy "Half Comedy" is no less than her famous work. Liu Yan, who was previously regarded by many audiences as a "vase", has also played an unexpected role in the shortlisted films this time, and has well created the image of an online female live streaming host.


Newcomers to Chinese movies emerge in large numbers

Best Director Young and Middle-aged Director


The director is the soul of a film. Over the years, a large number of new directors in the Chinese film industry have emerged. They not only often make amazing appearances in the domestic film market, but also break movie box office records accidentally. They have also become a new force that cannot be ignored in major film festival awards at home and abroad. They are the hope for the future of Chinese film.


Looking at the shortlist for the best director of this year’s Huading Awards, only Chen Kaige was nominated for "My Motherland and Me" among the older generation of directors, and the others were all young and middle-aged directors. Many of these directors did not have a professional background as directors, but they loved and even were obsessed with movies. The starting point of the director’s career was often very high, and each one was more fierce than the other.


Xu Zheng, Ning Hao and Wen Muye, who were also shortlisted for "My Motherland and Me", needless to say, among the other four directors, Dumpling (Yang Yu), who studied medicine, made his first animated feature film "Nezha’s Devil Child". With the careful adaptation of Chinese myths and the high standard of production, he won 5.013 billion yuan in the box office last summer, setting a new box office record for Chinese animated films. Dumpling became a popular candidate for the best director of this year’s Huading Awards.


The young director Guo Fan has been working in the film industry for many years, and spent three years directing the sci-fi blockbuster "The Wandering Earth", which was very popular during the Spring Festival last year. Whether it is film quality or box office, it can be said to have ushered in a new era of Chinese sci-fi movies.


Zeng Guoxiang and Diao Yinan are also among the top contenders for best director at this year’s Huading Awards. Zeng Guoxiang’s "Young You" focuses on the phenomenon of school bullying, with a tortuous plot and vivid characters. After its release, it has a good reputation and box office. Recently, it won 8 awards at the Hong Kong Film Awards. Diao Yinan’s "The Wild Goose Lake" nominated for the Huading Award has been shortlisted for the main competition of the Cannes Film Festival. After its release in December last year, it has good reputation and box office.


Therefore, the intensity of the competition for the best director of this year’s Huading Awards is more intense than in previous years, and the situation of young and middle-aged directors playing the leading role shows the vitality of the new Chinese film directors.

Sunrise in the East, How to Win – Exploring China’s Confidence from Northern County-level Towns

  No longer stuck in big cities, the trend seems to be turning to the county.

  After a batch of 100 billion county towns such as Kunshan in Jiangsu and Yiwu in Zhejiang shone economically, the tourist army, music festivals, cafes, and resorts have flooded into the county, and even the sports Super League is sinking to the fourth and fifth tier cities.

  The era of the county is approaching.

  When the spotlight shines on the strong counties in the south and Midwest, in addition to the beams of light, there are also some tough and atmospheric northern county cities that are also writing legends.

  In these small cities, which are as tough as Mongolian horses, we may have a better glimpse of China’s resilience and confidence.

  Dongsheng, as a city with a "long story", deserves to be seen.

  Coming to the main urban area of Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, you can somewhat detect her "unusual"; only 40 kilometers away from the desert, but there is the largest aquarium in the northwest; the population is less than 600,000, but there are 146 bars and 439 barbecue restaurants; one county-level city, well-dressed, confident and calm young people can be seen everywhere.

  These conflicting and harmonious elements are mixed together to form a mysterious small city atmosphere: both local and foreign; both real-world friends society, and high administrative efficiency; the left hand has mines, and the right hand is sophisticated.

  Over the years, with a combination of internal training and external training, she has become a frequent visitor to the top of the economic list, and has also gained a kind of Dongsheng experience.

  It is a miniature model of Chinese-style confidence and a new green where Chinese-style resilience is rooted in the earth.

  As a rising emerging city, reading China’s confidence might as well turn to Dongsheng.

  The young man is back.

  Sometimes, Dongsheng Neng and Beijing, Shanghai PK.

  "If I don’t leave, the headquarters will be located in Dongsheng." Wang Haochen, 28, the owner of Chunli Restaurant, a "phenomenon" restaurant in Beijing, left Beijing two years ago due to the pandemic and planned to return to his hometown Dongsheng for a break before returning to Beijing and Shanghai. But in the two years since he returned, he has opened seven barbecue restaurants "with his hands."

  Compared to when he left that year, "Dongsheng is more foreign, and there are more young people."

  According to statistics, since 2005, the population of Dongsheng District has risen year by year, reaching a peak in 2014 654,000 after a sudden stop, turned around and fell to 570,000 in 2015. 1 years, more than 80,000 people left.

  But Wang Haochen found that more and more young people were coming back from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

  Gao Liang’s clinic, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, was located in a small courtyard called "Ordofu" Lane. There was an old tree in the courtyard that was lush. "At night, you set up a tea table under the tree, drink tea and watch the stars."

  Although he has a house and business in Beijing, Gao Liang came back, first because his father was elderly; second, he was "optimistic about Dongsheng".

  According to the latest data, the permanent population of Dongsheng District 580,800 at the end of 2022, an increase of 4,500 over the end of the previous year.

  If you search on Baidu: Why do we love the county seat? The reasons given by netizens generally boil down to: quiet and comfortable, low cost of living, human touch, historical heritage, beautiful natural environment, slow pace, and close to home.

  In this regard, Dongsheng can be said to have firmly grasped it.

  Travel – Dongsheng has a population of 580,000, more than 200,000 small cars, less than three people own a car, and people can often travel within a half-hour drive.

  Housing prices – According to Anjuke monitoring, the average price of new houses in May this year was 7,186 yuan/square meter. Compared with big cities, the pressure to buy houses has dropped sharply, and 1/4 of the monthly income of ordinary white-collar workers can almost provide a set of two bedrooms and one living room.

  Income – In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Dongsheng District was 55,863 yuan. This level is ranked fourth among 31 provinces in the country, second only to Shanghai, Beijing and Zhejiang.

  Consumption – Dongsheng has 146 bars and 439 barbecue restaurants 600,000 less populated.

  Whenever the night is low, the streets and alleys are full of traffic, the lights are bright, and the restaurants of different sizes are like money detectors, swallowing waves of diners.

  Since 2022, Dongsheng has invested a total of 213 million yuan, focusing on building 8 Internet celebrity characteristic commercial blocks.

  "Jiajia Qingchuang 1980 Old Street" is currently the hottest Internet celebrity plot. After renovation, this original shantytown has been praised by young people as "having the taste of Sanlitun, Beijing".

  "The government has played a key role." Shang Xiaowei, the founder of the project, revealed that the shantytown reform area covers an area of 13,000 square meters, which is originally a "hot potato" that cannot be dismantled or dismantled. In 2022, the government will take the lead in strengthening and renovating the 102 sets of shantytown-converted bungalows here through market-oriented operation and leasing them out as a whole.

  This is the wisdom of city governors. Between activating urban plates and transforming old urban areas, Dongsheng governors take a more open stance.

  New urban spaces are constantly being released, attracting new entrepreneurs like a sponge.

  The alley "Erduofu" is also a recent Internet celebrity neighborhood. Jia Qing, the project owner, said that this alley is located in the old city, which was originally dilapidated and full of dilapidated houses. In 2022, the government funded the renovation of hydropower roads and introduced market-oriented operations to revitalize. Currently, it has built traditional Chinese medicine centers, homestays, snack bars and other characteristic courtyards.

  The map of the core business district is also quietly changing.

  A second Wanda Plaza in Dongsheng is under construction and is expected to be topped out by the end of the year. A county-level city has two Wanda buildings at the same time, which is almost unparalleled in the north.

  According to the Dongsheng District government department, the project was finalized as early as the end of 2022, at the end of the epidemic, the domestic economic outlook is unknown, whether it is official or private, the public opinion is generally not optimistic.

  In the generally bearish atmosphere of the economy, Wanda bucked the trend and chose to go to the next city in the county-level city, which shows that it is absolutely optimistic about the Dongsheng market and the "buy buy buy" of Dongsheng people.

  "From the start of the project preparation, the Dongsheng district government set up a special class, and the main leader of the district served as the team leader to help us move forward with the project. The business department is dispatching the progress every week to help us solve the difficulties," said Wang Lijun, project owner of the second phase of Wanda Plaza in Ordos.

  "To attract projects and retain talents, the most important thing is to improve the quality of the city." Han Tao, head of Dongsheng District, introduced that in recent years, Dongsheng has accelerated the promotion of new urbanization with people as the core and focused on developing the living service industry.

  Innovative consumption scenarios and new business models drive consumption growth. Under a series of innovative measures by the local government, Dongsheng’s economic vitality is full of tension.

  From the consumption point of view, in the first quarter of this year, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in Dongsheng District reached 5.769 billion yuan, an increase of 6.7% year-on-year, ranking first in Ordos. According to the type of consumption, the retail sales of goods 5.139 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5% year-on-year; catering income 630 million yuan, an increase of 17.7% year-on-year.

  In terms of investment, fixed asset investment in Dongsheng District increased by 29.9% year-on-year in the first quarter. Among them, investment in the tertiary industry increased by 97.4% year-on-year, accounting for 73.4% of the total investment. In terms of breakdown, investment in real estate development increased by 151.4% year-on-year, investment in the social sector increased by 59.8% year-on-year, and private investment increased by 4.3% year-on-year, accounting for 60% of all investment.

  On March 27, Jiao Yun, a citizen, came to the Dongsheng District Government Service Center to apply for a self-employed business license. So far, the number of market entities in Dongsheng District has exceeded 100,000 households.

  Among them, there are 34,921 enterprises and 65,083 individual industrial and commercial households, accounting for 34.15% of the total market in Ordos City, becoming the first county-level city in Inner Mongolia with 100,000 surviving market entities.

  Compared with 2013, the number of market players in Dongsheng District has increased sixfold in the past 10 years.

  "This is the result of a comprehensive factor-oriented approach. There is room for expansion, in-place decentralization and management services, and optimization of the business environment. In short, the operators are optimistic about the government and the market." Wang Chenyu, deputy director of the Dongsheng District Government Service Bureau, believes.

  Han Tao, the head of Dongsheng District, told this story. "A commercial complex in the south came to Dongsheng for inspection and found a phenomenon. According to business rules and calculations, there are no more than 10 jewelry counters on the first floor of their shopping mall. In Dongsheng, there are 17. They said that this shows that your spending power is very strong."

  According to data, in 2022, the retail sales of gold, silver and jewelry in Dongsheng units above designated size will increase by 25.3%.

  In addition, in 2022, the per capita consumption expenditure of residents across the country was 24,538 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.2%. The per capita consumption expenditure of urban permanent residents in Dongsheng District was 36,648 yuan, an increase of 0.2% year-on-year.

  In 2021, the national figure was 24,100 yuan and an increase of 12.6%, while Dongsheng was 36,575 yuan and an increase of 15.6%.

  Even under the influence of the epidemic, Dongsheng still maintained a stable and good spending power and willingness, becoming one of the few "growing" cities in Inner Mongolia at that time.

  Holding on to the strong wind, stabilizing its footing, and having its own climate, how can a small county-level town do it?

  This spring, a well-known retired veteran journalist in China visited Dongsheng. When he came to the Ordos Wildlife Park, he looked at the aquarium in the vast background unique to the northwest, and was "greatly shocked".

  On his personal social media account, he wrote, "Even being on the edge of a desert drought can’t stop the people of Dongsheng from yearning for the ocean."

  Understanding Dongsheng, Safari Park is a good perspective.

  In July 2012, Ordos Wildlife Park officially opened, from making ends meet to transforming into enterprises and turning losses into profits, from annual visitors 300,000 to the first scenic spot in Inner Mongolia with a single annual number of tourists exceeding one million, to the introduction of the first pair of giant pandas in the northwest, and the construction of the country’s largest animal viewing area and the Ordos Aquarium with the "largest scale, largest number and most complete categories in the northwest". Stories like "counterattack" are not uncommon in Dongsheng.

  Building an aquarium in the sand sea, from a cashmere sweater factory to a world-class cashmere town, perhaps it is with such wild romantic courage and decisive action that Dongsheng can accomplish many things that are almost "fantasy".

  On a bright spring day, with the Anji wheel full of more than 70,000 tons of Indonesian coal docked at Caofeidian Port, the import coal business of Dongsheng private enterprise Xinhe Resources set a number of firsts in its own history, such as the first time signing contracts with overseas suppliers in its own name, and applying for import licenses in the Ministry of Commerce in its own name for the first time. This also marks that Xinhe Resources imported coal purchases in the first quarter officially exceeded 1 million tons.

  Just four years ago, Xinhe Resources and its legal entity, Chen Bo, nearly went bankrupt.

  From the small boss of the Internet cafe to the coal boss with a net worth of over 100 million, Chen Bo has been immersed in the coal logistics industry for more than 20 years.

  Fortunately, until now, the company has finally embarked on the right track of steady growth, becoming "the largest one in Inner Mongolia in the coal logistics industry without coal mines", with sales revenue reaching 21.80 billion yuan in 2022.

  "Confidence is more expensive than gold, and I am the most typical kind of person. No matter what time, I always think that I can do it, and I will definitely be able to do it."

  "One thought, two efforts, three perseverance, equal to success", this is Chen Bo’s life creed. In fact, this is also a certain portrayal of Dongsheng’s spirit.

  "Double-digit" increases in urban vitality

  Over the years, Dongsheng has frequently appeared on the major strength rankings, and has continued to advance in a calm manner.

  In 2022, it will rank 18th in the "Top 100 Areas in Western China", 25th in the "Top 100 National Investment Potential Areas", and 45th in the "Top 100 National Comprehensive Strength Areas".

  Recently, the "China Municipal District High-Quality Development Report 2023" was released, ranking Dongsheng 56th among the top 100 high-quality development districts in 2023 (prefecture-level city districts), an increase of three places from 2022.

  When more and more young people return from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, when the streets of teahouses and wine shops are full of fireworks, and when more invisible champions appear here, this small northern city deserves a good look.

  What is Dongsheng, we must go back to the depths of time to find the answer. Through those ups and downs of the past, we can clarify the thrilling history of a little-known northern town in the annals of China’s economic history.

  In the early days of the founding of New China, our country’s agriculture accounted for a relatively high proportion, and its industry and service industry were relatively weak. Dongsheng, located in the northwest corner, is located at the highest point of the Ordos Plateau, with poor soil and droughts for ten years.

  Statistics record that in 1962, the GDP of Dongsheng region was only 6.75 million yuan.

  After the reform and opening up, a number of private enterprises have been enjoying the spring breeze, growing and rising, opening a new chapter in the region’s rapid development.

  As is known to all, Ordos first became prosperous because of coal, but that was a later story.

  In 1979, in Dongsheng, a company called Ikzhaomeng cashmere sweater factory imported technology, equipment and management from Japan by way of compensation trade, and deducted the price of equipment with product discounts.

  This is the first foreign investment project in Inner Mongolia.

  In an era when people were still talking about whether a company should have a "public" or a "private" surname, Dongsheng has begun to explore the introduction of foreign capital, becoming the starting point of Inner Mongolia’s exploration of reform and opening up.

  In 1991, the proportion of Dongsheng’s three industries was 5.7:69.6:24.7; by 2005, the regional GDP exceeded the 10 billion mark and achieved 13.60 billion yuan.

  In the midst of China’s urbanization wave, Dongsheng directly skipped the confusion and loneliness of ordinary small counties and confronted the sudden wealth and opportunities.

  First, in the late 20th century, the Ordos Group, with its large-scale production lines, high-density manpower, and entire industrial chain, promoted the development of local commerce, transportation, and manufacturing, and laid the foundation for the industrialization of Dongsheng and the socialization of consumer services.

  Then in the 21st century, the entire Ordos rapidly rose due to coal resources, and the per capita GDP once surpassed that of Hong Kong. As the political, economic, cultural and educational, population and transportation center at that time, Dongsheng once became a hot spot for coal mining and selling and real estate bursting.

  At that time, restlessness and composure intertwined, gambling and rationality coexisted, and two sides of the coin appeared in this land.

  On the one hand, a group of powerful private energy groups such as Yitai and Ordos Group began to emerge, writing down the entrepreneurial genes of bravery and tenacity in the city; Dongsheng’s rulers tried their best to avoid the "resource curse", taking advantage of the high coal price to lay out the manufacturing industry, and introduced automobile and precision manufacturing industries in large quantities, laying the foundation for Dongsheng’s industrial scale and quality. Since then, business and the development of manufacturing have become topics that Dongsheng cannot avoid.

  On the other hand, the concentration of wealth, the surge of hot money, and the soaring consumption and purchasing power of local residents have brought large-scale urban construction and renewal to Dongsheng, shaping the urban framework, and the modern service industry has flourished rapidly.

  Around 2016, Dongsheng GDP fell from 94.27 billion yuan to 69.18 billion yuan, equivalent to 2010.

  The big waves wash the sand, the glitz dissipates, and the loss and gain of Dongsheng develop in time.

  The Dongsheng people who have settled down reflect on the past, think about the future, and start the "third business" with a smile.

  Spotting opportunities is important, but seizing them is even more important.

  Throughout the history of Dongsheng’s development, at many important junctures, Dongsheng has been able to seize opportunities and take the lead.

  Taking the manufacturing industry as an example, in the early stage of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", Dongsheng, which was making rapid progress in the industrial boom led by large coal and large coal power, took a long-term view and put forward the idea of transformation and development earlier in Inner Mongolia, and decided to plan and build a non-coal industrial base.

  After more than a decade, the Ordos Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, which is based on five industrial chains of automobile and parts manufacturing, energy equipment manufacturing, electronic product manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, and new materials, has become a bridgehead for Dongsheng’s emerging industries. Equipment manufacturing accounts for 31% of industrial output value, and the main economic indicators of the park rank among the top in Ordos Industrial Park.

  According to the Federation of Passengers, Chery’s wholesale volume reached 118,548 vehicles in April this year, an increase of 120.4% year-on-year. It ranked third in the entire ranking, after BYD and FAW-Volkswagen.

  In the context of the downturn in the domestic auto market, Chery’s countertrend is due to Dongsheng. Among Chery’s 9 production bases, Chery Ordos is the most large-scale base.

  In other factories, ZTE Special Auto, Zhuzhou Times Windmill Blade, BOE, etc. are all industry leaders and invisible champions.

  With Chery’s new energy vehicles, CRRC Group wind turbines, BOE electronic display screens and other early projects established a solid foundation, in recent years, under the pace of building a world-class new energy industry in Ordos, Dongsheng has accelerated the introduction of a number of upstream and downstream supporting extended chain, supplementary chain, strong chain projects, and successively introduced a number of key new energy projects such as Lanhe Intelligent and JA Photovoltaic Industry Chain Project.

  Therefore, in Dongsheng, the new energy heavy truck industry chain, the wind industry chain, and the energy storage industry chain continue to grow and expand, showing a trend of integration, promoting the development of industrial clusters.

  "The electronic display devices, complete vehicles, and key auto parts of the equipment manufacturing industrial park initially constitute the foreign trade framework of the Ordos High-tech Zone." *******, director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ordos High-tech Zone, introduced that in 2022, the High-tech Zone will produce 87.05 million electronic display screens, 98,556 passenger cars, and 2,755 special vehicles. The products are mainly sold to Iran, Brazil, Belarus, Mongolia, South Korea and other countries. Among them, Yuansheng Optoelectronics’s total import and export volume exceeded 700 million US dollars last year, and the total import and export volume ranked first in Ordos.

  Emerging industries are on the rise, and traditional industries are also constantly being reborn.

  After more than a decade of technological research, Ordos Group has recently overcome the problems of uneven dyeing, rough finished products, and fading in washing when applying the "sky dyeing" process to cashmere products, becoming the only company in the industry to achieve batch application of the "sky dyeing" process on cashmere products.

  "Sky dye" has a history of thousands of years in our country. With the rise of the chemical industry, it has faded out of the mainstream for 150 years. "At present, natural material cashmere products have been industrialized in our brand ‘1980 ‘, and the chromatographic range of natural dye cashmere products will be further expanded in the future," said Jin Yongle, manager of the new product research department of the technology center of Ordos Resources joint stock company.

  In 2022, the R & D investment of Ordos Group exceeded 100 million yuan, accounting for 4% of sales revenue. In addition, the "China 500 Most Valuable Brands" was released in 2022, and the Ordos brand ranked first in the textile and garment industry for 16 consecutive years, ranking 51st with a brand value of 150.675 billion yuan.

  The cashmere industry is Dongsheng’s characteristic industry. The cashmere production accounts for 14% of the country and 10% of the world. The famous Ordos brand "Warm the World" is in Dongsheng. In 2022, Ordos was awarded the title of "China’s Velvet Capital". To some extent, the core of Velvet is Dongsheng.

  From July 21 to 23, the "6th China (Ordos) International Cashmere and Wool Exhibition" will be held in Dongsheng. According to the organizers, this exhibition will further expand international cooperation and comprehensively demonstrate the strength of Ordos to build a world-class cashmere industry.

  "We have industry leaders like BOE, Chery, JA Technology and CRRC, as well as companies with great development potential and good market prospects like Longtong Carbon Fiber, Shanhe Juding Intelligent Manufacturing, Yingfeng Automobile, Jiuke Environmental Protection, ZTE Special Auto, Ruilong Automotive Power, etc. At the same time, we also attach great importance to project reserves. Focusing on leading industries, we have currently reserved more than 100 projects, laying a solid foundation for the next development." Han Tao said.

  Data show that in 2022, Dongsheng signed 107 projects, the total investment of the agreement was 179.50 billion yuan, 258 key projects were implemented, and the investment was 11.70 billion yuan. The five industrial chains of automobile and parts manufacturing, energy equipment manufacturing, electronic product manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection and new materials were basically formed, and the annual output value exceeded 20 billion yuan.

  In 2023, Dongsheng District will attract investment as a "first-in-command" project, continue to fight for projects and investment, and focus on precision. Recently, the "Dongsheng District Investment Promotion Three-Year (2023-2025) Action Plan" was issued, which clarified the development direction of the key industrial chain, key investment areas, and what industries to recruit? Where to recruit? With the action plan, investment promotion personnel can follow the map, quickly determine the target enterprises, and achieve accurate investment, and also allow enterprises to settle in Dongsheng District. The prospects are clear at a glance.

  According to the latest statistics, from January to April, there were 221 statistical fixed asset investment projects in Dongsheng District, and the investment amount increased by 47.9% year-on-year. Among them, the investment in the secondary industry increased by 23.2% year-on-year, accounting for 39% of the total investment amount; the investment in the tertiary industry increased by 70.9% year-on-year, accounting for 61% of the total investment amount.

  In particular, industrial investment has a significant role in driving, with investment in manufacturing growing at a high speed. From January to April, industrial investment increased by 17.5% year-on-year, accounting for 40.3% of fixed asset investment. Among them, investment in manufacturing increased by 134.6% year-on-year, accounting for 27% of fixed asset investment and 67% of industrial investment. Investment in large projects over 100 million yuan increased by 7.6% year-on-year, and private fixed asset investment increased by 20.2% year-on-year, accounting for 59% of fixed asset investment.

  Double-digit or even triple-digit increases in these indicators are enough to make first-line and coastal regions envious. At a time when confidence is comparable to gold, Dongsheng can be called fertile soil worth trusting.

  City of "people"

  As the Italian writer Calvino wrote in "Invisible Cities," "What you like about a city is not its seven or seventy wonders, but its answers to your questions."

  Let the residents have their place and everyone have their own place, which is the ultimate pursuit of Dongsheng.

  Recently, the 24 "warm city e-stations" that have just been put into use have gradually opened up a situation among the groups of takeaway brothers, couriers, and cleaners.

  In the room of more than 100 square meters, water dispensers, mobile phone charging equipment, first aid kits, microwave ovens and other supplies are readily available, and many people wearing work clothes come and go.

  "We work for a long time every day, and sometimes we are really anxious when our mobile phones are out of power. Now we have a’warm city e-station ‘, so you can come and charge and rest at any time. There is a microwave oven here, and you can eat a hot meal when you are in a hurry," said Hu Yanhui, a courier.

  This year, on the basis of the 24 completed, 46 "warm city e-stations" will be put into use one after another.

  Guo Liu is a well-known craftsman who has been supporting his family by setting up small stalls for more than 20 years. Recently, the chengguan has planned a new place for him and other vendors to set up stalls, not too far from their original location, but also to rectify the street.

  This year, Dongsheng plans to set up more than 800 stalls in 12 convenience small and micro markets, providing free business venues for flexible workers. Citizens only need to register through the WeChat Mini Program "Smart Convenience Stall" to apply for booths.

  Historically, China has gone through the earliest engineering city building, and then the industrial city building, and now it has ushered in a new stage – focusing on the activities of people in the city.

  This year, Dongsheng District plans to implement 49 old community renovation projects, about 499,000 square meters, benefiting 4745 households, the current project has been started one after another, all renovation projects are scheduled to be completed in November.

  In order to speed up the resolution of outstanding contradictions reported by the masses in residential areas, Dongsheng District has also launched a centralized rectification action for legacy problems in residential areas, targeting areas with outstanding problems such as fire protection, heating, gas supply, waterproofing and insulation, water supply and drainage, damage to residential and surrounding municipal roads, and difficulty in charging new energy. It is planned to complete the centralized rectification of 368 residential areas within two years. In 2023, 188 residential areas with relatively many rectification problems and prominent contradictions are planned, and in 2024, 180 residential areas with relatively few rectification problems are planned.

  Whether it is Zibo, which is on fire during the "May Day" holiday, or Anji, Zhejiang, which is out of the circle with small town cafes, it is ordinary people who live seriously and operate honestly that bring soul and vitality to the city. This atmosphere and value is the "city temperature".

  In Dongsheng, let small stalls bid farewell to guerrilla warfare and live with dignity, which is its unique urban temperature and permeates the government’s detailed management skills.

  Every month, the regional administrator will rate the stall owner’s hygiene, compliance, environmental protection, etc. If it is lower than 60 points, the stall owner will enter the "blacklist", and will not be allowed to apply for a stall in this area for three months. If the monthly test score is full, the stall can be selected first.

  "We organically combine rigid law enforcement with humanized services to continuously increase the temperature of the city and make our city more smoky," said Liu Peng, an instructor at the Tianjiao branch of the Dongsheng District Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau.

  In recent years, Ordos City has proposed the concept of building a "warm city". As the main urban area and a quarter of the city’s population, Dongsheng has comprehensively improved urban management, administrative efficiency, convenience services, community transformation, and people’s livelihood benefits around the word "warm". It can be said that it has made great efforts.

  At the same time as becoming a "warm city", Dongsheng also wants to become a city that "comes and doesn’t want to leave".

  Gao Yidong, party secretary of the Ordos High-tech Industrial Development Zone and party secretary of Dongsheng District, said, "We put talents in the shining’C ‘position with the mind of all rivers, the enthusiasm for seeking talents, and the feelings of waiting for positions. Let talents and the city go in both directions and move forward hand in hand."

  On March 24th, the 2023 "Looking for City Partners" investment promotion and "Invitation to Warm City, Introduce Talents to Win" financial empowered talent innovation and entrepreneurship event was held in Dongsheng.

  18 venture capital institutions and Financial Institution Group have provided financial support of 1.345 billion yuan to 37 enterprises, benefiting more than 300 innovative entrepreneurs of all kinds.

  At the same time, it took the lead in launching "talent loan, talent investment, and talent insurance" in the autonomous region, with contracted funds reaching 1.345 billion yuan, injecting financial vitality into high-level talents and their enterprises.

  Since 2020, the three sessions of "Looking for City Partners" have attracted 236 projects and signed 40 projects; 12 talent teams have been introduced, including 63 high-level talents and high-tech talents; the signing intention amount is 4.414 billion yuan, which has become the "engine" of local talent recruitment.

  On March 24, Yin Anli signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the government and officially became Dongsheng’s "city partner". "The biggest significance is that the government can give preferential policies for corporate loans, reduce the cost of setting up enterprises, and stay in the local area for a long time," Yin Lian said.

  The benefits of "partner" are being unleashed.

  Bi Shujie, chairperson of Inner Mongolia Chundian Holding Group, said that in the past three years, three teams of experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and universities and more than 40 high-level talents have been introduced, and breakthroughs have been made in sea buckthorn seedling cultivation and product development.

  A city should really attract and retain people, and be better at doing warm things. This requires attention to the shaping of cultural temperament and the optimization and upgrading of the soft environment.

  As of the first quarter of 2023, Dongsheng has issued "talent service cards" to 115 outstanding talents, integrated with the citizen card, and provided refined services in 10 aspects such as medical treatment, children’s schooling, book lending, leisure and fitness; solved the problem of children’s schooling for 60 outstanding talents, and used public rental housing, talent apartments, and talent hotels to solve housing difficulties for more than 200 talents.

  At present, on the basis of the "30 New Talent Deals" in Ordos City, Dongsheng has formed a package of policies and measures such as "15 New Talent Deals", "Shengdu Gathering Talents" project, "Invitation to Warm City · Introduce Talents to Win" special project action, "Find City Partners", etc., to ensure that all kinds of talents "live in apartments, have platforms, create funds, have insurance, have medical consultants, and have education", and completely relieve the worries of talent officers to start a business.

  "Whether it is the party and government building, the street community, the vegetable market, Zhejiang dialect, Fujian dialect, Sichuan dialect, all over the world, there are many southerners who start families here," said Zhao Yueyang, executive deputy director of the organization department of the Dongsheng District Party Committee.

  No matter whether it is a technical expert who has graduated from a college or university, a college student who has just entered the society, or an entrepreneurial young person with a project and dream, they can all find their personal coordinates in Dongsheng’s talent "map".

  Where there is a city, there are people, and where there are people, there are contradictions. The previous national borrowing and real estate bubbles left a lot of "bad debts" for Dongsheng citizens. In this context, social governance highly tests the wisdom of the government.

  Judging from the "Chang’an Cup", National Civilized City, National Sanitary City and other honors that have been in the bag over the years, Dongsheng has "done a good job".

  In recent years, Dongsheng District has established a multi-resolution mechanism for contradictions and disputes, exploring the "three-adjustment and three-reduction" work method of "street community negotiation and adjustment, social organization warm adjustment, judicial department pre-litigation adjustment, reducing the burden of ordinary people’s lawsuits, reducing the fatigue of judges, and reducing the waste of social resources". In 2022, a one-stop multi-resolution center for contradictions and disputes was built, achieving a one-stop resolution of disputes with "one entry, one window acceptance, full response, and immediate action". In 2022, the center accepted a total of 5,592 contradictions and disputes and resolved 3,702 cases. Conflicts and disputes were basically resolved in the district.

  Meeting the needs of the people is the "root" of social governance in the city. "Our people’s livelihood work is more about starting from a small place, not only solving problems on the point, but also advancing systematically," Han Tao said.

  Facing entrepreneurs and ordinary people, Dongsheng allows "power to be released to the grassroots, people to the grassroots, and money to be invested in the grassroots", forming a city-wide social governance pattern of joint debugging of contradictions and disputes, joint prevention of social security, joint handling of emergencies, joint governance of key issues, joint management of special groups, joint management of service management, joint creation of grass-roots peace, and joint solution of people’s livelihood problems. To solve their real needs such as life outlet, living space, transportation, treatment and elderly care, urban temperature has both the components of humanistic petty bourgeoisie and the bottom line of people’s livelihood security.

  In addition to doing human work, Dongsheng also takes animal affairs seriously.

  To some extent, how one treats animals can better reveal the quality of a person. The same is true for a city.

  In recent years, Ordos Wildlife Park has received 305 requests for animal rescue, and has gone to Ordos, Yinchuan, Hohhot, Baotou, Bayannaoer and other surrounding areas to rescue more than 1,000 animals (138 species).

  Since the opening of the Ordos Aquarium in 2018, a total of 12 species of aquatic wild animals and more than 30 tails (only) have been rescued. Most of the rescue areas are in various flag areas of Ordos City, covering surrounding cities including Hohhot City, Wuhai City, Alxa League and other places.

  With the expansion of "business", on February 22, the only aquatic wildlife rescue agency in the autonomous region, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Aquatic Wildlife Rescue Station, was listed in Dongsheng.

  Dongsheng always has a warm heart towards people, himself and all things in nature.

  Summer new in the cuckoo.

  Reality has proved that the "decentralized" logic of the city has been subverted. People are more eager to return to the essence of spiritual resonance and the return of unadorned value. Dongsheng, which wins with sincerity, is perfectly in line with such changes in demand.

  Not only to provide order, stability and security, but also to show more diversity, humanization, innovation, tolerance and other multi-value, small town Dongsheng, is interpreting what is the Chinese path to modernization and Chinese confidence.

  (Transferred from Xinhua News Agency client side)

Shanghai Jiaotong University bans takeaway riders from entering the school? School-run enterprises pay to undertake transfers?

  The entry "Shanghai Jiaotong University prohibits takeout into the school" was listed on Weibo’s trending topic list on August 14.

  On the same day, the surging news reporter learned from the students of Shanghai Jiaotong University that around August 13, a notice written to each takeaway platform and delivery staff, stamped with the official seal of the security department of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was circulated within the school.

On August 13, the "Notice" sparked heated discussions among teachers and students of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Picture source: Interviewee

  According to the notice, in order to further standardize the order of campus takeaway delivery and reduce the safety hazards caused by takeaway riders’ on-campus delivery, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd. has established a campus takeaway delivery team to transfer all takeaway orders from teachers and students at off-campus takeaway transfer stations. At present, the campus takeaway delivery team has been completed, and three takeaway transfer stations have been set up around the Minhang campus. The notice is signed on August 3, and the signatory is Shanghai Jiaotong University Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd.

  The notice shows that from now on (August 3), the takeaway delivery staff who have registered with the Security Department of the original takeaway platform can enter the school from No. 600 Dongchuan Road ("Arc de Triomphe") to complete the delivery. The takeaway delivery staff who have not been reported by the platform are prohibited from entering the school for delivery. Just send the takeaway order of Jiaotong University to the nearest transfer station.From September 1st, all delivery staff will be prohibited from entering the school, and the campus delivery team will undertake all campus delivery orders

  In addition to the announcement, some students said that they had heard from the communication with the delivery rider that the rider would need to deliver the delivery to the transit point, pay about 2.5 yuan, and then be transferred by the on-campus team.

  "We are worried that the riders will not be willing to send the food to the college students because they earn less. We are also worried that if there is a problem with the food, the riders from both sides will pass the buck to each other. We don’t know who to complain to," one student told reporters.

  At 6 p.m. on August 14, a student from Shanghai Jiaotong University reported to reporters that the school had updated the relevant arrangements for takeaway management at the Minhang campus. The arrangement shows that,Maintain the original model, and each takeaway platform will arrange the delivery route by itself according to the order.After the delivery personnel recognized by each platform have registered their identities at the security office, they can enter and exit through the four school gates of the school during the opening hours of the school gate; the school will further strengthen the management of takeaway vehicles by increasing in-school patrols and prompts, and cooperating with the takeaway platform. Strictly punish unsafe behaviors such as speeding and retrograde to ensure the safety of teachers and students and the safety of the campus. That night,The PaperThe reporter learned that security personnel at the Minhang campus have been notified by their superiors to maintain the original mode, and many takeaway riders have also been informed by school security personnel that they can enter and exit the campus normally.

At around 6 pm on August 14, the Security Office of Shanghai Jiaotong University updated the management arrangements for takeout into the school. Picture source: Respondents

  Security Office: There are problems such as uneven personnel quality and difficult supervision in takeaway delivery, and we want to manage it uniformly.

  The notice banning takeout delivery staff from entering the school caused a small-scale discussion within Shanghai Jiaotong University on August 13. On August 14, someone posted two responses from the school’s security department on the Zhihu platform. Some students at Shanghai Jiaotong University told reporters that the response could be checked on the official forum of the school, and the source was "Security Department".

  The school security office said that after seeing the questions raised by everyone, it immediately contacted the school teaching service group (Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Service Industry Investment Management (Group) Co., Ltd., which belongs to Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd.) to feedback the students’ opinions and communicate to confirm relevant matters.

  Its response said that the purpose of implementing the campus delivery team is to reduce the traffic accidents caused by the campus delivery electric vehicles under the premise of ensuring that the delivery quality assurance of teachers and students on campus is delivered to the buildings and teachers and students on campus, and to file and review the identity of riders entering the school in advance to ensure campus safety to a greater extent. "Before the delivery, there have always been problems such as uneven personnel quality, high mobility, mostly self-employed, and difficult supervision. If the delivery staff is self-employed, it is difficult to safeguard the rights and interests of teachers and students after a traffic accident. Therefore, the Security Department wants to urge the delivery platform to establish a campus delivery team, and the campus delivery team is uniformly managed by the delivery company."

  Regarding the questioning of the compliance of Shanghai Jiaotong University Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd. in charge of campus takeaway delivery services, it responded that in the early stage, the takeaway platform service providers were openly selected, and the campus delivery team was established according to the requirements through the selected platform. The takeaway platforms that participated in the selection and passed the selection were, Meituan, Domino’s, and Jingle Zhiyao. In the later stage of the campus delivery team construction, the and Meituan delivery platforms chose to connect with the school teaching service group and reach a cooperation agreement according to the actual operation situation. Shanghai Jiaotong University Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd. affiliated to the teaching service group was responsible for the campus takeaway delivery service and established a campus takeaway delivery team.

  Tianyancha shows that Shanghai Jiaotong University Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd. was established in February 1993. The registered place is located in Xuhui District, Shanghai. The legal representative is Guo Xiaoqing. The registered capital and paid-in capital are 1 million RMB. On May 7, 2020, the company added express services to its business scope. The company is 100% controlled by Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Service Industry Investment Management (Group) Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  "This is a cooperation agreement between the takeaway delivery platform and the relevant companies according to their own considerations and choices. There is no process that requires on-campus invite tenders. And Shanghai Jiaotong University Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd. is also responsible for the on-campus express delivery business. They have both on-campus takeaway delivery teams and on-campus express delivery teams. These two teams can complement each other to ensure takeaway delivery during peak periods in the school." The Security Office replied.

  Rider: If you pay the fee to the Jiaotong University transfer station again, or consider "transfer order"

  The school security office also replied to the question of whether and why the 2.5 yuan that students are concerned about should be charged to the takeaway staff. It learned from Shanghai Jiaotong University Zhenxing Education Service Industry Co., Ltd. and the third-party distribution platform that the total delivery fee from merchants to dormitories in the Minhang campus of Jiaotong University is currently 4 to 5 yuan. The delivery platform promises not to increase the cost of teachers and students ordering takeout due to the adjustment of the delivery mechanism. During the practice run, the delivery platform extracts 2 yuan to 2.5 yuan per order for takeout delivery on campus according to factors such as distance, of which the delivery platform reserves about 1 yuan per order. According to the cooperation agreement reached between the delivery platform and Zhenxing Company, the remaining 1 yuan per order is the cost of Zhenxing Company responsible for on-campus takeout delivery. At present, in order to provide good service to the students, Zhenxing Company has almost given this part of the fee to the riders who are specifically distributed on campus.

  What do riders and merchants think about this?

  At noon on August 14, the surging news reporter saw at the Arc de Triomphe of Shanghai Jiaotong University that although it was summer vacation, there were still a lot of takeaways. Around 12:30 noon, there were seven or eight takeaway riders in ten minutes, most of whom were

  On the same day, the reporter stopped the riders at the entrance of the Arc de Triomphe of Shanghai Jiaotong University and near the Longhu Tianjie shopping mall near the school, and learned that most of them had heard about the new measures for takeaway admission to the school from September 1. According to multiple riders, they received the news that each rider needs to pay 2.5 yuan/order at the transfer station, and Meituan riders pay 3 yuan/order.

  Xiao Deng, an rider, told reporters that he heard the news as early as about half a month ago, "when he saw the relevant notice outside the North Gate of the school." Xiao Deng said that he has delivered takeout to Shanghai Jiaotong University for about two years. Usually, the main order comes from this university. After the start of school, an average of 20 to 30 takeout orders can be delivered a day. Xiao Deng said that he now earns about 4 to 5 yuan for each takeout order, and suddenly pays half of the fee, which is very reluctant.

  When asked by reporters whether the implementation of the riders’ new measures would affect their willingness to take orders, many riders said that it would indeed have an impact. "If you encounter a list of students from Shanghai Jiaotong University, you will consider transferring it to others, but there is also a limit to the number of times we can transfer it in a day. After all, if the money is less, who will do it?" Two other riders told reporters that in the future, orders on the campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University may be considered more for crowdsourced riders.

  The reporter then went to the merchants at the school gate as a student to understand the situation. Some business owners said "I don’t know, I don’t really believe this will happen", and some merchants said they had been notified, and their future expenses did not increase.

  On the afternoon of the same day, the reporter saw at the east gate of Shanghai Jiaotong University Minhang Campus that the transfer station had been set up, and the QR code for the communication group chat during the transition period was hung outside the door.

  The battle for takeout into the school: Some students have complained about safety hazards, and the measures have been adjusted several times

  A rider told reporters that just across the street from the Minhang campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University, East China Normal University has been placing takeaway food at the school gate for many years, "but their school gate is relatively close to the accommodation area, Jiaotong University is indeed too big, and it is too far from the school gate to the dormitory." The reporter’s inquiry found that the issue of takeaway food entering the school has indeed caused controversy at Shanghai Jiaotong University. In May 2023, a student posted on the school’s internal forum that "the takeaway rider in the school almost killed me".

  Over the years, the measures taken by the Security Department to bring food into Shanghai Jiaotong University have also undergone several adjustments.

"Ping An Jiaotong University" tweet on November 2, 2017 Source: Ping An Jiaotong University WeChat official account

  The reporter inquired about the WeChat official account of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Security Department "Ping An Jiaotong University" and found that on November 1, 2017, at the special meeting on takeaway distribution management jointly held by the Jiaotong University Security Department and the East China Division Security Department, Yang Lizhi, the captain of the campus guard of the Shanghai Jiaotong University Security Department, pointed out that the management of campus takeaway delivery speeding, illegal riding, and uncivilized driving will be more standardized and effective. The meeting invited the heads of the surrounding takeaway stores to participate, and reached an agreement with the merchants. The two sides will use the Mi U App software to sell cars externally for real-time management.

  The meeting clarified that the secret service and security teams implement identity authentication management measures for food delivery personnel, and they can only enter the school if they meet the qualifications. The staff of the Security Department and the person in charge of the store can open the location of the food delivery personnel through the Mi U App software to keep abreast of the speed of cars sold inside and outside the school, including normal driving, faster driving, and speeding vehicles. The speed limit on campus is 20km/h. Combined with real-time monitoring data, measures such as warnings and deductions are taken for speeding vehicles, and the food delivery qualification will be cancelled after deducting 10 points.

  During the epidemic, the admission regulations of Shanghai Jiaotong University have changed according to the epidemic situation. On February 10, 2023, the WeChat official account of "Ping An Jiaotong University" issued an article saying that students’ relatives and friends can enter the school, but takeout will not be allowed to enter the school for the time being; on March 3 of the same year, the above official account issued an article saying that from now on, regular takeout staff can enter the Minhang campus for food delivery, and all takeout staff entering the school must dress properly and drive at a limited speed. Unlicensed takeout staff are strictly prohibited from entering the school. "For reasons of safety and unified management, only professional campus delivery team takeout staff designated by Meituan and are allowed to enter the school to deliver takeout. For other takeout staff, it is not open yet. This campus takeout access has not charged any deposit or other fees to any takeout staff or delivery team."

Ren Xianqi exposes himself: I agreed to be sterilized together with Tao Jingying’s husband, but I broke my appointment

  April 13, Hong Kong. Ren Xianqi’s new work "Qi Zai R.S.V.P", which has been out of Mandarin music for two years, will be officially released on April 27. An intriguing song on the album is the witty love song "Tracheitis", which was retouched by Ang Lee. Xiao Qi invited fellow Chinese and Hong Kong students, Dabing and Liu Haolong, to sing the song together. China News Agency issued AEG photo

  China News Service, April 15, Ren Xianqi recently went to Taiwan’s variety show "College Student" to share "the charm of a good man", facing the host Tao Zi (Tao Jingying), he was embarrassed to self-destruct, he and Li Li Ren can’t bear his wife to suffer from the pain of production, originally made an appointment to get a vasectomy, but he didn’t have time to go, and finally let Li Li Ren pigeon, "I read the newspaper to know, he has gone, I’m really sorry."

  According to Taiwan’s China Times, even though Ren Xianqi broke the appointment temporarily, Tao Zi praised Ren Xianqi’s act of loving his wife. She said: "Ren Xianqi will take Tina’s hand to breakfast on rainy mornings, which is very romantic." Ren Xianqi, who has been involved in the recent marriage of Karen Mok and Zheng Xiuwen in Taiwan’s entertainment industry, said he was not worried about Tina misunderstanding. "My trick is to let Tina know them."

  Ren Xianqi said that his declaration of a good man is "to be responsible, to be cared for, not to be scolded." He will take Tina to scuba diving and surfing. Tina is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She has an S-shaped devil figure and makes people drool in sexy clothes. Ren Xianqi said that as long as his wife has the conditions, there is nothing wrong with wearing beautiful clothes. This statement made Tao Zi, who has not fully recovered from the postpartum figure, envious and joked at himself: "No wonder, my husband has told me to wear more clothes recently."

Editor in charge: Wang Xin

Original Wubai Suzhou Concert: Passion overflows, "Suzhou is not used to him" Wubai is miserable!

On the evening of September 22, 2023, a much-anticipated musical feast was staged at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium – the Wubai Concert of Rock Giants.

The concert attracted attention not only for Wu Bai’s musical talent, but also for his infectious live performances.

Wu Bai’s music has always been known for being affectionate and moving, and each song conveys a unique outlook on life. Wu Bai kicked off the concert with a song "To Love Again", and his signature rock voice immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

Immediately afterwards, classic works such as "Forever with You" and "Passive" were presented in front of the audience. Each song attracted everyone to sing in unison, pushing the atmosphere to one climax after another.

However, at this passionate concert, the audience noticed that Wu Bai’s condition did not seem ideal. His voice was distinctly hoarse, and his face had a worried expression of exhaustion and exhaustion.

Despite this, he persisted throughout the performance and did not disappoint the audience. This dedication and love for music is deeply admired.

Despite the small interlude at the Wu Bai concert, the audience still expressed their approval for Wu Bai’s professionalism and hard work.

They believe that despite some mistakes, Wu Bai’s love for music and passion for life are still touching. Not only are musicians excellent, but artists who use music to convey emotions are also excellent.

After the concert, the audience continued to express their dissatisfaction. Although Wu Bai was tired, his music still stayed in everyone’s hearts.

Audiences understand and encourage his imperfections. They believe that music is not only a pleasure to listen to, but also a touch to the heart. In this rapidly changing era, Wu Bai uses his music to convey timeless emotions and warmth.

This concert is not only a musical carnival, but also a baptism of the soul. Wu Bai touched every audience with his singing and music, making them feel the beauty and hope of life in the ocean of music.

No matter where Wu Bai’s music journey will lead in the future, we believe he will continue to bring us more touching and surprising music.

As she sang in "Passive," "I choose to put up with my passivity because I’m afraid of losing your tenderness." Such lyrics express his dedication and persistence to music.

The experience of this Suzhou concert not only achieved Wu Bai’s charm, but also his love and dedication to music. No matter what difficulties he encountered, he always insisted on giving the audience the most perfect performance. Although she was tired, she never gave up.

As a musician, Wu Bai conveys his unique insights and insights into life through singing and music. It allows us to see the story behind the music, a story full of passion, persistence and pursuit of perfection. Although Wu Bai’s Suzhou concert is over, his music will always remain in the hearts of everyone who loves music.

This concert let us see the charm and talent of Wu Bai, as well as his love and dedication to music. Looking forward to Wu Bai bringing us more exciting performances next time and continuing to enrich our lives with music.

The success of Wubai Suzhou Concert lies not only in his musical talent and live performances, but also in his deep emotional connection with the audience.

During the break of the concert, Wu Bai interacted with the audience and shared his musical story and life experiences. He candidly recounted the ups and downs of his musical road and his love and persistence for music.

This kind of honesty and sincerity brings the audience closer to Wubai. They are not just audiences who come to enjoy music, but also become part of Wubai’s music world.

Wu Bai’s songs are not just music, but also an emotional nourishment and resonance. His lyrics contain thoughts on life and insight into human nature, touching the softest part of the listener’s heart.

The concert reached its climax, with Wu Bai performing a series of classic rock songs. His passionate singing and energetic music immersed the audience and allowed him to release enthusiasm and energy.

Each song is like a fire, igniting the audience’s passion and desire.

Wu Bai’s concert is not only a musical feast, but also a spiritual baptism.

His music is not just entertainment, but a force, a force that can inspire people to move forward bravely. In his music, we see the spirit of perseverance and the pursuit of dreams, which infects all listeners.

Wu Bai’s music transcends the boundaries of time and space, and transcends age and geography.

His songs not only aroused a warm response from the concert audience, but also triggered extensive discussion and sharing on the Internet. His music has become a part of people’s lives, accompanying them through the ups and downs of life. #Challenge to write headlines for 30 days #

Responsible editor:

Nongfu Spring shares fell for three days, the market value evaporated nearly 30 billion

  Recently, "holding’Wahaha ‘and stepping on’Nongfu Spring’ storm" has attracted much attention from investors. As of the close on March 5, Nongfu Spring’s share price recorded a decline for three consecutive days. The market value fell from HK $499.30 billion to HK $467.30 billion, and the market value shrank by HK $32 billion (about RMB 29.40 billion).

  According to previous media reports, on February 25, after the death of Zong Qinghou, the founder of Wahaha Group, Nongfu Spring, which was located in Hangzhou with Wahaha, was caught in a whirlpool of public opinion. Nongfu Spring and its founder, chairperson, and general manager, Zhong Shanshan, were questioned and even slandered by netizens.

  On March 3, the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring released the article "Zhong Shanxuan: My Second and Third Things with Zong Lao". In this article, Zhong Shanxuan expressed his admiration for Zong Lao many times, and also disclosed the source of his first pot of gold for the first time, and helped Zong Qinghou develop eight-treasure porridge products. More importantly, he clarified that he was not fired by Wahaha for flushing goods in his early years.

  I thought the article would calm public opinion after it was published, but the results seem to add fuel to the fire.

  On the same day, Zhou Li, deputy general manager of Nongfu Spring, wrote in Moments that perhaps the old gentleman (Zong Qinghou) did not expect that his death would be used by some so-called "melon eaters" to attack another company in the same city and become a hot topic of public opinion; the two companies were in the same city, and although they competed in the early years and even went to court, they still competed openly under the legal framework.

  Since then, Nongfu Spring has not publicly spoken out about the above incident.

  The continuous decline in the share price of Nongfu Spring has also triggered heated discussions among netizens.The reporter saw comments such as "Try to avoid the products of Nongfu Spring in the future" and "Give up the whole series of Nongfu Spring" in "Nongfu Spring Bar", and also noticed "Support Nongfu Spring! Buy firmly!" "Farmer’s big ship is not afraid of small storms" and other posts.

  Nongfu Spring currently ranks second in the popularity ranking of the Hong Kong stock market. Combined with the posting and comments of its stock bar, it can be seen that the discussion of Nongfu Spring by netizens is still ongoing.

More than 91 cities have issued detailed rules for online car-hailing, and whether fair competition reviews have been forgotten

  The State Council document requires that policies and measures should not be introduced without a fair competition review.

  So far, at least 91 cities have issued detailed regulations on ride-hailing, but no administrative agency has taken the initiative to say whether a fair competition review has been carried out. Will the State Council’s policy of fair competition censorship be forgotten?

  On June 6, at a special seminar held by the Competition Law Research Center of Peking University, participants, including several members of the Expert Advisory Group of the State Council Anti-Monopoly Commission, raised the same question.

  The fair competition review is a legal process

  Administrative organs shall conduct fair competition review when formulating rules, normative documents and other policies and measures related to the economic activities of market entities, such as market access, industrial development, and qualification standards. This is a new system established by the "Opinions of the State Council on Establishing Fair Competition Censorship in the Construction of the Market System" (hereinafter referred to as Document No. 34) in June 2016.

  The system has been in place since July 2016 in provincial-level governments and their subordinate departments, and has been gradually rolled out to municipal and county-level governments and their subordinate departments since 2017. Article 34 requires that "those who have not conducted a fair competition review shall not be introduced."

  In order to prevent the administrative organs from introducing policies and measures to exclude or restrict competition, Circular 34 listed 18 review criteria, known as "18 inhibitions", such as: unreasonable and discriminatory entry and exit conditions shall not be set, foreign and imported goods and services shall not be restricted from entering the local market, and the price level of goods and services subject to market-regulated prices shall not be illegally interfered with.

  Online car-hailing details collision "18 no"

  In comparison with the above "18 no", the Peking University Competition Law Research Center formed a nine-person research team to analyze the detailed rules of online car-hailing issued by 77 cities above the prefecture level, and found that there are widespread violations of the "18 no" provisions. If there are few violations, one or two violations; if there are many, all violations.

  The requirements for vehicle registration and driver household registration in the local implementation rules restrict the entry of foreign goods into the local market, affect the free flow of goods, and form a regional blockade;

  The restrictions on wheelbase, displacement, length, width and age will make it impossible for some brands and models of vehicles to continue to engage in online car-hailing operations. As the largest fixed-cost input for online car-hailing self-operators, the price elasticity is extremely weak. Restrictions on models and vehicle ages will significantly increase the operating costs and exit costs of operators and potential operators in the market.

  Limiting the price of online car-hailing has led to the "exclusion" of certain car brands or series that are positioned as cheap cars or focus on cost-effectiveness, essentially resulting in discriminatory or differentiated treatment of certain car manufacturers.

  Nearly half of the cities have implemented market-adjusted prices while giving local governments the power to implement government-guided prices when necessary. And the "18 No" clearly states that the price level of goods and services subject to market-adjusted prices shall not be illegally interfered with.

  "Exceptions" are allowed but the reasons should be given

  Crashing "18 no" does not amount to illegal, because Article 34 provides for exceptions. Some policy measures can be implemented under certain circumstances even if they have the effect of excluding and restricting competition.

  However, for exceptional circumstances, Article 34 stipulates stricter application conditions, which can only be applied to the following situations and cannot be expanded without authorization: 1. Safeguarding national economic security, cultural security or involving national defense construction; 2. To achieve social security purposes such as poverty alleviation and development, disaster relief and relief; 3. To achieve social and public interests such as energy conservation and protection of ecological environment; 4. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

  At the same time, Document No. 34 has special requirements for exceptional circumstances: it should be stated that the relevant policy measures are indispensable to the realization of the policy purpose, and will not seriously exclude or restrict market competition, and the implementation period should be clearly defined. In addition, even if it is an exception, the policy-making authority should evaluate the implementation effect of the relevant policy measures year by year. Policies and measures that have expired or failed to achieve the expected effect should be stopped or adjusted in a timely manner.

  Xiao Jiangping, director of the Center for Competition Law at Peking University, pointed out that so far, no agency that sets the rules for online ride-hailing has admitted to the application of "exceptional circumstances", nor has it taken the initiative to explain the reasons for the "exception".

  According to public media reports, after receiving the relevant information disclosure application, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission replied that the Beijing online car-hailing rules conducted a fair competition review. The review "took into account the current situation of the city of Beijing, the requirements of the carrying capacity of the population and the positioning of the city’s development". This reason is closer to the third of the above-mentioned exceptions: "Save energy resources and protect the ecological environment." But the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission did not explicitly state that the "exception provisions" of Article 34 were applied.

  Should the policy-making organ take the initiative to announce whether a fair competition review has been conducted and the results of the review? At what stage should it be announced? Shi Jianzhong, an advisory member of the expert group of the State Anti-Monopoly Commission and a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out in an interview with the Legal Daily earlier that the policy-making organ should disclose whether a fair competition review has been conducted. Circular 34 requires that when conducting a fair competition review, the opinions of interested parties should be heard, or opinions should be publicly solicited from the public. Accordingly, the policy-making organ should disclose relevant information on the fair competition review before the official introduction of the policy measures.

  But there are also opinions that Circular 34 does not require policy-making organs to take the initiative to publish fair competition review information. However, according to the government information disclosure regulations, policy-making organs should disclose the application after receiving the application.

  Xiao Jiangping said that so far, there is no active disclosure of fair competition review information by any online car-hailing detailed rules. Fair competition censorship requires policy-making organs to self-censor the policies and measures they formulate, and policies and measures that have not been reviewed for fair competition shall not be introduced. However, it is not difficult to see through the sorting of the various access conditions stipulated in the local online car-hailing detailed rules that the introduction of the online car-hailing detailed rules may not really conduct fair competition review.

  The implementation of the system requires procedural constraints

  The implementation of a system is inseparable from the guarantee mechanism, especially the law enforcement supervision and accountability mechanism. In order to ensure the implementation of fair competition censorship, Document No. 34 requires strengthening law enforcement supervision and strengthening accountability:

  "Any unit or individual has the right to report policies and measures suspected of violating fair competition review standards, and the relevant departments shall deal with them in a timely manner. Those suspected of violating the Antimonopoly Act of the People’s Republic of China shall be investigated and verified by the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency in accordance with the law, and shall make recommendations to the relevant higher authorities. The case situation and handling suggestions shall be made public to the public. Policy-making organs shall promptly correct policies and measures that exclude and restrict competition, and maintain a market order of fair competition."

  "Local governments and departments that fail to conduct fair competition reviews or violate fair competition review standards and introduce policies and measures, as well as fail to correct relevant policies and measures in a timely manner, shall be dealt with seriously after verification in accordance with the law. If the relevant personnel need to be held accountable for party discipline and government discipline, such as dereliction of duty, the relevant situation shall be promptly transferred to the discipline inspection and supervision organs."

  In the opinion of the experts attending the meeting, these regulations are too principled. "Who should I report to? Should I give feedback on the investigation and punishment results? Is the agency that accepts the report a law enforcement agency or a joint meeting? What are the powers of the joint meeting and what are the differences between the review powers of the local people’s congress? These must be made clear. We must improve the procedures and clarify a reporting review mechanism." Xu Guangyao, a professor at Nankai University Law School and an advisory member of the expert group of the State Anti-Monopoly Commission, said.

  Liu Jifeng, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, agrees: "Whether public competition censorship can be carried out well, the procedural system is the most important."

  Document 34 also has a plan for this: "The National Development and Reform Commission, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce should work with relevant departments to study and draft detailed rules for the implementation of fair competition reviews, and further refine the content, procedures, and methods of fair competition reviews."

  The Legal Daily reporter learned from the seminar that the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Fair Competition Censorship (Interim) " have been soliciting opinions for many rounds and have responded to the above questions.