Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao’s daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Based on the two pieces of information provided in the headline, readers familiar with Hong Kong’s entertainment industry should soon be able to figure out that the protagonist of our report is Zhou Jiawei.

So for friends who are not familiar with the Hong Kong entertainment industry, who is Zhou Jiawei?

In 2006, Zhou Jiawei was elected as the runner-up of Miss Hong Kong, and the following year represented TVB in Hunan Satellite TV’s "Dancing Miracle";

In 2009, Zhou Jiawei officially started working as an actress at TVB. She did not have the position of airborne heroine. Although she has acted in key dramas such as "Iron Horse Seeking Bridge", "Heart War", "Forensic Pioneer III" and "Love Crossing the Coast", the scenes are not heavy. In 2011, Zhou Jiawei married Hong Jinbao’s eldest son, Hong Tianming, and then acted in several dramas before gradually fading out of the actor’s position.

Entertainment StudioNoticing her originated from a report in 2016. At that time, the hottest business news in mainland China was "Tan Xiaohuan sells fish eggs". Few people noticed that it was also in that year that Zhou Jiawei told the media that she had invested in the mainland’s micro-business business, making millions of dollars a year, and planned to go public.

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Image from Weibo

After three years, we found Zhou Jiawei to chat about her business.

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

A classic section of the "Miss Hong Kong" competition is a swimsuit appearance, and each candidate is required to introduce herself with a personal statement. Zhou Jiawei, 23, said: "I want to be a successful entrepreneur."

This sentence is not made for the competition.

At the age of seven, Zhou Jiawei’s parents separated, and her mother took her from Hong Kong to Toronto, Canada. She graduated from the economics department of the University of Toronto in Canada, and went to night classes to learn makeup and skin care, including how to make and market products. She also participated in makeup work for some fashion shows. At that time, Zhou Jiawei’s dream was to become a makeup artist with her own brand.

But the encounter pushed her away like this.

In 2004, Zhou Jiawei’s mother and aunt gave Zhou Jiawei’s profile to the "Miss Chinese Toronto" organizing committee, which did not give Zhou Jiawei a ranking, but it prompted her to return to Hong Kong to participate in the "Miss Hong Kong" selection. When the judges announced Zhou Jiawei as "Miss Most Photogenic" in 2006, she knew that she had to stay on TVB. As the awards continued to be announced, she also won the runner-up of "Miss Hong Kong" and became a double winner.

In this way, Zhou Jiawei began his life as a public figure.

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Zhou Jiawei old photo, picture source Weibo see watermark

In the first year of being elected, the top three "Miss Hong Kong" have to attend public welfare activities and maintain a positive image, which means that many things cannot be done.

The neckline is too low? No, you have to wear an extra one inside. On the streets of Hong Kong, Zhou Jiawei will be stopped by the agent immediately while eating fish eggs, and it is not allowed to buy orange juice to drink, but it is OK to hold coffee. This puts a lot of pressure on Zhou Jiawei: "Because I grew up in Canada, a lot of things are very casual."

Zhou Jiawei also doesn’t like the competition in this line of work.

When choosing Sister Hong Kong, take promotional photos, and Zhou Jiawei will be pushed around, because everyone wants to stand in the middle, so she simply stands on the edge.

Many "Miss Hong Kong" will sign up to TVB to film after fulfilling their duties, but not everyone will have good development opportunities.

A TVB producer once approached Zhou Jiawei and asked her if she liked filming. She replied, "I haven’t tried it, so how can I tell you if I like it or not? If I tell you that I like it because I want to make money, I want a lot of people to know it, and I want to shoot commercials, do I really like it?"

Later, Zhou Jiawei went to Hunan Satellite TV on behalf of TVB to participate in "Dancing Miracle", and talked to Xie Tianhua about this matter. Xie Tianhua said bluntly: "Are you crazy? Of course people won’t use you anymore."

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Zhou Jiawei

In 2009, Zhou Jiawei started filming at TVB, and at that time, her fellow champion Chen Yinjin had already won TVB’s Leap Progress Female Artist Award.

After entering the industry for a few years, more and more people joined the company, getting younger and younger, and the agents also changed. Zhou Jiawei still did not play the main role. A senior asked her, "Why didn’t you come to see me?" Zhou Jiawei was a little confused and said directly to the senior: "I won’t."

"I think not pushing work is fighting for work," Zhou Jiawei said. "At that time, I thought it was okay to be obedient, but when I grew up, I realized that this was not the case at all."

Once, sitting on the set, a girl seemed to be talking to herself, and seemed to want her to respond. She complained there, "Why is there an advertisement to shoot, but I don’t?" Zhou Jiawei had a headache, so she sat silently on the other side.

Years later, the girl achieved some success. But Zhou Jiawei didn’t care about the gains and losses: "I don’t like to blame others, because I know how much I gave. I got more than I gave, and I think it’s going well."

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

2006 Hong Kong sister group photo: Zhou Jiawei (runner-up), Chen Yinbi (champion), Lv Huiyi (third place)

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

On November 11, 2011, Zhou Jiawei and Hong Tianming, the eldest son of Hong Jinbao, registered their marriage, and Hong Jinbao selected the wine for them in March of the following year.

Two months before the wedding banquet, Zhou Jiawei found out that she was pregnant, but a month later, she checked and found that it was an empty fetus, and cried for a long time. After getting married, Hong Tianming accompanied Zhou Jiawei to Singapore to relax, and the two succeeded in "making a man" again.

Zhou Jiawei, who is pregnant with a child, can only attend some business events.

"I think it’s also good to attend the event, you can have more time. You receive a TV drama, you have to give it for two or three months, you have to stop making money, and then you have to go out to work and ask the crew to go to you. If the crew doesn’t let you go, you can’t help it."

On the other hand, Zhou Jiawei has no obsession with filming, and she has stayed in Canada for too long, so she is relatively slow to read Chinese, and it is relatively difficult to read the script.

Gradually, Zhou Jiawei faded out of his acting position.

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Zhou Jiawei and her husband Hong Tianming

In January 2013, the eldest son Hong Daren was born. The following year, Zhou Jiawei participated in the TVB program "I want to be the boss" and received 100,000 yuan in start-up capital provided by the program team. She rented a 1000-foot room in Causeway Bay (About 93 square metersThe store is used for selling children’s clothing.

The store was rented to Zhou Jiawei at a low price by the mall, and the replacement condition was that she would play a promotional role, so Zhou Jiawei had to go to work every day and always visited the store. After such a period of time, Zhou Jiawei’s focus of exposure was not "Miss Hong Kong", not Hong Tianming, but because of making children’s clothing.

In the second half of 2014, Zhou Jiawei became pregnant with her second child. The whole process was much harder than the first child, and she kept vomiting. Zhou Jiawei’s state was no longer able to operate the store, so she closed the store and donated the remaining clothes.

In 2016, when Hong Tianming was working in the mainland, Zhou Jiawei went to a meeting in his place and found a business that suited him.

Zhou Jiawei learned that it is a milk tea that claims to contain antioxidants, which can fade pigmentation, beauty and beauty, and distribute it to customers through Moments. It seems that with a WeChat account, anyone can start their own business platform.

At that time, Hong Kong also had the concept of Internet celebrity products, which was to take photos or videos of things that were easy to use and share them on social platforms. Zhou Jiawei’s Moments had many people selling things.

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Zhou Jiawei

Zhou Jiawei thinks this is a good business. She has heard many legendary micro-business stories, such as a micro-business product that was claimed to be effective for many gynecological diseases at that time.

"Every time I make a different product, I am slowly learning because there are a lot of new things happening." Zhou Jiawei said that when she first came into contact with the mainland micro-business team, her overall impression of them was that they were young. They called her "Sister Wei" when they first came up, and they were all entrepreneurs born in the 1990s.

She described running a micro-business business as "making quick money", and some products are "paid first, then given", that is to say, collect the money first, then go to the factory to produce, and then distribute the goods. You don’t need to take out too much money yourself. For the operator, it is very safe, but the time should be calculated well.

Zhou Jiawei first became a star shareholder of milk tea products, attending two or three events every month to maintain communication with the sales team.

But after working together like this for a while, the other party didn’t give them the share, "They are right about the factory, and they also receive the money. In the end, they don’t give it to you, or they don’t sell so much, what can you do?"

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Zhou Jiawei

After making some micro-business products, Zhou Jiawei knew more and more micro-business teams, and she saw some excellent teams and a lot of chaos.

Sometimes the factory does not ship their products, but other companies can get the goods. Zhou Jiawei once met a micro-business who wanted to take his products to other factories to make fakes;

Some people will take a lot of products and distribute them to the following. The agency is divided into several levels. A team can have hundreds of people, but the team does not have a contract.

Once, Zhou Jiawei heard that the milk tea business had privately put Yang Mi’s name on the brand’s box, and Yang Mi sued for infringement. "It’s really excessive. We also know Yang Mi’s agent, and he said he would sue the milk tea."

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Users speak out for Yang Mi and Zhao Liying being abused by micro-businesses

During the period of investing in WeChat, Zhou Jiawei sued many unreliable partners, and some people directly told her: "I’m just a bad life, you can get it", which made Zhou Jiawei unable to resist. Some lawsuits were won, but because it was difficult to execute, almost no money was recovered.

She knows that the identity of an artist is a double-edged sword for doing business. On the one hand, "people’s knowledge of you is an insurance for him, because they think you will not lie to him"; on the other hand, if the product goes wrong, it will have a great impact on her reputation. "Especially my whole family is in front of the screen, you can imagine how serious it is."

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Zhou Jiawei with her husband Hong Tianming, her father-in-law Hong Jinbao, and her mother-in-law Gao Lihong

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

After less than a year in the world of micro-business, Zhou Jiawei quickly got out of it. Later, she took a stake in the company founded by Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang to sell maternity and baby products on e-commerce platforms.

Two years ago, Zhou Jiawei’s skin developed eczema, so she went to learn how to prepare skin care products. After that, she established a skin care brand, with more than 70 products from face to body. At present, these products are only sold in Hong Kong. Zhou Jiawei bluntly said that her income is not as much as the "fast money" of WeChat, but it gives her a sense of achievement.

Some time ago, Hong Tianming pushed Zhou Jiawei to a Hong Kong MCN company. The other party asked her to sign for three years, but they did not help her cut the film or even provide subtitles. Zhou Jiawei felt that there was no need for cooperation.

Her friend Yao Leyi contacted a mainland MCN company, and the other party asked for 70% of the revenue. Yao Leyi felt that it was a bit too much and asked Zhou Jiawei to discuss it. Zhou Jiawei told Yao Leyi that she might open an MCN company because she had a business partner in Guangzhou who had a running team on all three major short video platforms.

Zhou Jiawei said that because she was busy with the enrollment procedures of her youngest son some time ago, her studies have not fully started. Recently, she plans to go to Guangzhou to participate in the live broadcast festival first, and then devote herself to learning and producing short videos.

From the original intention of becoming a makeup artist in the backstage of the Canadian fashion show, to one person propping up a thousand-foot store in Causeway Bay, to joining the mainland micro-business business, to picking up the original dream and exploring the video wave, Zhou Jiawei has changed multiple runways. Maybe today’s career is no longer hot money, Zhou Jiawei is no longer as high-profile as three years ago to announce to the media the plan of starting a business listing, but she said: "I do business not for money, but for satisfaction."

Wechat business chaos forced back Hong Jinbao's daughter-in-law, Hong Kong sister runner-up three-year entrepreneurial story

Zhou Jiawei

Wanda financing fog

Titanium media note: This article comes from WeChat official account Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate (ID: FHZKDC), author | Fu Linlin, editor | Cao Bei, titanium media is authorized to publish.

On the last day of the deadline, Wanda submitted its prospectus for the fourth time. The same thing was repeated several times, but Wanda still failed to go public.

Just before the announcement of the prospectus, Wanda Commercial Management suspended its application for the issuance of 6 billion-scale small public bonds.

In the first half of this year, Wanda lived between two faces: on the one hand, a string of excellent figures were presented to the regulators, waiting to be listed in the capital markets; on the other hand, the issue of the capital chain was directly put on the table, questioned by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, frozen equity, and project rights protection.

No one can give a definite answer. What happened to Wanda?

But expectations for the company have clearly reversed, from the prospect of returning to the top of the housing company to being in the quagmire, waiting for rescue.

On June 28, the official website of the Securities Supervision Commission announced the notice of the suspension of registration procedures for domestic bond issuance by Dalian Wanda Commercial Management. The planned issuance scale of the small public offering is 6 billion yuan, and the main underwriters are Guotai Junan and Kaiyuan Securities.

This is Wanda’s initiative to apply for the suspension of bond registration. In the face of the difficulties in financing real estate enterprises, the reasons behind the suspension of registration by Wanda Commercial Management have caused a lot of speculation, many of which are related to the listing of Zhuhai Wanda.

Wanda’s explanation is that Dalian Wanda Commercial Management terminated the issuance of small public bonds because the market conditions did not meet the company’s expectations and voluntarily gave up the issuance. However, the suspension of the bond registration process of the distribution company will not have a significant impact on the company’s liquidity in the short term, and it does not rule out resubmitting the bond issuance application in the future if conditions are met.

According to relevant regulations, if the China Securities Supervision Commission and the stock exchange decide to suspend the review based on the application of the issuer and the lead underwriter, after the relevant circumstances disappear, the issuer and the lead underwriter may apply to the China Securities Supervision Commission and the stock exchange to resume the review.

The bond has experienced many twists and turns since the application began.

On March 21, the website of the Securities Supervision Commission issued an inquiry letter on the application documents of the joint stock company of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group to disclose the bonds of the distribution company to professional investors.

Zhuhai Wanda, a subsidiary of Wanda Commercial Management Group, is currently applying for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If the listing is not successful at the end of 2023, Wanda Commercial Management Group needs to pay about 30 billion yuan to pre-listing investors for share repurchase.

The Securities Supervision Commission requested Wanda Commercial Management Group to further post script on the listing progress of its subsidiary Zhuhai Wanda and assess the impact of the above matters on the issuer’s short-term solvency.

According to the disclosure of the application materials, in the past three years and the first phase (2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 January-March), the net cash flow generated by the financing activities of Wanda Commercial Management Group was – 24.50 billion yuan, – 32 billion yuan, – 11.30 billion yuan and – 18.20 billion yuan.

The Securities Supervision Commission requires Wanda Commercial Management Group to post script the reasons and rationality for the continued large negative net cash flow of financing activities, and to evaluate the impact on the repayment of this bond.

According to the "Administrative Measures for the Issuance and Trading of Corporate Bonds" (Order No. 180 of the Securities Supervision Commission), Wanda Commercial Management Group is required to implement it item by item and submit a written reply and electronic documents to the Shanghai Stock Exchange within 3 months. If the reply cannot be made on time, the Securities Supervision Commission may make a decision to terminate the review according to law.

At present, Wanda Commercial Management has not replied to the above questions, but has only publicly replied to some news circulating in the market.

A real estate investment and financing person told Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate: "If Wanda wants to reply, the principal and the law firm must confirm the signature. After this aspect is resolved, the regulators will agree or not."

Shen Meng, a director of Chanson Capital, said: "Suspension of bond issuance is usually chosen after full informal communication with relevant institutions and confirmation that it is difficult to move forward. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that Wanda believes that the success rate of bond issuance at this time has been greatly reduced based on the current overall situation."

The suspension of bond registration and the issuance of the fourth prospectus at the same time have also raised questions about whether the two are related.

However, a Financial Institutions Group source told Phoenix WEEKLY: "The main body is different. Wanda Commercial Management needs money now, and the money after the listing should be to increase capital to Zhuhai Wanda. The impact on Wanda Commercial Management is that there is no need to deal with the redemption of shares."

In fact, the suspension of the financing of the 6 billion still has an impact on the Wanda business management in a state of tight funds. Recently, there have been rights protection in many places such as Wanda business tickets and housing delays.

Wanda is also raising money by selling stakes in project companies.

On June 26, according to the information disclosed by the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, the shareholders of Wuhan Huada No. 9 Innovation Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) under Wanda Real Estate changed.

According to the change of shareholders information, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and Huarong Capital Management Co., Ltd. respectively transferred 85.7206% of the shares and 0.3175% of the shares of Wuhan Huada No. 9 Innovation Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), and the transferee was China Huarong Asset Management joint stock company.

After the equity transfer, China Huarong held 86.0381%, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. held 13.9104%, and Huarong Capital Management Co., Ltd. held 0.0515%.

The only foreign investment company of Wuhan Huada Jiu Innovation Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) is Wuhan Wanda East Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd., which is the project company of Wuhan Central Cultural District.

Here is Wanda’s benchmark project, Hanjie.

According to public information, the Wuhan Wanda Chuhe Han Street Project is located in the Wuhan Central Cultural Center. It is a "world-class cultural tourism project" built by Wanda with culture as the core and integrating tourism, commerce, business and residential functions. The project is the largest investment in the cultural industry of a single project in China. The investment in pure culture reaches 8 billion yuan, the total investment is about 30 billion yuan, and the total construction area is 3.40 million square meters. It officially opened on September 30, 2011.

A person familiar with the matter told Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate: "In fact, it was in May. On the surface, it was an equity financing. In fact, Chongqing Trust expired and had no money to pay it back. I asked Huarong to do a financing. In fact, it was a real debt."

And "Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate" found that the project companies under Wanda Real Estate Group are basically 100% shareholding, and only a few trust companies have been introduced as shareholders. It is difficult to guarantee that this method of Wuhan projects will not be replicated in the future. After all, many of Wanda’s real estate projects across the country are facing the risk of shutdown.

The above-mentioned fund person said: "The key is for the Financial Institution Group to recognize Wanda. Trusts are all raised money and cannot come out. Investors will protect their rights."

At present, the financing channel of Wanda Plaza is still smooth.

On June 13 this year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange disclosed that the project status of the first phase of the asset-backed special project plan of CICC Huatai-Wanda Plaza was updated to "Feedback". The bond variety is ABS, the proposed issuance amount is 3.501 billion yuan, the plan manager is Huatai Securities (Shanghai) Asset Management Co., Ltd., the original equity is Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company, and the project acceptance date is March 30, 2023.

This year, the Securities Supervision Commission has conducted two inquiries on Wanda, the first for bond issuance and the second for listing.

Listing is the biggest hurdle for Wanda this year. According to the latest version of the prospectus, in 2022, Wanda Commercial Management will achieve revenue of about 27.12 billion yuan, gross profit of about 12.984 billion yuan, profit before tax of 9.303 billion yuan, and net profit attributable to shareholders of about 7.503 billion yuan.

In terms of business scale, by the end of 2022, Wanda Commercial Management managed 472 commercial plazas with a construction area of 65.60 million square meters under management. In 2020, 2021 and 2022, the average occupancy rate of Wanda Commercial Management’s commercial plazas under management (excluding parking spaces) was 98.6%. By the end of 2022, Wanda Commercial Management had 181 reserve projects, including 163 independent third-party projects.

The data is still very bright, but the key question, Wanda still did not reply.

In June, the Securities Supervision Commission released the latest "requirements for publicity of supplementary materials for the filing of overseas issuance and listing", of which Zhuhai Wanda was the first to issue seven requirements, involving six issues.

Among them, it is required to clarify the post-listing fundraising management and red lines, as well as to refine the fundraising management and commitment not to directly or indirectly flow into real estate.

In addition, according to the prospectus, Zhuhai Wanda’s cumulative cash dividends during the reporting period (2019 to 2021 and the first half of 2022) were 13.27 billion yuan, exceeding the total net cash flow from operating activities for the same period by 11.548 billion yuan.

In addition to the huge dividend, Zhuhai Wanda’s shareholder meeting in late September last year approved the "dividend 3.478 billion yuan" proposal. After listing, the board of directors plans to recommend at least 65% of the annual distributable profit to be used for dividends at the shareholder meeting.

The Securities Supervision Commission requires Zhuhai Wanda to explain: the rationality of the cash dividend amount and future cash dividend policy during the reporting period, whether there is a significant impact on the company’s solvency and continuing operation, and the necessity and rationality of implementing this financing in the case of large cash dividends.

The two questions directly point to the relationship between real estate and business management in Wanda’s business.

One analyst said: "In Wanda’s business system, the existing funding problem is the real estate business. The rental income goes to the commercial management, and the depreciation of shopping malls and loan interest go to the real estate. This has resulted in high profit margins in the commercial management business, which is convenient for listing. Before listing, the profits were used to repay the debt of the real estate, but after listing, the money is not easy to do. The problem with the Securities Supervision Commission is that since you have so much profit to pay dividends, why are you still listed for financing?"

Other issues related to corporate governance, the relationship with the parent company, the authenticity of data, and the risk of gambling all require Wanda to resolve them one by one.

"With Wanda’s current business income, if the Zhuhai Commodity IPO cannot go ahead, Wanda’s solvency may be greatly weakened," Ms Shen said. "Zhuhai Commodity IPO has been delayed and Dalian Wanda has suspended bond issuance, which will exacerbate the tension in Wanda’s capital chain and even cause liquidity risks."

For Wanda, the top priority is to go public, but under the many problems, it is difficult to attract widespread attention by submitting a listing application four times. The outside world is only waiting for the end of the year. Before that, this giant ship is still sailing in the fog. If it wants to go public smoothly, it may first have to sail out of the fog.

The original is too sudden, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying officially announced the breakup, and the couple who have been in love for many years cannot escape the seven-year itch?

It was too sudden! Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying officially broke up.

I was shocked at first. Two days ago, Huang Xiaoming’s video of doing push-ups was still popular, and he announced his breakup within two days.

The news came suddenly, but yes, the seven-year marriage between the leader and the big baby has ended, and the two have broken up.

Before releasing the breakup statement, the two had completed the breakup procedures and would jointly raise their children in the future. This was the last time Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming would cooperate to play the overbearing president.

Seven years, you still think it’s the "seven-year itch"? Obviously not, looking back at their marriage history, all kinds of details during the period have long been foreshadowed.

In 2008, Huang Xiaoming was really in his prime, and his girlfriend was still Li Feier.

Li Feier and Huang Xiaoming met on the set of "The Deer", when Huang Xiaoming was still Wei Xiaobao, and Li Feier played Zeng Rou.

Later, the two were photographed going in and out of the hotel together, having dinner together, and the scandal spread all over the place. Everyone thought that Huang Xiaoming and Li Feier were together.

Later, Huang Xiaoming’s new song "Anything Can Be" also invited Li Feier to play the heroine of the MV, further solidifying the relationship between the two.

As a result, it was only a year later. In 2009, Huang Xiaoming went to KTV to sing with friends, only to meet Yang Ying, who was only 20 years old at the time.

The story of the two men begins here.

Everyone knows that Yang Ying is of mixed race. She went to Hong Kong with her parents when she was a child, and then Yang Ying became a model.

Everyone knows her stage name Angelababy.

At that time, she was just an unknown model.

But after Huang Xiaoming met her, her life changed.

First of all, at the press conference of the movie "The Wind", Huang Xiaoming recommended Yang Ying to Huayi’s boss.

Then the two were rumored.

So much so that later, Huang Xiaoming’s ex-girlfriend Li Feier said in an interview that she had been Huang Xiaoming’s girlfriend before Yang Ying, "that little three" is definitely not herself, and there is no way but to choose to quit.

At that time, Angelababy had a boyfriend, William Chan.

The reporter asked Chen Weiting about the baby’s scandal, although his mouth was indifferent and very generous.

But everyone should understand what’s going on in their hearts.

After all, who is the object of the scandal? Huang Xiaoming has a wide range of contacts and resources in the circle.

Which girl has the opportunity to meet him and is not attracted to him?

Later, the baby broke up with Chan Weiting and stayed with Huang Xiaoming.

What followed was a fairy tale of a domineering president and a cute princess.

First in 2014, Huang Xiaoming suddenly drove a luxury car to the hotel where Yang Ying was celebrating her birthday.

At that time, it attracted a crowd of media to capture the interception, but Huang Xiaoming didn’t care at all, but gave the luxury car worth tens of millions to the baby as a birthday gift.

Baby also naturally snuggled up next to Huang Xiaoming, and the two officially announced their relationship, while Huang Xiaoming was very confident, as if declaring to the outside world that "I am so overbearing".

However, at that time, many people were speculating whether Yang Ying was deliberately approaching Huang Xiaoming for the sake of fame.

In fact, this is normal.

Because, Yang Ying’s encounter is really a dream, and it is not too much to describe it with the words "steady progress".

In 2012, Yang joined Huayi and went on to star in the heroine of the movie "Love in the City" starring Jing Boran.

And all of this is also Huang Xiaoming’s first step.

Then came Tsui Hark’s "Dragon King", "Tai Chi 1", "Tai Chi 2" and other dramas.

Even in 2013, Huang Xiaoming was willing to accompany Yang Ying in the movie "A Romantic Affair" with Yang Ying.

That year, he starred in the movie "China Partner" was in the limelight, and he won the Best Actor Award for the four major awards of Hundred Flowers Award, Golden Rooster Award, Golden Deer Award, and Huabiao Award for this drama.

It can only be said that Huang Xiaoming is really too fond of Yang Ying.

How else to say?

Baby before entering the entertainment industry, just a model, in the Chinese mainland is no background at all.

More importantly, the baby’s acting skills have been complained by the audience and can no longer complain.

From "Gufang does not admire" in the stare, cut out the picture and other embarrassing scenes, to "Han love cloud song", "entrepreneurial era" and other dramas.

More netizens bluntly said, 80 million can such acting be worth?

Of course, this is just a small episode.

In 2015, the wedding of the century between Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying was definitely a major event that shocked the entertainment industry that year.

Huang Xiaoming also began his journey to favor his wife.

Their wedding, thousands of wedding rings, and thousands of wedding venues.

Not to mention that half of the stars in the entertainment industry came to cheer.

And the leader is directly to the baby mother, his mother-in-law 38.38 million as a dowry, which can be called a sky-high price.

According to incomplete statistics, the wedding of the two took 200 million, only a lot more.

Li Yundi, the best man, rushed back from abroad in a hurry, just to help Huang Xiaoming be the best man.

The love story of the two after marriage pervades the entertainment industry.

What candlelight dinner, 999 heart-shaped roses, one Hermès bag a day.

Even buying all 20,000 ice creams on one street can only be said to be sweet.

If the previous was the story of the overbearing president and Cinderella, then the subsequent reversal would be too great.

Since 2015, Angelababy has participated in the variety show "Run" of Zhejiang Satellite TV, and his word-of-mouth career has reached its peak.

Not only with Ni Ni, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi was named the "New Four Little Huadan", but in just 15 years, Baby has connected seven plays, both domestic and foreign.

Since then, Huang Xiaoming has become a greasy uncle and has completely dropped out of the audience career. In almost every play in those years, Huang Xiaoming has been criticized for being too greasy and his acting skills have declined.

In one interview, Huang Xiaoming said: "In the past, when people came to him to film, he might not accept it, but now they go to ask others, and they might not use him."

The lines revealed that he was at a loss.

The signs of the two’s breakup began to emerge as early as 2022.

First of all, in July 2022, there was a sudden news on the Internet that Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying had broken up, which was quickly denied by the staff. The next day, Huang Xiaoming also sent a Weibo clarification.

As the saying goes: "There is no wind without waves".

Once, Huang Xiaoming and the baby were on the awards show, and the picture of Huang Xiaoming helping the baby lift the skirt caused controversy, which was called a show.

Later, the two never shared the same frame again, and even took the plane to leave one after the other.

Then in 2022, on their fifth wedding anniversary, it was revealed that the two had not interacted for a year.

Another time, when the baby was recording the new issue of "Run", he was asked by the program team to call his family, but the baby did not call Huang Xiaoming immediately, which made the audience doubt the marriage of the two.

Last year, Yang Ying’s post made the audience very confused. She was responding to Li Feier’s incident. Angelababy denied it, saying that when he first met Huang Xiaoming, he told himself that he was single.

This "Mr. Huang" is fascinating.

And Huang Xiaoming even posted a post to support the baby, denying that she was the mistress.

On last year’s Weibo night, the two also had zero communication in the same frame.

Although Huang Xiaoming has clarified several times that he did not break up with the baby, it is obviously just perfunctory.

Last year, you can also see two couples wearing a show of affection and taking their daughters to the hospital together.

However, throughout the entire marriage history of the two, Huang Xiaoming has always played the role of a domineering president. He loves and protects his wife Yang Ying, and the baby continues to grow under Huang Xiaoming’s wings.

Now Huang Xiaoming is not the greasy uncle a few years ago. With "Sideburns Are Not Begonia Red" and "Glory and Dreams", the baby has become a "first sister" in the entertainment industry, and the acting of a "Skyscraper" has exploded.

In the face of a breakup, the two also face it calmly and respect each other.

The so-called: good gathering and good dispersal.

Love is vigorous, scattered flat, just like the sweet story of the two after marriage, this breakup is a manifestation, still a model.

Seven years of companionship becomes a sentence, and the future is still family.

Responsible editor:

The defendant in the pornographic photo case is expected to be jailed, and the first publisher remains a mystery

  China News Service, April 30, according to Hong Kong’s "Wen Wei Po" report, Hong Kong artist Chen Edison and a number of actress bed photos have been circulating on the Internet for more than a year, accused of being the source of the issuance of lewd photos of computer maintenance staff Shi Kejun, after 6 days of trial, 29 days in Kowloon City Magistrates’ Court was found guilty of three counts of dishonest access to computers, real-time remand cell waiting for sentencing next month 13.

  The chief judge said the charges were so serious that imprisonment was inevitable. Although Shi’s conviction appears to have ended the case, who was the first "Qina" to post lewd photos of an artist on the Internet remains a mystery.

  The chief judge read out the verdict, saying that he accepted the prosecution’s argument that the defendant had downloaded bed photos from an external hard drive to a computer, and then used the computer to upload bed photos to a server connected to the Internet to obtain photos that did not belong to him. On June 8, 2006, while Shi was repairing the computer at the Home Products Store, he used the computer to log in to the server to download 1,300 lewd photos, showed the photos to two female designers of the Home Products Store on the computer screen, and burned them into a CD and sent them to Liang Tingxin.

  The chief judge also analyzed the evidence of Chen Edison and 14 prosecution witnesses, saying that most of the key witnesses in the case were honest and reliable, and the two female designers Cai Yufen and Liang Tingxin were unswerving under cross-examination by the defense lawyer. As for Cai’s ignorance that his colleague Liang Tingxin was given a bed photo CD, the chief judge believed that the defendant’s purpose in the home store was to repair the computer, so Cai did not know whether the defendant was burning the disc or repairing the computer, which is very normal.

  The president judge also pointed out that Xie Liqiao’s evidence was straightforward and unevasive. Although the defense questioned that Xie Liqiao, a salesperson, was responsible for repairing Chen Edison’s computer, it was unusual, but the president judge pointed out that in a small computer store, it was not uncommon for a staff member to also perform maintenance and sales work. Moreover, he only repaired the computer according to the established steps, and it was impossible to know in advance that the computer contained lewd photos. If Xie wanted to frame the defendant, he would not have truthfully stated that he did not see the process of copying the bed photos from the external hard drive.

  As for Ye Zhaoshan, the owner of the computer shop, the evidence was straightforward and simple. Since Xie Liqiao took the initiative to inform him that he found a lewd photo during maintenance, he had no reason to question Xie’s concealment of the incident. Another maintenance worker, Chen Weiming, also said in court that due to salary issues, he was no longer friends with the boss Ye Zhaoshan, reflecting that he would not "make a confession" with Ye.

  The defense lawyer said in court that the defendant understood that the charge was serious and imprisonment was inevitable, but pointed out that the defendant was only 21 years old when he committed the crime, and hoped that the court would take into account the defendant’s age and request a social service order report.

  After hearing the arguments of both the prosecution and the defense, the magistrate said that the defendant’s violation of good faith in the case made the case particularly serious, so he would not consider imposing a social service order, but would request a report from the ********** to preserve the option of sentencing, and showed that real-time imprisonment was inevitable. The request for a report did not give the defendant false expectations.

Ruan Jingtian’s family background is rich and Zheng Yuanchang sets up a street stall, and the background of Taiwan’s Xiaosheng is revealed

Abstract: There are many popular students in Taiwan, and some of them are popular all the way. "Qiu Ze: Qiu Ze was born into a working family and grew up in a single-parent family. His father was a taxi driver, his mother was a hairdresser, and his parents divorced when Qiu Ze was 3 years old.

There are many popular students in Taiwan, and some of them have been successful all the way. Although they are dazzling stars on the stage today, their very different backgrounds are little known. Let’s reveal the background of these handsome guys one by one for you.

Ruan Jingtian: Ruan Jingtian’s great grandfather once opened a sauce garden to enrich a party. Recently, the family background of Taiwanese male star Ruan Jingtian was exposed by the media. According to media reports, his great grandfather Ruan Jiliang is the third generation descendant of Wanchang Sauce Garden, named Shang Fu, with the word Liang Bi, Ji Liang is his number, known as "Eighth Master". Zhejiang Wanchang Sauce Garden is the predecessor of Zeguo Winery, where the famous old wine of Zeguo is produced. In the generation of Ruan Jiliang, the Ruan family flourished for a while. According to the "Wenling County Chronicle" compiled in 1990, Ruan Shangfu and his brother Ruan Shangzhi had a total of 1,850 acres of land, 1 bank, 4 pawn shops, dozens of shops, and more than 200 houses. It was known as "Ruan Ban Street". There were private armed "Ruan Family Team" and 2 machine guns. In 1949, at the beginning of the liberation of Wenling, Ruan Jiliang was intimidated by the revolutionary situation and ran away to hide. In 1955, Ruan Jiliang’s two sons, Ruan Quanxi and Ruan Cangxi, both went to Taiwan. Despite the changes of time, there are still traces of Ruan Jiliang’s life in Zeguo and the surrounding area. The Wanchang Sauce Garden near Xianzeguo Primary School and the "Tomb of the Eight Elders" near Feiquan Temple in Yandang Mountain have attracted Ruan Jiliang’s descendants to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors.

Ruan Jingtian was born into a military family. Ruan Jingtian was born into a military family. Before entering the industry, he was a swimmer and won the Taichung Iron Man two championships in high school. His dream was to be a pilot, and he has passed relevant exams. In 2002, he was favored when he accompanied a friend to audition and starred in the "Love" MV of Penny Dai. After that, he signed a contract with Kaiwo Model Agency, which mainly focuses on walking shows and shooting advertisements. He also cooperated with Wang Fei, Zhang Huimei, Sun Yanzi and other divas in MV, and the other two male models of the company, Zheng Yuanchang and He Junxiang, also called "Kaiwo Three Musketeers".

There are 8 left bodyguards in public places. When he was a child, Zheng Yuanchang was a fat boy, much different from what he looks like now. When he was in high school, his father hoped that Zheng Yuanchang would study science and engineering, but he hoped to achieve his ideal in art. He knew in his heart that if he chose acting, the road might be very bumpy. If he was lucky, he might become popular overnight, and if he was unlucky, he might be broke. Very practical problems were in front of him, and after being shaken for a while, Zheng Yuanchang still chose to follow his father’s advice. But life still did not bury the boy who was 190 cm tall when he was in middle school in this country. That’s it, a friend casually recommended Zheng Yuanchang to participate in the model selection. He thought, anyway, try it, it doesn’t matter. Who would have thought that this step would enter the door of the entertainment industry and become a popular small student in Taiwan today. In the past, Xiao Zong usually took a taxi to other places, but now there are about 8 bodyguards in public places.

He Junxiang: He Junxiang was born into a family of military officers. According to Lianhe Zaobao, He Junxiang’s uncle is Hu Zhenqiu, a former deputy director of the National Security Bureau, who later served as a national policy advisor to the presidential palace. His uncle’s younger brother is Hu Zhenpu, the army commander-in-chief, and his family background is quite prominent. He Junxiang was suspected of evading military service because he had never graduated from his studies, but he revealed that his family elders were all high-ranking soldiers. He was educated and managed by militarization since he was a child. He said frankly: "The boys in the family are all soldiers. If any child does not join the army, he will lose face to his family." To prove his innocence, it is not to evade military service.

He Junxiang wanted to be a physical education teacher when he was a teenager, and later a friend took him to practice boxing. He Junxiang himself admitted that "I was ready to practice boxing well, so I went to the boxing supply store with my teacher and classmates to buy boxing supplies. As a result, an editor of" Men’s Gang "magazine was there. When he saw me, he asked me to take pictures. After taking pictures, he signed a contract with Kaiwo. Later, he took a MV, and then I made my debut." Later, He Junxiang made his debut as a model and entered the entertainment industry. Now he has become a popular student of Taiwanese idol dramas and is an idol of many female fans.

William Li: William Li’s father left without saying goodbye when he was 5 years old. He started working at the age of 13. His grandfather was British, his grandmother was of mixed Japanese and German blood, and his mother was Singaporean. He had an unpleasant childhood experience. At the age of 5, his father unexpectedly left without saying goodbye. Not only did he leave his mother, but he and his brother did not want him. In order to make a living, his mother had to work two jobs to support the family. William Li was a "key child" from the age of 5. He went home alone after school and ate the dishes cooked by his mother in advance. In school, William Li often could not speak a word all day. Because he was too quiet and too shy, William Li was often bullied by his classmates. William Li has been living in his own world. Finally, at the age of 13, he started a working life to help with the family. He worked many jobs, including porter, waiter, flyer, etc. At the age of 16, he also worked as a salesperson for Christmas supplies, knocking on doors every day. Rejection was a common occurrence for him. Unable to break the fear of facing crowds, he joined his brother in the modeling world, encouraged by his mother and brother.

In 2001, William Likely stood out in the male model selection in Singapore and represented Singapore in the "World Top Model Competition". He passed all the way and won the title of "No. 1 in the 2001 World Top Model Competition" and the "Best Body Award". In this regard, William Likely said: "The god of luck has favored me since this time." Later, he starred in "The Kingdom of Heaven’s Wedding Dress" with Wang Xinling, which made him easily famous. According to Lianhe Zaobao, William Likely currently earns a net worth of hundreds of millions of Taiwan dollars in Taiwan, and he is a noble son in and out of the play. He owns four houses in Taiwan and has a net worth of hundreds of millions of Taiwan dollars. In fact, he is frugal by nature and is often called "governor". He also shops around in stores. Imported instant noodles from Singapore sold in Taiwan are twice as expensive. He would rather return to his hometown by air at NT $30 (about S $1.25) per pack of instant noodles to Taiwan. He also saves water and electricity. He can turn off wherever he goes at home and drive a diesel car in Taiwan, which is environmentally friendly and saves money.

Zhao Youting: Zhao Youting comes from an acting family. Zhao Youting, a Taiwanese actor born in 1984, is the youngest son of Taiwanese artist Zhao Shuhai. He returned to Taiwan from Canada to enter the acting industry. He starred in the first TV series "Ruffian Hero" in 2009 and made his debut. Won the Best Actor Award at the 44th Taiwan Golden Bell Awards, and jumped to the rank of emperor.

Zhao Youting’s father, Zhao Shuhai, is a Taiwanese singer, actor, lyricist, composer, and TV host. He graduated from the mechanical engineering department of Huaxia Institute of Technology and was an outstanding folk singer during the heyday of campus folk songs in the 1970s. He once hosted "Let’s Come Together", which was popular all over the world. He also presided over a number of scientific research and other research projects, and made major inventions and creations in the work of electric power anti-pollution flash. Since Zhao Youting’s debut, he has been smooth sailing all the way, and his father Zhao Shuhai has made great contributions. Not only has he laid a solid foundation for his son’s career, but he has also been extremely protective of his son. At that time, Zhao Youting and Zhou Yumin were competing for the Golden Bell Award for Best Actor, and Zhou Yumin’s fans on the Internet posted some negative messages to Zhao Youting. Zhao Shuhai was eager to protect his son and directly scolded him on Weibo to seek justice for his son.

Tang Yuzhe: Tang Yuzhe lost his father in childhood. In idol dramas, Tang Yuzhe is full of aristocratic gentleman temperament. Tang Yuzhe grew up in a single-parent family, and his father passed away when he was young, leaving only his sister and mother together. It is reported that when he was in the first year of the country, his father passed away in an accident on the construction site, which also gave Tang Yuzhe a great blow and made him become taciturn.

After being brought into the entertainment industry by a talent scout, Tang Yuzhe’s family worked hard for a living. Tang Yuzhe himself graduated from high school and was discovered by talent scouts while working part-time. Tang Yuzhe once confessed: "Although no one cared about my life during that time, I seemed to be free and could do whatever I liked, but it was the time when I was the most unhappy." Until he was 20 years old, the days without his family made him feel extremely uncomfortable, because no one shared with him whether he was happy or not. He said: "At that time, I would not say anything happy or unhappy when I encountered it. I just kept it in my heart. It was like closing myself up. I didn’t know how to talk to people very well. I just kept everything in my heart. At that time, I began to dream that if one day I could make a lot of money, I would buy land by the sea and build a beautiful big house to share my family with my mother, sister and future wife."

Qiu Ze: Qiu Ze was born into a working family and grew up in a single-parent family. His father was a taxi driver, his mother was a hairdresser, and his parents divorced when Qiu Ze was 3 years old. Just like every child from a single-parent family, he was forced to be independent very early, and he experienced the loneliness and insecurity of being alone at home very early. Since Qiu Ze’s memory, his father drove a taxi for 15 or 6 hours a day, and it was very difficult to pay rent and living expenses. As long as the lease expired, he kept moving with his father. He moved back and forth at least 8 times. When he signed a contract to enter the entertainment industry, even though Qiu Ze made some money, he still lived in a rented house.

Yan Yalun: Yan Yalun’s father is a famous doctor, Yan Yalun, his real name is Wu Genglin, and he is the youngest member of the Taiwanese male singing group Fahrenheit. He lived in Connecticut, USA for more than 5 years when he was in elementary school, and served as part of the location host of the Japanese TV program C-POP WORLD in Taiwan. There are one father, one mother and one sister in the family. His father, Wu Mingxiu, is an attending physician in the Department of Nephrology at National Taiwan University Hospital, and the director of the Blood Purification Department of the Comprehensive Clinic. He is a medical doctor from the Department of Medicine of National Taiwan University, and a doctor from the Institute of Physiology of National Taiwan University School of Medicine, Dr. Bandi. His mother was a well-known model back then, opened an economic company, and is now a housewife. His biological sister, Wu Minpei, is 2 years younger than him

He was called a young master by Big S, and it was learned that Yan Yalun was a premature baby with poor health, so his family loved him very much. Big S also said in the disclosure that he was a young master. Because of the good living conditions at home, Yan Yalun studied abroad since childhood and spoke authentic English. His family education was very strict. He started learning upper-class etiquette when he was young. At the age of 3, he started learning piano and recorder, and he played a beautiful piano. When he was in middle school, he played blogs with his classmates, and he was more popular. He posted a lot of photos on the blog. Later, the blog was very popular, and he was discovered and signed by Huayan boss and entered the entertainment industry.

Ming Dao: Ming Dao was born selling dried fish in the market. Ming Dao, a student of Changhua Normal University, had a poor home environment. His parents were vegetable vendors. Ming Dao recalls his childhood, and the vegetable market was the first priority. When I was in the 5th and 6th grades of primary school, my mother began to sell goods in the vegetable market. Every day, my father was responsible for going to the large wholesale market, batching back small fish, shrimp skins and other dry materials, and then carrying my brother, who was 2 years older than him, and him to the market to set up a stall. Since my mother did not set up a fixed stall, but moved to the mobile vendors in various markets, Ming Dao was familiar with the environment of each market since he was a child. After the third year, Ming Dao and his brother set up a stall independently. My father divided the goods into 3 batches, and took my mother and brothers to different markets to do business. He, who was used to accompanying his mother to set up a stall in the vegetable market, said, "I never thought it was very awkward to sell things in the vegetable market. It’s just that when I was a child, I was lazy. When I was tired of selling, I would be lazy

After flying into the big screen from the vegetable market, many people will deliberately hide their identity of being born in the market after becoming famous, but Ming Dao is not shy, and every time he mentions it, he is slightly proud and excited. Ming Dao said that when he grew up in the market, he would help the family sell dried fish every winter and summer vacation, and he also had a set of "must-kill skills" to attract customers at a young age. Ming Dao participated in the "I Guess I Guess I Guess Guess" rough male selection unit in high school, so he was discovered by talent scouts. In 2002, he officially debuted as the host of "Adventure King". In 2005, he played the general manager of the hotel in the "Prince Becomes Frog" drama, and has since become popular on the screen. After Ming Dao became famous, he also published a book "Ming Dao’s Adventure World", claiming that the vegetable market child will show you the world.

Peng Yuyan: Peng Yuyan’s mother used to run a snack bar. Peng Yuyan was born in Taipei. When he was a child, he had taken many commercials and participated in the filming of TV dramas. He was a standard child star. At the age of 14, he immigrated to Canada with his family and entered the famous Canadian school UBC, majoring in economics and business. Peng Yuyan grew up in a single-parent family. When he was interviewed, he said that he remembered that his family used to run a restaurant, and his mother carried all kinds of trivia. When he was a child, he watched his mother busy.

From the same star to the male lead of the idol drama, Peng Yuyan returned to Taiwan during the summer vacation of his sophomore year. The director who knew him when he was shooting commercials asked him to shoot idol dramas, so he entered the entertainment industry and therefore stopped studying to make films. This TV drama is "Love White Paper".

Ke Zhendong: Ke Zhendong was born well-off, Ke Zhendong, his real name is Ke Jiakai, born on June 18, 1991, from Penghu, Taiwan. He is now a second-year student of the Department of Physical Education at the Private Chinese Culture University. According to previous media reports, Ke Zhendong’s father, Ke Yaozong, used to be in the clothing business and is now a store owner, opening a "whiple" store. The first floor is a clothing store, and the second floor is a restaurant. The reporter rushed to the scene. He really saw Ke Dad talking on the phone at the door of the store, and soon went upstairs to greet him. The reporter stepped forward to ask, and Ke Dad first stated that he was not in the entertainment industry and did not want to be in the limelight.

Ke Zhendong became popular because he starred in "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years". In fact, Ke Zhendong’s father also made a cameo appearance as Ke Zhendong’s father in "That". At that time, in order to support his son, he was loyal and accompanied his son to film. It can be seen that his father can also be regarded as a person in the entertainment industry.

Chen Chuhe: His family background is related to the gang. Although the male artist Chen Chuhe is handsome, he is not too outstanding in Taiwan where idols and men gather together, but his background is very attractive. Chen Chuhe’s father turned out to be the boss of Taiwan’s largest social organization, the "Bamboo Union Gang", and his father is the real boss. Chen Chuhe’s father, Chen Qili, is more well-known than him in Taiwan. He graduated from Tamjiang College of Arts and Sciences. In 1956, he joined the Taiwanese gang "Zhonghe Gang" (later renamed "Bamboo Union Gang"), and eventually gradually became the boss of the club and the spiritual leader.

The death of his father caused a sensation, and Chen Qili passed away due to pancreatic cancer. When he held a farewell ceremony in Taiwan, it caused a sensation. The elite police of Taiwan made every effort. In addition to the identification team selected by each branch to identify the gang members who attended the farewell ceremony, hundreds of plainclothes search personnel were also deployed around the mourning hall, and special police officers were deployed outside the mourning hall.

Left and right guardians to help him break into the entertainment industry, the first to let the audience know Chen Chuhe, is his role in the movie "Kung Fu Slam Dunk", and the film’s investment and distribution side Changhong film and television joint stock company boss is Taiwan producer Wu Dun, and Wu Dun is Chen Qili’s brother, the two are life and death friends, and served a prison sentence together.

Chen Chuhe admits that some viewers pay attention to themselves because of their father’s special status: "Because of my father’s relationship, maybe the group of people will be curious about me at first and start to have contact, but later interpersonal relationships still depend on how they manage and interact with others." The picture shows Chen Qili, Chen Chuhe’s father.

Ashin: The background of Ashin’s underworld family was exposed. Mayday’s lead singer Ashin (Chen Xinhong) attended his grandmother’s farewell ceremony on May 6, 2004, which accidentally exposed the background of the underworld family. From his father and uncle to his cousins, many of them were "brothers on the road". In addition to other members of Mayday, there were also the leader of the Bamboo Federation Gang and the head of Xintang, as well as the "younger brother" who was responsible for helping his family organize the venue or protecting the safety of his eldest brother. This shows the weight of the Chen family in the underworld. According to the investigation, Ashin’s father had opened a call station before Mayday’s rise, and was also seized by the police.

Ashin chases his dreams. It is reported that the song "Stubborn" is a work that Ashin felt when he encountered the "underworld family" incident. When it was reported that Ashin’s family had a underworld background, Ashin and the members of the group were doing a campus concert near Shanghai, and received a call from a colleague saying that the news had broken in Taiwan. At that time, Ashin didn’t want others to worry about his state, but he couldn’t help but worry about whether his family was good or not? Because of the relationship between historical background and environment, there are more or less complex interpersonal relationships. His uncle may be in a complex social relationship, but because he pursues his dream of music and stands in front of the stage, he must also be naked in front of the public.

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Peng Yuyan left his old love Jolin Tsai and flirted with Ito


  Peng Yuyan likes to make Chiaki Ito happy both inside and outside the play.

  NetEase Entertainment, March 3rd, "Eddie" Peng Yuyan left his old love "Jolin" Jolin Tsai, and passed on another new love, the object is the sun star Chiaki Ito. It is rumored that the two have been in love for a long time due to their co-production of "Honey Lucky Grass", and they often chat together in private. Eddie also sent his own endorsement of penguin puppets and peaked caps to Ito, and drank a cup of hot cocoa in public without avoiding suspicion.

  Eddie gives endorsements as gifts

  Peng Yuyan’s affair with Jolin last year caused a stir. It is reported that the two are still in contact, but he has been filming the "bee" drama and is eyeing Ito Chiaki, who is a bird and a person. Witnesses told the media that the two had multiple opposing scenes in the "bee" drama. They flirted with each other, and Eddie often made Ito Chiaki happy.

  Not only that, Eddie also gave Chiaki Ito the penguin puppet and painted cap that he endorsed in a high profile. In addition to eating bento together and chatting about their thoughts during the filming break, he would also grab Ito’s drink from time to time and play the "indirect kissing" game.

  Ito will return to Japan

  Speaking of Ito Chiaki, Eddie was all smiles yesterday. He graciously admitted to admiring Ito, "But she’s going back to Japan after filming!" He seemed to be worried that the relationship would fall apart once Ito returned. Then he added: "Whether it’s Miss J or Ito, they are good friends!"

  Flirting, romance warms up

  In the face of Eddie’s generous show of love, Ito pouted and complained: "Every time I shoot a movie and shout cold, Eddie will pretend to take off his coat for me to wear, but in fact, he secretly buttons all the buttons." Although she said she was bullied, but asked her to choose between Zheng Yuanchang, Li Guoyi and Peng Yuyan, Ito still answered without hesitation: "Eddie!" The friendship between the two is gradually warming.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

Nicholas Tse won the Asian Star Award at the 23rd New York Asian Film Festival

On July 17, 2024, Nicholas Tse, the lead actor in the Hong Kong action drama "Customs Front", talks about the film and his acting career at a news conference in New York. Nicholas Tse won the "Asian Star Award", the highest honor at the 23rd New York Asian Film Festival. Photographer, China Daily reporter, Zhang Minlu

China Daily, New York, July 17 (Reporter, Zhang Minlu) The 2024 Hong Kong action drama "Customs Front" was invited to participate in the 23rd New York Asian Film Festival, and Nicholas Tse, who led the lead actor and served as an action director for the first time, won the highest honor of the 23rd New York Asian Film Festival "Screen International Star Asia Award".

The film, directed by Qiu Litao and starring Nicholas Tse, Jacky Cheung, Lin Jiaxin and Yasser Liu, with Wu Zhenyu in particular, tells the story of the special police of the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department who are bombed and robbed by overseas forces in the process of investigating the arms smuggling case, and uncover the secret of the arms theft.

Speaking about his acting career at a media conference on July 17, Nicholas Tse said: "One of the most important elements of acting is the details of life. Do you know what loneliness is, what happiness is, what you call love. As I get older, my understanding of life is different. So I’m going to play joys and sorrows now, which is completely different from when I was 20. I’m a father now, and I have a lot of life experience, which is different from when I was a teenager. [My acting career] also tells about different life stages."

The 23rd New York Asian Film Festival will be held in New York from July 12 to 28. Founded in 2002, the New York Asian Film Festival is one of the most important Asian film festivals in the United States.

Liu Qingyun played and shot for 9 nights, lost 4 kilograms, Peng Yuyan Jiang Shuying played "Nose Dong"

  China News Service, Beijing, August 8th (reporter, Lou Xiao) On the afternoon of August 8th, the action giant "Dangerous City" held the premiere press conference of "Planting Grass" in Beijing today. Director Chen Musheng and action director Hong Jinbao starred in Liu Qingyun, Peng Yuyan, Yuan Quan, Jiang Shuying, etc., and the "big leg combination" Peng Yuyan and Jiang Shuying continued the love in the film, sweetly staged the "nose dong" of the girl’s heart bursting, shy mutual flirting detonated the atmosphere of the scene. Regarding the intense fighting scenes and serial explosions in the film, Peng Yuyan revealed that only one scene of the wine jar duel was filmed for nearly a month, and Liu Qingyun also introduced that the first scene he entered the group was "the bloody battle of the wooden bridge". After 9 days of night scenes, he lost 4 kilograms.

  Due to the fact that Peng Yuyan’s ronin Ma Feng and Jiang Shuying’s teacher have many opposing scenes in the film, Jiang Shuying revealed, "We had an intimate night scene, and Liu Qingyun and Gu Tianle were very curious and rushed to the set to watch." In the film, Jiang Shuying was "molested" by Peng Yuyan and forced into a corner to forcibly "wall dong". The two continued the love in the film to the scene. In the enthusiastic voice, a face-to-face "nose dong" was staged. Jiang Shuying was flushed and embarrassed, and the sweetness index spiked "all kinds of dong".

  In addition to the emotional intersection with Jiang Shuying, Peng Yuyan also has an unforgettable "egg love" with his senior brother Wu Jing in the play. He said, "’Senior brother’ Wu Jing takes great care of himself. When filming, he often invites himself to eat and watch movies. This is the first time I have watched two movies in a row with a man."

  Recalling the "strongest fight scene" in the film, Liu Qingyun, who practiced the whip three months in advance and was handy with the two-meter-long whip, said with a smile, "The first day I entered the group to shoot wooden bridge sparring, I shot for nine nights, and I lost 4 kilograms. I can’t imagine every action. If you go to the cinema to see it, you will know how long my whip is." Yuan Quan, who premiered the fight scene, said frankly, "This is a performance beyond imagination, everyone can see different things in each actor." For Liu Qingyun, who plays his husband, Yuan Quan praised "the role model of the perfect man".

  In the film, Mr. Hung’s apprentice, Peng Yuyan, and his son, Hong Tianzhao, both perform brilliantly. Asked whether he would take sides on the set, he said bluntly, "No, every actor is very serious. No matter how tired I think of the moves, they will learn them by heart and shoot hard."

  It is reported that the film "Dangerous City" will be released on August 12, starring Liu Qingyun, Gu Tianle, Peng Yuyan, Yuan Quan, Jiang Shuying, Wu Jing special performance, Liao Qizhi, Shi Yanneng, Wu Tingye, Hong Tianzhao, Jiang Haowen co-starring.

Jolin Tsai received a big gift from her boyfriend on her birthday, revealing that she hoped to have a child before the age of 35

Jolin Tsai

    Jolin Tsai, a young diva, even if she is full of work, has to take time to do public welfare. She loves children very much and said that she is really happy to attend the event. The theme of the event is to believe in love and move the concert, which makes Jolin very much looking forward to seeing the children’s performance. She gives great encouragement to disadvantaged children Jolin, saying that she also loves doing public welfare.

    Jolin, who has just returned to Taiwan from Nanjing, can’t wait to support Chinese movies with her boyfriend Jinrong. He doesn’t give face to what movie Jolin supports. He says it doesn’t matter. The two have a hot relationship, and recently they have been endorsing children. Jolin also said that he likes children very much. Now he often focuses on children on the road. He is also very curious about the appearance of his child. When asked if he would like to have a mixed-race baby, Jolin said that as long as the baby is healthy, it is the most important thing. Many friends around him have already given birth to a baby, which also accidentally revealed the idea of marriage. 

    This year’s birthday, although her boyfriend Jinrong did not attend the birthday party, she was asked if she had received a special gift. Jolin was not stingy in admitting it but did not share it with the outside world, but the happy expression on her face could not be concealed. She was asked if something good was coming? Jolin said that she was not a fortune teller and could not answer such a question. She hoped to have a child before the age of 35 or 6. For the reporter to ask if she had met her Mr. Right, Jolin shyly said: "Don’t do this" and ended the interview shyly.

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It was exposed that Yang Ying was reported and suspected of misleading an 11-year-old woman to dance striptease. She was sought after by nightclubs and the blocking process was exposed

Recently, the Yang Ying Zhang Jiani Crazy Horse Show incident has caused a lot of uproar, but neither of the two parties has responded positively to the matter, and they have chosen to deal with it coldly. In this regard, many netizens do not buy it, thinking that as public figures, instead of setting an example, they pass on negative energy and mislead minors, and should be banned directly without any future troubles.

Yang Ying was reported

Many netizens have been discussing this, and some netizens think that it is just a show, so why bother with it. But on October 4th, some media exposed that female star Yang Ying was **** by a parent, claiming that because Yang Ying participated in the Crazy Horse Show, in order to follow the pace of idol Yang Ying, she imitated the Crazy Horse Show dance, that is, striptease. So the mother wants to beg the relevant state departments to ban the bad artists and save the poisoned minors.

Suspected of misleading 11-year-old woman into stripping

According to an insider, Yang Ying was suspected of misleading an 11-year-old girl to organize a striptease dance at home because she participated in the Crazy Horse Show. It turned out that Yang Ying’s fan audience was generally low in age and did not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. They did not understand the specific meaning of the so-called striptease. They just felt that the people they liked were doing it, so this must be correct.

It is reported that in order to support Yang Ying, these minors organized a number of men and women to restore the Crazy Horse Show (strip party) together. Because the sound was too loud, the neighbors found the parents, and they were discovered. But some netizens couldn’t help but wonder, if this matter was not discovered, which way would these minors go in the future?

Popular in nightclubs

Compared with the young and ignorant minors, the dance content of Crazy Horse Show has also begun to be sought after by domestic nightclubs. According to netizens, in a first-tier city in our country, nightclubs have launched related dance performances, using women as an exhibition, labeling them, and becoming their eye-catching tools.

Blocking process exposed

As the popularity of Yang Ying’s Crazy Horse Show intensified, some insiders exposed Yang Ying’s banning process, claiming that the banning process for Yang Ying had already begun. The first step was to start checking Yang Ying’s advertisements, variety shows, and representative works to reduce her appearance rate.

Some attentive netizens also found that Yang Ying’s popular variety shows, including the resident variety show runners, also reduced Yang Ying’s appearance and publicity. Some netizens also found that any avatar of Yang Ying could not be used, which also indicates the beginning of the ban process. I don’t know if Yang Ying regretted participating in the Crazy Horse show, but there is no regret medicine in the world, and we all have to pay for our actions.

Regarding the issue that Yang Ying’s avatar could not be used, Yang Ying’s studio also responded immediately, claiming that there was no system problem and there was no ban.

How do you see the current situation after Yang Ying participated in the Crazy Horse Show? You can share your thoughts in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

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