Is it difficult to take the self-study exam of insurance principles?

The regulations of self-taught provinces are different, and the provincial policies shall prevail. Including the time, process, policy and entrance of registration are different, but the examination is unified throughout the country, and the academic qualifications are also available on the Internet. Is it difficult to take the self-study exam of insurance principles?On this issue, Xiaobian, the online self-study platform of China Education, will simply tell you about it.

Click to enter:If you have questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the examiner’s college and major, and don’t know the local policy of the self-study exam, click to learn now.

Insurance is a discipline involving risk management and finance. For many people, insurance may be a relatively unfamiliar and complex field. However, in the face of increasingly complex social and economic environment, it is becoming more and more important to understand the basic principles and concepts of insurance. Insurance involves many complex concepts and technologies, such as risk management, insurance principles, premium calculation and compensation theory. These concepts and technologies may be difficult for people without relevant background knowledge or experience to understand.

Self-taught exams generally take about 2 years to graduate. Self-taught examination basically depends on the examinee’s consciousness. If the examinee can study consciously, then the graduation time will definitely be shorter. There is no fixed academic system for adult self-study exams, and when to graduate and get a certificate depends on the candidates themselves. Candidates must complete all subjects in the professional plan before applying for graduation. There are generally about 12-16 examination subjects for self-taught undergraduate students. Candidates need to complete the theoretical courses specified in the professional examination plan, complete the practical course assessment specified by the major, and obtain qualified results before they can apply for graduation.

Worthy, the self-taught examination is the method to improve academic qualifications with the highest recognition except the full-time education enrollment. The enrollment target of self-study examination is for the whole society, and all employees, students and unemployed people can apply for it. The state expressly stipulates that self-study examination qualifications can participate in national civil service and postgraduate examinations, and can also participate in various job qualification examinations in society. Generally speaking, no matter whether you plan to work, go to school or go abroad for further study in the future, self-study exam qualifications are useful.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge, related news, etc. Please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces