The morning newspaper is super promising. Leung Ka-hui Koo Tianle will star in "Dragon Chasing 2" Wang Sicong is on fire eating hot dogs

Fresh information morning call is all in the morning newspaper


Good morning, melon-eating netizens! The November calendar has turned over, and there are only two or three days left before the New Year’s Eve. These days, Beijing has made people feel the cold of winter, so I have a girl to send warmth to the bosses. All the hot news in the movie industry that happened in the past 24 hours will be given to you!

Preview: Wang Jing will push "Dragon Chasing 2"? "Detective Conan: Zero’s Executor" China and Japan have the same lineup


According to "Hong Kong Film Bar" Weibo, Wang Jing is about to release the movie "Dragon Chasing 2", starring Leung Ka Fai and Koo Tianle, and posted a poster of the film in English. The poster clearly shows Leung Ka Fai and Koo Tianle as the two stars. Leung Ka Fai is wearing a suit and Koo Tianle is holding a gun. The two look serious and nervous. In front of them, there is an unknown figure tied to a chair and facing the picture. It can be said that it is very exciting~

At the beginning of this year, the poster and actor information of Wang Jing’s new film were exposed at the Hong Kong International Film and Television Festival. The film starred the four best actors Leung Ka Fai, Koo Tian Le, Lin Jiadong, and Ren Dahua. The English name of the film is "Master of Ransom", and the poster of "Chasing the Dragon 2" also shows the same English name. Therefore, if nothing else, "Chasing the Dragon 2" and "King of Thieves" are the same film~ SO, Wang Jing invited the four best actors to star in "Chasing the Dragon 2" this time, which is simply making things happen! It’s really hard not to attract attention~

Continue to pay attention to the new film information! The 22nd Conan theatrical version, which will be released nationwide this Friday, recently completed an unprecedented grand assembly of the lineup at the Beijing Station of "Five Cities and Ten Games". Director Tachikawa Rao, and the voice actors who acted as the Mandarin voice for the major stars attended the scene, and "Father of Conan Animation" Suwa Michihiko led the major producers to escort, and was shouted by fans: "The strongest lineup in the universe". As the most anticipated Japanese anime movie this year, the film previously grossed up to 9 billion yen in Japan, making it the highest-grossing theatrical anime in history~ Conan is stable this time!

Since the release of the Conan theatrical version 22 years ago, mainland audiences have rarely had the opportunity to walk into the theater to enjoy the Conan story on the big screen, so the reputation of the first wave of early adopters in the mainland is even more eye-catching~ Audiences have cried out after watching it: "When watching it, I was so excited that the whole process of groundhog screaming" "It turns out that watching Conan in the cinema is such a cool thing" "Devil-level handsomeness" "The long wait before the release is worth it" and other fancy confession movies, those of us who have not seen the movie are just jealous~

Box office trumpet Shu 10 days box office only exceeded 10 million, Wu Kequn: I lost!


Singer Wu Kequn’s self-directed and self-starred new film "Writing Poems for You" has been released for ten days, and the film has only accounted for 0.2% of the films. The cumulative box office has only exceeded 10 million, and the Douban score is 4.1. Compared with the (box office 379 million) and (box office 1.361 billion) that are also changed into movies through classic songs, Wu Kequn’s film can be said to be a double "hit the street" by word of mouth and box office.

Wu Kequn wrote on Weibo in the early morning of the 4th that "I have completely lost this battle". In fact, before the film started filming, Wu Kequn’s mother was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. He revealed to the Beijing News that he had thought about giving up filming "Writing Poems for You", but his mother’s encouragement made him insist on finishing the project. It’s just a pity that his mother didn’t see it on the day of the release. At the premiere, he specially left a seat for his mother, and "Writing Poems for You" is even more of a memorial to his mother. In short, no matter whether the movie is good or not, any girl will add oil to the filial Wu Kequn and give him a thumbs up!

The star thing Shu IG won the championship and Wang Sicong sent benefits! Xiao Yang accidentally hit the hot search


In the past few days, the fat circle of friends who have material girls has been swiped by IG to win the championship. League of Legends S8 season IG3:0 swept FNC, and the whole people are congratulating on the exciting moment! The first world championship, everyone is quite excited, this excitement doesn’t matter, Xiao Yang was sent to the hot search, and the response of the deity is simply confused! The thing is like this: Rookie of the IG team looks too much like the singer Xiao Yang!! netizens ridiculed the two for bumping faces and caused "Congratulations Xiao Yang" to reach the top of the hot search. Emmmm~ It really looks like a brother who has been lost for many years!

In addition to the fans who were very happy to win the championship, the happiest person was the boss Wang Sicong. After the game, the national husband sent Weibo to solicit what everyone wanted, and the lucky ones would be selected! Some netizens ridiculed: "Hot dogs?" Wang Sicong replied: "You are poisonous, blocked"

Movie Calendar | Yang Zi was born

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