The police confirmed that it was indeed "Erkang" Zhou Jie who drove over the taxi

Feature: Zhou Jie caught in the "car door crash"

    Actor Zhou Jie. Infographic

    Yesterday, two injured passengers were waiting for treatment in the emergency room of Chaoyang Hospital. Photo by Wang Guibin, Beijing News

    A passerby inspects an unlicensed Mercedes-Benz at the scene of the incident. Photo by Wang Guibin, Beijing News

    At about 3:50 am yesterday, an unlicensed Mercedes-Benz collided with a taxi on Gaobeidian North Road (Chaoyang District, Beijing), injuring three people in the taxi. The reporter learned from Chaoyang Traffic Detachment today that the owner of the Mercedes-Benz was indeed Zhou Jie, an actor who played Erkang in "Huanzhu Gege". After the incident, Zhou Jie dialed 122 to call the police, but then left the scene. Yesterday afternoon, Zhou Jie had come to the traffic detachment to deal with the accident. At this time, an alcohol test was carried out, and the test result was zero.

Traffic control authorities told the media in the morning that the police received two consecutive calls at about 3.53am yesterday, from a witness and "the victim claiming to be surnamed Zhou". When police arrived at the scene, they found that the accident occurred near the entrance of the No. 115 bus stop. The taxi had been pushed overboard by the "Da Ben" and hit a telephone pole. The car body was squeezed and deformed. The owner of the "Da Ben" was not found at the scene. The taxi driver and two passengers were injured, one of whom was fractured.

    This morning, the police played a recording of the incident to reporters. In the recording, the owner, who gave his surname as Zhou, clearly reported the scene of the accident and the license plate number of the Mercedes-Benz. But the police at the scene found that the R-Class Mercedes-Benz had no number plates hanging from the front and rear. Later, the police found the number plate in the trunk.

    After investigation, the owner of the car was the actor Zhou Jie. After the police checked the vehicle file database, they contacted Zhou Jie with the alarm phone number and the vehicle registration phone number respectively. The person who answered the phone claimed to be Zhou’s friend. The "friend" told the police that he would notify Zhou Jie as soon as possible and go to the traffic team to deal with it. Soon, Chaoyang police searched Zhou Jie’s residence according to the address registered by the vehicle, but still found no trace of him.

    At 4 p.m. yesterday, Zhou Jie came to Chaoyang Traffic Detachment for treatment, and said, "After the accident, I felt uncomfortable, chest tightness, dizziness, and went to the hospital for examination and treatment."

    "He wasn’t drinking," Mr. Zhou said, referring to suspicions that the other party in the accident was driving under the influence. The police conducted a breath alcohol test at this time, and the result was zero.

    The traffic control department said in the morning that the accident needs to be handled by "normal procedures", and that the collection of evidence and the identification of the injuries of the wounded will take some time. The investigation is currently underway. The police said that whether Zhou Jie’s account of the accident was true also needs to continue to be investigated. But because he called the police at the scene and reported his license plate number, the "hit and run" theory is not valid. Now it can be determined that the car did not hang the number plate as required, and the police will punish it according to law. Reporter Enron

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  • Beijing unlicensed Mercedes hit the taxi, the owner is said to be actor Zhou Jie 2009-06-03