The cold air caused the temperature in the north to dive and ushered in the first snowfall in the second half of the year.

  BEIJING, Beijing, Oct. 10 (Xinhua)-The 9th is the first working day at the end of the Eleventh Golden Week. Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places have experienced heavy rainfall, and Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and other places even ushered in the first snowfall this autumn. The cooling wind made it difficult for many office workers returning to work to adapt for a while, shouting "I want to wear long pants".

  According to the latest weather forecast, the temperature in Northeast China, North China, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and other places will drop by 6-10℃ today and tomorrow, and the local temperature drop can reach 12℃. There is strong precipitation in the southeast of northwest China and North China, and moderate to heavy snow in parts of Ningxia and Gansu.

  On October 9, the temperature dropped sharply in many places in Inner Mongolia. On the streets of Hohhot, pedestrians riding electric cars put on "cotton-padded clothes" to travel. China News Service reporter Liu Wenhua photo

  Just entering October, I "want to wear long pants"

  — —Rainfall in many places in the north has cooled down, and the local temperature drop has exceeded 10℃

  In October, after enjoying the Golden Week holiday, office workers need to overcome not only the "holiday syndrome", but also the windy and cool weather. With the arrival of cold air, there has been a sharp cooling in many places in the north in recent days. On social platforms, many netizens shouted "to wear long pants" in their circle of friends.

  According to the report of the Central Meteorological Observatory on the evening of the 9th, due to the influence of cold air, at 14: 00 on the 9th, compared with 14: 00 on the previous day, the central and eastern Jilin, Liaoning, central Inner Mongolia, northern Hebei, western Shanxi, central and northern Shaanxi, Ningxia, central and southern Gansu and other places experienced a temperature drop of 6-8 C, and the local temperature drop reached 10-12 C.

  In addition, heavy rainfall, fog and other weather in many places have also added traffic pressure to the first working day after the Golden Week. Among them, Weibo Meteorological Beijing, the official of Beijing Meteorological Bureau, reported that the average precipitation in Beijing reached 29.8 mm from 4: 00 to 16: 00 on the 9th.

  According to media reports, on the morning of the 9 th, the rainy and foggy weather in Beijing continued, and several high-speed sections of Jingha, Beijing-Tianjin and Jingping were closed; Rain and fog also affected flights at the Capital Airport. As of 11: 00 on the 9th, more than 100 inbound and outbound flights were delayed and more than 50 flights were cancelled.

  Cold air comes with snow

  — — Many places welcomed the first snowfall in the second half of the year, and the temperature hit a new low in the second half of the year.

  In addition to strong winds and rainfall, snowfall occurred in some places in the north. According to a report from the Central Meteorological Observatory on the evening of the 9th, 1-7mm snowfall or sleet occurred in central Gansu, eastern Qinghai and central Inner Mongolia during the daytime on the 9th.

  According to media reports, due to the influence of cold air, Xining, Qinghai Province ushered in the first snowfall since autumn on the 9th. The daily minimum temperature dropped to 0.9℃, and the temperature hit a new low since the second half of this year. The meteorological department of Qinghai Province issued several yellow warnings for cold waves.

  The staff of Qinghai Meteorological Bureau told the media that the first snow in Xining this year was 20 days earlier than last year, and the low temperature weather will continue. It is understood that at present, Xining has not yet entered the heating season, but due to the obvious drop in temperature, citizens have put on winter cotton clothes and masks.

  Some areas in Inner Mongolia also ushered in the first working day after a long holiday in the wet and cold. According to media reports, the first snowfall occurred in many places in Inner Mongolia since the second half of the year, with obvious snowfall in Alxa League, Bayannaoer, Baotou, Wulanchabu and Hulunbeier. The snowfall time in central and western Inner Mongolia was the earliest in recent 10 years, and the maximum snow depth in Hulunbeier boketu has reached 13 cm.

  Zhang Fanghua, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the cold air process affected a wide range and lasted for a long time, with a large cooling range, long precipitation duration and large accumulated precipitation in the northern region.

  Zhang Fanghua suggested that the cold air process not only brought about obvious cooling, but also accompanied by a wide range of precipitation weather, and the body temperature will be very low, and the temperature in most areas in the next 10 days will be lower than that in the same period of the year. At present, most areas have not been centrally heated, and the public needs to take cold-proof and warm-keeping measures.

  National gale cooling forecast map (from 20: 00 on October 9 to 20: 00 on October 11). Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory official website

  Cold air will continue to go south.

  — — The cumulative cooling range in Wuhan and Chongqing can reach 15℃

  As the saying goes, an autumn rain is cold, and ten autumn rains put on cotton. In the next few days, the cooling weather will continue.

  According to the official website news of the Central Meteorological Observatory, it is estimated that there will be a temperature drop of 6-10℃ in the central and eastern parts of Northeast China, most of North China, southwestern Shaanxi, northeastern Sichuan, Chongqing, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai and northern Jiangnan from 20: 00 on the 9th to 20: 00 on the 11th, and the local temperature drop can reach 12℃. There are 4-6 winds in most of these areas.

  For example, under the influence of rain and cold air, the temperature in Beijing will continue to drop. According to media reports, the highest temperature in Beijing during the day on the 10th was only 11℃, and the lowest temperature in the morning on the 11th will drop to 7℃, both of which will hit new lows since the second half of this year.

  In addition, the cold air continues to go south. According to media reports, Hubei will usher in a "roller coaster" decline in temperature from the 10th, and the highest temperature in northwest Hubei will be the first to drop to 18-21 C; On the 11th, the temperature will drop further, and the highest temperature in Wuhan will drop to 16℃, and the cumulative cooling rate can reach 15℃.

  According to local media reports in Chongqing, a cooling and rainy weather process began in Chongqing on the evening of the 9 th, which lasted until the 12 th, and the daily average temperature will drop by 6-9 C. From the perspective of the whole city, the highest temperature will drop from 33℃ to 18℃, and the cooling rate will be as high as 15℃.

  In addition, it is expected that there will be heavy rain and local heavy rain in parts of Sichuan, Shaanxi, North China, Liaoning and Jilin from 20: 00 on the 9 th to 20: 00 on the 10 th; In Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai and other places, rain will turn to sleet or snowfall. Among them, there are moderate to heavy snow in parts of southern Ningxia and central Gansu, and there are heavy snow in mountainous areas.

  It is understood that on October 12, the cold air force will weaken and the cooling will end. At that time, only Jiangnan and northern South China will have a temperature drop of 2 C to 4 C.