Nanchang City has issued detailed rules for the management of online car-hailing: it is not allowed to pick up passengers at airports and other places

  CCTV News:Our reporter learned from relevant departments that three reform policy documents, including the "Nanchang Municipal People’s Government’s Implementation Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", "Nanchang City’s Implementation Detailed Rules for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" and "Nanchang City’s Implementation Opinions on Regulating Private Passenger Car Co-hailing Travel", will be officially implemented from June 1, 2017. This means that Nanchang City will set corresponding business boundaries for the new and old business formats of the taxi industry, promote taxi, online car-hailing, and shared car dislocation services, and differentiated operations, and achieve integrated development.

  Online car-hailing must be a vehicle within 3 years of initial registration

  "Nanchang city network booking taxi business service management implementation rules" clearly, Nanchang city network about car platform company should have the status of enterprise legal person, in Nanchang city registration authority, with online and offline service capabilities, operating license validity period of 4 years.

  Nanchang City makes it clear that online car-hailing operators should establish enterprises with corporate legal personality or branches with business licenses in Nanchang City, and have office space and management personnel in Nanchang City that are commensurate with the scale of operation. They have service capabilities such as safety management, personnel training, and complaint acceptance. They have a sound operation management system, safety production management system, and service quality assurance system. At the same time, the network service platform database should be connected to the supervision platform of Nanchang City’s transportation administrative department.

  The "Nanchang City Online Booking Taxi Business Service Management Implementation Rules" pointed out that the online car must be registered as a car in the city, with 7 seats and less; the fuel vehicle grade should be higher than the existing mainstream taxis in the city, and the vehicle wheelbase should not be less than 2650mm, and meet the Nanchang City Motor Vehicle Emission Standards; new online car-hailing encourages the use of new energy vehicles, with a wheelbase of not less than 2400mm and a cruising range of not less than 150km; vehicles need to be installed with emergency alarm devices and on-board satellite positioning devices with driving record functions, and the on-board satellite positioning devices should comply with relevant national regulations; vehicle technical performance should meet the requirements of relevant national and industry operating safety standards, and relevant operating insurance should be insured according to regulations; vehicle owners agree to register the nature of vehicle use as "booking taxi passenger transportation"; vehicle initial registration date to application date should not exceed 3 years If the vehicle belongs to an individual, other taxis and online taxis that should not be registered under the name of the vehicle owner, I shall obtain the "Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License", register as required, and directly engage in operational activities.

  Online car-hailing is not allowed to pick up passengers at airports, railway stations, etc

  Nanchang City clearly stipulates that online car-hailing drivers are registered in the city or have obtained a residence permit in the city, and their age has not exceeded the national legal retirement age; they have obtained the corresponding type of motor vehicle driver’s license and have more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug use record, no driving record after drinking, and no 12-point record in the last 3 consecutive scoring periods; no violent criminal record; no record of being revoked as a taxi driver in the last 5 years.

  According to the principle of misplaced development of online car-hailing and taxis, Nanchang City has clarified the scope of operation of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing cannot pick up customers by parade, nor can it pick up customers at taxi dispatch service stations such as Nanchang Airport, railway station, and bus terminal or places that implement queuing.

  It is understood that three reform policy documents for the taxi industry in Nanchang will be implemented on June 1, 2017. For online car-hailing platform companies that have already started online car-hailing business in Nanchang City, Nanchang City will give a 12-month transition period. During the transition period, platform companies must go through the procedures for online car-hailing business licenses according to regulations. For vehicles and personnel that do not meet relevant regulations, Nanchang City will clean up.

  The "Nanchang Municipal People’s Government’s Implementation Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" states that Nanchang City encourages taxis to provide operating services through telecommunications, the Internet, and other means, promotes the use of non-cash payment methods that comply with regulations, and supports taxi operators to transform and provide online ride-hailing services.

  Eligible private cars and used cars can carry out online car-hailing operations

  The relevant person in charge of the Nanchang Transportation Bureau told reporters that online car-hailing is a type of taxi, and the vehicles providing services should be operating vehicles. Private cars in the traditional sense refer to non-operating passenger cars owned by individuals. Our country strictly distinguishes between operating and non-operating vehicles, and the two are different in many aspects such as vehicle technical performance, safety testing, scrap life, and insurance rates. Therefore, private cars cannot engage in online car-hailing services, but eligible private cars can engage in online car-hailing services after applying for approval and registration as reserved taxis according to procedures. Although they are still owned by individuals, they have been transformed into operational ones.

  Nanchang City requires that the ride-hailing vehicle must be a vehicle with an initial registration of less than three years. This regulation is to prevent a large number of second-hand cars from entering the online ride-hailing market, reduce the vehicle grade in disguise, bring certain safety hazards to passengers, and cause unfair competition to traditional taxis. However, second-hand cars that meet the requirements can also apply for online ride-hailing operations.

  The relevant person in charge also said that those who have obtained the qualification of a taxi driver and meet the conditions stipulated by the city’s detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing can directly obtain the "Online Booking Taxi Driver Permit" after applying by themselves or the entrusted platform company, so as to convert to online car-hailing driver. (CCTV reporter, Manshuai)