Internet celebrity live streaming host Feng Timo transformation concert singer: there are some small tensions

  Von Timo

  The concert features original songs

  "There was a little bit of nervousness and a little bit of excitement," Mr. Feng told a cover news reporter more than 10 minutes before the ticket was issued. "This is my first concert, and it’s also a moment when my dream is about to come true. No matter how many people come to see my concert, I am very happy, and I will perform very seriously."

  Over the years, Feng Timo has insisted on sharing music with netizens and fans through live broadcasts, singing at least 30 or 40 songs in each live broadcast, and even singing nearly 100 songs in one night.

  In addition to the covers, Feng Timo has also released a number of his own music works in the past two years. "From the first song of his own in 2017, I now have more than 10 singles of my own original songs."

  Feng Timo’s debut physical album of the same name will also be released on the day of the concert on August 3. Many fans are wondering what songs Feng Timo will choose to sing at the concert? "The concert will be dominated by my own original songs." Feng Timo also "spoiler", will sing his latest song.

  Transforming from live streaming host to singer took 5 years

  There were still more than two months before the concert, and Feng Timo had already started to prepare, "I have been exercising for the past few months, and I have also been training my breath, body, etc. I hope to show the best stage effects to everyone by then."

  After 5 years, Feng Timo finally went from a small live stream to the stage of a personal concert. For the first concert, the overall production has been positioned at the international first-class level since the preparation, and the well-known domestic concert director team and production team will be invited to participate.

  On the online platform, Feng Timo gained many fans with his sweet singing and began to be well known to the public; a song "Buddhist Girl" was popular online and offline, and songs such as "Walking and Loving", "Blue Sky", "Heart-Shaped Universe", "Blowing Sea Breeze", "Sense of Sight" and other songs made Feng Timo enter the ranks of original singers. At the same time, Feng Timo also stepped on various challenging stages as a singer. "In unison", "Avenue of Stars", "Masked Singing Will Guess" and "This is Original", with their excellent singing skills, they walked out of their own "transformation" road.

  Of course, some fans are also worried that after becoming a singer, Feng Timo will reduce the live broadcast time? "Everyone will definitely see my live broadcast. No matter whether it is a singer or a live streaming host, no matter which identity, I strive to be the best version of myself, without boundaries."

  Cover News Reporter Chen Ying