How to upgrade the higher level of national fitness in the future?

Recently, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China issued an opinion, proposing to thoroughly implement the national strategy of national fitness and build a higher-level public service system for national fitness. By 2025, the per capita sports area in China will reach 2.6 square meters, and the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise will reach 38.5%. If you want to exercise, you must have a venue first. How to solve the venue? Let’s watch together.

Make up the short board for the fitness facilities at home.

How to enjoy more fitness venues at home? The opinion puts forward that in order to build a sports ecological circle around the masses, it is proposed for the first time that new residential areas should be equipped with public fitness facilities according to the standard that the indoor per capita construction area is not less than 0.1 square meters, or the outdoor per capita land is not less than 0.3 square meters, which should be included in the construction drawing review. If the acceptance is not up to standard, it should not be delivered for use.

In view of the problem of short-board fitness facilities in existing residential communities, experts also suggested that public activity venues should be increased by transforming green spaces and open spaces between houses.

Expand new space, make concessions and become an open gym

In addition to the front door, we must expand the fitness space to a farther distance. The opinion puts forward that China will promote the construction of sports parks and promote the free opening of sports parks to the public. Build a certain proportion of fitness facilities in existing country parks and city parks according to local conditions.

In addition, our familiar trails will be further upgraded. Next, China will formulate the overall plan and guidelines for the construction of the national trail system. In the future, the national trail will pass through natural landforms or historical and cultural sites such as mountain forests, rivers and canyons, grasslands and deserts, so that people can feel the beauty of humanity while exercising.

Open and shared schools "one school, two doors open in the morning and evening"

In addition to adding new venues, we should also revitalize existing fitness venues. Some netizens said, "The track and field of our nearby university is very big, but we can only watch it every time we pass by, but we can’t enter it." "Many institutions and enterprises have many gymnasiums. Can they be open to the public?"

In this regard, the opinion clearly stated that it is necessary to promote the comprehensive opening and sharing of existing fitness venues. Institutions and state-owned enterprises should take the lead in opening up the space available for fitness, so as to make it as open as possible. Schools that have been built and have the conditions should carry out the safe isolation and transformation of sports facilities with "two courses at a time and two courses in the morning and evening". Most schools have sports facilities, but in the process of opening to the public, due to safety or other management issues, the progress is still slow. According to the opinions issued this time, this situation will change in the future.