The three-dimensional parking garage of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University opened the queuing parking building for medical vehicles, but it was "empty"

Qianlong-France Evening Joint Report (Reporter Gong Zhu) In order to alleviate the traffic congestion and parking difficulties around the hospital, last year, the Third Hospital of Peking University started to build a "mechanical three-dimensional parking garage", increasing the original 30 parking spaces to nearly 300. It is understood that the "parking building" was officially put into use in June.

Has the chronic disease of "full of cars" been cured?

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of June 11th, the reporter came to the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, which is located in Huayuan North Road, and saw that the citizens who came to see the doctor had already driven to the third traffic light on the road outside the hospital. One of the drivers told the reporter that it took nearly two hours to get to the hospital gate.

However, the mechanical three-dimensional parking garage officially put into use recently is in a "semi-paralyzed" state, and the building is "empty".

The parking administrator told the reporter that the new parking building has restrictions on the size of vehicles, and vehicles exceeding this size still need to park in the ground parking lot. In addition, because the ground parking lot and the three-dimensional parking building "share" an entrance, so "the big car is blocked in front, and when the ground parking lot is vacant, the small car should also be blocked in the back." The administrator said.


Vehicles waiting in line for medical treatment are "empty"

It is understood that in the past, there were only ground parking lots in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, and the number of parking spaces was small. Parking in the hospital had to wait in line at the door for a long time, which led to the consistent congestion at the surrounding intersections.

In order to improve the parking difficulty in hospitals, the foundation stone laying ceremony of mechanical three-dimensional parking garage was opened in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University on May 29th last year. It is understood that the three-dimensional parking garage is located between the hospital beauty center building and the outpatient building, covering an area of 576 square meters. The parking building has a total of 12 floors and 24 meters high, with a total of 281 parking spaces, using vertical lifting double-column tower garage technology.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of June 11th, the reporter came to the Third Hospital of Peking University, which is located in Huayuan North Road, and saw that the vehicles driven by the citizens who came to see the doctor were lined up for nearly 1 kilometer, and they were discharged from the hospital gate to Longxiang Road (outside the third traffic light of the hospital). One of the drivers in the front told the reporter that he had been in line for nearly two hours and still had no vacancy.

The reporter saw at the scene that the ground parking lot was "hard to find", but in the mechanical three-dimensional parking garage that was officially put into use recently, it was "empty" and almost no vehicles were parked.

In this regard, a parking administrator told reporters that the new parking building has a small capacity specification, which limits the size of vehicles. Vehicles exceeding this size, such as medium and large vehicles, still need to park in the ground parking lot, and even vehicles within the size specification often encounter situations where they can’t park, so most parking spaces are empty.

Find business opportunities at the entrance of 39 yuan parking service Hospital   

Parking difficulty has become a major social problem, but from another perspective, helping users solve parking difficulties has also become a business opportunity.

At the intersection outside the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, the reporter saw a man wearing a blue vest patrolling back and forth. He came forward and asked that he was the driver of "e-driver" and usually helped park around here during the day.

The man told reporters that his main purpose is to "help drivers who are in a hurry to stop and queue up for them". He has parked three cars today. If the time does not exceed 1 hour, the fee for one trip to parking service is 39 yuan.

In addition, some netizens in Weibo broke the news that there were arbitrary charges in the nearby parking lot. The reporter visited a roadside parking lot opposite the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University and found that there was no "arbitrary charges". The parking administrator told the reporter that the parking fee is 10 yuan/hour, and there is no charge within 15 minutes.

Explore the cause

The specifications are limited, and the garage can only enter the "car" 

The reporter saw at the scene that the new three-dimensional parking garage in the hospital is located between the beauty center building and the outpatient building of the hospital. There are six garage entrances, and each entrance is guarded by a parking administrator, and the driver is instructed to park the berth smoothly.

"Most parking spaces in the parking building are empty." A parking manager told reporters that the parking garage is currently "paraplegic". He explained that "the new parking building has restrictions on the size of vehicles, so the big car can’t get in and the small car can’t stop. However, because the ground parking lot and the three-dimensional parking garage in the courtyard have to enter from this entrance, the big car is blocked in front, and the small car will be blocked in the back when the ground parking lot is empty."

The reporter noticed that there are obvious vehicle size signs at the entrance of the parking garage. Among them, the bus size is less than or equal to 5.1 meters in length, less than or equal to 1.85 meters in width, less than or equal to 1.55 meters in height and less than or equal to 2.2 tons in weight.

However, the reality is that for comfort, people are more willing to buy SUVs or medium-sized and large cars now. Moreover, at the hospital site, the reporter also noticed that the citizens who came to see a doctor mainly drove such vehicles, and small cars accounted for a minority. Moreover, in the common models, most of the vehicle sizes are beyond the capacity specifications of the three-dimensional garage, which is easy to be "stuck". Therefore, car owners can only wait for the original few ground parking spaces.

In addition, the reporter learned at the scene that even the models that meet the specifications are basically in line with the "garage door". It is difficult for drivers to drive the car in one step, and some novices even need to get off the car repeatedly to check the distance.

"I have reversed the car several times. If I am a novice, I guess I can’t stop!" A car owner who just parked his car said that he spent nearly an hour in line today.

Coach Zhang of Jingshun Driving School also said that even the old drivers have to rub a few steering wheels to get in, which is very difficult for novices. Coach Zhang also said, "Generally, the open space in front of the garage entrance should be 1.5 to 2 times the length of the car, and the width of the garage should be 60cm wider than the car body (excluding the rearview mirror). Obviously, the width of the garage and the distance before the entrance are not enough, so it is very difficult to stop."

The reporter called the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University about the car capacity design of the parking building. As of press time, we have not received any relevant reply.