The Table Tennis World Cup will be held in Macau, China in April 2024.

On December 11th, according to Mi Gu Sports, the ITTF announced that the men’s singles World Cup and the women’s singles World Cup will return at the same time, and the competition will be held in April, 2024 at the Galaxy Variety Hall in Macau, China.

Liu Guoliang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of WTT World Table Tennis Federation, First Vice Chairman of ITTF and Chairman of China Table Tennis Association, said: "In April next year, the men’s and women’s singles World Cup will return to Macau, and table tennis fans from all over the world are welcome to gather in Macau again."

[Source: Mi Gu Sports]

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WTT Macau Championship Guoping won two championships and Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin won the championship.

BEIJING, Beijing, October 23 (Liu Xingchen) On the 23rd, the 2022 World Table Tennis Major League (WTT) Championship in Macau ended. In the women’s singles and men’s singles finals, Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin defeated teammates Chen Xingtong and Fan Zhendong respectively to win the championship.
Before the final, the reading volume of a topic # Guoping won the men’s and women’s singles championship and runner-up in advance exceeded 60 million. It can be seen that in the intensive October, fans are very concerned about the performance of table tennis players.
Image source: Weibo screenshot
Two champions who speak with their achievements
In the eyes of fans, Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin have long been synonymous with "young and promising".
In the women’s singles final, Sun Yingsha and Chen Xingtong quickly entered the state. Sun Yingsha is better at grasping the key points, and plays the next game first. In the second game, Sun Yingsha accelerated the attack speed to establish a leading edge and won another game with 11:8. In the third game, Chen Xingtong’s attack on Sun Yingsha’s backhand was effective and she pulled back a city. In the fourth game, Chen Xingtong made many mistakes in the multi-beat stalemate, and Sun Yingsha won 11:6. At the decisive moment of the fifth game, Sun Yingsha succeeded in continuous attack and won the championship at 12:10.
Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
In the subsequent men’s singles final, Fan Zhendong made many mistakes in the opening, and Wang Chuqin seized the opportunity to open the score in one fell swoop, taking the lead with 11:5. At the end of the second game, Fan Zhendong continued to attack Wang Chuqin’s backhand and pulled back a city. In the third game, Wang Chuqin continued to exert his forehand and won at 12:10. In the fourth game, Fan Zhendong frequently used forehand and backhand to mobilize his opponent at the end of the game to equalize the score. In the fifth game, Fan Zhendong began to make more mistakes in the multi-beat round and lost 1-11. In the deciding game, Wang Chuqin started with a 4-0 lead. Since then, his forehand attack has been brought into play and won the game.
Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
In this WTT Macau Championship, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha showed their respective dominance. In the quarter-finals, Wang Chuqin defeated veteran Malone to fight for a difficult victory. In the semi-final, facing the Swedish star Moregard, Wang Chuqin handled the ball more properly in a stalemate, defeating his opponent and successfully advancing to the final.
In women’s singles, Sun Yingsha’s opponent is equally strong, and she also shows her "big heart". When facing French player Yuan Jianan in the semi-final, Sun Yingsha responded quickly, adapted to the opponent’s high throw service, and firmly grasped the rhythm of the game. You know, Yuan Jianan did well in this competition, and defeated Manyu Wang, Ishikawa Kasumi and other famous players in succession.
After the final, Sun Yingsha affirmed the performance of herself and her teammates, and bluntly hoped to continue her excellent state to the next race.
Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
There is a need to sound the alarm behind the explosion.
Compared with winning two championships, the "surprise" suffered by China players in this Macau Championship was even more surprising, and it also sounded the alarm for the "dream team" of table tennis.
In the women’s singles 1/16th final, Manyu Wang lost to Yuan Jianan 2:3, so it was a pity that she stopped in the first round. Facing the 37-year-old Chinese veteran, Manyu Wang was tied by his opponent many times when he was in the lead. It is not difficult for fans who have watched the game to find that Manyu Wang’s state is not the best, and his mentality has changed after repeated mistakes. At the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships, Manyu Wang once defeated Japanese famous Ito Miki in the women’s team final, and was the hero of China’s winning the championship. For her and the table tennis players, how to maintain a good competitive state in the intensive schedule is a problem that needs to be considered in the future.
The picture shows Liang Jingkun in the competition. Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
And Chen Meng, Liang Jingkun and other table tennis players also suffered a "surprise" exit. Against the Romanian player Szocos, who is not well-known, Chen Meng, ranked second in the world, was a little dull in the game, losing 11:13 in the deciding game and stopping at the quarter-finals; In the face of French star lebrun, Liang Jingkun failed to seize the opportunity when holding the match point, and was reversed by his opponent to win. Looking back at the past history, how to improve stability in "foreign wars" may become a problem that Liang Jingkun needs to pay attention to.
In addition, Malone, the captain of the national table tennis men’s team, also encountered the challenge of Qiu Dang, a famous Chinese. At the World Table Tennis Championships in Chengdu, the two had a fight, when Malone defeated his opponent 3-1. This time, the European straight star appeared more relaxed. The two sides fought hard until the deciding game, and Malone, who was more experienced, passed the test.
The picture shows Chen Meng in the competition. Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
With the polishing of the competition, players from all over the world are increasingly besieged by wolves. Everyone is looking for different ways to shake the hegemony of Guoping, which also requires China to be vigilant in the future.
The alternation between old and new is still going on.
On the afternoon of 23rd, WTT World Table Tennis Federation announced the list of 16 men’s and women’s singles players in the final of 2022 WTT World Cup in Xinxiang. Five men’s and women’s national table tennis teams were shortlisted, namely: Fan Zhendong, Ma Long, Liang Jingkun, Wang Chuqin and Lin Gaoyuan; Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Manyu Wang, Wang Yidi and Chen Xingtong.
It can be seen from this competition that the alternation between the old and the new is still in progress. During the Macau Championship, Malone celebrated his 34th birthday and will soon be celebrating his 20th national team career. After racing for many years, he still loves it. "Age is a number and the most precious experience, but it is by no means an obstacle to moving forward." On his birthday, he wrote on social media.
Image source: Marlon Weibo
In a table tennis civil war, Wang Chuqin defeated Malone 3-2. In the tangled situation, the young man had the last laugh. After the game, Malone’s eyes were filled with joy. In Wang Chuqin’s view, the "Dragon Team" is still the player with the strongest scoring ability in the world.
In the women’s singles semi-final, Chen Xingtong met Ito Meicheng. In the face of the Japanese star who just celebrated his 22nd birthday, Chen Xingtong showed his excellent state. After adapting to the opponent’s service rhythm, he quickly grasped the initiative of the game and successfully joined forces with Sun Yingsha in the final.
Data Map: Chengdu World Table Tennis Team Team won the Cup. Anyuan photo
From the World Table Tennis Championships in Chengdu to the WTT Macau Championship, Guoping is actively adjusting its status while adapting to the opponents from all over the world. As Qin Zhijian, coach of the national table tennis men’s team, said earlier, "We and our opponents are growing. After the Tokyo Olympic Games, many teams entered the alternation of old and new, and more young players stepped onto the world stage, showing a certain strength. "
Through competition experience, more players seized the opportunity to show themselves. The inheritance of the old and the new and the healthy competition within the team are also the traditions of table tennis. The "iron champion" needs the team member Qi Xin’s efforts to defend, and there are still many challenges waiting for Guoping in the future. In Sun Yingsha’s words, "I’ll see you next time". (End)

Divorce has become the beginning of women’s being rejected. A cartoon reveals the social status quo of women’s poverty.

This story is based on a real case in Japan.

The 64-year-old Dalin Sanzuo was forced to sleep on the street for social reasons. On the morning of November 16th, she was attacked and killed by Yoshida Kazuo while taking a nap at the bus station. Yoshida and Dalin did not intersect, just because of the absurd reason that "she sat at the bus stop and blocked my eyes", an innocent woman was killed.

The social problems behind the incident came to the fore in an instant. The dilemma of "female poverty", which has accumulated in the hearts of the public for a long time, has been put in broad daylight. Japan’s "women don’t have to earn money to support themselves, seemingly caring, but actually depriving women of the opportunity to survive." Although there is no such phenomenon in China, it is difficult for women to find a job from the age of 28 to 35. Whether married or unmarried, with or without children.

Companies always worry that women will delay their work for the sake of their families, and eventually they would rather choose a man with an average resume than take the risk of choosing a woman with excellent work. In order to make a living, women can only work hard or lower their job search standards in employment. The decrease of marriage rate and fertility rate also reflects the rise of women’s thoughts.

Protecting women’s rights and interests so that women can survive in an equal competitive environment is the best social security.

# Headline Creation Challenge #

What is fashion? What is fashion? How to call it beauty?

Hello, everyone, today we are going to talk about what is fashion? What is fashion? How to define beauty?

What is fashion?

Fashion is a phenomenon of following the trend. A certain kind of fashion concept is imitated and chased by the public, and it becomes popular gradually.

What is fashion?

Fashion is a very self-aware, unique self-aware, thus producing its own unique cognitive state. Fashion is completely individual.

The route of mass fashion

A small number of them appear-chasing imitation-becoming popular-developing popular-becoming popular.

What is the basis of fashion?

The basis of fashion is that you know your personality and figure, what clothes you are suitable for and what clothes you wear comfortably. This is the basis of fashion.

What is the high version of fashion?

A high version of fashion is to find the right fashion foundation, pretend not to be tired, be yourself, and pursue extreme comfort. This is the highest version of fashion.

What is the most attractive fashion?

It’s temperament. The logo piled up by a big brand still can’t support your taste, but it wears a unique quality. The gap between the two is not only the injustice of money, but also the embodiment of a person’s unique temperament.

Can we be fashionable without money?

Fashion has nothing to do with money-wearing a famous brand can prove that you keep up with fashion with money. You can be fashionable with or without money, mainly because you are yourself.

How to treat the current fashion?

What fire wears? What does the fire buy? What to drink from what fire? It seems that people have lost themselves, which is the most photographed.

Good things are not necessarily expensive.

Expensive things are not necessarily good.

What suits you is the best.

Find your own style in the trend, and you are popular.

In the Yan value era, how to understand beauty?

Who defines beauty? To understand the beauty of China, we need cultural consciousness first. What is cultural consciousness? It is a kind of cognition of the uniqueness of self on the basis of searching and excavating the essence of self.

Today, with the prevalence of plastic surgery, many people have become the so-called standard beauty, and the beauty under the standard is at the expense of losing their unique personality. Beauty should be knowing yourself, expressing yourself, and finally becoming yourself.

Every kind of beauty is meaningful, and the self under every essence is actually meaningful. Whether it is people or art, we must believe in this meaning and believe that we are beautiful.

The standard of beauty?

A high nose must be beautiful? Double eyelids must be beautiful? Small face must be beautiful? Thin must be beautiful? Be the truest self, clean, decent and comfortable, simple, free and easy.

Why are more and more women "returning to the family"? The fundamental reason is that the social status is too low.

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day.

Because I hope children can enter a good university.

So we should study well in middle school.

Then try to get into a good middle school.

Then you must go to a good primary school.

There must be a good affiliated kindergarten next to a good primary school.

If you want to enter a good affiliated kindergarten

Then you have to go to a good nursery

If you want to enter a good nursery, you must arrange your own egg schedule.

To arrange the egg schedule, you must arrange your own life.

You can’t go to work day and night. The best job is to be stable from nine to five.

So as to win in the womb.

The above is the text record of interviewing young mothers in the documentary "No Starting Line". The life, work and mental journey of young mothers are evident.

This generation has lived in such a social environment. Although the material life has been greatly enriched, in fact, it has become more and more nervous, cautious and cautious psychologically.

Because I know the wonderful world and the distinction between people, I have a very high standard in my heart. Even if I am just an ordinary person in an ordinary family, it will not hinder my dream of being a noble family.

However, not everyone has the talent and opportunity to be elon musk, and not everyone has a mother like elon musk.

Needless to say, even if you have a smart and tough mother like elon musk, can you also have an engineer father like elon musk?

Obviously, we are talking about family background, genetic factors, and by the way, how the social environment affects a person’s success.

Looking back, why is it that mom talks about these issues and rarely sees dad thinking conveniently here?

It’s not that fathers don’t consider it. It’s mainly that children are born to women, and women take it for granted. Since you want to raise it, it is natural to plan it from head to toe by yourself.

In this way, it is a standard for an ordinary girl to get married and have children after working for one or two years after graduating from college and resign to take care of her children at home.

Men just need to go to work to earn money and come back. The elderly, children and women at home shoulder the burden of housework-if you don’t work, you should be a full-time housewife to take care of your family.

Otherwise, why should I give you living expenses every month? Who doesn’t want to stay at home? Who wants to go out drinking and socializing? I play games and kick a ball. What’s wrong? When a girl falls into the circle of marriage and childbirth, men take it for granted to live their own free and unfettered lives.

The reason is: as the head of the family who takes money home every month, it is more important than women-who told me to work hard!

80% of women have received such mental PUA, and they are totally dependent on men economically.

If your parents can help you, it will be a great happy event, because it not only means that you can be fully prepared during pregnancy, but also means that your parents can help you and make plans for yourself. For example, after giving birth, we will take care of it for you, and you can continue to go to work. Although you don’t have much money, it is an income after all. If you have a way out, you won’t be angry with the man and your husband’s family.

With such helpful parents, a woman can at least stay relaxed and happy mentally, have more sources of income economically, and have a better chance of making great progress in her work.

Only when a woman is economically independent, cheerful and has a strong working ability can the emotional relationship between women and men be guaranteed in quality, and the family relationship be more harmonious, and the children will have a better growth environment, both mentally and materially.

Because, fundamentally speaking, men are more rational and value the role of one thing and one person in society and family.

If a woman has been living on her own for a long time, and because she has no money to save money, she has been living a very poor life and then becomes a yellow-faced woman, then this woman has almost no place in a man’s heart, and even becomes a psychological burden.

Although women have to resign from home because of having children and raising children, it is men’s jobs that are sacrificed for preservation, but few people can get this feeling. What people see is nothing but women’s idleness, laziness, bloated and trivial conversation. Then despise all aspects of her and question her existence value …

When more and more women choose to return to their families and take care of their children, and when the whole society’s doubts about stay-at-home mothers reach the peak, what we think more about is not whether women give up on themselves, but the lack of system design at the level of national and social system design.

Women have no corresponding social logistics support after giving birth, so they have to rely on men. This forces men to work better to bear the heavy responsibility of making money to support their families.

At the same time, the cost of raising children, which should be borne by the society and the state, now falls entirely on the heads of individual families. No one has ever questioned why childbearing is advocated without any social security after childbirth.

Individuals almost have to sacrifice the opportunity and time of a lifetime in exchange for the smooth birth, growth and success of a descendant.

As the pillars, men can’t return to their families, because they must be busy creating greater wealth for the society and the family, and promoting the progress and operation of the whole society.

Since ancient times, women have shouldered the heavy responsibility of reproducing and raising offspring. No matter how the times change, such historical responsibility has never been abandoned.

deep-rootedDedication and self-sacrifice, like a rope tied to every girl and woman. Even in statistics, women in China have the highest participation index among women in the world, which cannot change the trend and fact that women in China have to return to their families to become full-time mothers for their children.

This situation is also the most painful for President Zhang Guimei.

Training a girl to go to college is not to let her return to her family to be a full-time wife, but to let an independent person live a better life with the strength given to her by knowledge and have more social value.

Although President Zhang Guimei’s words were very rough, he got to a fundamental problem:

What kind of life and life does a person have to live once and come to the world once? Is it really the only way for women who return to their families after giving birth? Is this life really as worthwhile as you say?

Does this kind of life reduce the grandeur of life to a small node and forget the mission of exploring the deeper integration of self and society?

– The End –

Author | Magic Little

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Wells, A. (2019). Breaking the cybercode: understanding and treating the human metacognitive control system to enhance mental health. Frontiers in Psychology, 10,2621.

Wechat WeChat official account: the first psychology

In the first three quarters of this year, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion.

Beijing, 14 Dec (reporter Xia Jin from Zhongqing Daily, "In the first three quarters of this year, according to statistics, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. While driving the expansion of related consumption, it also promoted economic recovery. " At the press conference held by the State Council Information Office today, Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said.

Du Jiang said that in order to optimize the policy environment and solve the difficulties of blocking points, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will make efforts from both ends of supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumer confidence; Promote the implementation of the three-year "Domestic Tourism Promotion Plan"; Enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products, improve tourism services, standardize the order of the tourism market, strengthen tourism security, and create a tourist destination with quality and temperature. Du Jiang also revealed that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is actively launching a three-year "Inbound Tourism Promotion Plan" to provide more high-quality tourism products and more convenient services for inbound tourists.

Source: China Youth Daily

Reading music Jeff Chang Shin-Che’s "Overfire": Yes, yes, I started to sing like crazy again. …

Reading Jeff Chang Shin-Che’s "Overfire" in Music.

The song "Going Too Far" is really a classic in Jeff Chang Shin-Che’s music library. On July 8, 2023, I went to see the Jeff Chang Shin-Che Concert in Fuzhou for the first time, and the first song I sang was "Overfire", which was almost a chorus of the whole audience. How can people not remember it deeply?

This song has a deep pain, but it also has a feeling of no resentment, but it seems that it has all ended. Sometimes it even feels that it has ended before it started. Sometimes, is it completely released to give freedom to the other party? There is no answer, only through. After scenes of crazy years for love, after a deep commitment for love, and after a struggle for right and wrong, do you release and fly?

If these are all too much, then let go, let go, and set you free. Just turn around and turn around, and the affectionate scenes will be gone? I don’t know what the dream is, will it be broken, and the short-term pain will still suddenly come to mind at an unknown time of the year. Turbulent emotions, such as waves beating against the giant glass of high-rise buildings, just can’t get in, still! But the voice that resounded through Genting plunged the whirlpool of feelings deeper and deeper until it was unforgettable, right? Can’t forget it.

Therefore, listening to this song "Overfire", the fault of tearing and the drifting away of commitment become clear and profound at night! Clouds are like smoke, and if alcohol evaporates, it will disperse when walking. Do you think that the kind of moths that used to throw fire is a kind of "fire"? But those who don’t come back can’t come back, and even more whispers can’t change anything.

Just listening to this song "Overfire", I just seem to think about him or her, but I have fallen into the precious "entanglement" of being loved and loved, let go and left, and gradually I can’t go back. Really? Yes, I started singing like crazy again.

Original text, reading music corridor.

In 2023, the first Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation and Development Conference was held in Guangzhou.

Zhongxin. com, Guangzhou, December 11th (Reporter Jun Guo) The first 2023 Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation and Development Conference was held in Guangzhou on the 10th. More than 300 celebrities and representatives from the fashion industry and digital economy, as well as representatives from more than 30 universities including Jinan University and South China Agricultural University attended the meeting to discuss how to release the vitality of the national fashion industry and how to use digital technology to help the industry develop with high quality.

The first 2023 Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation and Development Conference was held in Guangzhou on the 10th. Photo by Jun Guo

The conference was co-sponsored by Guangdong Garment Industry Association, Guangdong Electronic Commerce Association, Guangdong Business Economics Association and China Education Group, and undertaken by Guangdong Baiyun College. The theme of the conference is "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area National Fashion Industry Agglomeration and Digital Intelligence Transformation". Ren Xingzhou, former director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, Fu Longcheng, vice president of China Business Federation, and Ji Wenbo, vice president of China Fashion Designers Association, and other industry experts gave speeches on topics such as "Super-large-scale consumer market and great opportunity of fashion industry in the tide of the country", "Boosting consumer service innovation to provide strong support for building a new development pattern with double cycles" and "The tide of the country calls for innovative talents in international fashion design".

In his keynote speech, Ren Xingzhou pointed out that the trend of China’s consumer fashion showed obvious stage characteristics with the development of reform and opening up. Take clothing as an example, from the imitation of fashion in Hong Kong and Taiwan in 1980s and 1990s, to the pursuit of Japanese and Korean fashion trends by some young people, to the favor of European and American fashion brands after the obvious upgrade of consumption, and to the rise of national fashion and the development of rapid consumption.

Ren Xingzhou believes that national fashion is the product of China’s sustained economic development and escalating consumption, which is determined by China’s manufacturing supply capacity, consumption scale and consumption grade. In essence, it is the dynamic balance between consumption and supply, and it is also the result of strong industrial chain, supply chain and ecological chain support. At present, the development of national fashion is facing great opportunities, and cultural self-confidence is a powerful driving force for the rise of national fashion. Digital economy is an accelerator for the development of national fashion industry, and the continuous opening up has improved the internationalization level of fashion industry.

At the meeting, Wang Xianqing, vice president of China Business Economics Association, released the Report on the Development of Fashion Industry in the Bay Area in 2023, which revealed the development trend of fashion industry in the national tide represented by clothing with data and cases, and deeply studied the layout and characteristics of fashion industry agglomeration in Greater Bay Area. (End)

As a woman, I still have the right and ability to choose to be alone.

"Leave me alone", author: (France) Marcel Sauvageau, translator: Tang Yangyang, version: one page folio| | Guangxi Normal University Press, July 2021.


It’s a little magical. It is the annual "520". In a training class, teachers who speak the Internet are talking passionately about the future of "digital city". On the one hand, there is a heated discussion about "the era of lying flat" in the circle of friends of mobile phones, and on the other hand, there are various "520" business copywriters; I, on the other hand, finished reading Marcel Sauvageau’s Leave Me Alone.

In the history of French literature in the 20th century, Sauvageau’s name is generally not found, because it is Sauvageau’s only work. She was born in 1900 and died of tuberculosis in 1934. She spent almost five years in various nursing homes before she really entered the literary circle. The limited information can be said in a short space: in the first half of the 20th century, a middle school teacher from another province had to recuperate in a nursing home because of tuberculosis, but while living in a nursing home, he was "broken up", so he wrote this film "Leave me alone". To be exact, it is not a novel, but four intermittent "letters" from November to Christmas Eve-just because it takes the form of letters, and the "confidante" in the letters is the person who made her suffer from love. But at the same time, it is not a real letter, because she wrote these so-called letters and didn’t intend to send them. Because this is by no means her prayer to "save" love.

Fortunately, Sauvageau has stepped into the literary circle with half a foot, which makes Leave Me Alone not buried. When she was preparing for the teacher qualification examination in Paris, she made friends with many people, including the surrealist small group, which was very avant-garde at that time. Because of illness, but also because she still retains some classical interests, she finally did not "go out of the circle" under the label of surrealism; But while she was living in a nursing home and writing "Leave Me Alone", through her friend René Crevel, she could still hear some noises about surrealist cliques from time to time. By understanding this connection, it is not difficult for us to understand the persistence of freedom and the slightly modernist narrative technique embodied in Leave Me Alone.

So Leave Me Alone didn’t suffer the fate of being abandoned-although it came from the pain of being "broken up". Only 163 copies of the first edition were printed and read in the circle of friends, but some time later, when the author lived in a nursing home in Davos, Switzerland, the second edition was already in the pipeline. Sauvageau’s friends persuaded the critic Du Bos to preface this edition of Knowledge Publishing House. Du Bo even went to the nursing home where Sauvageau was at that time and read the preface he wrote to her.

There are many writers in the tuberculosis sanatorium in Davos, and there are many writers in the tuberculosis sanatorium in Zaovos, including RobertLouis Stevenson in Britain in the early days, Paul Eluard, a French surrealist poet, and Thomas Mann, who accompanied his wife with tuberculosis. The sad smell of death in "Magic Mountain" may be regarded as an annotation to Sauvageau’s "Leave Me Alone", although Sauvageau did not live in Davos when he wrote it. Sauvageau died shortly after Du’s visit and didn’t see his book reprinted. From the first edition in 1933 to the latest edition in 2004, there was an interval of 70 years. Interestingly, if Sauvageau did not enter the history of literature, this thin work, which comes from a little woman who is also unknown—compared with the magnificent history of French literature, and even has a little privacy, has not completely fallen into oblivion. Since the first edition, there have been five editions in 1934, 1936, 1943, 1986 and 1997 in the past 70 years, and the titles all follow the "commentary" in the first edition-literally translated as "commentary", or if it is not another book, but an event, it can also correspond to the one in Chinese."Remembering" is a kind of "experience"-only in the 1943 and 1997 editions, the subtitle was "reproduced pages" in the 1943 edition and "lost love" in the 1997 edition. Indeed, in a strict sense, "commentary" is not a title, but it seems to be more like a category of text: for example, Antoine Berman’s "The Time of Translation" is a "commentary" on Benjamin’s "The Translator’s Task", and he did mark "un commentaire" on the cover. Caesar’s The Battle of Gaul also uses the word "commentaire", which is a description, a retrospective, an analysis and a reflection. The edition published in 2004 no longer used the abstract "commentaire", but chose "Laissez-moi" (leaving me alone) and used "commentaire" as the subtitle (in the translation of this edition, it was translated as "Analysis of Love"). The new edition in 2004 sold 60,000 copies in that year, which seems to be somewhat inconsistent with the main theme of the new century that began to disdain love.

Indeed, what does "commentary" or experience mean? It means a woman who takes a step back in front of love and examines the process before the end of love. Because of the distance-when Sauvageau wrote at the end of this letter on November 7, 1930, "I will write to you tomorrow, I can’t use the name’ you’ any more, I will write to you, but I can’t tell you everything I confide in my heart", this distance has been truly displayed in front of us-so I can see clearly the love, and see clearly the love (or the end of love).

Cover of "Let Me Be Alone" in Foreign Languages


After seeing clearly the men and women in love, Sauvageau came to the conclusion: Let me be alone. Leaving me alone is a declaration on two levels: the first level is that love is no longer there, and "I" choose to be alone with dignity, review and face up to my love, otherwise "I" once lost all its value; The second level is that as a woman who is seriously ill, "I" still has the right and ability to choose to be alone.

Different from the so-called love letter, "Leave Me Alone" does not show the specific grievances of two men and women. There are no stories, so there are no real heroes and heroines and characters. The words "you", "you" and "I" in the commentary have no identity. Apart from the occasional flash of "sanatorium", "cough" and "Versailles", readers can connect the "I" in the book with Sauvageau in life, and there is no other exact connection with real life and real experience. In fact, even if these clues that may be pursued point to a specific person and a specific love or not, the specific direction behind them is meaningless in the final analysis. Who was it, and which man in which "college" ever loved that woman named Marcel Sauvageau? Why on earth did you stop loving vaguely, wrote a letter saying that you were going to marry another woman, and said, "We are still friends"? All this is actually not important.

It is only important to know why almost all men and women, after falling out of love, should solemnly say that we are still friends; But you know, after the fog of love fades, what a sober woman sees is a man who has lost his aura. Not abuse, not resentment, not counterattack, but simply the word "know". When Sauvageau said, "I am very willing to lose my mind, but I am also willing to grasp the moment of losing my mind and constantly explore the boundaries of consciousness until I lose my consciousness. We shouldn’t be absent from our own happiness, so we don’t doubt that we are stuck in her grasp of "the moment of losing our mind".

The word "love" in the world is fascinating because even if the so-called common law is removed from all the situations-it is not necessarily impossible in today’s era of big data-it is not enough to provide any experience and warning for reference. It will be transformed into different forms in different situations and between different men and women. We are keen to describe it, but we just want to know whether it is possible for people to provide happiness for each other and how this fragile happiness is shattered. Isn’t it? If there is no happy experience, even if love only meets the physiological blind and irrational needs, why on earth should people love? We have 10,000 more convenient ways to be satisfied. There are people in love, and there are people whose subjects exist, and there are love experiences that are regulated by language, which in turn affect language and love, so love becomes a reciprocating cycle from the real world to the imaginary world, and becomes a road for the two worlds to meet each other and be rich.

Memory is also a part of the imaginary world, so love, or happiness, belongs to the past tense and belongs to memory. Sauvageau told us that happiness is like a fragrance. "If we like a fragrance, we will try our best to keep it and pursue it; We will not let ourselves indulge in it, analyze it, and gradually immerse ourselves in it, so that we can only awaken our body’s feelings about it through memories; When the fragrance reappears, we will breathe it more slowly and gently and feel the most subtle breath. " The same meaning is also found in Proust’s Memories of Time Past, and sometimes it is summarized into a simple sentence, such as "Life is just a series of isolated moments, with memories and fantasies, many meanings emerge, then disappear, and then reappear"; Sometimes it will form an eternal scene, such as the famous little Madeleine cake. But "Let Me Be Alone" is definitely not as ambitious as "Memories of Time Past" as it is. It’s basically just about love.

So it still lets us see clearly some small games and tricks in love. All this clearly emerges when love is no longer there. Are women really blind in love? No, blindness in love is just selective neglect. Now open your eyes and look back at "you" at that time, and you can clearly see the true appearance of "you": "Your lips are slightly upturned, slightly blackened teeth are exposed, and your head is stretched forward. When you explain the brilliant ideas you have just discovered, or when you come up with any way to reduce the whimsy that others think to mediocrity, you will put on this look. " However, although I know this very well, I believe that the true value of love is not to fall in love with perfection and become perfect, but to "enter the lover’s heart through shortcomings and deficiencies, the soul that is often lost because of imitating others."

Let Me Be Alone should also attract the attention of the best thinkers in the 1930s by virtue of this rational analysis. Paul Valéry believes that it "shows an extraordinary spiritual life, in a strange way of leaving yourself to see yourself"; Paul Claudel also thinks that it is "almost one of the representatives of women’s writing"; At that time, Robert Brasillach, a famous right-wing writer, also noticed this pamphlet, and he praised it: "All people who like real and simple short narratives will like … this plump work, because, in any case, this is first and foremost a work worthy of love and about love."

But besides love, there is dignity. The dignity of women. "Leave me alone" does not shy away from the female perspective, and even more or less wittily says, "Many sentences in your letter have awakened my feminist thoughts". Indeed, it seems that it is difficult for men all over the world to understand the truth that even if a woman happily says or writes, "When she met him, she became very low, as low as dust", it is just a gesture that a woman has chosen. Moreover, how can it be written by a woman who is really "as low as dust" to find some fun for herself? If one day, I want to force such a woman to say "then I don’t love" again, although I won’t be mean in public, I have seen a transparent man in my heart, but I may not be able to show my intellectual differences between them to return my independent personality. Therefore, Zhang Ailing can help Hu Lancheng financially after breaking up, and Sauvageau can also ask the other party to return his photos after being "broken up" and calmly say, "But this is not because I love you, but because I still want to enrich myself, because I don’t want to destroy myself and become someone else’s favorite, and I don’t want to improve myself any more. I just immerse myself in my lover’s childish love and let him push me around."

Clara Malraux has an accurate evaluation of this. She thinks that this essay "should have epoch-making significance in the history of women’s literature … it is the first book written by an unruly woman; As men’s eyes are generally accurate, they are also enemies and friends, and there is no servility. ….. is a book with simple sadness, facing death, facing the weakness of men who pretend to be authoritative, a book full of dignity ".

Cover of "Let Me Be Alone" in Foreign Languages


Leave me alone was written in the early 1930s, and it has been nearly a century.

In the early 1930s, France had not been completely dragged into the vortex of war, but a new generation of novelists had already felt the approaching crisis. Surrealism, Salina, malraux, etc., although in different ways, all declared a break with the previous generation such as Valerie, Gide and Proust, and their works obviously paid more attention to social reality than literary reality.

It can be seen that tuberculosis is like a special barrier, which not only isolates Sauvageau from the noisy life, but also isolates her from the writing that should belong to her generation, so that Sauvageau’s writing still stays in the middle of the two generations to some extent: she does not approve of the later generation’s over-exaggeration of the crisis and faces the real and individual death-although the exaggerated death in surrealism or absurdism soon became a reality in the war-nor does it. There is no trace of intentional innovation in Sauvageau’s works: for example, the interweaving use of different personal narratives, the freedom of access between dreams and reality; As the theme of love, it has become an entrance to one’s inner world here. The most crucial thing is still the motto engraved on the temple of Apollo more than two thousand years ago: Know yourself.

This may be one of the reasons why Leave Me Alone has not lost its value after nearly a century. In this nearly a century, a lot of things have happened, except for the brutal war, which Sauvageau should not have seen and could not have foreseen. With the invention of streptomycin, tuberculosis is no longer a "white plague" that can easily take away life and thus love. The war broke out and ended. However, there will never be an end once and for all, and human beings are still entangled in disasters that can’t be solved by any order because of the same greed again and again. Humans have overcome one disaster after another, and they have personally concocted one disaster after another. Today, nearly a century later, what humans who thought they were extremely powerful never expected was that another kind of "plague" that invaded the lungs would jump out suddenly and warn humans that you were far from "knowing yourself".

We don’t have to repeat such irrelevant nonsense as "God’s punishment". Sauvageau also strangely gave some symbolic answers in the few words left. In her comments on The Last Supper, she talked about her dislike of this painting, which was mixed with strange sadness:

His (Jesus) smile and eyes reveal disillusionment. Miao Yan, who had just finished his sacrifice and atonement, said, "Take it and eat it. This is my body." "Take it and drink it. This is my blood." He felt lonely because he knew that no one really understood. ….. His eyes drooped and he didn’t look at anyone, but he was dissatisfied with the emptiness after the hope disappeared: his face was tired and bitter, as if he had lost faith. We can’t feel the existence of God here: he is absent. He should come here, give confidence to his sons, give light to mankind, help them understand themselves, or just believe in themselves. However, God stayed in heaven, and there was a faint touch of sky outside the window.

It was Jesus who came to the world. He was alone.

No god can guide us, no matter whose people are in the final analysis, human beings are doomed to be lonely. This is the information that Sauvageau read in The Last Supper, and it is also the conclusion she drew from the "broken-up" love. Isn’t it a universally applicable conclusion that human beings may draw after disasters! However, because of this, we can interpret Let Me Be Alone from another angle: the conclusion that human beings will eventually be lonely does not prevent us from trying our best to find the possibility of not being lonely, even if it is only temporary. This should be what Sauvageau thought when he mentioned the Japanese legend. She said:

A Japanese legend claims that when a person is born, the moon will tie the feet of a man and a woman to be married in the future with a red ribbon. In life, this ribbon is invisible, but these two people will look for each other. If they find it, their happiness will come to the earth. There are also people who can’t find them, so their lives will be full of worries and they will die miserably: for them, happiness can only begin in another world, when they will see who the red ribbon is tied to. I don’t know if I can find a ribbon to tie me in this world; I think this legend, like all legends, gives us poetic comfort.

Poetic comfort. Therefore, even if the era of lying flat will come, let us stand and love, because as long as we are still alive, we need comfort and need to establish a dignified and not lonely existence. The dignity that women seek in love may be closer to the essence of human dignity.

Original author | Yuan Xiaoyi

Excerpt | Zhang Jin

Edit | Zhang Jin

Lead proofreading | Wang Xin

How sensitive is a girl’s body? (No boys allowed)

  Doctor, for a minute, the posture keeps rising.

  -End of this period-

Girls’ brains weigh about 1,250g, which is a little less than boys’, but there are more divine cells and the links between the left and right brains are closer, which makes girls’ brains more efficient than boys’ and more sensitive to emotional feelings. This may be the reason why your girlfriend is easy to get angry. Girls’ eyes are very sensitive to colors, and they can identify colors that many boys can’t see. What’s more, some girls’ eyes have "super powers" knowledge points. Only three kinds of cone cells can make them see about 1 million colors, but a few girls can have four kinds of cone cells. There are 100 million kinds of colors they can see. Girls with this "super power" are called "four-color viewers". Girls have about 50% more olfactory cells than boys, which also makes girls’ sense of smell more sensitive. It is said that girls will smell the "body fragrance" of a person if they like him. If boys look at her with their eyes, it may be possible for them to find a partner.