As a woman, I still have the right and ability to choose to be alone.

"Leave me alone", author: (France) Marcel Sauvageau, translator: Tang Yangyang, version: one page folio| | Guangxi Normal University Press, July 2021.


It’s a little magical. It is the annual "520". In a training class, teachers who speak the Internet are talking passionately about the future of "digital city". On the one hand, there is a heated discussion about "the era of lying flat" in the circle of friends of mobile phones, and on the other hand, there are various "520" business copywriters; I, on the other hand, finished reading Marcel Sauvageau’s Leave Me Alone.

In the history of French literature in the 20th century, Sauvageau’s name is generally not found, because it is Sauvageau’s only work. She was born in 1900 and died of tuberculosis in 1934. She spent almost five years in various nursing homes before she really entered the literary circle. The limited information can be said in a short space: in the first half of the 20th century, a middle school teacher from another province had to recuperate in a nursing home because of tuberculosis, but while living in a nursing home, he was "broken up", so he wrote this film "Leave me alone". To be exact, it is not a novel, but four intermittent "letters" from November to Christmas Eve-just because it takes the form of letters, and the "confidante" in the letters is the person who made her suffer from love. But at the same time, it is not a real letter, because she wrote these so-called letters and didn’t intend to send them. Because this is by no means her prayer to "save" love.

Fortunately, Sauvageau has stepped into the literary circle with half a foot, which makes Leave Me Alone not buried. When she was preparing for the teacher qualification examination in Paris, she made friends with many people, including the surrealist small group, which was very avant-garde at that time. Because of illness, but also because she still retains some classical interests, she finally did not "go out of the circle" under the label of surrealism; But while she was living in a nursing home and writing "Leave Me Alone", through her friend René Crevel, she could still hear some noises about surrealist cliques from time to time. By understanding this connection, it is not difficult for us to understand the persistence of freedom and the slightly modernist narrative technique embodied in Leave Me Alone.

So Leave Me Alone didn’t suffer the fate of being abandoned-although it came from the pain of being "broken up". Only 163 copies of the first edition were printed and read in the circle of friends, but some time later, when the author lived in a nursing home in Davos, Switzerland, the second edition was already in the pipeline. Sauvageau’s friends persuaded the critic Du Bos to preface this edition of Knowledge Publishing House. Du Bo even went to the nursing home where Sauvageau was at that time and read the preface he wrote to her.

There are many writers in the tuberculosis sanatorium in Davos, and there are many writers in the tuberculosis sanatorium in Zaovos, including RobertLouis Stevenson in Britain in the early days, Paul Eluard, a French surrealist poet, and Thomas Mann, who accompanied his wife with tuberculosis. The sad smell of death in "Magic Mountain" may be regarded as an annotation to Sauvageau’s "Leave Me Alone", although Sauvageau did not live in Davos when he wrote it. Sauvageau died shortly after Du’s visit and didn’t see his book reprinted. From the first edition in 1933 to the latest edition in 2004, there was an interval of 70 years. Interestingly, if Sauvageau did not enter the history of literature, this thin work, which comes from a little woman who is also unknown—compared with the magnificent history of French literature, and even has a little privacy, has not completely fallen into oblivion. Since the first edition, there have been five editions in 1934, 1936, 1943, 1986 and 1997 in the past 70 years, and the titles all follow the "commentary" in the first edition-literally translated as "commentary", or if it is not another book, but an event, it can also correspond to the one in Chinese."Remembering" is a kind of "experience"-only in the 1943 and 1997 editions, the subtitle was "reproduced pages" in the 1943 edition and "lost love" in the 1997 edition. Indeed, in a strict sense, "commentary" is not a title, but it seems to be more like a category of text: for example, Antoine Berman’s "The Time of Translation" is a "commentary" on Benjamin’s "The Translator’s Task", and he did mark "un commentaire" on the cover. Caesar’s The Battle of Gaul also uses the word "commentaire", which is a description, a retrospective, an analysis and a reflection. The edition published in 2004 no longer used the abstract "commentaire", but chose "Laissez-moi" (leaving me alone) and used "commentaire" as the subtitle (in the translation of this edition, it was translated as "Analysis of Love"). The new edition in 2004 sold 60,000 copies in that year, which seems to be somewhat inconsistent with the main theme of the new century that began to disdain love.

Indeed, what does "commentary" or experience mean? It means a woman who takes a step back in front of love and examines the process before the end of love. Because of the distance-when Sauvageau wrote at the end of this letter on November 7, 1930, "I will write to you tomorrow, I can’t use the name’ you’ any more, I will write to you, but I can’t tell you everything I confide in my heart", this distance has been truly displayed in front of us-so I can see clearly the love, and see clearly the love (or the end of love).

Cover of "Let Me Be Alone" in Foreign Languages


After seeing clearly the men and women in love, Sauvageau came to the conclusion: Let me be alone. Leaving me alone is a declaration on two levels: the first level is that love is no longer there, and "I" choose to be alone with dignity, review and face up to my love, otherwise "I" once lost all its value; The second level is that as a woman who is seriously ill, "I" still has the right and ability to choose to be alone.

Different from the so-called love letter, "Leave Me Alone" does not show the specific grievances of two men and women. There are no stories, so there are no real heroes and heroines and characters. The words "you", "you" and "I" in the commentary have no identity. Apart from the occasional flash of "sanatorium", "cough" and "Versailles", readers can connect the "I" in the book with Sauvageau in life, and there is no other exact connection with real life and real experience. In fact, even if these clues that may be pursued point to a specific person and a specific love or not, the specific direction behind them is meaningless in the final analysis. Who was it, and which man in which "college" ever loved that woman named Marcel Sauvageau? Why on earth did you stop loving vaguely, wrote a letter saying that you were going to marry another woman, and said, "We are still friends"? All this is actually not important.

It is only important to know why almost all men and women, after falling out of love, should solemnly say that we are still friends; But you know, after the fog of love fades, what a sober woman sees is a man who has lost his aura. Not abuse, not resentment, not counterattack, but simply the word "know". When Sauvageau said, "I am very willing to lose my mind, but I am also willing to grasp the moment of losing my mind and constantly explore the boundaries of consciousness until I lose my consciousness. We shouldn’t be absent from our own happiness, so we don’t doubt that we are stuck in her grasp of "the moment of losing our mind".

The word "love" in the world is fascinating because even if the so-called common law is removed from all the situations-it is not necessarily impossible in today’s era of big data-it is not enough to provide any experience and warning for reference. It will be transformed into different forms in different situations and between different men and women. We are keen to describe it, but we just want to know whether it is possible for people to provide happiness for each other and how this fragile happiness is shattered. Isn’t it? If there is no happy experience, even if love only meets the physiological blind and irrational needs, why on earth should people love? We have 10,000 more convenient ways to be satisfied. There are people in love, and there are people whose subjects exist, and there are love experiences that are regulated by language, which in turn affect language and love, so love becomes a reciprocating cycle from the real world to the imaginary world, and becomes a road for the two worlds to meet each other and be rich.

Memory is also a part of the imaginary world, so love, or happiness, belongs to the past tense and belongs to memory. Sauvageau told us that happiness is like a fragrance. "If we like a fragrance, we will try our best to keep it and pursue it; We will not let ourselves indulge in it, analyze it, and gradually immerse ourselves in it, so that we can only awaken our body’s feelings about it through memories; When the fragrance reappears, we will breathe it more slowly and gently and feel the most subtle breath. " The same meaning is also found in Proust’s Memories of Time Past, and sometimes it is summarized into a simple sentence, such as "Life is just a series of isolated moments, with memories and fantasies, many meanings emerge, then disappear, and then reappear"; Sometimes it will form an eternal scene, such as the famous little Madeleine cake. But "Let Me Be Alone" is definitely not as ambitious as "Memories of Time Past" as it is. It’s basically just about love.

So it still lets us see clearly some small games and tricks in love. All this clearly emerges when love is no longer there. Are women really blind in love? No, blindness in love is just selective neglect. Now open your eyes and look back at "you" at that time, and you can clearly see the true appearance of "you": "Your lips are slightly upturned, slightly blackened teeth are exposed, and your head is stretched forward. When you explain the brilliant ideas you have just discovered, or when you come up with any way to reduce the whimsy that others think to mediocrity, you will put on this look. " However, although I know this very well, I believe that the true value of love is not to fall in love with perfection and become perfect, but to "enter the lover’s heart through shortcomings and deficiencies, the soul that is often lost because of imitating others."

Let Me Be Alone should also attract the attention of the best thinkers in the 1930s by virtue of this rational analysis. Paul Valéry believes that it "shows an extraordinary spiritual life, in a strange way of leaving yourself to see yourself"; Paul Claudel also thinks that it is "almost one of the representatives of women’s writing"; At that time, Robert Brasillach, a famous right-wing writer, also noticed this pamphlet, and he praised it: "All people who like real and simple short narratives will like … this plump work, because, in any case, this is first and foremost a work worthy of love and about love."

But besides love, there is dignity. The dignity of women. "Leave me alone" does not shy away from the female perspective, and even more or less wittily says, "Many sentences in your letter have awakened my feminist thoughts". Indeed, it seems that it is difficult for men all over the world to understand the truth that even if a woman happily says or writes, "When she met him, she became very low, as low as dust", it is just a gesture that a woman has chosen. Moreover, how can it be written by a woman who is really "as low as dust" to find some fun for herself? If one day, I want to force such a woman to say "then I don’t love" again, although I won’t be mean in public, I have seen a transparent man in my heart, but I may not be able to show my intellectual differences between them to return my independent personality. Therefore, Zhang Ailing can help Hu Lancheng financially after breaking up, and Sauvageau can also ask the other party to return his photos after being "broken up" and calmly say, "But this is not because I love you, but because I still want to enrich myself, because I don’t want to destroy myself and become someone else’s favorite, and I don’t want to improve myself any more. I just immerse myself in my lover’s childish love and let him push me around."

Clara Malraux has an accurate evaluation of this. She thinks that this essay "should have epoch-making significance in the history of women’s literature … it is the first book written by an unruly woman; As men’s eyes are generally accurate, they are also enemies and friends, and there is no servility. ….. is a book with simple sadness, facing death, facing the weakness of men who pretend to be authoritative, a book full of dignity ".

Cover of "Let Me Be Alone" in Foreign Languages


Leave me alone was written in the early 1930s, and it has been nearly a century.

In the early 1930s, France had not been completely dragged into the vortex of war, but a new generation of novelists had already felt the approaching crisis. Surrealism, Salina, malraux, etc., although in different ways, all declared a break with the previous generation such as Valerie, Gide and Proust, and their works obviously paid more attention to social reality than literary reality.

It can be seen that tuberculosis is like a special barrier, which not only isolates Sauvageau from the noisy life, but also isolates her from the writing that should belong to her generation, so that Sauvageau’s writing still stays in the middle of the two generations to some extent: she does not approve of the later generation’s over-exaggeration of the crisis and faces the real and individual death-although the exaggerated death in surrealism or absurdism soon became a reality in the war-nor does it. There is no trace of intentional innovation in Sauvageau’s works: for example, the interweaving use of different personal narratives, the freedom of access between dreams and reality; As the theme of love, it has become an entrance to one’s inner world here. The most crucial thing is still the motto engraved on the temple of Apollo more than two thousand years ago: Know yourself.

This may be one of the reasons why Leave Me Alone has not lost its value after nearly a century. In this nearly a century, a lot of things have happened, except for the brutal war, which Sauvageau should not have seen and could not have foreseen. With the invention of streptomycin, tuberculosis is no longer a "white plague" that can easily take away life and thus love. The war broke out and ended. However, there will never be an end once and for all, and human beings are still entangled in disasters that can’t be solved by any order because of the same greed again and again. Humans have overcome one disaster after another, and they have personally concocted one disaster after another. Today, nearly a century later, what humans who thought they were extremely powerful never expected was that another kind of "plague" that invaded the lungs would jump out suddenly and warn humans that you were far from "knowing yourself".

We don’t have to repeat such irrelevant nonsense as "God’s punishment". Sauvageau also strangely gave some symbolic answers in the few words left. In her comments on The Last Supper, she talked about her dislike of this painting, which was mixed with strange sadness:

His (Jesus) smile and eyes reveal disillusionment. Miao Yan, who had just finished his sacrifice and atonement, said, "Take it and eat it. This is my body." "Take it and drink it. This is my blood." He felt lonely because he knew that no one really understood. ….. His eyes drooped and he didn’t look at anyone, but he was dissatisfied with the emptiness after the hope disappeared: his face was tired and bitter, as if he had lost faith. We can’t feel the existence of God here: he is absent. He should come here, give confidence to his sons, give light to mankind, help them understand themselves, or just believe in themselves. However, God stayed in heaven, and there was a faint touch of sky outside the window.

It was Jesus who came to the world. He was alone.

No god can guide us, no matter whose people are in the final analysis, human beings are doomed to be lonely. This is the information that Sauvageau read in The Last Supper, and it is also the conclusion she drew from the "broken-up" love. Isn’t it a universally applicable conclusion that human beings may draw after disasters! However, because of this, we can interpret Let Me Be Alone from another angle: the conclusion that human beings will eventually be lonely does not prevent us from trying our best to find the possibility of not being lonely, even if it is only temporary. This should be what Sauvageau thought when he mentioned the Japanese legend. She said:

A Japanese legend claims that when a person is born, the moon will tie the feet of a man and a woman to be married in the future with a red ribbon. In life, this ribbon is invisible, but these two people will look for each other. If they find it, their happiness will come to the earth. There are also people who can’t find them, so their lives will be full of worries and they will die miserably: for them, happiness can only begin in another world, when they will see who the red ribbon is tied to. I don’t know if I can find a ribbon to tie me in this world; I think this legend, like all legends, gives us poetic comfort.

Poetic comfort. Therefore, even if the era of lying flat will come, let us stand and love, because as long as we are still alive, we need comfort and need to establish a dignified and not lonely existence. The dignity that women seek in love may be closer to the essence of human dignity.

Original author | Yuan Xiaoyi

Excerpt | Zhang Jin

Edit | Zhang Jin

Lead proofreading | Wang Xin

How sensitive is a girl’s body? (No boys allowed)

  Doctor, for a minute, the posture keeps rising.

  -End of this period-

Girls’ brains weigh about 1,250g, which is a little less than boys’, but there are more divine cells and the links between the left and right brains are closer, which makes girls’ brains more efficient than boys’ and more sensitive to emotional feelings. This may be the reason why your girlfriend is easy to get angry. Girls’ eyes are very sensitive to colors, and they can identify colors that many boys can’t see. What’s more, some girls’ eyes have "super powers" knowledge points. Only three kinds of cone cells can make them see about 1 million colors, but a few girls can have four kinds of cone cells. There are 100 million kinds of colors they can see. Girls with this "super power" are called "four-color viewers". Girls have about 50% more olfactory cells than boys, which also makes girls’ sense of smell more sensitive. It is said that girls will smell the "body fragrance" of a person if they like him. If boys look at her with their eyes, it may be possible for them to find a partner.

Encouraging women to be "independent" is also a kind of violence.

Unexpectedly, today we met a guest who was lying flat.

I have always encouraged more women to move forward boldly, hoping to record the precious "step forward" taken by those professional women, so as to inspire more ordinary you and me and pick up the courage to move forward.

As the book "Step Forward" says:

Women are not without leadership, but afraid to let go of their dreams. As long as they boldly sit at the table,Participation can bring about change.

But this time, our guest Zhang Chun said that the word "step forward" made her have to be alert-

Is it wrong for a woman to stand still, lie down and cry, and not take a step forward?

Is there only one way for women to move forward?

This is an opportunity for us to collide.

Who is Zhang Chun?

Maybe many people know her because of an advertisement.

She talked about the "double bondage" of secular views on women:

You should have a career, but not too much;

You want to be beautiful, but loving beauty too much is vanity.

It seems that everything women do is wrong.

Source: Polaiya

She is a writer and a psychological counselor, and this kind of gender observation comes from her work.

Because the ratio of male to female visitors is about 1:9, a vivid sample of women shows her that there is a kind of depression called "Female depression”。

Walking as a woman for 40 years, her own experience made her realize a truth:

Men and women do not live in the same world."

I’m curious, in the wave of encouraging women to go up, why did she loudly say "women can stand still and cry while lying down"? What kind of female world does she see?

Based on this, I had a two-hour conversation with Zhang Chun.

I hope this article today can give you a new perspective and a healing massage.

The following is Zhang Chun’s self-report.

Two gender situations

Step forward?

Now that I hear this, all my alarm bells ring.

Everyone is telling women to move forward, to succeed, to stand up, to become professional women … to stand up, does that mean that it is wrong to sit, squat and lie down?

Any suggestion contains a hidden word, which is "should".

"You should …" We’ve heard so many words.

But I think, instead of telling women "how to make progress", telling women "You have the right to make any choice."The voice is even rarer.

But we need such a voice, instead of finding fault with women again.

Source: TV series "Big and Small Lies"

I am 40 years old this year, and I may have experienced a proposition for the first 38 years of my life:

What the hell am I suffering from?

How did this pain happen? How to describe and describe it? What do they have in common with women and what are their differences?

And why are men so different? How is his coolness cool? What’s his pain like? How is it different from mine?

These doubts come from what I see every day.

For example, if you see such a news-The 70-year-old woman picked up garbage in the middle of the night and was chopped many times. She died on the spot.

What will I notice?

I will notice that this is a woman, a woman who was killed outside in the middle of the night. I can’t help but substitute myself and I will be afraid.

But if the news describes it this way—The man committed a crime at 3 am and was arrested and brought to justice in less than an hour.

The subject changed from a murdered woman to a punished man. I don’t immediately feel "I’m in danger", but I know that criminals will pay the price.

But the news you usually see is almost always the former narrative.

Source: Network

I can’t name the specific news that scared me, but when a woman grew up seeing such news subjects and narratives, she naturally knew:

The world is dangerous, I have to be careful, be careful.

This is women’s daily life, and many women have been looking for an effective strategy to protect themselves in such a threatening atmosphere all their lives.

We are afraid that the courier will see that there is no man at home. Girls who live alone should hang some men’s clothes on the balcony and put a pair of men’s slippers at the door … These self-protection skills are being learned by girls since childhood.

According to my observation, all women have the ability to automatically distinguish "what I do to make others comfortable and what I do to make others uncomfortable".

They will automatically know what they can do to be safer and not put themselves in danger.

Source: TV series "Big and Small Lies"

Maybe you always think that you live in the same world as men, but this is not the case.

The world of women and men has its own narrative. The huge difference in logic determines that what women and men see is an absolutely different world.

The narrative of the female world is: I can’t do anything until I am allowed, and it is repeatedly and explicitly allowed.

The male narrative is: I can do anything until I am stopped, and it is repeatedly stopped until I pay an unbearable price.

A typical example is Wang Sicong’s bitter pursuit of Sun Yining.

Sun Yining has told Wang Sicong many times that he is not interested in him, doesn’t want to see him, and doesn’t want to be his girlfriend, but Wang Sicong seems completely inaudible.

It was not until Sun Yining exposed the chat record and tore her face that Wang Sicong realized that she was really boring to herself.

It’s not just "Wang Sicong". Most men around ordinary women are like this.

I met one on the Internet. I scold him and blacken him every day, but he can still find me again in various ways.

I said there was no possibility with him, but he said:

"I think we are very likely, because you don’t scold others, you only scold me like this. This is a preference, and you can’t have no feelings for me."

I’m really amazed.

Source: TV series "My Genius Girlfriend"

This is indeed the case in men’s world. It is all "I can" until the unbearable price is stopped.

Women are cautious, and they are all "I can’t" until they are explicitly allowed.

The difference between the two kinds of thinking fundamentally leads to two completely different gender situations-

You have your mountain, I have my disaster, and both men and women are trapped in their respective genders.

Twisted women

One day, I saw a poster on the wall of the hospital, which read:

"Pain relief is the basic right of patients."

This sentence triggered an earthquake in my heart, which made me feel so fresh.

I have been suffering from various chronic pain diseases, but I never thought that I could have the right to ask for no pain.

If pain relief is a basic right, can women’s menstrual pain be exempted?

If exempting dysmenorrhea is a basic right, then why do all women tolerate it as usual?

So that when it comes to dysmenorrhea, someone will say, "Drink more hot water and just bear it."

Why are there so many patients with dysmenorrhea, but there is no special treatment department?

Even why does it seem to many people that even childbirth, which is extremely painful to the mother, should be, must, can’t complain and don’t have to be exempted?

I suddenly realized that these are all violence, telling women that your feelings are not important.

There is more common physical violence, which is the humiliation of women’s body, appearance and sexual value.

"You shouldn’t be so fat."

"You should be whiter."

"If you want to wear this underwear, it will look fuller, and if you wear that one, it will look thinner and colder."


All these are telling women that your body doesn’t belong to you.

Although I began to consciously use the gender perspective in these three or five years, understanding the differences between the two sexes began when I knew I was a girl, and even then I didn’t necessarily have memories.

I believe other women are the same.

At the moment you were born, the doctor picked you up, patted your ass and said, "Wow, it’s a big fat son" or "it’s a little princess".

At that time, the response from all the people around you was already educating you about gender.

Some fathers saw that it was a girl and fainted on the spot; Some mothers immediately shed tears and said, "What a girl!".

Whether she is an expected child or not, girls can realize it subtly very early.

When they grow up, adults teach their children to know their own bodies. When they see the little boy, they will say:

"Look, this is your little ear, nose and mouth, this is your little hand and arm, and this is your little * * (private part), your calf and foot …"

But when teasing little girls, they will say:

"These are your little eyes and ears, your little arms, hands and navel, and your calves and feet …"

At that moment, the girl could not speak or read, but she knew that one part of her body was taboo.

What is more shameful than keeping a certain part of your body secret?

Source: TV series "My Genius Girlfriend"

This is the beginning of our understanding of our female identity, and it is also the beginning of our being concealed and bound.

Based on this, most of the female visitors I met had a kind of gender-specific depression, and I named it "female depression".

They came to me with the same question-"Should I not feel this way?"

Because the education they have experienced is telling them:

You don’t know how you feel.

You know how you feel, but you shouldn’t feel that way.

You can feel it, but you shouldn’t say it.

You have feelings, but your feelings are not important.

These all point to "you shouldn’t" can’t "and" don’t allow ",and all true feelings are erased.

For example, a woman who has been subjected to domestic violence is asking, "Is this my problem?" Before, they would ask: "Is it a domestic violence that I encountered?"

When feelings are blurred, women don’t know if they are hurt, which is very common in daily life.

Source: TV series "My Genius Girlfriend"

The little girl in kindergarten was pigtailed. She cried and she was sad, but the adults told her that "people like you". How can she tell the harm?

The normalized violence experienced by women is based on this.

From feeling physical violence, women are shaped from the inside out.

No one listens to what they say. They have to say a word 300 times, and they have to shout and smash things at the same time, so that someone will realize that women are speaking.

They are abused by domestic violence, and some people will say, "Did you annoy him?" "Just bear it with the family."

Women’s lives are "distorted" and they don’t know how to define their bodies and feelings, thus entering a kind of "spiritual collapse".

Some of them may seem to have a good life, but they will still fall into depression and be unhappy.

The real "step forward"

I heard a visitor say:

"I can’t see the model bloggers who know life, travel and do accounts. They are anxious at first sight. All their photos and videos are telling me that I am not living right."

Of course, I believe that there must be some women who will be inspired by these role models, so as to "step forward" and do something to make her feel better.

But at the same time, there must be others who feel disciplined, condemned and criticized by these shiny things, but they usually don’t make a sound.

Those voices that are active and make many changes are certainly good, and it has also formed a torrent.

It is also the true feelings and choices of some women that they cannot be pushed to take a step forward.

It’s just that there are too few voices encouraging women to tell their true feelings, and they are more asked.

But there is no end to meeting the requirements of the outside world.

Source: TV series "My Genius Girlfriend"

You can imagine a woman who has to deal with many people for a long time and accept the demands of voices from all directions, and these voices are bound to conflict.

Some people told her to be careful, while others told her to be bold.

This incident made her speak cautiously, and that project made her bold.

I think all girls should have heard a saying:You’d better be a civil servant, a doctor and a teacher. ……

This is the requirement of many people for her to be a "wife" in the future.

But on the other hand, women have been educated and gone to college, and they have seen many successful women live in various ways.

They say that a girl’s life is more than that. Don’t just try to be stable, but imagine more possibilities.

And today’s requirements for women are:

You should be a professional woman who takes a step forward and an all-round housewife; It is necessary to bear all responsibilities, but also to be emotionally stable and quiet.

There is a tear between the left and right everywhere.

Her self is shaking more and more in these tears, shaking to a certain extent, and it is broken.

The next step may be to become depressed.

That’s why I’m so wary of "step forward", of orders packaged as proposals, and of what should be hidden behind suggestions.

I don’t think it is necessary for women to live an independent, beautiful and successful life if they really take a step forward.

But you firmly believe that you are right no matter what you choose, you must have your reasons, and you have the right to go back on your word after you choose.

This "step forward" is a person’s subjectivity and interpretation right, and does not let liberation become a new bundle.

Source: TV series "My Genius Girlfriend"

There is violence, distortion and deception around us. I also have great anger at the world and want to do something that I think is right.

For example, when I saw a man urinating on the side of the road, I stopped him. Even when I did this for the first time, I was ready to fight, but after stopping him, it was really cool.

Of course, sometimes I just don’t want to get high. Today, I feel that I don’t love the world, and it’s not worth doing any construction here, so I choose to ruin it and do nothing.

The point is, I know I made the right choice.

Some time ago, there were several violent incidents against women. Like my visitors, I was inevitably angry and disappointed, as if I had been touched by all the traumatic experiences in the past.

During the most sad "beating incident", during the 20-minute break between each consultation, I would open the video of President Zhang Guimei’s examination submission for a while.

I saw her doing the same thing day after day, sending the girls out of the mountains, but the fate of the girls who took the college entrance examination was different.

Source: People’s Daily

But more often I will remind myself:I’m fine. I don’t have to be perfect.

As women, we are not destroyed by those cruel things, which is something we should be proud of forever.

There will never be a correct and successful answer to women’s way forward.

Remember, taking a step forward is to get back your rights, which is your choice and always right.

Light up at the end of the text[Forward]+[Like], encourage each other.

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Fashion Trend: Personalized Customization and the Evolution of Aesthetic Concept

Fashion Focus: Social Reflection Caused by Wang Sicong’s Custom Hairstyle Event

Wang Sicong booked Tony, a famous hairdresser, with a price of 18,800 yuan. Every hair was carefully crafted in 2 minutes, and the working hours were as high as 90 yuan per hour. This seemingly absurd move has aroused deep thinking about the attitude towards new luxury life. The change of aesthetic concept and consumption attitude is highlighted in this incident, which pushes people’s pursuit of fashion and individuality to a new height.

The new trend of fashion: the integration of aesthetics and consumption

In modern society, fashion is no longer a simple external expression, but a life attitude of both internal and external cultivation. Wang Sicong’s hairstyle incident is not only a beauty, but also a redefinition of individual image, which has triggered a profound reflection on aesthetic and consumption concepts. Aesthetics plays an important role in consumption, and people tend to measure the quality of life by aesthetic standards. Hairstyle customization is no longer just the carving of hair, but the presentation of personality and taste, thus demonstrating the pursuit of quality of life.

Personality shaping: a new realm of fashion

Fashion has gone beyond the simple trend and become a symbol of personality and taste. Hairstyle is no longer a simple haircut, but a manifestation of self-style and personality. Wang Sicong’s hairstyle incident made people start to think that the value of life may lie not only in money, but also in the pursuit of quality life. This pursuit of individuality and uniqueness leads to the change of aesthetic concepts and consumption patterns, and people begin to pay more attention to the life value brought by individuality and uniqueness.

Fashion trend of thought: the rise of aesthetic economy

The creativity and diversity contained in hairstyle design is not only the modification of hair, but also the respect for individual aesthetics. The rise of this aesthetic economy makes the fashion industry pay more attention to creativity and individuality. People are beginning to realize that aesthetics is not only a taste, but also an expression of value. Wang Sicong’s hair style incident has become a fashion topic, which has triggered in-depth discussions on aesthetic and consumption concepts and promoted the development of the fashion industry in a more diversified and open direction.

Future Trend: Personalized Customization and Quality Life

In the future, personalized customization will become an important development trend of fashion industry. People’s pursuit of quality of life is no longer limited to the material level, but more reflected in the demand for individuality and creativity. This emphasis on aesthetics will lead to the change of consumption patterns, and the fashion industry will also pay more attention to the provision of personalized and customized services. Therefore, personalized customization will become an important development direction of fashion industry in the future, leading the continuous change of consumption concepts and aesthetic standards.

Wang Sicong’s hairstyle incident is just a microcosm of the fashion industry, but it reflects the change of people’s aesthetic and consumption concepts behind it. Personalized customization is no longer just a luxury consumption, but also the pursuit and presentation of quality life. In the future, with the continuous development of fashion industry, personality and aesthetics will be more integrated, leading the society to a new definition of quality life.

What do you think?

11-year-long research has confirmed that persisting in exercise can prolong life and reduce the incidence of 13 kinds of cancer.

If there is a "universal prescription" that can lower blood pressure, blood fat and blood sugar at the same time, prevent cancer and eliminate insomnia, it is exercise.

According to the World Health Organization,Lack of exercise has become the fourth largest risk factor for death in the world.Long-term lack of exercise will reduce the function of body organs and tissues by 30%.

In 2018, the National Cancer Institute of the United States conducted an 11-year follow-up study of 1.44 million people, and concluded that proper exercise can reduce the incidence of 13 kinds of cancers by more than 10%, and the relative life span will be longer.

How exactly does exercise change the body? How should we choose suitable sports?

The best health care secret for the body is not a panacea, but exercise, which has many benefits for our body.

Strong bones:Exercise can make bones grow and develop better, strengthen bones, and enable bones to bear greater loads. Persisting in exercise can enlarge the bony process attached to muscles, improve bone metabolism and blood circulation, improve the ability of bones to resist various changes, strengthen joint toughness, and prevent bone hyperplasia and muscle degeneration.

Promote blood circulation:Aerobic exercise, in particular, can increase cardiovascular blood output and enhance myocardial contractility, thus improving the blood circulation of the whole body and preventing the occurrence of arteriosclerosis. Exercise can protect blood vessels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Enhance lung function:Insisting on exercise can strengthen the respiratory muscles, expand the range of breathing movements, and increase the breathing difference, thus enhancing the vital capacity and lung function.

Help digestion and absorption:Gastrointestine is an important organ for human digestion and absorption, and exercise can help increase appetite, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and blood circulation, promote the secretion of digestive glands, enhance the digestion and absorption ability of gastrointestinal nutrition, and strengthen the metabolic ability of the whole body.

Delay aging:When you reach a certain age, your body’s toughness and metabolic ability will begin to decline, and insisting on exercise can keep your joints flexible, delay muscle relaxation and make your body younger.

People at different ages can choose different sports according to the characteristics of their bodies at different ages, which can better reflect the role of sports.

20 years old:You can choose any high-intensity exercise, such as marathon, runaway and other high-intensity aerobic exercises, to reserve resources for good health;

30 years old:Choose high-intensity aerobic exercise or strength exercise such as mountain climbing and jogging, and pay attention to stretching ligaments before and after exercise;

40 years old:You should choose moderate-intensity sports, such as swimming, brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc., and increase strength exercises;

50 years old:You can choose moderate intensity aerobic exercise, such as swimming, cycling and brisk walking, while maintaining moderate muscle strength exercise. For women of this age, you can do some flexibility exercises such as yoga to keep your body flexible;

60 years old:Exercise should focus on improving the quality of life, improving psychological endurance and preventing falls, and ballroom dancing, swimming and walking are all good choices;

70 years old:At this age, taking part in sports should be based on safety, and you can choose walking, Tai Chi, Qigong and other sports.

80 years old:The elderly should choose low-intensity exercise, slow and rhythmic, and can choose Tai Chi, Baduanjin and gateball.

Proper exercise for the elderly has many advantages, but because the elderly are older, there are many places to pay attention to in exercise, otherwise it is easy to walk into the following sports misunderstandings:

1. Is morning the best exercise time?

Many elderly people like to exercise in the morning, but the high content of carbon dioxide in the air in the morning is not an ideal exercise time. In addition, human blood is sticky in the morning, especially in cold weather, which is easy to cause cardiovascular diseases. Old people can choose to exercise in the afternoon.

2. Exercise immediately after meals.

Many people believe that a walk after a meal is good for digestion. However, exercise immediately after meals will lead to an increase in blood flow of skeletal muscles, which will affect digestive function. Long-term exercise after meals will easily lead to gastroptosis.

?You don’t need to exercise if you often do manual labor.

Often doing housework is limited to the activities of certain organs and organizations, which has certain limitations and even unreasonable activities. Only scientific and reasonable exercise can make all parts of the body, joints and muscles get full and comprehensive activities, and all organs can also get comprehensive exercise.

Exercise can bring people health and happiness, but don’t go into the misunderstanding of exercise, master the correct types and ways of exercise, and make your body more and more "young"!

# Breeze Project ##39 Healthy Super Group #


1. Liu Jianyu. Misunderstanding of exercise health care for the elderly [J]. Friends of Science: Next, 2009 (11): 73-74.

2. Huang Huiming. Decryption of longevity: How to exercise at different ages? [J]. Contemporary Model Workers, 2014: 77.

3. Ouyang Jun. Physical benefits of exercise [J]. Health Guide, 2012,18 (4): 58-59.

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China people’s "exercise and fitness" is getting harder and harder! My favorite project is …

Source: CCTV Finance


Move it! Have a nice summer!

The national movement continues to heat up, and more and more people in China build strong physique through sports. According to the survey of a better life in China, the demand for sports and fitness has been rising continuously from the consumption expectation in the past four years. In 2023, the proportion of people willing to increase their consumption in sports and fitness reached 27.99%, ranking fourth in the list of Chinese consumption expectations, a sharp increase of more than 7 percentage points over the previous year.

Who is the main force of sports and fitness consumption? The survey found that women’s wishes have been higher than men’s for four years.

Pay for sports, don’t underestimate this crowd.

From different age groups, middle-aged people aged 36-59 are more willing to invest time and money in sports and fitness. With a certain consumption power and a crisis to their own health, this group has become the main force in the sports and fitness market. Followed by people over 60 years old, the proportion of people who are willing to increase their consumption in sports and fitness is as high as 30.95%, which is almost the same as that of middle-aged people.

In which cities are people more willing to spend on sports and fitness? Kunming, Xi ‘an, Guangzhou, Yinchuan and Zhengzhou are the top five cities on the list.

Let’s run (ju ǐ n) and (qǐ) and (lái), shall we?

In terms of exercise and fitness, what items do you like? According to the online survey data, 51.90% people choose running, followed by small ball games such as badminton (35.33%) and hiking/hiking/mountaineering (32.84%).

Among them, men’s enthusiasm for running is nearly 13 percentage points higher than that of women (58.61%, 45.95%).

From different age groups, 18-25 years old are the people who love running the most. Central China, Southwest China and South China are the top three "love running circles" among the seven regions. Running is not only a physical exercise, but also a positive attitude towards life.

Besides running, what are the differences between the sports that men and women love?

The top three in the women’s sports list are: running, yoga/pilates and other shaping classes and small balls such as badminton. The sports that men often participate in: running, badminton and other small balls, football/basketball and other big balls. Men are more interested in ball games, while women prefer shaping sports such as yoga.


Escape from fitness, these excuses have you been shot?

When there is movement, there is silence. What is the reason that makes some people unable to open their legs and restricts their pace of exercise and fitness?

According to the online survey, four adults said that they didn’t exercise because they didn’t have time (42.51%), followed by the high cost (30.00%), others said that it was difficult to find a common partner (27.14%) and the community fitness equipment was insufficient (25.72%), and only 19.53% people really didn’t like sports.

In fact, there are 10,000 reasons to give up, only one belief is needed to persist, and more time should be made for your own health.

The lack of community fitness equipment is restricting the movement of northerners.

Besides lack of time and high cost, southerners think that it is difficult to find common partners, which is one of the three main factors that restrict their sports. Northerners believe that the lack of community fitness equipment is also one of the three main factors restricting sports fitness. It seems that the construction in this area in northern cities should be strengthened.

Promote the further expansion of automobile consumption

Analects of Finance and Economics

Author: Wang Qing (Deputy Director and Researcher, Institute of Market Economy, the State Council Development Research Center)

Automobile is a large-scale and relatively high commodity in China’s consumption market, and it is also an important field for the continuous upgrading of residents’ consumption structure. To effectively expand and better release automobile consumption, we should grasp the new changes, trends and requirements in the automobile market, and speed up filling shortcomings, unblocking points and optimizing the environment.

At present, China’s automobile consumption has obviously accelerated, and there are many bright spots in market growth, which is the "highlight" of national and local consumption promotion. Driven by a number of policies, the automobile market has obviously warmed up. From January to October this year, a total of 23.97 million vehicles were sold, up 9% year-on-year, and the growth rate increased by 4.5 percentage points over the same period; The total retail sales of automobile products was 3.9 trillion yuan, accounting for 11.3% of the total retail sales.

At the same time, the upgrading trend of automobile consumption structure is obvious. Statistics show that the proportion of sales of models below 100,000 yuan continues to decrease, and the proportion of middle and high-priced models above 100,000 yuan continues to rise, especially luxury brand models above 300,000 yuan continue to sell well, with a year-on-year growth rate of over 30%. The consumption heat of new energy vehicles continues to climb. From January to October, a total of 7.28 million new energy vehicles were sold, up 37.8% year-on-year, accounting for more than 60% of the global sales in the same period. In October, the sales volume approached the million-vehicle mark, and China became the world’s largest new energy vehicle consumption market for eight consecutive years. Automobile exports continue to maintain a high growth trend. In the first 10 months of this year, China exported a total of 3.92 million vehicles, up 60% year-on-year, including about 1 million new energy vehicles, which doubled last year and is expected to become the world’s largest automobile exporter this year.

From the general law of automobile consumption in developed countries, there is generally an "S"-shaped change between the car ownership per thousand people and the per capita GDP, and there are three stages: introduction period, popularization period and maturity period. In the popularization period, it will experience two stages of high-speed and medium-speed growth, and the dividing point is about 100 cars per thousand people. After crossing the 100-vehicle mark in 2014, China’s automobile ownership has gradually turned to medium-speed growth, and has exceeded 200 vehicles in 2021. After turning to the medium-speed growth stage, the market increasingly presents two prominent characteristics: first, the potential growth rate of automobile demand, that is, the growth rate that potential demand can actually support, gradually falls back; Second, the main driving force to promote the growth of automobile consumption has shifted from the demand for first-time car purchase to the demand for upgrading. It is estimated that by 2030, China’s automobile market will still maintain a growth rate of about 3%, and in the past two or three years, it will be roughly at the level of 4%~5%, and automobile consumption still has great growth potential.

From the structural point of view, the structural change of automobile demand has begun to strengthen the supporting role of sales. The first is the replacement and update demand brought by consumption upgrading. At present, nearly 100 million private cars in China have reached or exceeded 6 years old, and they have entered a large-scale renewal cycle. Updating 1% every year can drive considerable sales. In 2022, about 60% of China’s automobile sales will be purchased or replaced. The second is the demand for new energy vehicles led by technological progress. The market share of new energy vehicles is 20% to 50%, which is the fastest growing stage. It is predicted that by 2025, the market share of new energy vehicles in China will reach 50% and the annual sales scale will reach 15 million. Third, the demand for cascade expansion supported by the rural market. From 2018 to 2022, the average number of family cars per 100 households in rural areas increased from 22.3 to 32.4, with an average annual growth rate of 12%, twice the growth rate of towns in the same period, and it is in the fastest stage of increasing the number of cars per 1,000 people. The fourth is the related consumption demand of automobile aftermarket expansion. The personalized and fashionable consumption of young consumers is rising day by day, and the demand for car modification and beauty is very strong, with great growth potential.

To effectively expand and better release automobile consumption, we must conform to the new characteristics and general trends of automobile consumption and market, speed up the filling of consumption shortcomings, unblock policy blockages, and optimize the market environment.

Actively promote the upgrading of old models. Combined with local policy experience, promote the adjustment and upgrading of automobile stock and stimulate incremental consumption. Appropriately increase the replacement subsidy and increase the reward for upgrading fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles. Promote the abolition of unreasonable restrictions on second-hand car transactions, further facilitate second-hand car transactions in different places, and promote the standardized and large-scale development of the second-hand car industry.

Continue to expand the consumption of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the planning and construction of charging facilities, and accelerate the charging facilities to enter communities, highways, scenic spots and public parking lots (parking spaces), effectively alleviating mileage anxiety and charging anxiety. Accelerate the research and development of related technologies and further reduce the cost of car purchase and car use.

Accelerate the activation of rural automobile consumption market. Improve rural roads, gas stations, charging stations and other infrastructure conditions, guide the sinking of automobile distribution and service networks, and realize the synergy of automobiles and services to the countryside. Promote the precise management of pickup trucks, and clarify regulations such as annual inspection, scrapping and high-speed charging.

Orderly release the market consumption demand after the automobile. Promote the standardized, transparent and efficient development of automobile parts circulation, promote the upgrading of automobile maintenance services, and accelerate the construction of new energy vehicle maintenance technical standard system. Build a multi-level automobile race pattern, orderly release consumer demand such as automobile beauty, and activate the aftermarket consumption potential of automobiles.

Focus on optimizing the automobile consumption policy and environment. Optimize the tax rate of automobile purchase tax and consumption tax, and effectively promote automobile echelon consumption. Strengthen the construction of urban smart transportation and create a good car environment. Strengthen comprehensive financial support for automobile consumption services.

Guangming Daily (15th edition, November 23rd, 2023)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily

Second aunt looks at fashion: the CEO of Fulang Group is replaced; De Beers’ high-level reshuffle; Levi’s CEO will retire

21st century business herald reporter Gao Jianghong Intern You Yunqian Zhang Yizhen Beijing Report

Last week, many companies experienced major personnel changes. HanesBrands, the parent company of Champion, appointed a new chief marketing officer, and the senior management of Lanvin Group of Fulang Group and De Beers De Beers Group changed.

In terms of financial report, lululemon’s sales rose by 19% in the third quarter and lowered its annual performance guidance. The performance of British luxury watch retailer Watches of Switzerland did not increase in the first half of the fiscal year.

In terms of brand activities, Ralph Lauren will speed up the layout of the China market and open more than 30 stores every year; LVMH Group will sell a majority stake in the cruise retail business; Alibaba’s representative will withdraw from Farfetch’s board of directors; Amazon will drastically cut the fees of cheap clothing sellers; Balenciaga will set foot in the field of high-end jewelry for the first time; Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons will appear in Prada Shanghai exhibition; and PANTONE will announce the representative color of 2024.

1. lululemon’s sales rose by 19% in the third quarter, and its annual performance guidance was lowered.

Recently, Lululemon, a yoga sportswear brand, released its financial report for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023. In the first three quarters, the group’s sales increased by 20% to $6.414 billion. In the third quarter ended October 29th, lululemon’s sales increased by 19% year-on-year to US$ 2.2 billion, including 12% in North America, 49% in international business, 57% in overall gross profit margin and 2.6% in net profit to US$ 249 million.

For the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023, lululemon expects net revenue to be between $3.135 billion and $3.170 billion, an increase of about 13% to 14%, which is lower than analysts’ expectations. For fiscal year 2023, lululemon expects net revenue to be between $9.549 billion and $9.584 billion, an increase of about 18%.

However, due to the tightening of spending by consumers, lululemon expects sales in the holiday season to be lower than expected. At the same time as the financial report was released, the board of directors of the group approved an additional share repurchase plan of up to $1 billion.

Comments: The revenue guidance in the fourth quarter lags behind Wall Street’s expectations, which is a rare mistake for this retailer whose performance often exceeds investors’ expectations. However, lowering the performance guidance may also be to achieve "unexpected growth", which is their old routine.

2. Ralph Lauren will speed up the layout of the China market and will open more than 30 new stores every year.

Ralph Lauren will accelerate its development in China market in 2024 and realize long-term and sustainable growth and value creation. Cai Xinhui, CEO of the brand’s China market and Southeast Asia, revealed that Ralph Lauren plans to open more than 30 new stores in China every year in the next few years, which will spread to more smaller cities while occupying a place in major cities.

Comments: In the cold winter of the market, mid-range luxury brands are eager to find a new way out. Although Ralph Lauren has been synonymous with the style of "old money" on social media in the past two years, the market has never reached a consensus on whether Ralph Lauren is a luxury brand. It is a foregone conclusion that refined luxury style will return. As a representative brand of this style, Ralph Lauren’s popularity has been rising in recent two years, especially in the China market. In the little red book, there are more than 90,000 notes related to "old money style". Besides fashion, this style has even penetrated into more subdivided fields such as home decoration, wedding and manicure. Continuing to bet on the China market is a promising move for Ralph Lauren.

3. Watches of Switzerland, a British luxury watch retailer, has no growth in the first half of fiscal year.

In the six months to the end of October, the sales of Watches of Switzerland recorded a year-on-year flat record of 761 million pounds, and the adjusted EBITDA fell by 10% to 94 million pounds, and the operating profit plummeted by 16% to 78 million pounds. By region, income in Britain and Europe decreased by 4% to 433 million pounds, while income in the United States increased by 5% to 328 million pounds.

Comments: Earlier, it was reported that the waiting list of Rolex watches was shortening, and the number of people waiting for some watches was shortened from 10,000 to 8,000, partly due to the cooling of global luxury consumption and reduced market demand. On the other hand, the downturn in the cryptocurrency market has further weakened the demand for luxury watches. It is true that the luxury watch market is blocked.

4. LVMH Group sells a majority stake in the cruise retail business.

French luxury goods giant LVMH Group said on December 8th that it has signed an agreement to sell a majority stake in Cruiseline Holdings Co., the parent company of Starboard & On Board Cruise Services, to a group of investors led by Jim Gissy.

Jim Gissy is the executive vice president of Westgate Resorts, a Florida timeshare company. Starboard was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in Miami. By the end of 2022, Starboard had more than 700 duty-free retail outlets selling handbags, jewelry, watches and beauty products on about 82 holiday cruise ships of companies such as Carnival Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean and Holland America.

Comments: LVMH will remain an "important minority shareholder" of the new entity despite the sale of equity. LVMH said in a statement: "New investors are strategic partners in the field of holiday retail, with innovative culture and growth philosophy." Who can do it for you? Cruise ships are also an important part of the luxury industry, and the development prospects are still considerable.

5. Levi’s CEO will retire.

Levi’s recently announced that CEO Chip Bergh will retire on April 26th next year, and the current president Michelle Gass plans to succeed him as the new leader of the group on January 29th next year. During Chip Bergh’s 12-year tenure, Levi’s has gradually developed into one of the best clothing companies in the world, promoting brand performance to achieve breakthrough growth.

Comments: Bergh reshaped Levi’s brand image, maintained its brand characteristics in the ever-changing competitive landscape, did not blindly pursue the trend, and paid attention to brand marketing. The great hero is about to retire. At present, consumers are increasingly cautious. The prospect of jeans brands or manufacturers like Levi’s, whose income comes from wholesale channels, is full of uncertainty. Can Levi’s new CEO take on the heavy responsibility?

6. Champion parent company HanesBrands appoints a new chief marketing officer.

HanesBrands, the parent company of American Fashion Champion and the American underwear and sportswear manufacturer, announced the appointment of Richard Mcleod as the vice president and chief marketing officer of Champion. In this position, Richard Mcleod will be responsible for promoting Champion’s global brand strategy and omni-channel brand positioning.

It is reported that before joining Champion, Richard Mcleod worked for Canada Goose, a Canadian down coat brand, and served as senior vice president of Canada Goose, responsible for brand development, growth and performance. Previously, he held senior leadership positions in companies such as Foot Locker, LVMH’s Hennessy, Pernod Ricard and Bacardi, and led the marketing activities of well-known wine and spirits brands such as Grey Goose, Bombay Sapphire and D’usse Cognac.

Comments: HanesBrands Group announced its third-quarter financial report, showing that sales decreased by 9.5% year-on-year to $1.51 billion, gross profit margin was 31.1%, and operating profit plummeted by 53% to $66 million. Can the new coach effectively reduce losses and turn losses into profits?

7. The top management of Lanvin Group of Fulang Group has changed greatly.

LANVin Group (NYSE: Lanv), a global fashion and luxury goods group, announced on December 8 Joann Cheng Yun, chairman and CEO of the group, had submitted his resignation to the board of directors and would start a new business in the future.

The board of directors of the group announced the appointment of director Huang Zhen as the new chairman of the group and Eric Chan as the CEO of the group, effective from December 7.

Fulang Group said that the appointment of Chen Jianhao comes at an important moment for the Group to expand the retail market in North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East around the next stage of its brand growth. Huang Zhen said that Chen Jianhao’s rich experience in the fields of real estate and consumption will provide great value for the next stage of the Group’s growth and expansion of global business.

Comments: Fulang Group has now developed into a global fashion luxury group listed on the NYSE, and has maintained a steady growth momentum in the past few years. The two generals have extraordinary strength. Can they continue to write a chapter?

8. Alibaba’s representative withdrew from Farfetch’s board of directors

China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba recently announced that its president and board member, J. Michael Evans, has resigned from Farfetch’s board of directors, with immediate effect. It is understood that J. Michael Evans has been the president of Alibaba Group since August 2015 and joined the board of directors when Alibaba became a shareholder in Farfetch in 2020.

Comments: Previously, Richemont Group, which is also a shareholder, said that it would not undertake any financial obligations to Farfetch and did not intend to provide loans or investments to Farfetch. Ali also made a statement now, and Farfetch’s prospects were not good. Judging from the global situation of consumers returning to offline consumption experience, the reduction of non-essential expenses and the overall slowdown of luxury goods industry this year, Farfetch’s sudden departure seems to be certain.

9. The demand for diamonds is sluggish, and the giant De Beers has reshuffled its top management.

De Beers, the world’s largest diamond supplier, announced on Monday that two senior executives, namely David Prager, executive vice president and chief brand officer, and Ryan Perry, executive vice president of strategy and innovation agency, will remain on the executive committee until a successor is found. David Prager and Ryan Perry will continue to serve on the Executive Committee and oversee the transition of their responsibilities to other members. Tom Johnson is appointed as the general counsel, with effect from January 1, 2024. He will join the Executive Committee and be responsible for supervising the company’s legal and secretariat functions.

Comments: A series of personnel changes are considered as necessary measures for De Beers to cope with the current global diamond industry crisis. According to media reports, the global demand for diamonds has dropped to the lowest level since the epidemic, because global economic challenges continue to affect people’s demand for luxury goods. However, what needs to be more vigilant is the impact of the laboratory cultivation diamond industry on natural diamonds.

10. Amazon slashed the fees of cheap clothing sellers to meet the challenges of Shein and Temu.

Amazon, an American e-commerce giant, is slashing the fees for clothing sellers with prices below $20. The transaction fees for clothing products with prices below $15 will be reduced to 5%, and those for clothing with prices between $15 and $20 will be reduced to 10%, compared with 17% in the past.

Lucas Barnes, a former Amazon executive, said, "This will make Amazon more competitive in the field of low-priced clothing, because a dollar or two can make a big difference."

Comments: Although the company did not explain why it did this, it is widely believed that this shows that Amazon is preparing to fight a price war with China’s cross-border e-commerce companies Shein and Temu.

11. Open up new maps! Balenciaga set foot in the field of high-end jewelry for the first time.

The French luxury brand BALENCIAGA and Jacob & Co cooperated to create the "Diamant" high-end jewelry series, which was unveiled at the fall fashion show in 2024. This is the first time that Balenciaga has set foot in the field of high-end jewelry. It is understood that the series is made of 18-carat white gold and diamonds, including a large and heavy necklace and bracelet, a text theme style called "Typo", including a thin necklace and an oversized two-finger ring, designed to spell the word BALENCIAGA in a handwritten font style, and each diamond is hand-inlaid. Balenciaga x Jacob & Co. series has been exclusively booked on Rodeo Drive immediately after the show, and each model is customized for individuals. The production and delivery cycle is 3 months.

Comments: Since Demna Gvasalia became the new design director of Balenciaga, a lot of popular global fashion products have emerged. With exaggerated design and high price, the new products have a strong topicality, which often explodes the Internet. It is precisely this controversy that makes Balenciaga have a high flow among luxury brands, and it has risen rapidly in the fashion circle, and the products have become a proper out-of-stock king. What new trend will it bring when it comes to high-end jewelry this time?

12. Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons appeared in Prada Shanghai Exhibition.

To celebrate the opening of Pradasphere II exhibition in Shanghai START Star Art Museum, Prada co-creative directors Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons, as well as a group of brand executives appeared at the event site. This exhibition is the second appearance after the Pradasphere exhibition was successfully held for the first time in 2014, and will be open to the public free of charge from December 7 to January 21, 2024. The exhibition traces the history of Prada since its founding in 1913, and exhibits more than 400 physical and digital works of art, including the collection of fashion archives and the achievements of cross-border cooperation with art, architecture, culture and sports for decades.

In addition, Prada CEO Gianfranco D’Attis said that the company’s goal is to double its business in China in the medium term. Prada will open more stores, launch more localized products and marketing activities in China market. This means that the corresponding investment will increase, including opening larger stores, launching more localized products and holding more marketing activities. He also revealed that Prada plans to take the hotel concept as part of its globalization strategy and may launch it in 2024-2025.

Comments: After the construction of "Prada Universe" is completed, it is not difficult to see its ambition of further becoming upstream. To achieve this goal, the China market is a key link.

13. PANTONE announces the representative color of 2024.

PANTONE, an international color authority, recently released the representative color of 2024, and named it "Peach Fuzz" after PANTONE 13-1023. This is a comfortable and warm peach color, which just blends the elements of pink and orange, showing a fresh, soft and emotional atmosphere.

Since 2000, PANTONE has made annual color forecasts, which are selected through in-depth trend forecasts and socio-economic conditions, lifestyles and political influences (such as fashion, entertainment and tourist destinations).

Comments: Looking back at the popular colors released by Pan Tong in recent years, Viva Magenta, Very Peri and Illuminating Yellow all represent high saturation. At present, the pressure of life and work is great, and the popular colors turn into softer tones, which seems to correspond to "harmony" and "recovery"”。

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The Historical Meaning of Civilization and Its Contemporary Enlightenment

[Excerpts from arguments]

He Zhonghua wrote in the 6th issue of China Social Sciences in 2023 that "civilization" and "culture" can be used in a broad sense. In the early days of human civilization, people’s self-centeredness is a common cultural and psychological phenomenon, but the symbol of civilization maturity lies in the sublation of this self-centeredness. The existence of human beings is transcendent, and the positive interaction between human individuals and classes makes human civilization evolve in an accelerated way. The anthropological ontological paradox of the division between human physical existence and spiritual existence has its own manifestations in both eastern and western civilizations. The modernity shaped by western civilization exists the paradox of civilization and barbarism and the hegemony of "pseudo-universality". From a long period of history, the focus of human civilization is constantly shifting with different historical opportunities, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will profoundly affect the new pattern of civilization in the 21st century. Universal communication of human beings is an important condition for the development of civilization, and mutual learning of civilizations is helpful for different nationalities to make their own unique contributions to the overall progress of human civilization.

Guangming Daily (11th edition, September 15th, 2023)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily