The cold air caused the temperature in the north to dive and ushered in the first snowfall in the second half of the year.

  BEIJING, Beijing, Oct. 10 (Xinhua)-The 9th is the first working day at the end of the Eleventh Golden Week. Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places have experienced heavy rainfall, and Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and other places even ushered in the first snowfall this autumn. The cooling wind made it difficult for many office workers returning to work to adapt for a while, shouting "I want to wear long pants".

  According to the latest weather forecast, the temperature in Northeast China, North China, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and other places will drop by 6-10℃ today and tomorrow, and the local temperature drop can reach 12℃. There is strong precipitation in the southeast of northwest China and North China, and moderate to heavy snow in parts of Ningxia and Gansu.

  On October 9, the temperature dropped sharply in many places in Inner Mongolia. On the streets of Hohhot, pedestrians riding electric cars put on "cotton-padded clothes" to travel. China News Service reporter Liu Wenhua photo

  Just entering October, I "want to wear long pants"

  — —Rainfall in many places in the north has cooled down, and the local temperature drop has exceeded 10℃

  In October, after enjoying the Golden Week holiday, office workers need to overcome not only the "holiday syndrome", but also the windy and cool weather. With the arrival of cold air, there has been a sharp cooling in many places in the north in recent days. On social platforms, many netizens shouted "to wear long pants" in their circle of friends.

  According to the report of the Central Meteorological Observatory on the evening of the 9th, due to the influence of cold air, at 14: 00 on the 9th, compared with 14: 00 on the previous day, the central and eastern Jilin, Liaoning, central Inner Mongolia, northern Hebei, western Shanxi, central and northern Shaanxi, Ningxia, central and southern Gansu and other places experienced a temperature drop of 6-8 C, and the local temperature drop reached 10-12 C.

  In addition, heavy rainfall, fog and other weather in many places have also added traffic pressure to the first working day after the Golden Week. Among them, Weibo Meteorological Beijing, the official of Beijing Meteorological Bureau, reported that the average precipitation in Beijing reached 29.8 mm from 4: 00 to 16: 00 on the 9th.

  According to media reports, on the morning of the 9 th, the rainy and foggy weather in Beijing continued, and several high-speed sections of Jingha, Beijing-Tianjin and Jingping were closed; Rain and fog also affected flights at the Capital Airport. As of 11: 00 on the 9th, more than 100 inbound and outbound flights were delayed and more than 50 flights were cancelled.

  Cold air comes with snow

  — — Many places welcomed the first snowfall in the second half of the year, and the temperature hit a new low in the second half of the year.

  In addition to strong winds and rainfall, snowfall occurred in some places in the north. According to a report from the Central Meteorological Observatory on the evening of the 9th, 1-7mm snowfall or sleet occurred in central Gansu, eastern Qinghai and central Inner Mongolia during the daytime on the 9th.

  According to media reports, due to the influence of cold air, Xining, Qinghai Province ushered in the first snowfall since autumn on the 9th. The daily minimum temperature dropped to 0.9℃, and the temperature hit a new low since the second half of this year. The meteorological department of Qinghai Province issued several yellow warnings for cold waves.

  The staff of Qinghai Meteorological Bureau told the media that the first snow in Xining this year was 20 days earlier than last year, and the low temperature weather will continue. It is understood that at present, Xining has not yet entered the heating season, but due to the obvious drop in temperature, citizens have put on winter cotton clothes and masks.

  Some areas in Inner Mongolia also ushered in the first working day after a long holiday in the wet and cold. According to media reports, the first snowfall occurred in many places in Inner Mongolia since the second half of the year, with obvious snowfall in Alxa League, Bayannaoer, Baotou, Wulanchabu and Hulunbeier. The snowfall time in central and western Inner Mongolia was the earliest in recent 10 years, and the maximum snow depth in Hulunbeier boketu has reached 13 cm.

  Zhang Fanghua, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the cold air process affected a wide range and lasted for a long time, with a large cooling range, long precipitation duration and large accumulated precipitation in the northern region.

  Zhang Fanghua suggested that the cold air process not only brought about obvious cooling, but also accompanied by a wide range of precipitation weather, and the body temperature will be very low, and the temperature in most areas in the next 10 days will be lower than that in the same period of the year. At present, most areas have not been centrally heated, and the public needs to take cold-proof and warm-keeping measures.

  National gale cooling forecast map (from 20: 00 on October 9 to 20: 00 on October 11). Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory official website

  Cold air will continue to go south.

  — — The cumulative cooling range in Wuhan and Chongqing can reach 15℃

  As the saying goes, an autumn rain is cold, and ten autumn rains put on cotton. In the next few days, the cooling weather will continue.

  According to the official website news of the Central Meteorological Observatory, it is estimated that there will be a temperature drop of 6-10℃ in the central and eastern parts of Northeast China, most of North China, southwestern Shaanxi, northeastern Sichuan, Chongqing, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai and northern Jiangnan from 20: 00 on the 9th to 20: 00 on the 11th, and the local temperature drop can reach 12℃. There are 4-6 winds in most of these areas.

  For example, under the influence of rain and cold air, the temperature in Beijing will continue to drop. According to media reports, the highest temperature in Beijing during the day on the 10th was only 11℃, and the lowest temperature in the morning on the 11th will drop to 7℃, both of which will hit new lows since the second half of this year.

  In addition, the cold air continues to go south. According to media reports, Hubei will usher in a "roller coaster" decline in temperature from the 10th, and the highest temperature in northwest Hubei will be the first to drop to 18-21 C; On the 11th, the temperature will drop further, and the highest temperature in Wuhan will drop to 16℃, and the cumulative cooling rate can reach 15℃.

  According to local media reports in Chongqing, a cooling and rainy weather process began in Chongqing on the evening of the 9 th, which lasted until the 12 th, and the daily average temperature will drop by 6-9 C. From the perspective of the whole city, the highest temperature will drop from 33℃ to 18℃, and the cooling rate will be as high as 15℃.

  In addition, it is expected that there will be heavy rain and local heavy rain in parts of Sichuan, Shaanxi, North China, Liaoning and Jilin from 20: 00 on the 9 th to 20: 00 on the 10 th; In Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai and other places, rain will turn to sleet or snowfall. Among them, there are moderate to heavy snow in parts of southern Ningxia and central Gansu, and there are heavy snow in mountainous areas.

  It is understood that on October 12, the cold air force will weaken and the cooling will end. At that time, only Jiangnan and northern South China will have a temperature drop of 2 C to 4 C.

Cold air strikes again on the 26th! Need to pay attention to temperature changes in time

  With the end of the cold wave weather

  this morning

  Northeast of Northwest China, Inner Mongolia

  North China, Huanghuai and other places

  The temperature has obviously risen.

  The local temperature rise range is 8-12℃

  Starting tomorrow

  There will be cold air affecting our country again

  Estimated 26th to 28th.

  Cold air affects the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and most of its northern areas.

  The temperature in most areas will drop by 4 to 6℃

  Central Inner Mongolia and parts of the eastern part of Northeast China

  Up to 8 to 12℃

  Southeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern Heilongjiang, central and eastern Jilin

  There is moderate to heavy snow in parts of eastern Liaoning and other places.

  In addition, attention should be paid to the influence of strong winds.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to release this morning.

  Gale blue warning

  It is expected that today

  Central Inner Mongolia, northern Xinjiang and western Gansu

  There will be 5 to 6 grades in central and eastern Qinghai.

  A gale of magnitude 7.

  The southwestern part of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Province Strait, and the east of Taiwan Province.

  Bashi channel, northern and central South China Sea.

  There will be 7 to 8 grades in the southwestern part of the South China Sea.

  A gust of 9 winds.

  Meteorologists reminded

  Next ten days

  The cold air that affects our country is frequent.

  Around 30 days

  There will also be cold air affecting central and eastern China from north to south.

  Need to pay attention to temperature changes in time

  Add clothes in time

  Beware of high incidence of diseases in different seasons


  Be alert to the adverse effects of windy weather on traffic travel.

  Stay away from temporary structures, billboards, etc.

  Pay attention to travel safety

(Central Meteorological Observatory)

Attention financial holding company! The central bank zoomed in, and super-strict supervision is coming! (20 points)

  On the afternoon of July 26th, the central bank and relevant departments drafted the Trial Measures for the Supervision and Management of Financial Holding Companies (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the Measures). A few days ago, it officially solicited opinions from the public.

  The central bank publicly solicited opinions on the pilot measures for supervision and management of financial holding companies.

  In order to promote the standardized development of financial holding companies, effectively prevent and control financial risks, and better serve the real economy, the People’s Bank of China, together with relevant departments, drafted the Trial Measures for the Supervision and Management of Financial Holding Companies (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the Measures). A few days ago, it officially solicited opinions from the public.

  According to the central bank, financial holding companies invested by non-financial enterprises blindly expand into the financial industry and regard financial institutions as "cash machines". There is a regulatory vacuum and risks are constantly accumulating and exposed. In order to rectify and restrain the risks of financial holding groups that have actually formed in an orderly manner, and at the same time effectively regulate the increment and prevent the cross-industry and cross-market transmission of financial risks, the Measures, in accordance with the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, fill in the shortcomings of the supervision system, follow the concept of macro-prudential management, and conduct comprehensive, sustained and penetrating supervision on the capital, behavior and risks of financial holding companies on the basis of consolidated supervision.

  There are 7 chapters and 56 articles in the exposure draft, the main contents of which include:

  The first is to clarify the scope of supervision.That is, financial holding companies that meet certain conditions and whose actual controllers are domestic non-financial enterprises and natural persons shall be supervised by the People’s Bank of China.

  For integrated financial groups formed by financial institutions investing in other types of financial institutions across industries, the relevant financial supervision departments shall implement supervision according to the Measures and be responsible for formulating specific implementation rules.

  The second is to take market access as the first threshold for risk prevention and control., clear the qualifications of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, and implement continuous supervision of financial holding companies during and after the event. The administrative licensing matters involved will be decided by the State Council according to law.

  Third, strict shareholder qualification supervision., through the positive list and negative list, stipulate the conditions and prohibited acts of becoming a shareholder of a financial holding company. The major shareholder, controlling shareholder or actual controller of a financial holding company shall have prominent core business, standardized corporate governance, clear ownership structure and good financial status.

  The fourth is to strengthen the supervision of the authenticity of capital sources and the compliance of capital utilization.. The source of funds shall be true and reliable, and non-owned funds such as entrusted funds shall not be used to invest in financial holding companies. A financial holding company shall not inject capital falsely or circularly into financial institutions.

  Fifth, strengthen corporate governance and related party transaction supervision.. A financial holding company should have a concise, clear and penetrating shareholding structure, participate in the corporate governance of the financial institutions it controls according to law, and must not abuse its substantive control rights. Shall not conceal related party transactions and the true whereabouts of funds.

  Sixth, improve the risk "firewall" system. Financial holding companies should establish a unified comprehensive risk management system to reasonably isolate internal cross-employment and information sharing.

  Seventh, set a reasonable transition period.. Allow existing enterprise groups that do not meet the requirements of the Measures to carry out rectification within a certain period of time to promote a smooth transition.

  After the public consultation, the People’s Bank of China will further revise and improve the Measures in conjunction with relevant departments according to feedback from all walks of life.

  Here come the 20 main points.

  From the central bank’s answer to reporters’ questions and the full text of the draft for comments, the following 20 points can be sorted out.

  1. Why is this method formulated?

  Financial holding companies invested by non-financial enterprises blindly expand into the financial industry, and there is a regulatory vacuum, and risks are constantly accumulating and exposed.

  The main manifestations are as follows: First, the risk isolation mechanism is missing, and financial risks and industrial risks are cross-transmitted.

  Second, some enterprises have complex control or benefit relationships and strong hidden risks.

  Third, there is a lack of overall capital constraints, and some groups as a whole lack real capital that can resist risks.

  Fourth, some enterprises improperly interfere in the operation of financial institutions, and use related party transactions to conceal their interests and harm the rights and interests of financial institutions and investors.

  2. Penetrating supervision

  In view of the complex structure of financial holding companies, it emphasizes the thorough supervision of equity and funds, accurately identifies the actual controller and the ultimate beneficiary, and prevents the real control relationship from being hidden.

  Through the verification of the authenticity of the sources of funds, including the sources of funds for investment in financial holding companies and the sources of funds for investment in financial institutions, to prevent false capital injection and circulating capital injection.

  3. The central bank implements supervision.

  The People’s Bank of China shall supervise the financial holding companies that meet the conditions for the establishment of the Measures, and the financial supervision department shall supervise the financial institutions controlled by the financial holding companies.

  Financial supervision departments supervise financial groups formed by cross-industry investment and holding of financial institutions. When the risk occurs, according to the principle of "who supervises, who is responsible", the corresponding regulatory body will take the lead in risk disposal. Strengthen supervision cooperation and information sharing among various departments to jointly guard against the risks of financial holding groups and financial groups.

  4. What are the financial holding companies?

  A financial holding company is defined as a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company that is established according to law, has substantial control over two or more different types of financial institutions, and only conducts equity investment management and does not directly engage in commercial business activities.

  The Measures apply to financial holding companies whose actual controllers are domestic non-financial enterprises and natural persons. For financial groups formed by cross-industry investment and holding of financial institutions, the financial supervision department shall implement supervision according to the Measures and formulate specific implementation rules.

  5. Financial institutions include the following six types:

  Commercial banks (excluding village banks), financial leasing companies, trust companies, financial asset management companies, securities companies, fund management companies, futures companies, life insurance companies, property insurance companies, reinsurance companies, insurance asset management companies, and other financial institutions recognized by the financial management department.

  6, to apply to the central bank in advance to set up a financial holding company.

  Non-financial enterprises and natural persons who meet the conditions stipulated in Article 6 of the Measures shall apply to the People’s Bank of China for the establishment of a financial holding company or for the parent company of the group as a financial holding company. Among them, those who have met the requirements of Article 6 before the implementation of the Measures shall apply to the People’s Bank of China within 6 months from the date of implementation of the Measures. After the implementation of the Measures, if it intends to substantially control two or more different types of financial institutions, and it has the circumstances stipulated in Article 6 of the Measures, it shall also apply to the People’s Bank of China. Relevant implementation rules will be formulated separately.

  7. These cases are not registered.

  If an institution that meets the requirements for the establishment of a financial holding company fails to apply to the People’s Bank of China in accordance with the Measures, or the People’s Bank of China may, in conjunction with the relevant financial regulatory authorities, order it to make corrections. If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, it shall be ordered to transfer the equity of the financial institution it holds. Without the approval of the People’s Bank of China, a financial holding company shall not be registered as a financial holding company, and the words "financial holding", "financial control" and "financial group" shall not be used in its name.

  8. What are the business scopes of financial holding companies?

  The main business of a financial holding company is equity management of the financial institutions it invests in. In addition, in order to urge financial holding companies to strengthen the overall liquidity management and risk management and control of the group, so that they can provide liquidity support to the financial institutions they hold, or play a self-help role to the financial institutions they hold in case of risks, the Measures allow financial holding companies to carry out other financial businesses except equity management on the premise of obtaining approval from the People’s Bank of China.

  9. Strictly isolate the financial sector from the industrial sector.Block, a financial holding company shall not engage in non-financial business.

  From the perspective of based on the main business and risk prevention, financial holding companies are enterprises specializing in equity investment and management of financial institutions, and are not allowed to engage in non-financial business, so as to strictly isolate the financial sector from the industrial sector and effectively prevent cross-infection of risks.

  Under the premise of strictly isolating risks, financial holding companies established by enterprise groups are allowed to invest in institutions related to financial business identified by financial management departments, but the book value of total investment shall not exceed 15% of the net assets of financial holding companies in principle.

  For existing enterprises that do not meet the requirements, they are allowed to gradually adjust the proportion of investment in non-financial enterprises during the transition period. If the enterprise group as a whole is recognized as a financial holding group, its non-financial total assets shall not be higher than 15% of the total assets of the group.

  10, positive list and negative list, clear financial holding company shareholders’ conditions.

  Some enterprises are not strong in strength, impure in investment motives, weak in risk management and control ability and compliance management concept. They set up or become shareholders in financial holding companies only to obtain more financial licenses, or even use financial holding companies to carry out improper related party transactions and extract funds from financial institutions, which brings greater risks to financial institutions and financial holding companies.

  The Measures clarify the conditions for becoming a shareholder of a financial holding company through a positive list and a negative list.

  From the positive list, the major shareholders, controlling shareholders or actual controllers of financial holding companies should highlight their core business, have pure investment motives, formulate reasonable financial investment business plans, not blindly expand into the financial industry, and have perfect corporate governance structure, clear ownership structure and organizational structure, transparent shareholder and beneficial owner structure, strong management ability, effective risk management and internal control mechanism, and good financial status.

  From the negative list, it is clear that the controlling shareholder of a financial holding company is prohibited from engaging in acts, and that it is not allowed to become a major shareholder, controlling shareholder or actual controller of a financial holding company. For example, it has made false investments and injected capital into financial institutions in a circulating way, and it has been responsible for the failure or major violations of financial holding companies or financial institutions.

  11, strengthen the supervision of financial holding companies’ sources of funds.

  Some enterprises, through controlling financial institutions at different levels and cross-holding financial institutions, contributed with debt funds, which pushed up the overall leverage ratio and manipulated shell companies to make false capital injection and circulating capital injection, resulting in the whole group not having much real capital to resist risks.

  To this end, the supervision of financial holding companies’ sources of funds emphasizes authenticity:

  First, the source of funds is true and reliable. Shareholders of a financial holding company shall invest in the financial holding company with legally owned funds, and shall not invest in the financial holding company with non-owned funds such as entrusted funds, debt funds and investment funds, and shall not entrust others or accept others’ entrustment to hold the equity of the financial holding company.

  Second, a financial holding company shall invest in holding financial institutions with its own legal funds, and shall not make false capital injection or circulating capital injection into financial institutions, and shall not withdraw funds from financial institutions.

  The third is to carry out penetrating management on the capital compliance of financial holding companies, check the source of funds of investment holding financial holding companies upwards, and check the source of funds of investment holding financial institutions downwards.

  The fourth is to establish a capital adequacy supervision system.

  12. Concise, clear and penetrating ownership structure

  Some enterprise groups have complex ownership structure, cross-shareholding, multi-level shareholding, insufficient information disclosure, unclear beneficial owners, and nested groups within the group.

  The Measures stipulate that a financial holding company should have a concise, clear and penetrable shareholding structure, which can be identified by the actual controller and the ultimate beneficiary, and the legal person level is reasonable, which is suitable for its own capital scale, operation and management ability and risk management and control level. The financial institution it controls shall not hold shares in reverse or cross-shareholding.

  13, the ownership structure does not meet the need for timely rectification.

  An enterprise group that should apply for the establishment of a financial holding company from the date of implementation of the Measures, but its shareholding structure does not meet the requirements, shall formulate a plan for the rectification of its shareholding, and after being approved by the financial management department, reduce the complexity of its organizational structure and simplify the legal person level during the transition period. In the process of equity transfer, if the assets involved in equity integration, transfer and transfer within an enterprise group are in compliance with the provisions of tax policies, they can enjoy corresponding preferential tax policies; Where the approval of shareholder qualification is involved, the financial management department shall apply the shareholder qualification conditions suitable for the financial holding company.

  14, shall not exceed level 3.

  After the implementation of the Measures, the newly-added financial holding companies, shareholders of financial holding companies, financial holding companies and financial institutions controlled by them shall not exceed level 3 in principle.

  15. A financial holding company shall not abuse its substantive control rights.

  A financial holding company shall not abuse its substantive control right, interfere with the independent operation of its controlled institutions, and damage the legitimate rights and interests of its controlled institutions and their related stakeholders.

  16. Strengthen related party transaction management.

  Strengthening the management of related party transactions is an important measure of strict risk isolation. In practice, some enterprises use the hidden ownership structure to transfer benefits through improper related party transactions, and regard financial institutions as "cash machines", which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions and investors.

  17. Establish a negative list of prohibited related party transactions.

  First, financial holding companies should strengthen the management of related party transactions, and their intra-group transactions with controlled financial institutions, between controlled financial institutions and between controlled financial institutions and other institutions in the group, as well as related party transactions with other related parties, should be in compliance with the law.

  Second, a financial holding company and its financial institutions and other related parties shall not conceal related party transactions and the true whereabouts of funds, and shall not transfer interests, evade supervision or regulatory arbitrage, damage the legitimate rights and interests of others, or damage the stability of the financial holding company through related party transactions.

  Third, except for financial companies, financial institutions controlled by financial holding companies are prohibited from providing financing to financial holding companies or providing unsecured financing to other related parties. The financing or guarantee provided to related parties shall not exceed 10% of the registered capital of the financial institution or 20% of the registered capital of the related party. Financial institutions and non-financial institutions controlled by financial holding companies are prohibited from accepting the equity of financial holding companies as pledge targets, and the guarantee balance of financial holding companies outside financial holding groups shall not exceed 10% of the net assets of financial holding companies.

  18. The central bank has these regulatory means and measures.

  First, establish a unified supervision information platform for financial holding companies, and require financial holding companies to report and disclose information according to regulations.

  The second is to establish and improve the risk assessment system of financial holding groups, and comprehensively use macro-prudential policies, financial institution ratings and other policy tools to assess the management and risk status of financial holding groups.

  Third, according to the needs of performing their duties, conduct supervision talks with relevant responsible persons, conduct on-site inspections of financial holding companies, and conduct on-site inspections of financial institutions controlled by financial holding companies with the approval of the State Council when necessary, on the basis of supervision and cooperation.

  Fourth, the financial holding company is required to formulate the overall recovery and disposal plan of the financial holding group.

  Fifth, when a financial holding company violates the Measures or has a major risk, it will take regulatory measures such as restricting its business activities, restricting dividends or related rights, ordering it to replenish capital within a time limit, and ordering it to transfer its equity, and give it warnings, fines and other penalties.

  Sixth, if it is difficult for financial holding companies to operate continuously, which will seriously endanger the financial order and harm the public interest, they should withdraw from the market according to law. Relevant implementation rules shall be formulated separately by the People’s Bank of China in conjunction with relevant departments.

  19. Transition period

  If an enterprise group that existed before the implementation of the Measures and meets the conditions for the establishment of a financial holding company fails to meet the regulatory requirements stipulated in the Measures in terms of the ownership structure, the proportion of institutions related to investment and financial business, and the part-time jobs of senior managers, it will be rectified within a certain period of time with the consent of the financial management department, and the specific period will be determined by the financial management department according to the actual situation of the enterprise group. At the end of the transition period, these enterprises should meet the regulatory requirements of the Measures and be accepted by the financial management department. For the increment, it will be implemented in strict accordance with the requirements of the Measures.

  20. What is the impact on the financial market?

  The impact on financial institutions, non-financial enterprises and financial markets is positive and the risks are controllable.

  Some enterprise groups that do not meet the requirements need to carry out equity integration, but the equity transfer is carried out within the group and the actual controller has not changed, so the impact on financial institutions is limited.

  In the long run, the "Measures" are conducive to controlling financial chaos, rectifying financial order, and ultimately preventing systemic financial risks.

Calling "Taiwan Province artists didn’t provide enough disaster relief", Cai Qin choked: the words were misinterpreted.

  Cai Qin criticized Taiwan Province artists for not working hard enough for disaster relief, which caused many Taiwanese stars to refute fiercely! On June 2nd, Hong Kong Oriental Daily reported that when Cai Qin attended the "512 Caring Action in Performing Arts" in Hong Kong, he felt that Hong Kong artists were very United in disaster relief, and that people in Taiwan Province did not do enough, so he felt ashamed!

  A word attracted strong dissatisfaction.

  As soon as this report came out of the street, Taiwan Province’s entertainment circle was in an uproar, and many Taiwanese stars shouted grievances one after another, causing great dissatisfaction among artists in Taiwan Province, including Gao Lingfeng, fei chang and Wu Zongxian! Because according to the report, Cai Qin is "ashamed" of Taiwan Province artists and thinks that Taiwan Province artists "haven’t done enough", which makes many people feel aggrieved.

  It is reported that fei chang, the big brother of the variety show, pointed out that "there is only a thin line between seeking fame and attracting jade. What kind is she?"? I think everyone is very clear. " He thinks that Cai Qin’s remarks at the moment have deeply hurt the image of Taiwan Province’s entertainment circle. Therefore, fei chang suggested Cai Qin: "We should sincerely apologize to the artists in Taiwan Province for this remark." At the same time, fei chang said to all Taiwan Province artists who have participated in the disaster relief, "Don’t be discouraged by Cai Qin’s speech."

  Gao Lingfeng, another Taiwan Province variety show host, is also very excited. He revealed that he only saw Cai Qin’s words through the relevant media at present, but if Cai Qin did say so much, he thought it was inappropriate. "An artist should be cautious when he reaches a certain level. So she should look at how much she has done before judging others. "

  Wu Zongxian, the king of variety in Taiwan Province, asked: "Then I want to know what she did?" He said that if Cai Qin felt that Taiwan Province’s entertainment industry was not doing enough, he should do more by himself.

  Having been hit by the "921 Taiwan Province Earthquake", artists in Taiwan Province can better understand the pain of the "512 Wenchuan Earthquake", so they spare no effort in earthquake relief. On May 18th, just six days after the earthquake, a four-hour disaster relief party was broadcast live in Taiwan Province, and more than 100 entertainers from the island gathered in Taipei to participate in the charity performance, raising a total of NT$ 227 million. Since May 12th, artists from Taiwan Province have taken the lead in donating money and actively participated in various relief benefit performances. Ceng Zhiwei of the Hong Kong Performing Arts Association also attributed the complete success of the "512 Caring" campaign to the concerted efforts of artists from the three places.

  Did you really say that you are "ashamed" of Taiwan Province artists?

  If we look at it this way, it seems that Cai Qin’s criticism of Taiwan Province artists is really inappropriate, but the question is, the so-called "Cai Qin accuses Taiwan Province artists" is just news reported by a Hong Kong media. Is this really the case? The reporter found the recording of Cai Qin’s backstage interview that day. The text is as follows:

  Cai Qin: I really admire the Hong Kong entertainment industry today. I think Hong Kong’s entertainment industry will always move us as Taiwan Province artists. Therefore, I remember here that during the last 921 earthquake in Taiwan Province, Hong Kong could immediately call on all the whole entertainment circles in just one week to help us in Taiwan Province. The gym held a concert to raise money. This disaster relief for Sichuan is not the first time. I think it is still so exciting. The character of Hong Kong people is affectionate and righteous.

  Judging from the above interview, Cai Qin is indeed full of praise for the series of caring actions of Hong Kong artists. However, it seems that we can’t find anything that directly criticizes or accuses Taiwan Province artists. It doesn’t mean that Taiwan Province artists are not doing well or not doing enough to admire Hong Kong artists and point out that Hong Kong artists are moving.

  Judging from the current situation, this report by the Hong Kong media seems to be out of context and one-sided speculation. In the days of earthquake relief throughout the country, many stars have stepped forward and adopted various methods to help the relief work. However, such media reports that deliberately create contradictions are obviously irresponsible and should even be condemned, while some stars are credulous of a few media reports before they know the truth, which seems to be too hasty.

  In response to Cai Qin’s statement that "Taiwan Province artists are not United enough", Christine skillfully responded with wisdom: "I think what Sister Cai Qin means is not that we are not United, but that we are called upon to be more United. I don’t think her starting point is necessarily to criticize our artists in Taiwan Province. Maybe she wants us to rally more strength. Therefore, our younger generation will definitely abide by her precepts, and then we must gather our strength. " In contrast, Christine, who is also an artist in Taiwan Province, is relatively mature, and her attitude of "correcting what you have and encouraging what you don’t have" is worth learning from.

  Cai Qin donated more than 2 million Taiwan dollars.

  The reporter learned that after the earthquake, Cai Qin has done a lot of actions to help the disaster-stricken areas, and she donated 500,000 Taiwan dollars. At the time of the earthquake, Cai Qin was in the United States and participated in the donation at the first time. The total amount of the two donations has exceeded NT$ 2 million. However, Cai Qin is very low-key about the amount of donations. She hopes that artists will exert their influence, "infecting society to do good, not comparing numbers."

  Cai Qin: I won’t say anything if I am misinterpreted and wronged.

  "Since everyone is doing propaganda for the disaster area, they will not say anything if they are wronged." Cai Qin said. The large-scale theme party of "Cross-Strait Reconstruction with One Heart" was recorded in Starlight Studio last night.

  Cai Qin said: "Everyone’s strength is very small, including myself, but everyone’s love is very strong when they come together." As for the rumor that Cai Qin criticized Taiwan Province artists for not being active enough in disaster relief activities during a charity performance in Hong Kong, she explained: "Actually, I never said such a thing at all. My original words are: Hong Kong can mobilize 500 artists and 1,000 volunteers in such a short time, which shows that it is very experienced and worth learning. "

  As for the original intention being misinterpreted by the media, Cai Qin said that he was unwilling to pursue it further. "Since it is news about disaster relief, I won’t say anything if I feel aggrieved. I believe that we will be very United and will do a great job. "

Editor: Liu Li

Lu Yu’s tea, I heard that he didn’t take fame and fortune: tea smells like the past.

  Grandpa’s tea has a taste called home.

  Lu Yu’s tea is said to be neither famous nor profitable.

  Grandpa’s tea tastes good.

  Lu Yu’s tea is like a splash-ink landscape painting.

  The sandstorm of the Tang dynasty for thousands of years is still blowing.

  — — Vincent fang and Jay Chou’s Tea Made by Grandpa (Excerpt)

  When I was young, I listened to "Grandpa’s Tea" sung in the streets and lanes, so I liked to sip the jasmine tea that Grandpa had just brewed. In the sweet tea fragrance, I guessed the appearance of Lu Yu thousands of years ago and wondered whether the landscape-like Tang tea was as elegant and free as him. Until today, I saw a seemingly unremarkable model of white porcelain tea set in the "Ancient China" exhibition hall of China National Museum, and finally understood Lu Yu’s unique, lofty and carefree elegance.

  White porcelain tea set and Lu Yu statue

  Five Dynasties (907-— 960)

  It was unearthed in Tangxian County, Hebei Province.

  Collected by China National Museum.

  At present, this set of tea sets is rich in categories, including an air-stove tea pot for boiling tea, a tea mortar for grinding tea powder, a slag bucket for holding tea residue and a tea bottle for ordering tea, and a white porcelain portrait with a long scroll in hand. If you look at it carefully and listen to it, you will find that every little thing seems to be telling the story of tea.

  Since Lu Yu was born in the world, the world has learned from each other.

  — — Song Mei Yaochen

  This set of tea sets is mostly used for decocting tea in Tang Dynasty. What is interesting is this white porcelain portrait. Who is the portrait and why is it put with the tea set? Scholars began to speculate.

  It is recorded in the Book of the New Tang Dynasty, Biography of Hermitage: "When you drink tea, you will be worshipped as a tea god when you are in the shape of Tao Yu." It turned out that because of the far-reaching influence of the Book of Tea written by Lu Yu, since the late Tang Dynasty, tea sellers have regarded Lu Yu as a sacrifice to the tea god and also offered a small statue to put in a tea stall. At that time, whenever tea ware was bought to a certain amount, the store would give away a statue of Lu Yu, which was similar to the means of sales promotion of today’s merchants. This figurine was unearthed together with this tea set model, so it is supposed to be Lu Yu, the tea god with the Tea Classic.

  ▲ Lu Yu porcelain statue.

  Although the tea culture in China has a long history, according to the literature records, early tea may have been used as a food. As a special beverage, it should be no later than the Western Han Dynasty. By the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, tea had once become a luxury drink, which was a symbol of scholar-officials boasting of simplicity.

  After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, tea became more popular, from the royal family down to the common people, all loved tea, and tasting and discussing tea became a fashion. However, it was not until Lu Yu wrote Tea Classic that tea culture was systematically combed and written. Lu Yu was fascinated by tea art, carefully studied the experience of predecessors in making tea, and constantly summed up the practice, creating a book "Tea Classics".

  ▲ Lu Yu’s "Tea Classic" book shadow.

  The Book of Tea is divided into three volumes and ten sections, which systematically summarizes the knowledge of the origin, production, utensils and other aspects of tea at that time, setting a precedent for Chinese tea art. With the rapid popularization of the Book of Tea, Chinese people are paying more and more attention to the taste of tea itself, which is more elegant, more exquisite and more ceremonial. The appearance of Tea Classic promoted the prevalence of tea ceremony in Tang and Song Dynasties, and influenced every aspect of politics, economy, culture and life in Tang Dynasty and later generations, becoming one of the three largest tea books in the world.

  Gong Le Tu is partially anonymous.

  The painting reflects the elegant scene of tea and drinking by the court ladies in the Tang Dynasty, and the ladies hold it as porcelain tea set of Yueyao.

  Yueyao green glazed lotus leaf with tea cup

  Tang (618— 907)

  Unearthed in Heyi Road, Ningbo City in 1975

  Collection of Ningbo Museum

  As soon as the fragrant spring is combined with milk, it is fried to make the beads boil.

  — — Don Pi Rixiu

  The way of drinking tea in Tang Dynasty was different from today. Instead of soaking, it was boiled. When drinking tea, first crush the tea cake into tea powder, boil the water from the pot and always pay attention to the boiling degree of the water. When it boils, it will be "seasoned with salt". When it boils, a bowl of water will be filled out, and the tea powder will be put into the pot for boiling. When it boils again, it will be poured back into the pot to "cultivate its beauty". When the tea soup is cooked, share it with everyone and drink it while it is hot. If you want to cook a good pot of tea, it is necessary to have an air furnace and a tea pot. The first words in The Four Instruments of Tea Classic show their importance.

  ▲ "Xiao Yi Earns Lanting Map" (partial) was passed on to Yan Liben in Tang Dynasty.

  Tea drinking in the Tang Dynasty is elegant, and the temperature of boiling water is quite particular. "The Five Boils of Tea Classics" said: "It boils like a fish’s eye, with a slight sound as one boiling, and the edge of it is like a spring and beads as two boiling, and the waves are three boiling." There are also many descriptions of boiling water in Tang poems, such as "rabbit hair is light and fragrant, and shrimp eye soup is fine and full of waves" (Lv Yan’s Dayun Temple Tea Poetry); Another example is "a fragrant spring with milk, fried and boiled." When you look at the crab’s eyes splashing, you can see the scales rising at first sight "(Pi Rixiu’s" Tea in Tea "). "Shrimp’s Eye", "Crab’s Eye", "Fishes" and "Spring and Beads" describe the appearance of bubbles rising from small to large in the water before boiling, and the water is already boiling when the waves are surging. The vivid description is not as accurate as the thermometer-type numerical expression today, but it is full of vivid poetry and meaningful aftertaste.

  Gold-plated lotus petal silver saucer

  Tang (618— 907)

  In 1957, Pingkangfang site in Tang Chang ‘an City, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province was unearthed.

  Collected by China National Museum.

  The words "Zuo ce makes the house tea storehouse" are engraved in the saucer foot.

  When I woke up at noon, I only felt the silence of the earth, and the sound of a cup of tea when the new tea was smashed in the bamboo grove.

  — — Tang Liu Zongyuan

  The tea mortar in the tea set is shallow and has no glaze on the inner wall, so it should be used for grinding tea powder. In the Tang Dynasty, tea cakes must be crushed into tea powder before they can be decocted in water. Therefore, grinding tools such as mortar, grinding and grinding are essential. Liu Zongyuan, who loves tea, also wrote "Shan Tong knocks on the tea mortar across the bamboo" in My Occasional Works in Summer and Day.

  ▲ Tang Dynasty Yue Kiln Celadon Teapot.

  In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the tradition of making tea with tea powder in the Tang Dynasty was continued, and images such as tea mortar were common in poems and murals in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. After the tea-boiling method rose in Ming and Qing dynasties, tea no longer needed grinding and drinking, and the tea mortar slowly withdrew. However, today, many places still retain the tradition of tea smashing, and we can still see the figure of tea mortar in the tools of tea smashing.

  ▲ Gannan Hakka tea.

  The more common tea grinding tool is the tea mill. "The Four Instruments of Tea Classics" says that "the grinding trough is best made of orange wood, followed by pear wood, Sang Mu, tung wood and zhe wood." Recently, many ceramic tea mills have been discovered in archaeology. It can be seen that in the Tang Dynasty, tea ceremony flourished, and tea mills made of ceramics, wood and stone were more convenient to use and spread.

  In 1987, the discovery of the underground palace of the Tangta in Famen Temple made the royal treasure that had been treasured for more than 1000 years reappear in the world. A complete set of Tang Dynasty court tea set was unearthed in the underground palace, which is the earliest, highest grade and most complete court tea set known today. In the underground palace, the "Monument to the Clothing Account of the Gifted Props and Gifts for the Real Person" was also unearthed, which recorded in detail the names and other information of the offerings, including a set of exquisite grinding tools: the gold-plated flower silver enamel shaft and the gold-plated Hongyan tattooed silver tea trough. The shaft and the tea trough are used in a complete set, and the usage is similar to that of grinding herbs with traditional Chinese medicine today. The shaft is covered with gold-plated flowers and the silver-plated tea trough is covered with gold-plated Hongyan, which is magnificent and represents the highest level at that time.

  Gold-plated silver ball shaft, gold-plated Hongyan tattoo silver tea trough

  In 1987, the back room of the Tangta underground palace of Famen Temple in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province was unearthed.

  Famen Temple Museum

  The fire in the soup bottle speaks for itself, and the wine lamp is the first to make spring.

  — — Song Yang Wanli

  Tea bottles, also known as soup bottles, are used for heating or holding hot water. Tea bottles are generally short-flowing, and may be mixed with holding pots for pouring warm wine at first, and then slowly separated from wine utensils. A porcelain vase unearthed in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province in the third year of Taihe in the Tang Dynasty (AD 829) was similar in shape to a pot-holding one, and the ink book at the bottom was "old"

  The words "home tea club bottle" show that at the latest in the middle Tang Dynasty, this kind of holding pot has been used as the exclusive tea bottle for tea sets.

  Tea bottles were generally not needed when frying tea in the Tang Dynasty, and there was no relevant record in Tea Classic, but it was an indispensable part of tea ordering in the late Tang Dynasty. When ordering tea, first boil water in a bottle, put the tea powder in a bowl, then hold the bottle and pour water into the bowl to make tea, and then blow it properly.

  Lushan kiln snow ash glaze soup bottle

  Tang (618— 907)

  Collected by China National Museum.

  The process of tea-ordering and water injection is somewhat similar to that of hand-brewing coffee today. When water is injected, it is necessary to control both the water flow speed and the water quantity, and the amount and weight of each water injection are particular. It turned out that the flow of holding the pot was short, and the water quantity and speed were difficult to control, so it was difficult to meet the demand. So the flow began to lengthen slowly, and the volume of the tea bottle gradually decreased, making it lighter and easier to order.

  According to Mr. Sun Ji’s textual research, the white porcelain tea set and Lu Yu statue in the National Museum of China, the tea bottle and the tea pot came out together, "showing that it was in the period of alternating frying tea and ordering tea". A small tea set, not only let us appreciate the elegant demeanour of fried tea in Tang Dynasty, but also get a glimpse of the rise of tea and feel the continuous development and evolution of China tea culture.

  Poetry is not tired of pounding fragrant teas, and it is appropriate to listen to elegant plays on the spur of the moment.

  — — Japan’s Emperor Xie ‘e

  1500 years ago, with the spread of Chinese culture, tea culture gradually went to the world. In the Tang Dynasty, Japanese monks Zuichi, Konghai and others sailed across the sea, came to China to study culture, and brought China’s tea drinking methods and tea seeds back to Japan.

  Emperor Emei (Hong Ren, year 810-824) admired Chinese culture and loved tea. He not only ordered the planting of tea trees, but also left a poem "Never tire of pounding fragrant teas when reciting poems, but should listen to elegant plays on the spur of the moment". Under the vigorous promotion of Emperor Xie, Japanese aristocrats appeared the trend of imitating China people to taste tea, and later generations called it "Hong Ren Tea Style" because of its year number "Hong Ren". During the Silla period in North China, tea culture was imported in an all-round way, and tea was spread and developed from the upper class, monks and scribes to the people, and tea was planted and made. Tea culture has thus developed into a distinctive feature of East Asian culture.

  "Liu Yu bubble tea, I heard that fame and fortune don’t take, he took a thin horse in the end of the world. The sandstorm of the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years is still blowing. " In fact, it’s not only the sandstorm that has traveled through the Millennium, but also the fragrant tea that China people are attached to. China people love tea, its elegant and mellow quality, the lingering aftertaste and the lingering smell of home. As Mr. Lin Yutang once wrote, "As long as there is a teapot, China people are happy everywhere."

  About the author:

  Yang Yue, Ph.D. in history, is an associate researcher at the National Museum of China. He is mainly engaged in exhibition planning and implementation, museum policy research, etc. He has presided over or participated in many key projects of the National Social Science Fund and cultural think tank projects, and has published articles such as Archaeological Observation of the Zodiac Pattern in the Epitaph of Liao Dynasty, Comparative Analysis of the Tombs of Xianbei and Han People in Luoyang Area, and Textual Research on Wuchuan Military and Political Affairs in the Northern Dynasties.

  Producer | Xiao Jingfang Yang Xinhua

  Overall planning | Weng Huainan Liang Li

  Editor | Liang Li Yu Ling

  Production | Hu Qi

The entertainment circle divides the stars into 20 levels, and Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi rank 18 levels, the highest in China.


    On the evening of September 8th, the 5th "BAZAAR Star Charity Night", the China Charity Festival, opened in China World Hotel. Zhang Ziyi, a famous movie star, spent 550,000 yuan that night to win Cartier’s brand-new LOVE series 18K gold diamond watch, which became the "queen of the bid" and won the title of "the most influential charity star in China in 2007". China news agency

    On June 24th, Gong Li appeared at the "Jin Jue" award ceremony of the 10th Shanghai International Film Festival, and her sexy dress attracted a lot of attention. China news agency

   In the international entertainment circle, there are 20 stars.

    China News Network on September 21st "The conventional division of’ first-line, second-line and third-line stars’ in China is actually a misunderstanding. The classification of star ratings in the world is very detailed, and there are strict definitions from level 1 stars to level 20 international superstars. Previously, in China, this concept was unknown. " Tian Jinshuang, a well-known domestic entertainment planner and editor-in-chief of Man of the Week, said.

    In the entertainment circle, most stars are very shy about talking about their own level, except for big-name stars. However, the classification of stars is closely related to their own development and potential profits. So, how is the international star rating divided?

    Tian Jinshuang explained, "The classification of international star grades is mainly divided into two scales. One is space, which is the range touched by a star’s popularity. For example, according to the popular space of star works, are you popular in counties, cities, provincial capitals or the whole country? The other is time, that is, the longest time that a star’s popularity lasts. For example, the popularity of a song for three days and two years is completely different, and the horizontal and vertical points formed by the combination of the two constitute the actual level of a star. "

    From this table, we can see that the first-class stars have the lowest popularity and the twentieth-class stars have the highest popularity. In other words, if my work is popular in the local area for one day, I will be a first-class star. If my work is popular in the local area for a week, I will be a level 5 star.

    As can be seen from this chart, generally speaking, the first, second and third-tier stars are above Grade 9, and Grade 9 is a passing line for stars. A star’s work has been popular in the local area for more than one year, and then it is not a star. The popularity of the 10th-level star will last for one year in the region, the 11th-level star will last for one year in China and the 12th-level star will last for one year in the world … The higher the level of the star, it often means that the more popular the star is, the greater the space and development potential of business profits, and the more profit feedback.

    At present, most of the stars we are familiar with are between 11-12 and 15-16, such as Na Ying, Sun Nan, Fan Bingbing and Li Bingbing. At that time, singers who became popular in Guangzhou, such as Mao Ning and Yang Yuying, were regional stars at that time, and later became domestic stars after becoming popular in the whole country; Zhou Xun, for example, is between Grade 16 and Grade 16. If she wants to continue to upgrade, she must learn from Zhang Ziyi and take the international route. Before Zhang Ziyi starred in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Ang Lee, her domestic level was not high, but because the award of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was recognized by western audiences, she instantly reached the 18th level and became an international superstar.

    Of course, there are very few stars who can become level 20. Because it is quite difficult to reach the eternal level of works, Elvis Presley, Princess Diana, Bruce Lee, Teresa Teng, etc., are all handed down from generation to generation superstars, because their works have influenced several generations, even longer. Moreover, their popularity coverage has reached international standards. The living stars who can be called level 20 are Nicholas? Cage, Jackie Chan, etc.

    Domestic entertainment "one sister" ranking list

    "The dispute between’ one brother’ and’ one sister’ in the entertainment circle has always attracted the attention of the public. Everyone quarrels and quarrels, and they always can’t tell the difference. However, according to the grading standards of international stars, it is obvious that whoever is high and who is low will come to the bottom. " Tian Jinshuang said.

    Tian Jinshuang takes popular stars Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Wei, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing, Zhou Xun and Ruby Lin as examples. He said that Zhang Ziyi was obviously the fastest in popularity and brand promotion. So her popularity is around 18, that is, she is an international star who walks in the first echelon. Although her acting route is impetuous and her acting skills are far inferior to Zhou Xun’s, the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has won the recognition of international entertainers.

    Comparatively speaking, Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei and Li Bingbing are in the second echelon. Zhou Xun’s level is around 17, and it is approaching 18. Zhou Xun’s acting strength is well known. Orange is Red, April Day on Earth and Ci of Daming Palace are all well-known works. In recent years, she began to take the international route. For example, There is a Hollywood in Hong Kong directed by Chen Guo, The Little Tailor in 2001 and If Love in 2005 were all exhibited or screened internationally. Compared with other actresses, Zhou Xun is obviously the most entertaining.

    On the same ladder as Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei is slightly inferior. Zhao Wei’s public relations awareness of entertainment crisis has been strengthened since he experienced the incident of military flag and dung throwing. The image of Little Swallow, which was originally defined as "female the Monkey King", was transformed rapidly through Green Tea and Clouds in Beijing, making it a sexy, emotional and intellectual actress.

    Next is Li Bingbing. In terms of publicity strategy, her popularity is far less powerful than that of Fan Bingbing, but because she reasonably seized the opportunity of entertainment promotion. Last year, in the news event that Huayi Brothers "competed for a sister", she was the one who benefited the most. Because the final outcome was that Fan Bingbing left Huayi in a high profile, while Li Bingbing insisted on staying at Huayi Brothers in the face of contract renewal, the star’s loyalty to the company is also an important manifestation of brand influence. Therefore, after Li Bingbing left Fan Bingbing, the level of performing arts rose rapidly.

    The third echelon is Fan Bingbing and Ruby Lin. Many people may think that Fan Bingbing and Ruby Lin are not on the same level, but in fact, Fan Bingbing, which is famous for its "negative gossip girlfriend" in the industry, is really well-known. Her negative news has appeared frequently, and the public’s attention has gone up, but the brand power is declining, and the overall performance strength will also decline. So in the overall level, she is under Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei and Li Bingbing.

    Ruby Lin’s acting route is tepid, which is related to her star packaging and entertainment marketing, as well as her personal character. She has neither Chris Lee’s "Renlaikuang" nor Nana’s "Renlaikuang" personality, so Ruby Lin will never have negative news, so she takes a steady and tepid approach. Obviously, among the female stars who debut with her, she is the slowest.

    The higher the star’s own level, the higher the commercial profit.

    Is it really that important to grade stars? Behind the grading, what on earth is pushing the stars to add points for themselves at all times?

    The quotation of a star is directly related to his popularity and ranking. The higher the level of a star, the more the public knows about me, and the higher the commercial profits he can convert into. The celebrity’s popularity and rank can increase the value of ordinary goods by several times. For example, a shampoo is only worth 10 yuan, but it can be sold to 60 yuan after celebrity endorsement. Among them, 50 yuan is the popularity of the stars we buy.

    Of course, there are winners and losers. Shu Qi, the star, was the worst loser, because she was the heroine of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but she was making other plays at that time, so she turned this role down, but she lost a lot this time, and this opportunity she missed invisibly made Zhang Ziyi, otherwise she would be today’s international superstar.

    In order to improve their popularity, some stars use various means. Some are gossip hype, some are renaming, some are involved in legal disputes, and some even resort to unscrupulous means. Zhou Yanhong, a star, has changed her name many times in order to get rid of the situation that "people’s songs are not popular", but changing her name did not make the public remember her songs, but only remembered her as a person, because changing her name would also disperse her fan base; Some stars are Populus euphratica, who sings "Poisonous Perfume". Everyone knows this song, but no one knows who Populus euphratica is, and Wang Qiwen, who sings "Mice Love Rice". He was the first person to sing this song on the Internet, but it was the songwriter Yang Chengang who became famous.

    Tell you the level of 30 popular entertainment stars

    The reporter randomly listed 30 stars. Tian Jinshuang, an entertainment planner, was asked to make a general ranking analysis according to the "international star rating standard", and the results are as follows. (Note: Only the current works and popularity of stars are divided, so it is not a long-term ranking result. )

  The first echelon is 18-20

    -Features: International superstar, whose works are familiar to international audiences.

    -Representatives: Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Andy Lau, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Maggie Cheung, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi and Li Yuchun.

    -Special case analysis: Chris Lee’s appearance in this echelon seems to be "overrated", but she is a big special case. Chris Lee was only a grassroots star before, but one thing made her rise to the top quickly, because she was once on the cover of Time magazine in the United States, which made her suddenly become an international star from a grassroots star.

  The second echelon is 16-18

    -Features: domestic stars, whose works are generally recognized by the national audience.

    -Representatives: Stephen Chow, Jay Chou, Jia Zhangke, Huang Xiaoming, Li Yapeng, Fang Zuming, David, Xia Yu, Zhao Wei, Zhou Xun, Shu Qi, Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing and Lin Xinru.

    -Special case analysis: Why is Jay Chou regarded as a domestic star, not an international superstar? Because his songs and fans are mostly radiated in Asia, but his works are still very influential, so he is at the 18th level of the second echelon.

    The third echelon is 10-15

    -Features: ordinary stars, whose works are familiar to important areas in China.

    -Representatives: Ma Jingtao, Lu Yi, Xu Jinglei and Sun Li.

    -Special case analysis: As a director and a successful entertainment businessman, it is obviously unreasonable for Xu Jinglei to appear in this echelon. But it is reasonable to appear as an actor.

    Xu Jinglei is positioned as a talented woman and director. From the perspective of the industry, her overall business index is too high, and the comprehensive index of performing arts is low. From the perspective of entertainment stars, she is at around level 15.

    Note: The rating of 30 stars involved in this article is only Tian Jinshuang’s personal estimation, which has not been confirmed by authority, but the rating method of stars provided by Tian Jinshuang (whether it is scientific or not needs to be evaluated) has been verified to be true. (Lv Yuan)

Editor: Li Dan

"Changsha Nightlife" exposed the family and predicted that LAY and his parents would reconcile.

1905 movie network news The film produced by, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,,,, starring, specially starring,,, and friendship released a family notice. After the premiere on April 23rd, the family story of Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Luo Gang and LAY in the film aroused many audiences’ empathy. The father wants his son to find a stable job, and the mother wants his son to inherit the food stall business. The desire for care and love conflicts with He An’s talk show dream played by LAY. However, even if there are conflicts, the Changsha family can always reconcile because of their love for each other, which is the meaning of family ties. LAY poked fun at his relationship with his father with a talk show in Changsha dialect, which added a sense of story to the father and son. The director showed a night of affection, friendship and love in Changsha with a big family, which made many viewers very moved.

LAY talk show dream is not understood by parents.

Zhang Jingyi confided her love for her family to YIN FANG.

After the premiere, many viewers felt deeply about the emotional story between He An and his father (Luo Gang) in the film. The typical Chinese-style father-son relationship triggered many viewers to tell stories about themselves and their parents. In the latest exposure of the family notice, LAY plays He An who pursues the talk show dream without being understood by his parents, so a family conflict broke out. He An was dissatisfied with his father because of his parents’ divorce. It was impressive to tease his father’s lines with Changsha dialect talk show: "Since childhood, my father likes to compare me with other people’s children, and I really hope that I can become someone else’s child, so he became the father of other people’s children." He An poked fun at his growing experience in the most joking tone, which made his father’s eyes flooded with tears when he first watched him on a talk show. The phrase "you are not someone else’s child, you are my baby" tells the deepest bond between father and son. In the face of family ties where blood is thicker than water, even the deepest misunderstanding will be melted by love.

For her mother, He An knew that for him, her mother tied herself to crayfish for most of her life. When He An decided to give up the talk show, it was also her mother who firmly supported her children to pursue their dreams and said, "Just do what you want to do." It is touching that a family of three embraced each other in Changsha at night.

"How long have you not had a good chat with dad? How long has it been since you ate the powder cooked by your mother? " In addition to the reconciliation between He An and his parents, people living in this city also have different fetters to their families. He Xixi (Zhang Jingyi), who wants to leave Changsha, tells the reason for leaving "I left them because I want to love them". No matter how far away from my family, my feelings for each other will not become far away. Chen Qingzhi (Bai Yufan) and Liang Baoqi (Zhou Siyu), who came to Changsha to work, felt on the Ferris wheel that "it would be great if we had a light in this city" and "I want to bring my parents to have a look", and strangers could not get over their homesickness. And "home" is also an important motif of director Zhang Ji’s creation of Changsha Nightlife.

Changsha’s happiness comes from the light radiated by every family.

Late-night food stalls contain every struggling soul.

After the premiere, the audience responded enthusiastically to the emotional concentration of the film. Many viewers said that the original impression of Changsha was more "hot", but after watching the film, they knew that this is a city full of tolerance and love. Food stalls give people the impression that they are no longer places to fill their stomachs, but also houses the tired bodies of dream catchers. Food can not only fill their stomachs, but also fill their empty souls. Whether you are a stranger working in Changsha or a dreamer about to embark on a journey, a small food stall encourages every traveler who wants to leave.

The family line in the film has even poked the hearts of many young viewers. Some viewers shared their stories about learning music that their parents didn’t understand, and some viewers said that the father-son line of this film was particularly real and they wanted to take their parents to feel it again.The city of Changsha has witnessed too many stories about family ties. No matter whether it is a migrant worker from a foreign land or a dream catcher who is not understood by his family, he can eat a bowl of authentic Changsha rice noodles at a food stall in the middle of the night and sit with his parents and have a good chat. Those regrets buried in his heart will be filled with love. During the May Day holiday, I took my parents into the cinema together, and let the movie "Changsha Nightlife" replace those unspeakable feelings and love.

The movie "Changsha Nightlife" will be released nationwide on April 28th.

"Changsha Nightlife" exposes a new special edition, LAY and YIN FANG share the impression of the city.

1905 movie network news On May 4th, the film "Impression of Changsha" was released by, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,, and Luo Gang, especially starring,, and friendship.

Around the questions of "feelings of coming to Hunan at the beginning" and "favorite Changsha cuisine", a group of starring actors and tourists passers-by have given their own answers. Different answers not only show the richness of Changsha, but also outline the infinite charm that belongs to Changsha. Since the film was released, it has won numerous praises with its real street fireworks and warm healing stories.


The stars share their impressions of Changsha, and LAY has a soft spot for Suofen.

Different people have their own impressions and memories of Changsha, a city that combines rich heritage and fashion trends. In the latest special, the leading actors shared their "Changsha Impression". To describe Changsha in one word, Sophie Su chose "chili pepper", Bai Yufan chose "chivalry", Zhang Jingyi chose "youth", and YIN FANG summed up his feelings about Changsha with "unstoppable fireworks". When asked about "feelings of coming to Hunan at the beginning", everyone’s answer is even more interesting. Wu Haochen smiled at the crowds in Changsha at night and asked, "Don’t people in Changsha go to work?" Zhou Siyu, on the other hand, revealed the differences of habits in this vast land and Changsha’s unique nightlife culture by comparing his hometown northeast.

Impression of Changsha, in addition to the "city that never sleeps", all kinds of food are also essential elements. When asked about "favorite Changsha cuisine", the answers are equally varied. Many interviewees, including starring Zhou Siyu, nominated stinky tofu, while LAY, who plays a special role, has a special feeling for wordy powder. LAY said, Suofen is a dietary habit that accompanied him from childhood, and it has become a touch of homesickness that can’t be given up when he melts into the body. At the end of the film, the picture of people gathering in the food stalls not only makes the story go to a warm ending, but also cures the tired body and mind of many viewers.


Word-of-mouth leads the way, and the audience continues to praise "hot soup to soothe the soul"

Since the film "Nightlife in Changsha" was released, it has not only won the love and support of Changsha locals, but also won the recognition of the national audience with its real fireworks, exquisite healing stories and emotional expressions, and vivid presentation of Changsha. As the film with the most unique temperament in May 1st, Changsha Nightlife scored 9.3 points on Cat’s Eye and Taobao Film ticketing platforms, and scored 7.6 points on Douban platform, ranking firmly as the word-of-mouth champion of May 1st new films. The works created by the sincere heart have won deep resonance with the audience and achieved a moving two-way trip.

After watching the movie, many viewers left messages on social platforms to share their feelings. A local audience in Changsha wrote: "You are no longer Changsha, which belongs only to Changsha people in your childhood impression. You are very happy, and you are integrated into the world." While giving high recognition to the film, the love for your hometown between the lines is also moving. Some viewers felt: "Just a few strokes like prose, reflecting the city of China." "What does Changsha look like? It’s what it looks like in the movie, but it’s not all. Maybe everyone has a night in their hearts. " This also reflects the idea of the main creation. With a movie and a night, it reflects the real human life in every city and every night in China. Nightlife in Changsha is not only a love letter to Changsha, but also a bowl of hot soup that records real life and soothes the souls of ordinary people.

In 2024, the New Year’s Day box office broke 1 billion: after 146 days, the single-day box office broke 500 million.

According to Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 12: 00 on December 31st, the total box office (including pre-sales) of new films on New Year’s Day in 2024 exceeded 1 billion, and the annual meeting of "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" can’t stop! "Stealth" is temporarily listed in the top three at the box office.
In addition, as of 14: 53 on December 31, the total box office of the New Year’s Eve in 2023 (December 31) exceeded 500 million. Since August 6 of the summer holiday, the national single-day box office has once again exceeded 500 million after 146 days!
Among them, the film "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" relied on the "snow field" in funa in the cinema. Since the pre-sale, the box office has been riding the dust, # 中中中中中 # # Zhang Wansen, it’s snowing! # and other topics have been on the hot search one after another, which has attracted a lot of attention.
The comedy film "The Annual Meeting Can’t Stop" released on December 29th! In two days, the box office exceeded 100 million yuan and gained a good reputation.
Source: @ Lighthouse Professional Edition

Tian Zhuangzhuang’s mother Yu Lan: Making a movie is "her blessing"

Beijing, July 4 (Reporter Song Yusheng) At 21: 07 pm on June 27, Yu Lan, a famous film performance artist who played the classic role "Jiang Jie" in the movie "Eternal Life in Fire", died in Beijing at the age of 99.
On July 1, the reporter saw in Beijing Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital that the small farewell hall was filled with wreaths and elegiac couplets, and Yu Lan’s body was lying quietly in the middle of the farewell hall.
On that day, Ye Xiangzhen, the daughter of Marshal Ye Jianying, and Li Xuejian, Yu Lan’s nephew and famous performance artist, went to pay their respects. Beijing Film Academy and china children film association also sent wreaths. Yu Lan’s family and friends accepted an interview with Zhongxin. com.
On July 1st, in the farewell hall of Beijing Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, people from all walks of life came to pay tribute to Ms. Yu Lan, a famous China film performance artist. reporter Li Junshe
"Movies are her blessing."
Yu Lan, formerly known as Yu Peiwen, is one of the "22 movie stars" in New China. She won the Best Actress Award at the Moscow International Film Festival and the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 27th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award. Starring works include Cuigang Red Flag, Longxugou, Lin Jiapu, Revolutionary Family, Eternal Life in Fire and so on. Among them, her role of "Jiang Jie" in "Eternal Life in Fire" is most well known to the audience.
The picture shows Ms. Ye Xiangzhen (second from right), the daughter of Marshal Ye Jianying and former director of China News Service (who directed Yuan Ye, etc.), who went to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital on July 1 to mourn Yu Lan. China News Service reporter Han Kai photo
In public memory, the name Yu Lan is inseparable from the new China movies.
According to Tian Zhuangzhuang, the son of Blue and a famous director, it is "her blessing" for her mother to enter the film industry. "Without the spread of movies, she could not be recognized and recognized by so many people. Of course, this is also related to her efforts and creativity."
The picture shows actor Li Xuejian mourning in the mourning hall. reporter Li Junshe
In 1938, 17-year-old Yu Lan left Beiping for Yan ‘an, and then studied at Yan ‘an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University. After school, she often participates in various amateur drama performances. In the spring of 1940, Yu Lan entered Lu Xun Art College and became an actor. Since then, she has embarked on the road of art.. After the founding of New China, Yu Lan began to contact movies, and her identity changed from a stage actor to a film actor.
In the autumn of 1949, Yu Lan first appeared on the screen, starring in the film The Warrior in White. Since then, she has appeared in films such as Cuigang Red Flag, Longxugou, Lin Jiapu and Revolutionary Family, and became a "star" on the film stage of New China.
Yu Lan plays "Jiang Jie" in Eternal Life in Fire. Screenshot of movie
Yu Lan’s most well-known role is Jiang Jie in Eternal Life in Fire. This film, which was released in 1965, later became the memory of several generations.
Tian Zhuangzhuang told reporters that there are many excellent people in the film industry, but there are not so many people who can pay for the film for a long time and really love it. "I think my mother is one of them. She really loves this career and movies, and she will spare no effort to support anything she can do about movies."
Hou Keming still remembers that the last time Yu Lan left Beijing for a trip was in November 2017 to attend the China International Children’s Film Festival. "At that time, she was 96 years old. As soon as she knew that a film festival would be held, she would go. In fact, she had not been out of Beijing for several years. But this film festival is her own child, and she said she must go. "
In 2018, 97-year-old Yu Lan starred in "Those Women" filmed to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Although there are not many scenes, she is extremely happy. She said, "It’s great to be able to act! I really want to play it again. " In the same year, Yu Lan also starred in China Film Co., Ltd.’ s public welfare film Everything is Like You.
When Tian Zhuangzhuang recalled the film made by Lan in her later years, she said frankly, "She felt great in acting. Even at this age, she is still an actress, and she will have a good way to deal with the role." (End)