The innovative development of the digital economy will promote the green transformation of the industrial structure

  The government work report of this year’s "two sessions" proposed that "vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces" as the first task in 2024. New quality productive forces are advanced productive forces generated by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading. Further promoteInnovative development and the promotion of high-end, intelligent and green transformation of traditional industries are important measures to accelerate the development of new productive forces.

  The previous report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to "promote deep integration with the real economy and build a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness." The government work report also emphasized many times that it is necessary to vigorously develop, accelerate the digital transformation of traditional industries and small and medium-sized enterprises, and strive to improve the level of greening. Therefore, the digital economy has become an important driving force for the green transformation of the industrial structure and deeply empowers the development of new quality productive forces.

  The digital economy refers to theAs the core resource, digital technology is the main driver, and the form of economic activities based on digitalization, networking and intelligence. By improvingThe ability to analyze and predict, optimize resource allocation and management, and promote the development of green technologies to guide the whole society to carry out green changes is another important economic growth point in the new era. However, the current digital economy is still in the early stage of development, facing energy consumption, cost, promotion and other issues. It is necessary for the government to take effective measures to guide the healthy and orderly development of related industries and promote deep empowerment.

  data elementsEmpowerCorporate green transformation

  As the core of the digital economy, data elements can provide enterprises with refined data analytics and predictive capabilities, promote sustainable innovation and technological development, optimize resource allocation and supply chain management, and promote changes in market demand. These factors will deeply empower the development of new quality productivity and promote the green transformation of the industrial structure.

  First, provide analytical and predictive capabilities. Deep empowerment of data elements means the collection, collation and analysis of large-scale data, from which valuable information and insights can be extracted. This granular data analytics and predictive capabilities can help enterprises better understand resource utilization, environmental impact and market demand for precise planning and decision-making. Through accurate data analytics, enterprises can identify opportunities for environmentally friendly products and services, optimize resource allocation, reduce energy consumption and waste generation, and achieve a green transformation of the industrial structure.

  Second, optimize resource allocation and supply chain management. Data element depth empower can help enterprises better optimize resource allocation and supply chain management to achieve green transformation. Through comprehensive analysis of data, enterprises can better understand the flow and utilization of resources, identify problems of resource waste and environmental risks, and take corresponding measures to improve. Data element depth empower can also achieve transparency and traceability of supply chains, ensure the sustainability of supply chains for environmentally friendly products, and promote the transformation of the entire industrial structure to green supply chains.

  Third, promote sustainable innovation and technological development. Data elements deeply empower can provide enterprises with more innovation opportunities and the potential of technological development. Through the mining and analysis of right, enterprises can discover environmental protection technologies and sustainable solutions, improve product design and production processes, and promote efficient use of resources and reduction of environmental pollution. Data elements deeply empower can also promote cross-industry and cross-field cooperation and innovation, accelerate the development and application of green technologies, and promote the transformation of industrial structure towards green, low-carbon and sustainable direction.

  Fourth, promote the green transformation of market demand. Data elements are deeply empowered, which can help enterprises better understand changes in market demand and consumer preferences, adjust the positioning of products and services in a timely manner, and meet the needs of green consumption. With the strengthening of environmental awareness and the government’s increasing requirements for environmental protection, consumer demand for green products and services continues to grow. Data elements are deeply empowered, which can help enterprises capture these market opportunities, develop products and services that meet green requirements, and promote the development of industrial structure in the direction of green transformation.

  Digital factors promote industrygreentransformationreturnexistWhat bottlenecks?

  The current digital economy-related industries are in the early stages of development, and there are some shortcomings in promoting the green transformation of the industrial structure.

  First, the energy consumption of industries related to the digital economy is relatively high. The rapid development of the digital economy has brought about the demand for large-scale data storage, processing and transmission, which requires a huge energy supply to support.Is supportThe critical infrastructure for big data processing and online services usually requires a large number of servers and network equipment, while big data processing requires large-scale computing resources and storage devices. These devices generate a lot of heat during operation and require cooling systems to maintain a stable working temperature. Cooling systems usually consume a lot of energy, resulting in increased energy consumption. Moreover, the development of the digital economy requires a large amount of data transmission and communication. The Internet, mobile communication and data transmission networks all need to consume a lot of electricity to maintain their operation and coverage. With the growth of the digital economy, the energy consumption of network transmission and communication has also increased accordingly.

  Second, the cost of digital transformation in traditional industries is high. First, the digital transformation of enterprises requires updating the existing technology infrastructure, introducing new software and hardware systems, and training employees to adapt to new workflows, resulting in higher technology update and training costs. Second, digital transformation may require closer collaboration and information sharing with suppliers, partners, and customers, which in turn incurs supply chain adjustment and integration costs. Finally, the digital transformation of enterprises also needs to ensure thatEnsuring the security and privacy of data may require additional investments, such as establishing secure data storage facilities, adopting encryption technology and implementing strict access control measures

  Third, the scope of digital economy empowerment is still insufficient. Traditional industries usually have complex business processes and traditional information systems. Introducing digital technology into these systems may require large-scale technical and system integration work. This may involve issues such as compatibility with existing systems, data migration, security, etc., resulting in slow digital transformation. In addition, the construction and penetration of digital infrastructure in some less developed regions is relatively low, and the popularization of digital skills and knowledge is relatively low. Therefore, these regions may face certain difficulties in carrying out green transformation and digital development.

  Policy recommendations to deeply empower data elements

  The first is to optimize the layout, improve equipment and systems and other measures to improve energy efficiency and promote the green development of the digital economy industry. Optimizing the layout can not only reduce cooling demand and reduce energy consumption, but also promote the effective use of renewable energy. For example, building data centers in the western region rich in air-conditioning resources, using natural airflow for alternative cooling. Moreover, the western region also has better wind and light resources. Through the matching update with the power sector, it can greatly realize the dependence on traditional energy and reduce carbon emissions. In addition, governments and regulators can strengthen environmental supervision of the digital economy industry and develop corresponding policies and standards to promote the use of more energy-efficient servers, optimized equipment configuration, and improved cooling system efficiency in data centers, providers, and operators, among others, in order to promote the development of a green and sustainable digital economy.

  Second, strengthen data infrastructure building and technology popularization, strengthen data privacy and security protection, and improve the enthusiasm of enterprises for digital transformation. The government can increase investment in data infrastructure in underdeveloped areas, including high-speed Internet, data centers, cloud computing platforms, etc. At the same time, strengthen data science,Talent training and skill upgrading in areas such as big data analytics can provide basic support for local enterprises to deeply empower data elements. In addition, clear and stable policies can provide a favorable environment for deeply empowering data elements, and the construction of laws and regulations on data privacy and security should be strengthened. Strengthening technologies and measures to ensure that user data is properly protected, and establishing regulatory mechanisms to supervise the compliance of data processing and use can enhance the good expectations of enterprises and the public for data elements empowering, and promote the further development of the digital economy, thereby providing stronger momentum for the development of new quality productivity.

  Third, promote data sharing and openness, promote data exchange and cooperation between different departments, institutions and enterprises, and remove "stumbling blocks" to development. The government can encourage enterprises and research institutions to conduct innovative research and development in terms of deeply empowering data elements by providing incentives such as funding and tax incentives. The government can also establish innovation support platforms and incubators to provide technical support and market orientation to help innovative projects land and grow. At the same time, by establishing data sharing platforms and formulating data open standards and policies, it can facilitate data sharing and openness among various departments and organizations, thereby encouraging the wide use and innovation of data elements, and opening up data channels for the green transformation of industrial structure and the development of new quality productivity.

The price is 1.098 million! BYD’s "black technology" luxury car is not afraid of floating and single-wheel puncture.

K diagram 002594_0

K figure 01211_0

  After eight months of preheating,To the million levelThe first product that entered the car market finally went to the market.

  On September 20th, Wangwang’s first model, Wangwang U8, was officially launched. The official price of the new car was 1.098 million yuan, which was consistent with the previously announced pre-sale price.


  Image from video screenshot

  In the record of investor relations activities disclosed on September 18, BYD made a preliminary exposition on looking up to the black technology carried by the brand. In this listing activity, BYD also took the company’s understanding and research on core technologies as the "key words" of the conference.

  In the view of Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, shaping high-end brands does not depend on stacking configuration, but on design and technology.


  Easy Sifang technology leads to hot discussion in the market

  At the beginning of this year, BYD launched the "Easy Sifang" technology when it released its look-up brand. According to reports, "Yi Sifang" is a set of fourThe dynamic system with independent drive as the core is surrounded by three dimensions: perception, decision-making and execution.The characteristics of the vehicle have been completely reconstructed, subverting the power system capability system of the previous fuel vehicle.

  For example, after a single wheel of a vehicle has a flat tire, the "Easy Square" technology can accurately adjust the torque of the remaining three wheels at a frequency of 1,000 times per second, and make powerful compensation intervention on the body posture through the driving wheel in time to help the driver stop the vehicle stably and controllably. Today, this technology has been successfully applied to Wangwang U8, which has just been listed.


  When public opinion generally focuses on the million-class off-road vehicle launched by BYD, many investment institutions pay more attention to the core technology carried by BYD U8.

  According to the analysis, BYD’s "Easy Sifang" technology platform is the key core technology of looking up to the brand. The independent driving of each wheel is realized through four wheels, combined with the deep fusion perception of the whole vehicle, and based on the technology of body stability vector control, the safety of the product can be further improved.

  safe and soundIt is believed that the "Easy Sifang" technology platform and the launch of U8 are of great significance for independent brands to impact the high-end market. Looking up to the brand and positioning a million-level brand, before that, there were few models that reached this price band by independent car companies. The launch of "Easy Sifang" means that China brand has ushered in the opportunity to impact the high-end market with its core technological advantages, and has the ability to master the definition of high-end performance, which reflects to some extent that independent car companies areTechnical confidence of the times. In the long run, if we hope that the brand can form a certain market reputation and brand appeal among domestic and even global users, it will be of valuable reference significance for independent automobile enterprises to attack the million-level high-end market, and at the same time, it will be of great significance to enhance the self-confidence and cultural self-confidence of Chinese automobile brands.

  Emergency floating function has attracted much attention.

  At the press conference, BYDIt also introduces in detail the emergency floating function that has attracted much attention from the market. It is reported that this function has achieved the whole system standard in looking up to U8 models.


  According to reports, looking up at U8 has a good sealing performance, which can ensure that the vehicle does not sink. At the same time, its easy-to-square technology can ensure the control of the vehicle after it enters the floating state by mistake. When the emergency floating capacity is triggered, the engine looking up to U8 version will automatically shut down in advance.

  "Looking up to U8′ s emergency floating ability is passively triggered. When the user starts wading mode through the Xinghe curved screen and starts wading, the vehicle will pass a variety ofMonitor the wading depth, body posture, wheel slip state, etc. If it meets the floating conditions, it will automatically trigger emergency floating, and realize the forward and steering control of the vehicle after it enters the floating state in the water. According to BYD insiders, this function can greatly ensure the safety of drivers and passengers when the vehicle accidentally wades.

  first half of a yearA year-on-year increase of 220.02%

  Not long ago, BYD disclosed the 2023 semi-annual report. The financial report shows that BYD achieved revenue of 260.124 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 72.72%; The net profit of returning to the mother was 10.954 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 204.68%; The net profit after deducting non-profit was 9.695 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 220.02%.

  BYD introduced that in the first half of the year, the company consolidated its leading position in the field of new energy vehicles, and its market share expanded to 33.5%, an increase of 6.5 percentage points over 2022.

  In terms of sales volume, in the first half of the year, BYD acted as China.Automobile leader, with a cumulative sales volume of 1,255,600 vehicles, up 95.78% year-on-year. It is worth mentioning that in addition to continuously expanding the sales scale, BYD also focused on high-end breakthroughs in the first half of the year. It is reported that in addition to looking up to the brand, the main market range of BYD Tengshi brand has been locked in the market of 300,000 to 500,000 yuan, and the personalized brand equation Leopard will be in the price range of 400,000 to 600,000 yuan. This means that at this stage, BYD’s product portfolio has fully covered almost all levels and prices of the mainstream new energy passenger car market in China, and there is a trend of continuous upward penetration.

Just ST Line! 2022 Fox Car Handbook

  [car home Car Handbook] During the Chongqing Auto Show that ended last month, the 2022 (|) was officially launched, with 7 models with different configurations, with the guide price range of 119.8-145.8 million yuan, slightly adjusted compared with the 2021 model. The appearance of the new car has changed greatly, the interior has been modified for details, and all models have returned to the four-cylinder 1.5T engine. Today, let me show you which model of the 2022 Focus is more cost-effective.

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  The 2022 Focus still has hatchback and sedan models to choose from. Except for the entry-level version of EcoBoost 180, which only has sedan models, the other three versions, EcoBoost 180, automatic racing version, automatic ST-Line and automatic S version, can choose hatchback or sedan models according to their own preferences. The hatchback and sedan models of the same version have the same overall configuration level, with only slight differences, which will be briefly explained in this paper.

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Home of the car

Home of the car

  Although the new Focus has all returned to the four-cylinder engine, you must have noticed carefully that the transmission system of the new Focus has become a 6-speed automatic gearbox, while on the old models, the 8AT gearbox is matched with the 1.5T engine. Such a wave of operation is the reduction of the guiding price. However, after comparing the new and old two EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line, it will be found that in addition to the gearbox becoming 6AT, the 10-speaker B&O audio has also become an option, and the rear armrest with cup holder and the rear air outlet are gone. Therefore, the extent of the decrease in the guide price … You can experience it yourself.

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  Here’s a brief introduction to the new Focus. If you want to know more about the static experience of the new car, you may wish to click on the picture link above. Next, let’s take a look at the configuration performance of various models of the 2022 Focus.

EcoBoost 180 automatic competition edition

Recommended index: ★★★

Home of the car

  As the entry-level version of the new Focus, the automatic competition version is the only one without a hatchback. From the configuration point of view, all-LED headlights and 8-inch all-LCD instruments are among the available configurations, while others belong to the mainstream level of the same class. Of course, one thing to be said here is that the automatic racing version is also the only model in the whole department that uses the rear torsion beam non-independent suspension. I believe that friends who choose to buy Fox still attach great importance to the rear wheel independent suspension, so this entry-level version still lowers the guide price threshold.

EcoBoost 180 automatic racing edition

Recommended index: ★★★

Home of the car

  Compared with the automatic racing version, the automatic racing version with a guide price of 10,000 yuan has replaced the rear multi-link independent suspension, and also added practical configurations such as keyless entry/start, reversing image, 12.3-inch central control panel and automatic air conditioning. This 10,000 yuan can be regarded as a "comfortable sports bag". So we might as well increase the budget a little and change to an automatic racing version with improved driving comfort.

EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line

Recommended index: ★★★

Home of the car

  Focus is a compact car that focuses on sports, so this time I chose the automatic ST Line as the most recommended model, because I think the exterior sports kit is necessary, and the 18-inch rim with Michelin PS4 tires is also quite attractive. In addition, the automatic ST Line is also equipped with shift paddles, which can provide more driving pleasure; At the same time, the driver’s assistance function is more comprehensive, and it is also the only optional L2 driver’s assistance in all models. Of course, if your budget is limited, the automatic racing version is also a relatively good choice, but I think the automatic ST Line is a more "real" Fox.

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EcoBoost 180 automatic s version

Recommended index: ★★★

  In all the new Focus models, an EcoBoost 180 automatic S version has been added, and the guide price is 2000 yuan higher than that of the automatic ST Line. If we only look at the configuration table, the configuration difference between the two cars is only the different seat materials, and the latter uses leather/fabric to mix and match seats, while the former is leather/suede mix and match seats. So let’s talk with new car pictures.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  Whether you are willing to spend an extra 2000 yuan to get this lace, seat material and blue seat belt depends on you. I don’t think the automatic S version of the flower-pulling is meaningful, but the fur-turning seat should be liked by some friends. One more thing, the automatic S version can’t be equipped with B&O stereo and L2 driver assistance, so friends who want to install these can only choose automatic ST Line.

Editor’s comment:

  In this mid-term change, it is undoubtedly the most important point that Fox will return to the four-cylinder engine. The change of design is still a matter of opinion. I think it is not bad, and my colleagues will think it is not as good as the old one. As far as the configuration of all models of the new Focus is concerned, the automatic ST Line is undoubtedly the most comprehensive one. The exterior sports kit, 18-inch rim, shift paddles and rear multi-link independent suspension are all elements that sports cars should have; Of course, if your budget is so poor, it is not bad to choose the automatic racing version. (Text/car home Zhou You)

The new head of China Volleyball has a low-key performance, aiming to lead China women’s volleyball team to win the Paris Olympic Games.

Keep a low profile, just like the person. Recently, Lai Yawen became the director of the volleyball management center of the State General Administration of Sport. This news was only announced in another way when she went to the training bases in Zhangzhou, Fujian and Beilun, Ningbo to visit the national men’s and women’s volleyball teams that were preparing for training.

There are Asian Games and Olympic qualifiers in Hangzhou this year. China women’s volleyball coach Cai Bin said in an interview that "the Asian Games must win the championship, and the Olympic qualifiers will qualify for the first time." This will also be a quiz that Lai Yawen will face after taking office.

Looking forward to the Paris Olympic cycle of China women’s volleyball team, Lai Yawen still stressed that women’s volleyball team should further inherit and carry forward the spirit of women’s volleyball in the new era, carry the flag of China women’s volleyball team, and strive to improve their physical fitness and technical and tactical application ability with the goal of reaching the highest podium in Paris Olympic Games.

Lai Yawen, 52, is an "old acquaintance" of volleyball fans. Her appointment as the new head of China volleyball has also made many fans feel: "Let professional people do professional things."

Lai Yawen was the captain of China women’s volleyball team. During his 10 years in the national team, she experienced the struggle of China women’s volleyball team climbing from the bottom. Since 1999, Lai Yawen has served as the assistant coach of China women’s volleyball team, from Hu Jin to Chen Zhonghe, Cai Bin, Yu Juemin, and then to Lang Ping, assisting five head coaches. She also witnessed the whole process of China women’s volleyball team from the trough to the glory.

Lai Yawen’s personality is calm and restrained, and his style of play is unpretentious. From Liaoning, she is 1.87 meters tall. She once served as a deputy attacker, with relatively balanced attack and interception and comprehensive skills. In 1989, Lai Yawen entered the China Women’s Volleyball Team, and was highly valued by three coaches, namely Hu Jin, Li Xiaofeng and Lang Ping. She won the third place in the 1989 World Cup, the 1990 World Championships, the 1991 World Cup, the 1995 World Cup, the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and the 1998 World Championships. The World Championships in 1998 was her farewell battle. She dragged her weak body through the final due to illness, and finally missed the championship and cried, which moved the fans. Although she only lacks a gold medal in the three competitions, it does not prevent her from achieving a legend in her sports career.

Among the teammates in the same period, Lai Yawen was the only one who didn’t leave the China women’s volleyball team after retiring. In 1999, after Hu Jin succeeded Lang Ping and Er Jin Gong as the head coach of China women’s volleyball team, he invited 29-year-old Lai Yawen to be the assistant coach. From captain to teaching assistant, Lai Yawen quickly adapted to complete the transformation. "Lai Dao" is still the former "intimate big sister" in the players’ minds, and she has also become a bridge between the players and the head coach.

China women’s volleyball team changed coaches for two or three years during the London Olympic Games. Lai Yawen wanted to leave the national team after the London Olympics. In 2013, Lang Ping coached the China Women’s Volleyball Team for the second time, and Lai Yawen was invited to join the coaching team again. Lang Ping and Lai Yawen have a tacit cooperation. In 2017, although Lai Yawen was promoted to the position of Deputy Director of Paiguan Center, it was still difficult to leave the team, and she volunteered to be the team leader of China Women’s Volleyball Team. China women’s volleyball team rose again, winning the championship four times in 2015 World Cup, 2016 Rio Olympic Games, 2017 Grand Champions Cup and 2019 World Cup.

Entering the Paris Olympic cycle, Cai Bin once again took charge of the China Women’s Volleyball Team, and Lai Yawen continued to be the team leader in the 2022 World Championships. Over the past 33 years, Lai Yawen has devoted most of her life to the China Women’s Volleyball Team. Experience and connections are Lai Yawen’s advantages, but the head of the company bears a heavy burden. How to keep China’s women’s volleyball team in the advanced ranks in the world, strive to narrow the gap between China’s men’s volleyball team and the world’s top teams, make a good domestic volleyball super league with heart, and insist on the combination of inviting in and going out to connect with the world volleyball, etc., Lai Yawen is facing a series of challenges.

Fortunately, volleyball in China has a new trend. Since this year, men’s and women’s volleyball teams have had national players studying abroad. So far, more than 20 players have fought in overseas leagues. Not only can the players go out in the year of playing, but even some of them are matched by the platoon management center. For example, Zhang Jingyin, the number one main attacker of the men’s volleyball team, landed in the Polish Super League and was accompanied by the Chinese team. China volleyball can be expected in the future by opening the rising channel of players in multiple channels and in all directions.

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Hua

Author: Qin Dongying

Source: Xinhua News Agency

From "Border War" to "National Entertainment": How Rugby Became the First Sport in America

"border war"

On August 30th, 1856, a fierce battle broke out in the small town of Sabato, Kansas, USA. The warring parties were neither white men and Indians, nor Jiang Yang thieves and local people, but abolitionists from the north and militia from Missouri, a slave-holding state in the south. About 400 heavily armed Missouri militiamen attacked this small town guarded by the famous abolitionist leader John Brown. Being outnumbered, john brown and the abolitionists finally had to retreat, and Mr. Sabato was also looted. The incident became a microcosm of the Kansas Civil War.

In 1854, the US Congress passed the kansas-nebraska act, allowing Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether to join the United States of America as a "free state" or a "slave state" by referendum. This is tantamount to the abolition of the Missouri compromise in fact, which intensified the contradiction between the north and the south on the issue of slavery.

After that, a large number of abolitionists from the north and southerners who advocated the maintenance of slavery flooded into Kansas, hoping to win the referendum by means of large-scale immigration in the short term. Under the tense atmosphere, a series of violent conflicts broke out between the two sides of the contradiction, which eventually led to a Kansas version of the "civil war." This mini-war, known as "bloody Kansas", is often regarded by later generations as a prelude to the American Civil War or a scaled-down version of the Civil War. In January 1861, after this bloody baptism, Kansas finally joined the Union as a free state. However, only three months later, the Civil War officially started. At the beginning of the war, out of revenge, a group of Kansas militia named Jayhawks attacked and looted several towns in Missouri. Later, a local armed force calling itself "Fighting Tigers" rose in Missouri to confront it. As a result, the two sides continued their hatred since "bloody Kansas" on the battlefield.

In May 1865, the Civil War officially ended. Nearly 30 years after the smoke of the Civil War dispersed, the blood feud between Kansas and Missouri did not dissipate, and even found a new battlefield to prolong the old hatred and renew the new hatred. On Halloween in 1891, the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri met head-on in an American Football game. Coincidentally, the names of these two college teams are "Kansas Jayhawks" and "Missouri Tigers". In this extremely fierce game, the University of Kansas won by 22-10, which seemed to swear that it was the winner of the civil war again, while the University of Missouri, which was unwilling, stubbornly continued to challenge. Therefore, the two teams agreed to have a contest every year. In the end, this football game not only became a competition between two universities, but also became an honor struggle between two states. The football match between "Jieying" and "Tiger" was even called "Border War" because of the hot and even explosive atmosphere. Since 1891, this "border war" has been fought for 120 years, and it was not until the University of Missouri announced its departure from the "Big 12 Conference" in 2011 that it called a truce. In the final year of the competition, the University of Missouri crushed the University of Kansas 24-10.Revenge for one’s ancestors. During these 120 years, this football game has become a projection of the political, military and historical disputes between the two States.

The "border war" between "Jieying" and "Tiger" lasted for 120 years.

Transformation of American football

George Carlin, a famous American comedian, once described the war metaphor of American football in a famous paragraph: "Baseball is a pastime game in the 19th century, while rugby is a tit-for-tat for industrialization in the 20th century; When you watch baseball, you will feel like going to a picnic, while when you watch football, you will want to kill your opponent at least 27 times. The goal of rugby is clear, and all actions revolve around the Quarterback, the’ battlefield general’. He has to observe the enemy lines and launch a surprise attack, find his catcher in the chaotic army and pass the ball accurately. He must lead an army into enemy territory and try his best to tear a hole in the enemy’s defense line! "

In the world of American football, especially college football, similar and tense feuds are everywhere, and even become one of the biggest selling points of the game, attracting the attention of the whole state and the whole country. For example, the football confrontation between the University of Texas and the University of Oklahoma is called "Red River Showdown", because in 1931, the National Guard of Texas and Oklahoma had a gun battle over the ownership of a bridge across the Red River between the two States. The feud between the University of Michigan and Ohio University can be traced back to the conflict between the two States around the border demarcation in 1835. Since 1897, the fighting between the two schools on behalf of the two States on the football field has become the most wonderful, intense and even tragic rivalry in the history of North American sports. Before and after the game, Ohio will hold "Beat Michigan Week". On the day before the 2006 World War II, Bo Schembechler, the meritorious coach of the University of Michigan, died of a heart attack. After that, every year before the Ohio University, the University of Michigan will play Bo Schembechler’s cry "Team!" before his death. Team! Team! " (The Team! The Team! The Team! ) to boost morale.

The reason why American college football has become the carrier of American social tradition and even national hatred is closely related to its development and evolution to some extent. In the eyes of many foreigners, American football players seem to be all rough and tough men with big arms and round waist, developed limbs and mostly simple minds. However, American football was originally popular in college campuses all over the United States as elite and intellectual sports. In fact, even today, all professional players who participate in the National Football League need to take an IQ test before they can qualify. At the beginning of American football’s popularity in universities in the 19th century, it happened that the movement of "Physical Christianity" was in the ascendant. This Christian faction, which originated in England, advocates that sports can not only exercise the physique, but also improve the spiritual character of Christians. And a strong Christian is a symbol of God’s glory. Influenced by it, a very important task of YMCA is to advocate young people to actively participate in sports. The rapid popularity of American football in American universities also relies on the east wind of "strong Christianity" and "YMCA", and also provides religious legitimacy for hot-blooded college students to participate in such intense and even violent sports. As a social elite, college students have naturally become spokesmen and defenders of historical traditions in various States and regions.

In 1869, Princeton University and Rutgers College played the first American football game in history. As a sport born out of rugby, American football is even more intense, and college students are injured and even killed because of the game. In 1905, as many as 18 famous college students were injured and died in the competition, which became a major news in the United States at that time and alarmed then President theodore roosevelt. As a "progressive", Roosevelt Sr. issued a statement demanding that the rules of American football must be revised to ensure the safety of players, and young people who should be the pillars of the country should not be allowed to die in vain on the court. In the end, the rules of American football changed decisively-players were allowed to pass the ball forward instead of passing it back or flat like rugby, which gradually transformed the sport into what it is today.

Athletes singing hymns, taken in the gymnasium of YMCA Training School in Massachusetts, USA in 1909.

"national entertainment"

Although as early as the 1920s, professional football games, represented by the National Football League (NFL), appeared, but their commercialization was not high. In contrast, baseball, which has been professional and commercialized as early as the 19th century, is the "first sport" for citizens and workers. At that time, many professional football teams were "attached" to professional baseball clubs. Until today, people familiar with American sports can easily find many football teams and baseball teams with the same names, such as Giants, Cardinals, Redskins, Pirates and so on. In addition, quite a few early professional American football teams were actually in a "semi-professional" state, and players had other businesses besides playing. For example, the old team with a long history-"Green Bay Packer" is a team composed of local paper packers, which started with a sponsorship fee of $500 from the boss. Later, in order to ensure the normal operation of the team, the packers turned to issue the team’s shares to local residents, and finally let the team continue to this day in the form of "crowdfunding", even in the league.

In fact, until the eve of World War II, the campus elite label of American football remained unchanged, and most professional players were also graduates from universities, including many famous schools such as Ivy League. Many of the stars of universities or professional teams in those days later became world-famous politicians and social elites, and even entered the White House. Former US President Ford was once the star center of the University of Michigan. During the two years from 1932 to 1933, he not only helped the school achieve unbeaten results in the season, but also witnessed the epic battle between his alma mater and Ohio University. After graduating from college, Ford was recruited by professional scouts. After rejecting the invitation of Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions, he went to law school to continue his studies and enter politics.

Byron White, one of the most important justices in the history of the United States Supreme Court in the 20th century, was the absolute main force and the star of the football team of his alma mater, Colorado State University. In 1937, he was even selected as the best team of college football in the United States, leaving more than ten competitive records on the field during his school days. In the second year after graduation, White went to the Pittsburgh Pirates (later the famous Pittsburgh Steelers) to play a professional game for one year. After winning the Best Newcomer Award with the highest rookie salary, White "hung up his boots" and went to Oxford University to study law. However, due to the outbreak of the European War, he had to return to China and transfer to Yale Law School. While studying at Yale, White also took time off to participate in professional competitions, played for Detroit Lions in 1940 and 1941, and finally became the record holder of "the longest charge". In 1942, White was drafted into the U.S. Navy and ended his football career. In 1962, the former football star became a Supreme Court Justice at the age of 44.

Byron White

After the end of World War II, especially after the popularization of television, rugby finally ushered in its own commercialization opportunity. Because the NFL was still an emerging professional sports league at that time, it was more willing to embrace such an emerging product as TV broadcasting. As early as 1848, the normalized broadcast of football matches began to appear on TV. Throughout the 1950s, ABC, NBC and CBS began to broadcast important NFL games one after another, and the broadcasting fee for championship games has reached a million dollars. The NFL, which has tasted the sweetness, is even willing to modify the schedule and rules for TV broadcast to enhance the viewing as much as possible and attract more viewers.

First of all, in order to ensure the visibility of the game and avoid the disparity between teams, the TV broadcasting rights of NFL are negotiated by the league as a whole with major TV networks, and the broadcasting fees obtained are shared equally by all teams, thus ensuring the relative balance of financial resources of each team. Therefore, many Americans jokingly call the NFL a "communist" professional sports league. Secondly, in order to cooperate with the prime time of TV viewing at night, NFL became the first professional sports league to change the important game from afternoon to evening for the first time, and created the tradition of professional sports night games.

Prior to this, Major League Baseball’s important games were usually held on weekend afternoons. After that, Sunday Night Football and Monday Night Football became the trump cards of ratings. In 1967, the American Football Confederation and the original National Football League merged to form a new NFL, and then a new annual championship event, Super Bowl, was established.

As a result, the "Super Bowl" quickly became the highest-rated TV program in the United States and lasted for a long time. Since 1991, the ratings of "Super Bowl" have remained above 40%, and the ratings have been stable above 45% since 2010. In 2016, the audience of the 50th Super Bowl in the United States reached 167 million, and the advertising fee per second reached an astonishing $5 million, almost 118 times that of the 1st Super Bowl in 1967. The "Super Bowl" halftime show has become the biggest stage for American performing stars to dream about. During the 50 years when the "Super Bowl" economy flourished, professional American football finally replaced professional baseball and became the most popular and commercially valuable sports game in the United States.

Similarly, in order to attract more audiences, the venue of the "Super Bowl" is not the home of the two champion teams, but the third place chosen in advance. In the view of NFL management, this arrangement is to show that the "Super Bowl" is a national holiday, not a special welfare that residents of the cities where the two teams are located can enjoy, making it a veritable "national entertainment".

(This article was published in Wenhui Scholar on February 3rd. The original title was From "Border War" to "National Entertainment": American Football Past and Present, which was reprinted by The Paper with authorization. Now the title and subtitle are drawn up by the editor. )