"Transformers 7" exposure forecast 6.9 Autobots all attack on the big screen.

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film released the "All Army Attack" notice, rap ally GAI called, all the autobots were in place, and the Big Mac camp ushered in the big screen debut!It is not difficult to see from the preview that "Transformers: The Rise of the Super Warriors" will bring an unprecedented experience to the audience.

The strongest villain in the Transformers series, the Universe Emperor, parachuted into the air. He sent a fear beast headed by natural disasters to the earth to launch a siege against the Autobots. At the desperate moment, the long-dormant Big Mac appeared, and Optimus Prime Optimus Primal combined with the big screen for the first time. When they combined, they shouted "Autobots, Big Macs, Deformation and Departure!" The slogan, the atmosphere instantly burns to the extreme. In the ultimate war, Autobots, Big Macs, and human beings join hands to meet the fear beast and the giant scorpion army. The explosion of the deformation confrontation and the grandeur of the action scene will surely detonate the big screen!

"Transformers: The Rise of the Warriors" will feature many Transformers characters, four times as many as the movie, and their shapes, sizes and personalities are different. The producer said: "We have introduced many brand-new decent and villain characters into the movie, which is like a feast for fans, full of Transformers that have never been seen in previous movies." In the Autobots camp, apart from Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, which are familiar to the audience, the new role phantom is very bright, the exclusive avatar skills are dazzling, and the cheerful and talkative personality is also very popular. As many people’s childhood memories, Big Mac landed on the big screen for the first time, and it was full of feelings to see Optimus Primal leading Airazor, Huang Bao Warriors and rhinoceros Warriors to the front. The villain’s natural disasters, nightingales and traps are amazing, and they are evenly matched with Autobots and Big Macs, which will present the audience with a long-lost big screen shocking spectacle!

The dazzling and high-burning action scenes of the film also conquered the media at the premiere, and received rave reviews. Baidu video said: "The special effects are very realistic, the visual effects are good, and the fighting scenes inside are also exciting." The 1905 film network praised: "The combination and confrontation between human beings and the three camps of Autobots, Big Mac and Fear Beast not only upgraded the visual effect and expanded the action scene, but also properly expressed the core theme that in the face of evil and disaster, no matter which race, only concerted efforts can resist everything." The new characters appearing in the film are also widely loved. WANDA CINEMAS thinks: "Two new camps, the Big Mac and the Fear Beast, are introduced. The collision between animals and machinery makes people rediscover the blood that first saw the deformation scene." Sohu Entertainment can’t hide its love for Phantom: "The role of Phantom is a surprise, a chatterbox, and a social cow. Compared with other calm autobots, it is more naughty and friendly, and it is connected with the local atmosphere."

Transformers: The Rise of the Super Warrior is directed by, starring, and Peter Claver Cullen, Ron Pullman, Peter Dinraki, and others are involved in the dubbing. It has been scheduled for June 9, so stay tuned.

Interview with Mary | Don’t let me go on hot search.

It’s a different experience for Mary to play a female star as an actress in the comedy The Killer is Not Too Cold. She likes to be comfortable and eat some pot-stewed barbecue. She thinks Milan in the movie is too particular and tired. Returning to life itself is far more comfortable and comfortable than being exposed to the public eye.

Some netizens teased that Mary was an "iron heroine" and her partner actors were "flowing heroes". This time, Wei Xiang finally became the leading actor, and Mary became the green leaf. Although Mary thought it was "good to be a green leaf these years", four plays, Li Mao Dressing as a Prince, Northeast Tiger, Transcendence and The Killer is Not Too Cold, were released one after another, which was regarded by anyone as an achievement worthy of admiration by actors, and it was hard not to be concerned.

Mary said frankly that he was afraid of the audience’s disgust and dissatisfaction. Different voices will always affect her work. How to balance it? Mary has not found a perfect solution. When she meets a good work and can impress her role, she still wants to shoot. "While I am still young, I can still clap my hands, but I can’t move when I am 70 years old and 80 years old. The audience can’t see it if they want to see it. Let’s bother for a few more years."



ICONSPRO: Milan, which you played in "This Killer is Not Too Cold", is a female star. What is the experience of a female star playing a female star? Will there be a sense of "separation" of identity?

Mary:I am going to play a female star as an actress. Life is completely different from Milan. I like to be comfortable, grounded, eat pot-stewed and barbecue in my life. I believe Milan should not be like this. (Xiaobian: Do you think this difference is interesting? ) I think she is too tired to live, and she is very particular about everything. She should be very particular about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

ICONSPRO: Some viewers think that the temperament of This Killer is not too cold and quiet is somewhat different from previous comedies, with some pathos and sublimation at the end. Do you agree?
Mary: Everyone has a different definition. You say it’s not a simple comedy. Maybe many people say that I think it’s just funny, and some people think that Wei Chenggong, the hero, has mapped many situations in his life. This is what happened on the set of an actor. All walks of life will encounter their own difficulties, and people will always encounter setbacks in their lives. Just like that crab, you make unremitting efforts, and you are not afraid of failure, so start over.

ICONSPRO: Did anything particularly touch you after reading this script?

Mary:The script itself didn’t touch me, but these people touched me, Yan Fei, the Great Devil, because (yes) our director of "goodbye mr. loser" was my Bole, an old friend of Brother Xiang for so many years.

ICONSPRO: "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" tells the story of cheating a walk-on. Did you ever get cheated when you first entered the business?

Mary:I’m lucky that I haven’t really played a walk-on like Wei Chenggong, with no words. After graduation, although I didn’t say many lines in drama, I still had roles and lines. But when it comes to being cheated, I have done an interview and said that I was cheated by a black intermediary. In other performances, I think I am very lucky.

ICONSPRO: What do you think people might get from reading this story besides getting happiness?

Mary:There are not many scenes in Milan, and some pre-history and feelings about this character have not been presented. If you want to say what kind of feeling the whole movie wants to convey to everyone, I think it is happiness, and the rest is another story. Pure is happiness.

ICONSPRO: Some viewers feel that Wei Xiang has finally become the leading actor. As an "iron heroine", do you have different feelings about working with these "flowing leading actors" Teng Ge, Allen and Chang Yuan?
Mary:Just like cooking, each of them is a kind of seasoning. They have Chili, aniseed, vinegar, salt and chicken essence, all of which have their own characteristics. Brother Xiang’s enthusiasm and seriousness particularly touched me, and it hasn’t changed for so many years.

ICONSPRO: This is the first time that I have tried a costume drama (Li Mao as a Prince) and a drama with exotic costumes (Killer). What fresh experiences do you think of these two?
Mary:From this sense of time, you have to turn yourself into an ancient costume, but I hope that in addition to this costume being an ancient person, the performance state and stories are close to our modern life, so that everyone can resonate. This is especially true in Milan. In fact, you said that the life of a star is beyond his understanding, and I can’t understand it. We are all colleagues, and we don’t know how a star lives, because every star’s life state is different, which may also be related to personal habits. Therefore, although the two of them say that their ages are different, their identities are different, and their occupations are different, I hope it is true in performance, and every emotion is the same.

ICONSPRO: Recently, there are four plays "Ba Ping", such as Li Mao Dressing as a Prince, Northeast Tiger, Transcendence and The Killer is Not Too Cold. What’s your feeling?

Mary:Afraid, really afraid, especially afraid that the audience will be disgusted, and others are particularly afraid that the audience will be dissatisfied. (Xiaobian: Do you think that I have appeared too much? ) right. I’m a person who doesn’t like to be seen in public, and I especially like to hide and wrap myself up, that is, don’t let me go on a hot search, and don’t let others see what Mary is like. What I want everyone to see is this role and this work. But as for Mary’s private life or personal part, I hope it will always be sealed and private. I think actors should completely separate work from life. When the exposure of your work is too high, there will be some other voices that will affect my work (Xiaobian: What do you mean by affecting work? ) I will be very anxious, and I will feel what I should do. I think I should shoot less. There are two kinds of voices. One is the audience. I especially hope to see the works. I hope you can shoot more. I said I had a second child two days ago, but many fans are still unhappy. Don’t, you should shoot more pictures of your body. This is a wave of voices. There is another sound that you should stop filming. Have you been kidnapped? Take a break. I’m tired of you, and it’s hard for me. If you don’t listen, sometimes you can really see it. If you see you, you really can’t take it to heart. If you don’t get angry, you should let nature take its course. When you meet a good work that can impress me, I still want to shoot it. While I am still young, I can still beat it. You can’t say that you can’t act in your seventies and eighties. There’s nothing you can do. The audience can’t see it if they want to. Give it a few more years.

ICONSPRO: The roles of these four works are quite different. Did you do any special design for a certain role when shooting?

Mary:I don’t like design. Every character I shoot is different. Although it is the shell of Mary and the image of Mary, I really do some preliminary work with great care and delicacy. Like the coach in Transcendence, which is being broadcast now, I like it very much. She broke a routine state. Is the coach’s severity, she has, but more of a feminine aura, gentle and warm, which I think is shining. When I saw this role, I felt it was shining. I want to thank the director for giving this role life and imagination.

ICONSPRO: The roles of Meiling in Northeast Tiger and Wu Qinghong in Beyond have been well received. Many viewers said that Mary used to be such a good actor in drama. Will he try more types in the future?

Mary:I have seen such comments, but I don’t want different voices to affect me. Like before, I have made some serious dramas, and there will be some voices saying that you still want to play comedies. When you made some comedies, he said, Mary, why do you always play comedies? Give me some serious dramas. At that time, if you find yourself really influenced by these voices, you lose yourself and you lose your direction. Although we serve the audience, we still have to rely on our own feelings professionally. A professional actor can’t be picky, but he should let nature take its course and seize the good role.

ICONSPRO: You just said that you can’t be choosy about a word. Are there any constant standards for taking a show now?

Mary:This is a contradiction, this is a two-way street, saying that you can’t be picky and be very elegant at the same time, and there will be many plays for me. This year, we really think these are not bad. I can’t guarantee the other parts. The part of my role is that our team has polished it carefully. Under our ability and authority, we can do our best, because we have no right to change other people’s plays, and I am not that kind of player. When I come, I will change the whole play, mainly me. Of course, the audience wants to see me, I am very grateful, but we also have empathy. I am willing to be a green leaf based on others. I think it is good to be a green leaf these years. (Xiaobian: Will making green leaves make you feel more comfortable? How to say it, it’s natural that you have no selfishness. I didn’t say how he plays more than me. I don’t have this concept. But now the audience will also want to say that Mary, I bought a ticket for you, and your play is so little. Are you lying to me a little? I’m embarrassed again, because the director has a comprehensive consideration in his mind in the early stage. I think you should do your job well, and I don’t like to fight for anything.

ICONSPRO: The Northeast presented by you and the actors in Mahua FunAge is optimistic, loquacious and funny. The Northeast presented in The Northeast Tiger is depressed and broken, and the Northeast presented in Beyond is simple, warm and powerful. As a northeast person, what do you think of the Northeast?

Mary:I am from the northeast, so my home in the northeast, you said, will be the warmest place and the most loving place. On the road, because I am an actor now, many people know me. Even if they don’t know me, it is most sincere to help each other. I think this enthusiasm and sincerity of the Northeast people is very touching and true.

ICONSPRO: What’s the favorite custom in Northeast China?
Mary:The whole family set off firecrackers to eat jiaozi. I think family reunion is what I miss most.

ICONSPRO: Will you invite relatives and friends to watch your own movies?

Mary:I will. After being an actor, it has become a habit now, that is, I still want to invite my relatives and friends to see a good movie.


A hundred years after the end of World War I: the grief of the war has not disappeared, and the international community urges to learn from history.

  Zhongxin. com, November 11 (Zhang Aijing) November 11 is the centenary of the end of the First World War. One hundred years ago today, representatives of the German government and the Allies signed an armistice agreement in Compiè ne, France, thus ending the First World War.

  This unprecedented war has brought profound disasters to mankind and profoundly affected the historical development of Europe and even the world. On the centenary of the end of World War I, looking back at history and commemorating the "armistice" is not only to mourn Qian Qian’s life lost in the war, but also to impress the present and future generations that war is cruel and peace is priceless.

  On August 25, 2018, hundreds of volunteers from 18 countries gathered in Verdun, France, put on the uniforms of soldiers in World War I and re-enacted the scene of the Battle of Verdun as one of a series of activities to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War I.

  A brief history of the First World War

  At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 1920s, western imperialist countries launched fierce struggles around the struggle for world hegemony and colonies, and the contradictions among European powers were complicated.

  Before World War I, major European countries formed two potentially hostile alliances, Germany and Austria-Hungary on one side, France, Britain and Russia on the other. On June 28th, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated in Sarajevo, which triggered a series of reactions and eventually ignited a full-scale war between the two alliances — — The first world war.

  After the war, the allies (Germany, Austria-Hungary, etc.) and the allies (France, Britain, Russia, etc.) fought on the European battlefield. But soon, the war went beyond the scope of Europe and involved the whole world in the whirlpool of war.

  World War I lasted more than four years, and finally ended in the defeat of the Allies. During the war, wars spread all over Europe, Asia and Africa, more than 30 countries and regions with a population of about 1.5 billion were involved in the war, 65 million people participated in the war, and the number of casualties exceeded 30 million, resulting in economic losses of about 170 billion US dollars.

  On November 2, 2018, in Maize, Belgium, the local botanical garden used thousands of poppies made of red bottle caps to pose as pigeons.

  Change the historical trajectory of the world

  World War I brought great disasters to mankind and had a profound impact on world history.

  After the war, the balance of power among imperialist countries changed. Germany was defeated and ceded land for compensation; The Austro-Hungarian Empire completely collapsed; Although Britain and France won, they were weakened and weakened in the war. The United States made huge profits in the war and became an economic power.

  On the other hand, through the Paris Peace Conference and the Washington Conference, the imperialist powers established the "Versailles-Washington System" and established the ruling order in Europe, West Asia, Africa, East Asia and the Pacific.

  However, this new system used to carve up the world did not eliminate the fundamental contradiction between imperialist countries, but was broken with the rise of fascism in Germany, Italy and Japan. Only 20 years after the end of World War I, World War II broke out.

  On November 6, 2018, in London, England, thousands of torches were lit around the Tower of London to welcome the centenary of the armistice in the First World War and to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

  Many countries commemorate the centenary of armistice.

  From 1918 to 2018, it has been a hundred years since the end of World War I. A century of history has given this year’s Armistice Day more commemorative significance.

  Recently, with the approach of November 11th, many countries have held different forms of commemorative activities. In Maize, Belgium, the local botanical garden made "poppies" with thousands of red bottle caps and used them to pose as doves of peace. In London, England, thousands of torches were lit around the famous Tower of London to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

  In France, French President Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May visited Albert, a town in northern France, on the 9th to mourn the officers and men killed in the Battle of the Somme in World War I.. On the 10th, Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the Compiè ne Forest, north of Paris, and visited the train carriages that signed the armistice agreement a hundred years ago.

  The official week-long commemoration in France will reach its climax on the 11th. Leaders of about 70 countries, including the United States, Russia, Germany and Britain, will gather in Paris to attend the centenary of the end of World War I and the peace forum.

  Reflection on war and peace are priceless.

  World War I has become history, but the discussion on World War I has not ended. On the centenary of the end of World War I, the French ambassador to Japan and the German ambassador to Japan also published articles together, reflecting on the history of the war and reviewing the post-war reconciliation process between France and Germany.

  According to the article, the First World War spread to most parts of the world, and many continents ignited wars. For Europeans who lost their loved ones, this war is a terrible tragedy. The long war devoured the population and economic strength of Europe. However, the end of World War I did not bring about permanent peace. Twenty years later, a more tragic war broke out again, which claimed more lives.

  "France and Germany understand the suffering and cost of war. In order not to repeat past mistakes, the two countries are committed to developing close and friendly relations." Ambassador France and Germany said in the article.

  Remembering the painful lessons of history is for mankind to enjoy a peaceful and beautiful future. In today’s world, there are still countless people suffering from war. The international community should draw profound lessons from history, cherish and safeguard the hard-won peace situation, persist in resolving international disputes through dialogue and consultation, strengthen and improve global governance, and safeguard lasting world peace.

  A hundred years after the end of World War I, people put poppies on their chests to mourn the soldiers killed in World War I and remember those who died in the war. And this "little red flower" that has passed through a hundred years is constantly reminding people that war is cruel and peace is priceless!