Culinary zero-skill fresh meat Chan Weiting joins Nicholas Tse in "Twelve Sharps II"




In the third quarter of 2014, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s food reality show "Twelve Flavors" conquered countless "foodies" with its movie-quality graphics, luxurious guest lineup, and wonderful food journey. After a year, the much-anticipated second season of "Twelve Flavors" finally has new news. Recently, Zhejiang Satellite TV announced that the second season of "Twelve Flavors" will officially return in the third quarter of 2015. In the program, in addition to "Fangwei Chef" Nicholas Tse, a fixed lineup of four star celebrities will also be added to the "Fangwei Family". The first member of the "Fangwei Family" to be exposed is "Instant Noodles Big Brother" William Chan, whose culinary skills are identified as zero. It is reported that in order to learn to cook with his "big brother", Chan Weiting also rejected many movie advertising invitations. According to Nicholas Tse’s network accumulated in the entertainment industry over the years and the "terrifying" guest lineup last season, the identities of the other three family members are also very worth looking forward to.

Rate 4 big coffee friends to "Return to Chinese Food" in the third quarter

Nicholas Tse’s group "Fengwei Family" delicious "Ting" can’t come down

In the interview, Nicholas Tse summed up his vision for the second season of "Twelve Flavors" with "This is a return". After searching for food all over the world, he wants to "return to Chinese food culture". In this mysterious and warm journey of Chinese food, Nicholas Tse will lead the "Fengwei family" to travel all over China, explore rare ingredients of Chinese food, promote the extensive and profound Chinese food culture, and create a unique "Fengge" Twelve Flavors with a combination of Chinese and Western methods.

In the first season of "Twelve Flavors", in addition to the unprecedented cast of super stars and the wonderful multi-national food tour, what left the most profound impression on the audience was the exquisite film-quality pictures. The Academy Award-level photography and lighting brought by Nicholas Tse’s own special effects production company PO Chaoting made every frame of the show extremely beautiful, creating a precedent for film-level reality shows. The second season of "Twelve Flavors" will continue to pursue the extreme of the picture, and the photography, lighting, setting, props, etc. can reach the film-level level.

In the first season of the show, although every episode was accompanied by friends, most of the time "Chef Xie" cooked the food alone. In the second season of the show, Nicholas Tse will invite four star friends to form the "Fangwei Family" to accompany him on this food journey. One of the first family members to be exposed is his junior brother Chen Weiting at Emperor Entertainment. When "Da Xihong" meets "Senior Brother" and "Dark Cuisine" collides with "Top Delicious", the fans of the two can’t hold back before the show starts. And after announcing this delicious combination that can’t be "Ting" at all, the other three members of the "Fangwei Family" have become even more exciting. I believe that with Nicholas Tse’s connections, these three guests will not disappoint everyone.

"Instant Noodle Senior Brother" Chen Weiting becomes the first member of the "Fengwei Family"

Refusing movies and advertising invitations for learning to cook is a huge loss

In the promotional VCR released by Zhejiang Satellite TV, Chen Weiting was named the most handsome "big brother of instant noodles" in the dark cooking industry. Chen Weiting himself also revealed in the VCR: "People who know me know that I can’t cook things, and my best is to cook instant noodles." Therefore, as a member of the "Fengwei family", he was able to participate in the second season of "Twelve Frontiers", learn to cook with "Senior Brother Tingfeng", and get rid of the nickname "Chen who can only cook noodles, etc." It became a very happy thing for Chen Weiting. On Weibo, Chen Weiting happily called out "When dark cuisine and so on meet the top Feng, it is so delicious that he has no friends." He also matched it with a proud expression of a doge, and he turned over many fans. Many fans left messages with anticipation: "Is the king finally going to lift the seal of cooking?"

However, if you want to learn cooking skills with Nicholas Tse, the price you have to pay is not small. In order to ensure the smooth shooting of the second season of "Twelve Sharks", Emperor Entertainment Artist Director Hovinci admitted that he had rejected many invitations for films and TV series from Nicholas Tse and William Chan, and even rejected more than ten advertising contracts for William Chan, resulting in huge losses. And this cruel intention is to allow Nicholas Tse and William Chan, the brothers and sisters, to concentrate on the second season of "Twelve Sharks".

Don’t sell, don’t sell, who cares! Carlos Tavares said that he would never sell the brand to China company.

Recently, Carlos Tavares (Carlos Tavares), global CEO of Stellantis Group, was interviewed.

He said that he would not sell Alfa Romeo to other companies and would not sell any Stellantis brand to China people. Finally, I would like to add that the person who let him sell Alfa Romeo now belongs to the same birds of a feather as the person who advocated selling it to Geely and selling MG to SAIC.

Darling, if you don’t sell it, you won’t sell it. Domestic enterprises didn’t say anything about buying it. What do you mean by pulling China enterprises out and shelling them in vain?

Why did Carlos Tavares say that? What do these foreign bosses think of domestic enterprises? Let the Kung Fu car analyze it for everyone.

(1) Have made an enemy and avoided competition?

In fact, long before this remark was made, Carlos Tavares had already made an issue with China car companies. The reason is also very interesting, that is, Carlos Tavares did not dare to compete with China car companies at all.

At that time, Italy felt that it was wrong for Europe to launch a "countervailing" investigation on imported electric vehicles. It could be blocked by administrative means for a while, and finally it had to face the competition directly. Therefore, Italian Minister of Industry Adolf urso expressed the hope that both China and car companies would set up factories in Italy.

According to the information previously exposed, Italy invited and three domestic car companies, but these car companies actually didn’t reply at the first time because they had to consider many issues such as supply chain, after-sales, policy environment and so on.

To a large extent, this is actually only a preliminary contact. Just like the introduction of Tesla in China at that time, it took two or three years from the beginning to the final landing of the factory. As a result, this matter has just started, but the local Italian local strongman Stellantis Group can’t sit still.

It stands to reason that Stellantis Group has many brands, including Italian brands such as,,, and other European and American brands, and its strength is very strong. What did Carlos Tavares do as a result? The answer is directly "forced by death." He said that if China car companies came, Stellantis Group would move all the Italian factories, because they could not directly compete with China car companies.

Boy, this man jumped out to "protect the food" before the word of this matter was clear, and he did it so openly that it was not decent enough in any way. Carlos Tavares also said that the competition between car companies is full of gunpowder, and if you want to win, you must try your best and try your best. As a result, the way he came up with was to suppress your opponent through administrative means.

In contrast, domestic car companies are really too tolerant. When so many joint ventures came in, they didn’t look at the domestic organization of a "The Avengers" or something, so they volunteered to prevent others from building factories. Including the recognized silver carp such as Tesla, it is said that the introduction will be introduced, and it has given more preferential policies than domestic car companies, and no car company has jumped out to "desperate" against the introduction of Tesla.

To put it bluntly, everyone is competing on the same level. If you can’t beat it, you will try to improve yourself. Can you hide it?

(2) only look at the ass, not the results?

Then there is Carlos Tavares’s remarks about Volvo and MG, which sounds equally puzzling. Is it so unacceptable for him that two European brands are carried forward in the hands of domestic car companies?

Before Volvo was sold to Geely, it had changed its doors several times. At that time, it was in the hands of American car companies, and it had been losing money for many years. The reason why Ford sold Volvo to Geely was that it was really out of business at that time. The price of $2.7 billion is not too much now, and for Geely at that time, it was also a gamble.

Moreover, Geely did not buy all Volvo, because many technologies of Volvo were jointly developed with Ford at that time. Even if Geely bought Volvo, many technologies could not be taken away. Therefore, it was necessary to file a lawsuit with Volvo’s board of directors and management. Later, it took a lot of time and energy to set up CEVT, and began to fully apply CMA compact modular architecture. Only then can Geely truly win Volvo.

Geely did make a lot of money, but it can be regarded as keeping the safest brand in the world and making Volvo shine again. Isn’t this a good thing for Volvo?

As for SAIC’s acquisition of MG, it has nothing to do with what Carlos Tavares said. At that time, MG Rover Group had gone bankrupt, and Nanqi only spent 53 million pounds to acquire the MG brand and production facilities. After that, SAIC acquired Nanqi, and MG became the brand of SAIC.

In other words, if it hadn’t been for Nanqi and SAIC, MG, a century-old brand, would have gone into history as early as 2005, just like countless European and American automobile brands. As a result, SAIC bought it and did it, and it was in turn sour by these Europeans and Americans?

Imagine if an Italian company had bought MG at that time, did Carlos Tavares want to blow it to the sky? Fu Building is about to collapse, reshaping this century-old brand. Just because it is China enterprises that have made this happen, they will vilify it for no reason. Isn’t it that the ass decides what the head is?


More importantly, the Stellantis Group itself has invested 1.5 billion euros. It is hoped that with the help of zero-run electrification technology, their planned electrification goals will be realized. For such investment, domestic car companies are basically welcome, and no one stands out against it.

As a result, when domestic car companies wanted to buy foreign brands, he began to get sour.

(3) If you can’t buy it, we are not rare.

Carlos Tavares really represents the idea of many Europeans and Americans, that is, to guard against China enterprises. Geely wanted to buy aston martin before, which was also full of twists and turns. Now, although it has become the third shareholder, I am afraid it will not be too easy to completely enter this British ultra-luxury performance brand.

But don’t worry too much, since you can’t buy it, we are actually not so rare.

The main reason why we wanted to buy foreign brands in the past was that our own brands could not sell at high prices. Everyone naturally distrusts domestic cars, which leads to the impact of domestic cars on the high end, and it is difficult to buy more than 150 thousand. Geely bought Volvo at that time, the biggest purpose was to enhance the brand image. Geely’s technology could not be sold on the market, but it could compete directly with BBA on Volvo.

However, with the arrival of the new energy era, some changes have taken place in the situation, and everyone’s recognition of domestic cars has increased. Take the customer circle as an example, its flagship model, Dading, has exceeded 70,000 vehicles, and more than 80% of users have chosen the top model, with an average transaction price of more than 500,000 yuan. Such achievements have surpassed a number of luxury brands.

In addition to asking the world, brands such as Ideal, Xiaomi have also entered the hinterland of BBA, and are frantically seizing the market.

Therefore, for the current domestic car companies, those brands of Stellantis Group are really not so rare. If you can buy a brand with a certain degree of nationality like MG, it will really get twice the result with half the effort to promote it overseas. However, if we conclude that we can’t leave without foreign brands, then Carlos Tavares really looks down on domestic car companies.

(4) Kung Fu is angry

Consumers like SAIC and Geely’s Volvo and recognize their quality and cost performance. This is the most important thing. For the development of the whole automobile industry, it is the king to continuously provide better products. As for the views of Carlos Tavares, the so-called "big men" in Europe, it’s really not that important.

History is rolling forward, just as the internal combustion engine replaces the steam engine and the high-speed rail replaces the green leather train, it is always impossible to try to drive backwards. I hope that Carlos Tavares will realize the reality as soon as possible. Your little tricks are not easy to use!

Interview with Mary | Don’t let me go on hot search.

It’s a different experience for Mary to play a female star as an actress in the comedy The Killer is Not Too Cold. She likes to be comfortable and eat some pot-stewed barbecue. She thinks Milan in the movie is too particular and tired. Returning to life itself is far more comfortable and comfortable than being exposed to the public eye.

Some netizens teased that Mary was an "iron heroine" and her partner actors were "flowing heroes". This time, Wei Xiang finally became the leading actor, and Mary became the green leaf. Although Mary thought it was "good to be a green leaf these years", four plays, Li Mao Dressing as a Prince, Northeast Tiger, Transcendence and The Killer is Not Too Cold, were released one after another, which was regarded by anyone as an achievement worthy of admiration by actors, and it was hard not to be concerned.

Mary said frankly that he was afraid of the audience’s disgust and dissatisfaction. Different voices will always affect her work. How to balance it? Mary has not found a perfect solution. When she meets a good work and can impress her role, she still wants to shoot. "While I am still young, I can still clap my hands, but I can’t move when I am 70 years old and 80 years old. The audience can’t see it if they want to see it. Let’s bother for a few more years."



ICONSPRO: Milan, which you played in "This Killer is Not Too Cold", is a female star. What is the experience of a female star playing a female star? Will there be a sense of "separation" of identity?

Mary:I am going to play a female star as an actress. Life is completely different from Milan. I like to be comfortable, grounded, eat pot-stewed and barbecue in my life. I believe Milan should not be like this. (Xiaobian: Do you think this difference is interesting? ) I think she is too tired to live, and she is very particular about everything. She should be very particular about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

ICONSPRO: Some viewers think that the temperament of This Killer is not too cold and quiet is somewhat different from previous comedies, with some pathos and sublimation at the end. Do you agree?
Mary: Everyone has a different definition. You say it’s not a simple comedy. Maybe many people say that I think it’s just funny, and some people think that Wei Chenggong, the hero, has mapped many situations in his life. This is what happened on the set of an actor. All walks of life will encounter their own difficulties, and people will always encounter setbacks in their lives. Just like that crab, you make unremitting efforts, and you are not afraid of failure, so start over.

ICONSPRO: Did anything particularly touch you after reading this script?

Mary:The script itself didn’t touch me, but these people touched me, Yan Fei, the Great Devil, because (yes) our director of "goodbye mr. loser" was my Bole, an old friend of Brother Xiang for so many years.

ICONSPRO: "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" tells the story of cheating a walk-on. Did you ever get cheated when you first entered the business?

Mary:I’m lucky that I haven’t really played a walk-on like Wei Chenggong, with no words. After graduation, although I didn’t say many lines in drama, I still had roles and lines. But when it comes to being cheated, I have done an interview and said that I was cheated by a black intermediary. In other performances, I think I am very lucky.

ICONSPRO: What do you think people might get from reading this story besides getting happiness?

Mary:There are not many scenes in Milan, and some pre-history and feelings about this character have not been presented. If you want to say what kind of feeling the whole movie wants to convey to everyone, I think it is happiness, and the rest is another story. Pure is happiness.

ICONSPRO: Some viewers feel that Wei Xiang has finally become the leading actor. As an "iron heroine", do you have different feelings about working with these "flowing leading actors" Teng Ge, Allen and Chang Yuan?
Mary:Just like cooking, each of them is a kind of seasoning. They have Chili, aniseed, vinegar, salt and chicken essence, all of which have their own characteristics. Brother Xiang’s enthusiasm and seriousness particularly touched me, and it hasn’t changed for so many years.

ICONSPRO: This is the first time that I have tried a costume drama (Li Mao as a Prince) and a drama with exotic costumes (Killer). What fresh experiences do you think of these two?
Mary:From this sense of time, you have to turn yourself into an ancient costume, but I hope that in addition to this costume being an ancient person, the performance state and stories are close to our modern life, so that everyone can resonate. This is especially true in Milan. In fact, you said that the life of a star is beyond his understanding, and I can’t understand it. We are all colleagues, and we don’t know how a star lives, because every star’s life state is different, which may also be related to personal habits. Therefore, although the two of them say that their ages are different, their identities are different, and their occupations are different, I hope it is true in performance, and every emotion is the same.

ICONSPRO: Recently, there are four plays "Ba Ping", such as Li Mao Dressing as a Prince, Northeast Tiger, Transcendence and The Killer is Not Too Cold. What’s your feeling?

Mary:Afraid, really afraid, especially afraid that the audience will be disgusted, and others are particularly afraid that the audience will be dissatisfied. (Xiaobian: Do you think that I have appeared too much? ) right. I’m a person who doesn’t like to be seen in public, and I especially like to hide and wrap myself up, that is, don’t let me go on a hot search, and don’t let others see what Mary is like. What I want everyone to see is this role and this work. But as for Mary’s private life or personal part, I hope it will always be sealed and private. I think actors should completely separate work from life. When the exposure of your work is too high, there will be some other voices that will affect my work (Xiaobian: What do you mean by affecting work? ) I will be very anxious, and I will feel what I should do. I think I should shoot less. There are two kinds of voices. One is the audience. I especially hope to see the works. I hope you can shoot more. I said I had a second child two days ago, but many fans are still unhappy. Don’t, you should shoot more pictures of your body. This is a wave of voices. There is another sound that you should stop filming. Have you been kidnapped? Take a break. I’m tired of you, and it’s hard for me. If you don’t listen, sometimes you can really see it. If you see you, you really can’t take it to heart. If you don’t get angry, you should let nature take its course. When you meet a good work that can impress me, I still want to shoot it. While I am still young, I can still beat it. You can’t say that you can’t act in your seventies and eighties. There’s nothing you can do. The audience can’t see it if they want to. Give it a few more years.

ICONSPRO: The roles of these four works are quite different. Did you do any special design for a certain role when shooting?

Mary:I don’t like design. Every character I shoot is different. Although it is the shell of Mary and the image of Mary, I really do some preliminary work with great care and delicacy. Like the coach in Transcendence, which is being broadcast now, I like it very much. She broke a routine state. Is the coach’s severity, she has, but more of a feminine aura, gentle and warm, which I think is shining. When I saw this role, I felt it was shining. I want to thank the director for giving this role life and imagination.

ICONSPRO: The roles of Meiling in Northeast Tiger and Wu Qinghong in Beyond have been well received. Many viewers said that Mary used to be such a good actor in drama. Will he try more types in the future?

Mary:I have seen such comments, but I don’t want different voices to affect me. Like before, I have made some serious dramas, and there will be some voices saying that you still want to play comedies. When you made some comedies, he said, Mary, why do you always play comedies? Give me some serious dramas. At that time, if you find yourself really influenced by these voices, you lose yourself and you lose your direction. Although we serve the audience, we still have to rely on our own feelings professionally. A professional actor can’t be picky, but he should let nature take its course and seize the good role.

ICONSPRO: You just said that you can’t be choosy about a word. Are there any constant standards for taking a show now?

Mary:This is a contradiction, this is a two-way street, saying that you can’t be picky and be very elegant at the same time, and there will be many plays for me. This year, we really think these are not bad. I can’t guarantee the other parts. The part of my role is that our team has polished it carefully. Under our ability and authority, we can do our best, because we have no right to change other people’s plays, and I am not that kind of player. When I come, I will change the whole play, mainly me. Of course, the audience wants to see me, I am very grateful, but we also have empathy. I am willing to be a green leaf based on others. I think it is good to be a green leaf these years. (Xiaobian: Will making green leaves make you feel more comfortable? How to say it, it’s natural that you have no selfishness. I didn’t say how he plays more than me. I don’t have this concept. But now the audience will also want to say that Mary, I bought a ticket for you, and your play is so little. Are you lying to me a little? I’m embarrassed again, because the director has a comprehensive consideration in his mind in the early stage. I think you should do your job well, and I don’t like to fight for anything.

ICONSPRO: The Northeast presented by you and the actors in Mahua FunAge is optimistic, loquacious and funny. The Northeast presented in The Northeast Tiger is depressed and broken, and the Northeast presented in Beyond is simple, warm and powerful. As a northeast person, what do you think of the Northeast?

Mary:I am from the northeast, so my home in the northeast, you said, will be the warmest place and the most loving place. On the road, because I am an actor now, many people know me. Even if they don’t know me, it is most sincere to help each other. I think this enthusiasm and sincerity of the Northeast people is very touching and true.

ICONSPRO: What’s the favorite custom in Northeast China?
Mary:The whole family set off firecrackers to eat jiaozi. I think family reunion is what I miss most.

ICONSPRO: Will you invite relatives and friends to watch your own movies?

Mary:I will. After being an actor, it has become a habit now, that is, I still want to invite my relatives and friends to see a good movie.


"There is a life called Yunnan" leads the new fashion.

  The second meeting of the 14th People’s Congress of Yunnan Province was held recently in Kunming. Wang Yubo, governor of Yunnan Province, said in the government work report that in 2023, Yunnan paid close attention to the rectification of the tourism market order and the improvement of service quality, and added two national demonstration zones for the integration of cultural industry and tourism industry. The cultural landscape of Jingmai Mountain ancient tea forest was successfully applied for, and "there is a life called Yunnan" led the new fashion of tourism development and promoted the high-quality transformation and upgrading of the cultural tourism industry. In 2023, Yunnan received 1.042 billion tourists and the total tourism revenue reached 1.44 trillion yuan.

  The report makes it clear that in 2024, Yunnan will carry out the "six actions" of high-quality tourism development, continuously standardize market order, build "two lines, one belt and one district" and accelerate the cultivation of world-class tourist attractions and resorts. Create an upgraded version of rural tourism, build the most beautiful homesickness tourism belt, and cultivate a number of demonstration sites for the integration of agricultural, cultural and tourism. Improve the brand communication matrix of "There is a life called Yunnan". More than 200 high-level cultural tourism and sports investment projects were launched, 120 new business enterprises and 10 travel agencies with operating income exceeding 100 million yuan were added. The total tourism revenue exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan.

  It is also known that in 2023, Yunnan held a conference on the high-quality development of tourism in the whole province, and issued documents such as "Three-year Action for Building a Strong Cultural and Tourism Province in Yunnan (2023-2025)" and "Several Work Measures for Strengthening the Order of the Tourism Market", and implemented a three-year action plan for rural tourism to boost rural revitalization, and carried out a hundred-day action to rectify the order of the tourism market to promote the overall improvement of the tourism market order.(Yang Yunuo)