A round of financing 5 billion, the foreplay of Landmap IPO begins?

Today, two years had passed since the birth of the Lantu brand. However, the sprint speed of Lantu after breaking 10,000 vehicles was obviously slower than expected. Compared to the top several new energy brands, Lantu’s sales were also pulled apart.

For the "slow" at this stage, Lantu has been prescribing the right medicine and gradually resuming the rhythm of rising. At the same time, it seems to be approaching the IPO step by step.

On November 18, Lantu Automotive announced that it had completed the signing and delivery of the financing agreement for the A round.

Lantu Auto’s Series A financing was actually officially launched in December 2021 and has been in the works for a long time. On August 1 this year, the capital increase information began to be pre-disclosed on the Shanghai United Equity Exchange. It was officially listed on September 13 and ended on October 13.

According to the Lantu official, the total amount of A round of financing is nearly 5 billion yuan, and the market valuation of Lantu after financing is nearly 30 billion yuan. After this round of financing, Lantu will choose the opportunity to continue to carry out subsequent rounds of financing. At the same time, Lantu will also consider the follow-up IPO plan based on the market and regulatory policies.

Rare large-scale financing under the "capital winter"

Entering 2022, the automotive industry has gradually shown a trend of major reshuffle, and the capital markets have become more cautious in betting on new energy vehicle brands. The A round of financing of nearly 5 billion yuan by Lantu Automobile is almost the largest first round of financing in the domestic new energy automobile industry.

Specifically, there are 10 investors in this round of financing of Lantu. Among them, the joint leading investors are the state-owned enterprise mixed reform fund and Bank of China assets, while the following investors include three state-owned capitals of ICBC Investment, Agricultural Bank of China Investment, and Jiaoyin Yuanjing, Wuhan Economic Development Fund, Hubei High-quality Development Fund, and Zhongxin High-tech Investment. Three local state-owned assets, Ganfeng Lithium Industry, Xinwangda Two industries and private capital.

As the big owner, the group invested 900 million yuan. After this round of financing, the group held 78.88% of the shares in Lantu, 12.37% of the A round investors, and 8.75% of the Lantu employee stock ownership platform.

On the one hand, through the introduction of strategic investment, industrial synergy is formed in the upstream and downstream industrial chain, especially the three electricity, marketing ecological cooperation, etc. That is to say, the investors in this round of financing of Lantu Automobile have strategic synergy with Lantu Automobile, and will realize complementary advantages and promote the rapid development of Lantu’s business.

On the other hand, on May 31 this year, the three-year action task of the company’s state-owned enterprise reform was fully completed. As a high-end electric brand that the company has made every effort to build, Lantu Automobile’s financing is also to continue to implement the relevant requirements of the "Double Hundred Enterprises" mixed reform, improve the corporate governance structure, and revitalize the system and mechanism.

According to the plan, this round of financing funds will be used to support Landmap technology research and development, digital system construction, capacity building and marketing investment and other matters related to Landmap’s main business operation and expansion, of which more than 40% of the cost is expected to be used for technology research and development.

Unlike new forces, the background of the "national team" has undoubtedly made Lantu much smoother in the capital markets. However, at the same time, Lantu bears the dual mission of the company’s brand upward and exploring new models of independent brand development, which puts more pressure on Lantu. Therefore, it is likely that Lantu will eventually embark on the road of listing and financing.

What impact does Lantu Auto have on its IPO?

It is not just Lantu that is watching the IPO. Among the new energy vehicle brands incubated by independent traditional car companies, GAC’s Ai’an has officially announced that it will choose the opportunity to attack the IPO, and Avita, JK, etc. have also announced plans for IPO.

As important as Landmap was, they were born with a golden spoon, and they were also a weapon used by car companies to attack the high end. It could be seen that the competition for IPOs from high-end brands of traditional car companies had become increasingly fierce.

In the first half of this year, the entire industry faced the impact of unfavorable external factors such as the epidemic, rising raw material prices, and tight chip supply. During this period, Lantu’s sales also declined. It began to grow month-on-month after June.

According to the official data released, in October this year, Lantu delivered a total of 2,553 new cars, an increase of 154% year-on-year. Since June, the average price of bicycles has exceeded 382,000 yuan. Since August 2021, the Lantu brand has delivered a total of 22,963 new cars.

If you want to IPO, the cumulative sales of Lantu 23,000 vehicles, there is obviously huge room for growth. Of course, Lantu is also strengthening its core competitiveness step by step, especially in the near future, the news of new cars and new technologies is particularly intensive.

First of all, Landmap has a complete technology research and development system and leading technology research and development capabilities. At present, all technologies of Landmap are fully self-developed.

In terms of technology, Landmap has just released the dual layout of ESSA native intelligent electric architecture and central centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture. The official introduction is that the concept and technology of Landmap ESSA native intelligent electric architecture can meet the technical needs of Landmap in the next 8-10 years; the concept and technology of central centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture can meet the technical needs of Landmap in the next 5 years. In addition, Landmap also deploys technologies such as solid-state batteries, hydrogen power, and autonomous driving above L4 level.

Secondly, Lantu’s high-end products have spanned three categories of SUVMPV sedans. Among them, Lantu FREE is positioned as a 300,000-class luxury SUV; Lantu Dreamer focuses on the electric luxury MPV market; the third sedan Lantu Chasing Light will debut next month. After that, Lantu still plans to continue the strategic layout of a new car for a year.

In terms of sales channels, it is also stepping up construction. As of October 31 this year, Lantu has opened 168 stores across the country, and its sales and service network covers 85 cities across the country.

In addition, Lantu is also exploring the international market. In February this year, Lantu Auto officially announced its entry into the European market, landing in Norway for the first time. In September, Lantu FREE officially shipped to Norway and will be officially delivered to Norwegian users at the end of November. Following the Norwegian market, Lantu Auto is also planning to enter Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Israel.

The A-round financing of Lantu will undoubtedly help Lantu’s future layout, and at the same time, the more important role may be to enhance internal and external confidence. Although behind Lantu, there is the support of the group in terms of resources, technology, capital, talents, etc., as one of the leaders of the national team’s new energy vehicle manufacturing, in the face of the industry reshuffle, Lantu also needs to play a 12-point spirit and sprint again.

After all, both past experience and current facts prove that the road to high-end has never been easy. At present, there are very few examples of domestic independent brands that have achieved their goals. If Lantu wants to break through, it still needs to practice its internal and external skills.

Culinary zero-skill fresh meat Chan Weiting joins Nicholas Tse in "Twelve Sharps II"




In the third quarter of 2014, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s food reality show "Twelve Flavors" conquered countless "foodies" with its movie-quality graphics, luxurious guest lineup, and wonderful food journey. After a year, the much-anticipated second season of "Twelve Flavors" finally has new news. Recently, Zhejiang Satellite TV announced that the second season of "Twelve Flavors" will officially return in the third quarter of 2015. In the program, in addition to "Fangwei Chef" Nicholas Tse, a fixed lineup of four star celebrities will also be added to the "Fangwei Family". The first member of the "Fangwei Family" to be exposed is "Instant Noodles Big Brother" William Chan, whose culinary skills are identified as zero. It is reported that in order to learn to cook with his "big brother", Chan Weiting also rejected many movie advertising invitations. According to Nicholas Tse’s network accumulated in the entertainment industry over the years and the "terrifying" guest lineup last season, the identities of the other three family members are also very worth looking forward to.

Rate 4 big coffee friends to "Return to Chinese Food" in the third quarter

Nicholas Tse’s group "Fengwei Family" delicious "Ting" can’t come down

In the interview, Nicholas Tse summed up his vision for the second season of "Twelve Flavors" with "This is a return". After searching for food all over the world, he wants to "return to Chinese food culture". In this mysterious and warm journey of Chinese food, Nicholas Tse will lead the "Fengwei family" to travel all over China, explore rare ingredients of Chinese food, promote the extensive and profound Chinese food culture, and create a unique "Fengge" Twelve Flavors with a combination of Chinese and Western methods.

In the first season of "Twelve Flavors", in addition to the unprecedented cast of super stars and the wonderful multi-national food tour, what left the most profound impression on the audience was the exquisite film-quality pictures. The Academy Award-level photography and lighting brought by Nicholas Tse’s own special effects production company PO Chaoting made every frame of the show extremely beautiful, creating a precedent for film-level reality shows. The second season of "Twelve Flavors" will continue to pursue the extreme of the picture, and the photography, lighting, setting, props, etc. can reach the film-level level.

In the first season of the show, although every episode was accompanied by friends, most of the time "Chef Xie" cooked the food alone. In the second season of the show, Nicholas Tse will invite four star friends to form the "Fangwei Family" to accompany him on this food journey. One of the first family members to be exposed is his junior brother Chen Weiting at Emperor Entertainment. When "Da Xihong" meets "Senior Brother" and "Dark Cuisine" collides with "Top Delicious", the fans of the two can’t hold back before the show starts. And after announcing this delicious combination that can’t be "Ting" at all, the other three members of the "Fangwei Family" have become even more exciting. I believe that with Nicholas Tse’s connections, these three guests will not disappoint everyone.

"Instant Noodle Senior Brother" Chen Weiting becomes the first member of the "Fengwei Family"

Refusing movies and advertising invitations for learning to cook is a huge loss

In the promotional VCR released by Zhejiang Satellite TV, Chen Weiting was named the most handsome "big brother of instant noodles" in the dark cooking industry. Chen Weiting himself also revealed in the VCR: "People who know me know that I can’t cook things, and my best is to cook instant noodles." Therefore, as a member of the "Fengwei family", he was able to participate in the second season of "Twelve Frontiers", learn to cook with "Senior Brother Tingfeng", and get rid of the nickname "Chen who can only cook noodles, etc." It became a very happy thing for Chen Weiting. On Weibo, Chen Weiting happily called out "When dark cuisine and so on meet the top Feng, it is so delicious that he has no friends." He also matched it with a proud expression of a doge, and he turned over many fans. Many fans left messages with anticipation: "Is the king finally going to lift the seal of cooking?"

However, if you want to learn cooking skills with Nicholas Tse, the price you have to pay is not small. In order to ensure the smooth shooting of the second season of "Twelve Sharks", Emperor Entertainment Artist Director Hovinci admitted that he had rejected many invitations for films and TV series from Nicholas Tse and William Chan, and even rejected more than ten advertising contracts for William Chan, resulting in huge losses. And this cruel intention is to allow Nicholas Tse and William Chan, the brothers and sisters, to concentrate on the second season of "Twelve Sharks".

Development and Reform Commission: China’s football will become world-class by 2050 at the latest.

  Yesterday, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Medium-and Long-term Development Plan for Football in China. Planning for the near future to 2020, the medium term to 2030, and the long-term outlook to 2050. The national men’s football team ranks among the top in Asia, and the women’s football team returns to the ranks of world-class teams. In 2050, China will strive to achieve the goal of being a first-class football power.

  ◎ goal

  China Football Dream in 34 Years

  From this year to 2020, China football will take laying a foundation as the development goal, and accelerate the development of campus football. There are 20,000 national characteristic football schools, and the number of primary and secondary school students who regularly participate in football exceeds 30 million. The number of people who regularly participate in football in the whole society exceeds 50 million. There are more than 70,000 football fields in China, making every 10,000 people have 0.5 to 0.7 football fields. In terms of professional football, cultivate two or three first-class and world-famous football clubs in Asia.

  From 2021 to 2030, the campus football, social football and professional football systems operated effectively. Every ten thousand people have a football field. The organization and competition level of professional football leagues in China has reached the first class in Asia, the national men’s soccer team ranks among the top in Asia, the women’s soccer team has returned to the ranks of the world’s top teams, and the image of a big sports country has been further enhanced.

  From 2031 to 2050, we will strive to achieve the goal of being a first-class football power, realize the football dreams of Chinese children and make contributions to the world football.

  ◎ measures

  Encourage undergraduate colleges to set up football colleges.

  In terms of campus football, the Plan requires that football should be included in the teaching content of physical education class, a football teaching guide should be formulated, and online football courses should be developed and made available free of charge.

  The plan puts forward: it is necessary to speed up the training of campus football coaches and referees, incorporate campus football teachers into the national training plan for kindergarten teachers in primary and secondary schools, and train 50 thousand full-time and part-time football teachers; In terms of competitions, a national four-level league of universities, high schools, junior high schools and primary schools will be established.

  In order to encourage students to participate in football activities for a long time, the Plan requires that the proportion of football-specific students recruited by physical education majors in colleges and universities should be increased, students from other majors should be encouraged to take football courses, and qualified undergraduate colleges should set up football colleges and actively set up football majors in secondary vocational schools.

  The construction of football field should be incorporated into land planning.

  The Plan requires that 60,000 football fields be repaired, rebuilt and built nationwide, so that every 10,000 people will have 0.5 to 0.7 football fields, including 40,000 campus football fields and 20,000 social football fields.

  In terms of campus venues, each primary and secondary school with football characteristics should have more than one football field, and qualified colleges and universities should have more than one standard football field, and improve the utilization rate of school football venues. Promote the construction of football stadiums in communities. Each county-level administrative region has at least two social standard football fields, and a football field with more than five players should be built in the newly-built residential area of the city where conditions permit.

  In terms of security, the "Planning" requires that the construction of football fields be included in urban and rural planning, the overall land use planning and the annual land use plan, and it is strictly forbidden to change the land use of football fields; Real estate and land occupied by football venues can enjoy preferential property tax and urban land use tax according to regulations; The price of water, electricity, gas and heat for football venues and facilities shall not be higher than the general industrial standards.

  Perfecting safeguard policies to attract overseas talents.

  The Plan requires that the number of registered players should be gradually increased, and the discovery and selection mechanism should be optimized, so that excellent football players with excellent skills and high literacy can stand out.

  Implement the overseas talent introduction plan, attract high-level football talents to work in China, and improve relevant policies such as entry and exit, residence, medical care and children’s education. On the other hand, football professionals are encouraged to study abroad and more professionals are supported to work in international organizations.

  The Plan encourages communities and enterprises to set up corresponding posts to attract retired athletes and coaches to engage in social football guidance. Accelerate the training of professional football coaches and community football instructors, and the number of rotation training will increase year by year, reaching 10,000 in 2020.

  When Beijing landed.

  There are 200 characteristic football schools in 16 districts.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Education Commission that 200 schools with football characteristics have been identified in 16 districts of Beijing, including 113 primary schools and 87 other schools.

  Last year, Beijing studied and formulated the "Three-year Plan for Promoting the Development of Campus Football", and planned to invest 50 million yuan for football education in primary and secondary schools. At the same time, the football project will be included in the optional test item of the 2016 senior high school entrance examination physical education test (not necessarily tested). In the newly-made football development plan, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission requires qualified primary schools to offer a football class every week. At present, some qualified primary schools have started teaching.

  In terms of venues, all districts are also actively looking for solutions. Last year, Haidian District allocated 10 million yuan to build 10 "cage football fields" to solve the problem of small football venues on campus.

  Introducing foreign teachers to support suburban schools.

  In the construction of football teachers, Beijing has not only sent teachers to France and Britain, but also introduced foreign coaches to Beijing. It is understood that foreign coaches introduced in Beijing will focus on sending them to schools in the outer suburbs.

  At the beginning of this year, three coaches from the Netherlands have arrived in Beijing in advance to teach in three primary schools in Daxing, Fangshan and Xicheng District until the end of August this year. Beijing has also sent a team of coaches based on the Guoan Club to Pinggu District. At the same time, youth coaches hired from Japan go to Pinggu every month to carry out teaching work. In addition, Beijing Football Club has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Yanqing District to support the development of campus football, and when the time is ripe, it will also radiate to other outer suburbs.

  In addition, at the beginning of this year, the Beijing Youth Campus Football Reserve Team Construction Football Winter Training Camp has also been launched. A total of 106 first echelon players were selected from 16 districts in the city, of which 40% were girls.

  In the training camp, Pei Encai, a famous football player, served as the head coach, Ma Yuanan, a former China women’s football coach, served as the technical consultant, Wang Liping and Kun Wang, former main players of women’s football, Liu Lifu and Lu Jianren, former famous players of Beijing team Li Gongyi and Gu Daquan, former Beijing women’s football coach, served as the head coaches of various echelons.

  Famous football commentator Jin Shan

  Campus football and professional football are expected to merge.


  Regarding the "Planning", Jin Shan, a famous football commentator, said: "What was introduced in the State Council before was an idea, and this time it is a concrete measure supported by policies, which has brought positive effects. In response to the problems that have arisen in the past year, the introduction of specific plans has been solved. "

  Teacher Jin Shan pointed out that some people also raised concerns about the specific content of the plan. "For example, it is not as easy as you think to find tens of thousands of qualified teachers and cultivate them to be able to teach. Besides the venue, there are 0.5 to 0.7 football fields per 10,000 people, especially in places with crowded land in big cities. It is still doubtful whether this goal can be achieved. "

  Jin Shan also pointed out that the professional league in China has been developed for 21 years, and it can’t be said that there is no progress, but the normal system was broken from the beginning, which led to the serious derailment of campus football and professional football. After the introduction of this specific plan, people can see the prospect of the real integration of campus football and professional football. "Just like Japan and South Korea, middle school students show super football talent, and college students can also participate in professional leagues. Only in this way can China’s professional football selection have a broad and solid foundation, and the take-off of China football is even more exciting. "

  Fu Qiang, Executive Vice President of Huaxia Happiness Club

  Our established plan will be fine-tuned.

  The promulgation of "Planning" has attracted the attention of various clubs. A number of club leaders said frankly that they should seize the great situation of the country’s vigorous development of football and fully implement the plans made by the club according to itself.

  When talking about the specific planning of the club, Fu Qiang, executive vice president of Huaxia Happiness Club, said, "Last year, Huaxia Happiness invited a consulting company to make strategic planning for the club. After nearly two months of in-depth research in the club’s operation, publicity, youth training, brand, competition, logistics and other specific departments, the other party has formulated a medium-term plan for the club for 5 to 10 years. Our current work is also pushing forward according to the plan formulated at that time. "

  Fu Qiang stressed that the situation of developing football in the country is excellent now, but the plans made for their respective clubs will not change. "We won’t make strategic adjustments in the general direction now, just fine-tuning some details. After all, the formulation of strategic planning is very cautious, and it was decided after long-term investigation and visit. So once it is formulated, it must be fully implemented. "

  Ma Chengquan, Chairman of Super League Company

  Policy no longer stops talking.

  Ma Chengquan, chairman of Super League, said: "It is a good thing to plan it specifically, which will definitely promote the development of football in China."

  Ma Chengquan said that the planning will play a positive role in strengthening the construction of the club, improving the quality of players and strengthening the organization level of the event.

  Ma Chengquan pointed out that the plan was issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, indicating that from top to bottom, all walks of life began to pay attention to caring about football, and also made the previous policy guidelines that only stayed in the mouth really have a basis for landing. "I look forward to the relevant departments, such as the National Development and Reform Commission, the General Administration of Sports, the Education Commission, etc., all based on the planning requirements, earnestly implementing them and cooperating with each other, and really making great efforts to improve the football level in China." Ma Chengquan stressed.

  Jinghua Times reporter Zhang Xiaomin Guo Ying

Just ST Line! 2022 Fox Car Handbook

  [car home Car Handbook] During the Chongqing Auto Show that ended last month, the 2022 (|) was officially launched, with 7 models with different configurations, with the guide price range of 119.8-145.8 million yuan, slightly adjusted compared with the 2021 model. The appearance of the new car has changed greatly, the interior has been modified for details, and all models have returned to the four-cylinder 1.5T engine. Today, let me show you which model of the 2022 Focus is more cost-effective.

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  The 2022 Focus still has hatchback and sedan models to choose from. Except for the entry-level version of EcoBoost 180, which only has sedan models, the other three versions, EcoBoost 180, automatic racing version, automatic ST-Line and automatic S version, can choose hatchback or sedan models according to their own preferences. The hatchback and sedan models of the same version have the same overall configuration level, with only slight differences, which will be briefly explained in this paper.

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  Although the new Focus has all returned to the four-cylinder engine, you must have noticed carefully that the transmission system of the new Focus has become a 6-speed automatic gearbox, while on the old models, the 8AT gearbox is matched with the 1.5T engine. Such a wave of operation is the reduction of the guiding price. However, after comparing the new and old two EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line, it will be found that in addition to the gearbox becoming 6AT, the 10-speaker B&O audio has also become an option, and the rear armrest with cup holder and the rear air outlet are gone. Therefore, the extent of the decrease in the guide price … You can experience it yourself.

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  Here’s a brief introduction to the new Focus. If you want to know more about the static experience of the new car, you may wish to click on the picture link above. Next, let’s take a look at the configuration performance of various models of the 2022 Focus.

EcoBoost 180 automatic competition edition

Recommended index: ★★★

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  As the entry-level version of the new Focus, the automatic competition version is the only one without a hatchback. From the configuration point of view, all-LED headlights and 8-inch all-LCD instruments are among the available configurations, while others belong to the mainstream level of the same class. Of course, one thing to be said here is that the automatic racing version is also the only model in the whole department that uses the rear torsion beam non-independent suspension. I believe that friends who choose to buy Fox still attach great importance to the rear wheel independent suspension, so this entry-level version still lowers the guide price threshold.

EcoBoost 180 automatic racing edition

Recommended index: ★★★

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  Compared with the automatic racing version, the automatic racing version with a guide price of 10,000 yuan has replaced the rear multi-link independent suspension, and also added practical configurations such as keyless entry/start, reversing image, 12.3-inch central control panel and automatic air conditioning. This 10,000 yuan can be regarded as a "comfortable sports bag". So we might as well increase the budget a little and change to an automatic racing version with improved driving comfort.

EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line

Recommended index: ★★★

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  Focus is a compact car that focuses on sports, so this time I chose the automatic ST Line as the most recommended model, because I think the exterior sports kit is necessary, and the 18-inch rim with Michelin PS4 tires is also quite attractive. In addition, the automatic ST Line is also equipped with shift paddles, which can provide more driving pleasure; At the same time, the driver’s assistance function is more comprehensive, and it is also the only optional L2 driver’s assistance in all models. Of course, if your budget is limited, the automatic racing version is also a relatively good choice, but I think the automatic ST Line is a more "real" Fox.

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EcoBoost 180 automatic s version

Recommended index: ★★★

  In all the new Focus models, an EcoBoost 180 automatic S version has been added, and the guide price is 2000 yuan higher than that of the automatic ST Line. If we only look at the configuration table, the configuration difference between the two cars is only the different seat materials, and the latter uses leather/fabric to mix and match seats, while the former is leather/suede mix and match seats. So let’s talk with new car pictures.

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Home of the car

  Whether you are willing to spend an extra 2000 yuan to get this lace, seat material and blue seat belt depends on you. I don’t think the automatic S version of the flower-pulling is meaningful, but the fur-turning seat should be liked by some friends. One more thing, the automatic S version can’t be equipped with B&O stereo and L2 driver assistance, so friends who want to install these can only choose automatic ST Line.

Editor’s comment:

  In this mid-term change, it is undoubtedly the most important point that Fox will return to the four-cylinder engine. The change of design is still a matter of opinion. I think it is not bad, and my colleagues will think it is not as good as the old one. As far as the configuration of all models of the new Focus is concerned, the automatic ST Line is undoubtedly the most comprehensive one. The exterior sports kit, 18-inch rim, shift paddles and rear multi-link independent suspension are all elements that sports cars should have; Of course, if your budget is so poor, it is not bad to choose the automatic racing version. (Text/car home Zhou You)

Worms, spyware … What weapons are there in the US network arsenal?

  A few days after the ransomware "Want to Cry" raged around the world, the tracing behind the scenes finally got a little clue: Kaspersky Lab in Russia and Symantec in the United States said on the 15th that this ransomware may be related to a hacker organization called lazarus. In this cyber attack, they made malicious ransomware by using the hacking tool "Eternal Blue" leaked from the National Security Agency (NSA) network arsenal.

  Reuters once reported that 90% of the expenditure on network projects in the United States was used to develop hacker attack weapons, which could invade the "enemy’s" computer network, monitor people, and paralyze or block infrastructure. Cyber security experts accuse the United States of investing heavily in developing hacking tools instead of self-defense mechanisms, making the global network environment "more insecure".

  Compiled by Wen Junhua, all-media reporter of Guangzhou Daily

  "The ransomware is not developed by the US National Security Bureau, but by criminal gangs, which may be criminals or foreign governments." Bossert, Assistant to the US President for Homeland Security and Counter-Terrorism, said in response to the "Want to Cry" ransomware incident on 15th, but he evaded the question whether the hacking tools leaked by US intelligence agencies would lead to more cyber attacks in the future.

  In fact, the leak of the NSA network arsenal that caused the ransomware rampage was disclosed as early as last August. At that time, a hacker organization named "Shadow Intermediary" claimed to have broken into the "Formula Organization" hacker organization under the NSA and stolen its network arsenal. The "shadow middleman" leaked some of the hacking tools and data through social platforms, and publicly auctioned the complete data package at a high price of 1 million bitcoins (worth about 568 million US dollars), but the hawking did not attract response and widespread attention, and eventually it was auctioned.

  Since then, the "shadow middleman" has tried several times to sell the NSA network arsenal without success. Its latest exposure of NSA network weapons was released in mid-April this year. The organization said that NSA had invaded the international banking system to monitor the capital flow between some banks in the Middle East and Latin America. The hacking tool "Eternal Blue" of NSA network arsenal is believed to have been leaked by "shadow middleman".

  Although the profit-making purpose of the "shadow middleman" has not been realized, the statement that the hacking tools it stole originated from NSA is considered to be highly reliable. Last year, when the "shadow middleman" released some hacking tools and data, Snowden, the exposer of the "Prism Gate" incident, provided an NSA "malware implantation operation manual" to prove that the cyber weapons peddled by the "shadow middleman" carried NSA’s virtual fingerprints. For example, NSA’s "Malware Implantation Operation Manual" instructs operators to use a special 16-bit string "ace02468bdf13579" when using a malware program SECONDDATE. Among the dozens of hacking tools leaked by "Shadow Broker", the tool SECONDDATE is one of them, and its related code contains a large number of this string.

  When it comes to the NSA network arsenal, you can’t avoid the "equation organization". This hacking organization is considered to be a "unwilling to admit" department of NSA, similar to the "fantasy bear" hacking organization in Russia. Before being caught by Kaspersky Lab in 2015, Equation Organization was secretly active for 15 years. According to media reports, because the time and money spent on malware development, mobile technology breakthrough and target blockade are all funded by the state, the project resources are almost unlimited, and Equation Organization has become the "best" hacker organization in the world.

  Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Syria, and Mali are among the top 500 infections in 42 countries made by Formula Organization previously announced by Kaspersky Lab. Due to the built-in self-destruction mechanism of malware, the attack of Equation Organization is difficult to be tracked. Therefore, the hacker tools leaked from this arsenal and some previously exposed attack methods can only represent the tip of the iceberg of the NSA network arsenal.

  Some NSA cyber weapons

  The "Equation Organization" under NSA was discovered and named by Kaspersky Lab. The name comes from their preference for using powerful encryption methods in cyber attacks. In the previous network attacks, they used various attack methods, such as worms, hard disk viruses, spyware, and network-based attacks.

  Fanny worm virus

  Fanny worm is the most powerful worm, which can invade the network isolated by the gateway. Fanny worm virus uses a unique USB-based control mechanism, which is mainly realized by USB disk infection.

  There is a hidden storage area in the U disk to collect basic system information from the isolated network. When the U disk infected with worms is inserted, the collected information can be immediately sent to the attacker in the networked state. If attackers want to run instructions on the network environment isolated by the gateway, they can store the instructions in the hidden space of the U disk through a worm. When the U disk is inserted into the target computer, the worm will automatically recognize and run the instructions.

  "Shenzhen" virus

  It is reported that "Shenzhen" is the first destructive virus specially written for industrial control system, which contains the vulnerability intrusion technology of Fanny worm virus, and can attack Windows system and Siemens SIMATIC WinCC system by using seven vulnerabilities. It is said that it was jointly developed by the United States and the Israeli government.

  The structure of "Shenzhen" virus is extremely complicated and its concealment is super strong. After the computer operator inserts the infected U disk into the USB interface, this virus will gain control of the industrial computer system without any operation.

  During the attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the virus suddenly changed the engine speed in the centrifuge. This sudden change was enough to destroy the centrifuge’s operation ability and could not be repaired. After the centrifuge was out of control, the virus still sent a report of "working normally" to the control room, so that the centrifuge was destroyed without anyone knowing. spyware

  Regin spyware is an advanced stealth malware discovered by Symantec in 2014, which can avoid the detection of conventional anti-virus software. The malware has been accused of being used to monitor the government, companies and individuals since 2008 and is considered to be associated with the NSA.

  Symantec pointed out that Regin spy tool uses a number of stealth technologies, which requires a lot of time and resources, indirectly indicating that it is a product developed by a "country". Regin malware allows hackers to launch a series of remote Trojan attacks, including stealing users’ passwords and data, intercepting users’ mouse clicks, capturing screenshots from infected computers, monitoring network traffic, and analyzing emails from Exchange databases. Hard disk virus

  A report by Kaspersky Lab has revealed that NSA may have implanted a virus in the hard disk firmware to rewrite the hard disk firmware of the infected computer.

  According to the report, because the virus is written into firmware, it can be activated after the hard disk is powered on. This malicious firmware creates a secret information repository, which can effectively prevent military-level disk erasure and reformatting, so that sensitive data stolen from victims can still be used even after reformatting the driver and reinstalling the operating system.

  PHP intrusion code

  Equation organization has been found to use malicious PHP intrusion code to attack loopholes in Oracle’s Java software framework or IE browser, ranging from scientific and technological product evaluation to various websites of Islamic Jihad forum. This invasion is as precise as surgery, which can ensure that only one specific target is infected. In an invasion case, the PHP script of Equation Organization also paid special attention to avoid infecting the IP addresses of Jordan, Turkey and Egypt.

The 4th National College Students Beach Volleyball Championship opened in Laizhou.

    Approved by China University Sports Association, hosted by China University Sports Association Volleyball Branch, Laizhou Municipal People’s Government and Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd., and hosted by Shandong Laizhou Industrial Park, Sanshandao Sub-district Office, Laizhou Sports Office and Laizhou Gold Coast tourism real estate Co., Ltd., the "China Laizhou Sanshandao Gold Coast Cup National University Student Beach Volleyball Championship" was held in the beautiful Sanshandao Gold Coast on the morning of July 3.

    At 9: 00 am on the 3rd, the opening ceremony of "China Laizhou Sanshan Island Gold Coast Cup 4th National College Students Beach Volleyball Championship" was officially held. Yang Liguo, Secretary-General of the Joint Secretariat of the Student Sports Association of the Ministry of Education, Zhu Wanjin, Honorary Chairman of the Volleyball Branch of China University Sports Association, Yang Qingshan, Deputy General Manager of Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd., Liu Guoqing, Deputy Secretary-General of the Volleyball Branch of China University Sports Association, Mei Yaning, Deputy Director of the Department of Physical Education and Physical Education of Shandong Province, Li Chengjun, Vice Chairman of the Volleyball Branch of China University Sports Association, and leaders of Laizhou City Yang Hongxu, Li Ming, Sun Yueting, Liu Jufeng and Liang Yanxia attended the opening ceremony.

    At the athletes’ admission ceremony, about 300 athletes from 36 universities, including Tsinghua, Peking University and Shandong University, and 59 teams marched into the stadium.

    After the flag-raising ceremony, Li Ming, deputy secretary of Laizhou Municipal Committee and mayor, first extended a warm welcome to the leaders, guests, referees, coaches and athletes attending the opening ceremony on behalf of Laizhou Municipal Committee, Municipal Government and 860,000 Laizhou people! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to sponsors such as Shandong Gold Group and various news media who care about and support this tournament! Li Ming said that Laizhou is a city with prosperous economy, harmonious society, beautiful environment and full of vitality. It is a coastal city that loves sports and has superior conditions and mass base for hosting competitive sports events such as beach sports and water sports. The National College Students Beach Volleyball Championship was held in Laizhou, which provided a rare opportunity for Laizhou to expand foreign exchanges and cooperation and promote the development of sports, tourism, culture and other industries. As the host, Laizhou will do its best to provide first-class service for the success of this tournament.

    In his speech, Liu Guoqing, vice-chairman of the Volleyball Branch of China University Sports Association, first expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Laizhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and Shandong Laizhou Industrial Park for hosting the tournament, and extended cordial greetings to the participating teams. He said that the purpose of college students’ sports competition should be "educating people", and he hoped that this competition would become a big stage for college students to exchange feelings and improve the level of volleyball, and that this competition would become a model competition with the best service and the highest level.

    This competition is a large-scale national competition, with the theme of "Harmonious Laizhou, Welcome to the Olympics". The beach volleyball competition for college students in China started in 2005 and is held once a year. Last year, Laizhou hosted the third volleyball competition at a high level for the first time. This competition is the one with the largest number of participants and the largest number of teams. There are professional groups and amateur groups in the competition, especially the women’s group has Asian level, which is of great significance to promoting beach volleyball in China. (Laizhou feed)

Editor: Liu Li

Cold air strikes again on the 26th! Need to pay attention to temperature changes in time

  With the end of the cold wave weather

  this morning

  Northeast of Northwest China, Inner Mongolia

  North China, Huanghuai and other places

  The temperature has obviously risen.

  The local temperature rise range is 8-12℃

  Starting tomorrow

  There will be cold air affecting our country again

  Estimated 26th to 28th.

  Cold air affects the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and most of its northern areas.

  The temperature in most areas will drop by 4 to 6℃

  Central Inner Mongolia and parts of the eastern part of Northeast China

  Up to 8 to 12℃

  Southeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern Heilongjiang, central and eastern Jilin

  There is moderate to heavy snow in parts of eastern Liaoning and other places.

  In addition, attention should be paid to the influence of strong winds.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to release this morning.

  Gale blue warning

  It is expected that today

  Central Inner Mongolia, northern Xinjiang and western Gansu

  There will be 5 to 6 grades in central and eastern Qinghai.

  A gale of magnitude 7.

  The southwestern part of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Province Strait, and the east of Taiwan Province.

  Bashi channel, northern and central South China Sea.

  There will be 7 to 8 grades in the southwestern part of the South China Sea.

  A gust of 9 winds.

  Meteorologists reminded

  Next ten days

  The cold air that affects our country is frequent.

  Around 30 days

  There will also be cold air affecting central and eastern China from north to south.

  Need to pay attention to temperature changes in time

  Add clothes in time

  Beware of high incidence of diseases in different seasons


  Be alert to the adverse effects of windy weather on traffic travel.

  Stay away from temporary structures, billboards, etc.

  Pay attention to travel safety

(Central Meteorological Observatory)