Don’t sell, don’t sell, who cares! Carlos Tavares said that he would never sell the brand to China company.

Recently, Carlos Tavares (Carlos Tavares), global CEO of Stellantis Group, was interviewed.

He said that he would not sell Alfa Romeo to other companies and would not sell any Stellantis brand to China people. Finally, I would like to add that the person who let him sell Alfa Romeo now belongs to the same birds of a feather as the person who advocated selling it to Geely and selling MG to SAIC.

Darling, if you don’t sell it, you won’t sell it. Domestic enterprises didn’t say anything about buying it. What do you mean by pulling China enterprises out and shelling them in vain?

Why did Carlos Tavares say that? What do these foreign bosses think of domestic enterprises? Let the Kung Fu car analyze it for everyone.

(1) Have made an enemy and avoided competition?

In fact, long before this remark was made, Carlos Tavares had already made an issue with China car companies. The reason is also very interesting, that is, Carlos Tavares did not dare to compete with China car companies at all.

At that time, Italy felt that it was wrong for Europe to launch a "countervailing" investigation on imported electric vehicles. It could be blocked by administrative means for a while, and finally it had to face the competition directly. Therefore, Italian Minister of Industry Adolf urso expressed the hope that both China and car companies would set up factories in Italy.

According to the information previously exposed, Italy invited and three domestic car companies, but these car companies actually didn’t reply at the first time because they had to consider many issues such as supply chain, after-sales, policy environment and so on.

To a large extent, this is actually only a preliminary contact. Just like the introduction of Tesla in China at that time, it took two or three years from the beginning to the final landing of the factory. As a result, this matter has just started, but the local Italian local strongman Stellantis Group can’t sit still.

It stands to reason that Stellantis Group has many brands, including Italian brands such as,,, and other European and American brands, and its strength is very strong. What did Carlos Tavares do as a result? The answer is directly "forced by death." He said that if China car companies came, Stellantis Group would move all the Italian factories, because they could not directly compete with China car companies.

Boy, this man jumped out to "protect the food" before the word of this matter was clear, and he did it so openly that it was not decent enough in any way. Carlos Tavares also said that the competition between car companies is full of gunpowder, and if you want to win, you must try your best and try your best. As a result, the way he came up with was to suppress your opponent through administrative means.

In contrast, domestic car companies are really too tolerant. When so many joint ventures came in, they didn’t look at the domestic organization of a "The Avengers" or something, so they volunteered to prevent others from building factories. Including the recognized silver carp such as Tesla, it is said that the introduction will be introduced, and it has given more preferential policies than domestic car companies, and no car company has jumped out to "desperate" against the introduction of Tesla.

To put it bluntly, everyone is competing on the same level. If you can’t beat it, you will try to improve yourself. Can you hide it?

(2) only look at the ass, not the results?

Then there is Carlos Tavares’s remarks about Volvo and MG, which sounds equally puzzling. Is it so unacceptable for him that two European brands are carried forward in the hands of domestic car companies?

Before Volvo was sold to Geely, it had changed its doors several times. At that time, it was in the hands of American car companies, and it had been losing money for many years. The reason why Ford sold Volvo to Geely was that it was really out of business at that time. The price of $2.7 billion is not too much now, and for Geely at that time, it was also a gamble.

Moreover, Geely did not buy all Volvo, because many technologies of Volvo were jointly developed with Ford at that time. Even if Geely bought Volvo, many technologies could not be taken away. Therefore, it was necessary to file a lawsuit with Volvo’s board of directors and management. Later, it took a lot of time and energy to set up CEVT, and began to fully apply CMA compact modular architecture. Only then can Geely truly win Volvo.

Geely did make a lot of money, but it can be regarded as keeping the safest brand in the world and making Volvo shine again. Isn’t this a good thing for Volvo?

As for SAIC’s acquisition of MG, it has nothing to do with what Carlos Tavares said. At that time, MG Rover Group had gone bankrupt, and Nanqi only spent 53 million pounds to acquire the MG brand and production facilities. After that, SAIC acquired Nanqi, and MG became the brand of SAIC.

In other words, if it hadn’t been for Nanqi and SAIC, MG, a century-old brand, would have gone into history as early as 2005, just like countless European and American automobile brands. As a result, SAIC bought it and did it, and it was in turn sour by these Europeans and Americans?

Imagine if an Italian company had bought MG at that time, did Carlos Tavares want to blow it to the sky? Fu Building is about to collapse, reshaping this century-old brand. Just because it is China enterprises that have made this happen, they will vilify it for no reason. Isn’t it that the ass decides what the head is?


More importantly, the Stellantis Group itself has invested 1.5 billion euros. It is hoped that with the help of zero-run electrification technology, their planned electrification goals will be realized. For such investment, domestic car companies are basically welcome, and no one stands out against it.

As a result, when domestic car companies wanted to buy foreign brands, he began to get sour.

(3) If you can’t buy it, we are not rare.

Carlos Tavares really represents the idea of many Europeans and Americans, that is, to guard against China enterprises. Geely wanted to buy aston martin before, which was also full of twists and turns. Now, although it has become the third shareholder, I am afraid it will not be too easy to completely enter this British ultra-luxury performance brand.

But don’t worry too much, since you can’t buy it, we are actually not so rare.

The main reason why we wanted to buy foreign brands in the past was that our own brands could not sell at high prices. Everyone naturally distrusts domestic cars, which leads to the impact of domestic cars on the high end, and it is difficult to buy more than 150 thousand. Geely bought Volvo at that time, the biggest purpose was to enhance the brand image. Geely’s technology could not be sold on the market, but it could compete directly with BBA on Volvo.

However, with the arrival of the new energy era, some changes have taken place in the situation, and everyone’s recognition of domestic cars has increased. Take the customer circle as an example, its flagship model, Dading, has exceeded 70,000 vehicles, and more than 80% of users have chosen the top model, with an average transaction price of more than 500,000 yuan. Such achievements have surpassed a number of luxury brands.

In addition to asking the world, brands such as Ideal, Xiaomi have also entered the hinterland of BBA, and are frantically seizing the market.

Therefore, for the current domestic car companies, those brands of Stellantis Group are really not so rare. If you can buy a brand with a certain degree of nationality like MG, it will really get twice the result with half the effort to promote it overseas. However, if we conclude that we can’t leave without foreign brands, then Carlos Tavares really looks down on domestic car companies.

(4) Kung Fu is angry

Consumers like SAIC and Geely’s Volvo and recognize their quality and cost performance. This is the most important thing. For the development of the whole automobile industry, it is the king to continuously provide better products. As for the views of Carlos Tavares, the so-called "big men" in Europe, it’s really not that important.

History is rolling forward, just as the internal combustion engine replaces the steam engine and the high-speed rail replaces the green leather train, it is always impossible to try to drive backwards. I hope that Carlos Tavares will realize the reality as soon as possible. Your little tricks are not easy to use!

Look at Chinese football! The film channel broadcasts the national theme film "Grab the Fireworks"

Special feature of 1905 film network Speed, bravery and fierceness … … This is a contest between strength and wisdom! It is the favorite of the brave! Fireworks grabbing is a sport for the brave, and it is known as "Eastern Rugby". It is popular among Zhuang and other ethnic minorities, and it is a traditional folk sports activity with strong national characteristics. It has a history of more than 500 years.

Every year, on the third day of the third lunar month, the Zhuang compatriots will hold a "fireworks grab" on this day.

Those who grab the fireworks indicate that the next year will be rich, prosperous and prosperous, and winning the first fireworks is a symbol of a beautiful year, representing the glory and blessing of the new year.At 20: 15 pm on April 28th, the minority sports film produced by the film channel., will be the story of Zhuang youth in Yunling Town, northern Guangdong Province, participating in the city’s minority games.Xu ZhanOpen.

The life of Zhuang people in remote mountainous areas exudes a strong local flavor, which we are not familiar with at ordinary times. This film can let more audiences know about the national sport of "Fireworks Grab" and feel the new atmosphere of beautiful countryside from a small perspective.

In order to renew the store for his girlfriend, earn money to buy a house and get married, the land flying (decoration) volunteered with the simplest utilitarian motive and teamed up to represent the town in the fireworks competition.He gathered a group of idle and confused Zhuang youths together, raised the team flag in the training ground and built the Yunling Flying Leopard Team.

On the land, I flew to find some young Zhuang people with special talents, such as Iron Head Kung Ah Quan, Scud Monkey, Hercules Down Brothers, Invincible Straw Pack Four Seas, Singer Shisanlang and Orchid Finger Long Hair.These young people have their own characteristics, but they all have their own difficulties. They are not perfect and even have many shortcomings, and the fireworks competition has rekindled their hopes.

"Yunling teenagers have high ambitions, and Qi Xin works together to win fireworks."In order to prove their value, this group of "teenagers" shed sweat and enthusiasm on the training ground. In the arena, they violently robbed, hid or threw, and the atmosphere was tense, warm and exciting.

During the training and competition of fireworks, the lives of these young people have changed dramatically.Sports competition inspired their high morale and courage to work hard. They bid farewell to their past selves, and the original Yunling Flying Leopard team became a brave champion.

With the collective efforts, they gained friendship, self-esteem, love and dreams, and completed their self-growth.Sharpen a sword every ten years. The film has gone through 12 years from planning and preparation to release, and the creative team has put a lot of effort into it. 

The director of the film said: "We strive to make" Fireworks Grab "a masterpiece with ideological, artistic and commercial features."

In order to make this film well, the director is very strict in the choice of actors.In order to select the fireworks team actors with good physical quality, he requires professional actors who have played the habit and physical strength of the whole basketball game or half-court football game every week to be eligible to run for the role.

Before shooting, the director dragged all the actors to the shooting location to live and train with the local real fireworks players. After more than half a month’s study, almost all the actors were exposed to the sun. During the training, these actors gradually became real fireworks players.

In the process of shooting, all the actions of training and competition must be completed by the actors themselves. Because of the fierceness of sports competition, actors are constantly injured to varying degrees, but no one has backed out because of this, but the more they fight, the braver they become.

As we all know, sports plays are not easy to shoot, and it is even more difficult to shoot well, which is especially difficult for small-budget films.

In order to enhance the visibility of the film, the director used some skills of China Wushu for reference, designed many difficult movements with acrobatic performances, and incorporated them into the fireworks competition, which showed us the new expansion and new realm of sports-themed films. 

As an intangible cultural heritage, the fireworks grab is a folk cultural symbol and a carrier of national memory inheritance. 

The film "Fireworks Grab" not only presents the traditional custom and sports of Fireworks Grab to the audience more vividly and truly, but also promotes the inheritance and promotion of China’s national tradition and folk sports culture through the film.This era needs this kind of good film full of positive energy and giving people spiritual baptism.

For example, Tang Ke, director of the film channel creation department, said: "The biggest feature of this film is that it has achieved a mix of genres, and it is a film with real low cost, positive energy and great feelings."

Therefore, this film, which was filmed in Lianshan, Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, integrates love, sports, intangible cultural heritage, ethnic minorities and positive energy, and pays attention to the life and destiny of ordinary Zhuang people in remote mountainous areas. From the shooting to the completion of production, it has received attention and appreciation from all walks of life.

Tan Zheng, editor-in-chief of Film Art, said: "This film has fully recorded and presented the folk custom of’ fireworks grabbing’ with vivid and rich images, which is a powerful fulcrum for the development and inheritance of folk culture. In addition, it is also related to the development and protection of minority cultures, which can attract everyone’s attention and attention. "

It is reported that the creative team has donated the film copy to China Film Archive for permanent preservation, so that more people can learn about China folk sports and protect and inherit the intangible culture.

"Flying leopards in Yunling, who dare to grab fireworks, are all heroes.""Fireworks" inherits not only the sport of fireworks, but also the spirit of endless and tenacious struggle!

At 20:15 on April 28th, the movie "Grab the Fireworks" produced by the movie channel will meet with you for the first time. Let us appreciate the cultural value and spiritual charm of folk sports together!