Don’t complain Fan Bingbing propaganda period love: one is willing to fight one is willing to suffer

??1905 movie network feature Recently, there was a promotion period called "Fan Bingbing and Li Chen". I believe everyone is familiar with this sentence, and even this topic is so popular that Fan Bingbing himself is talking about it. As the most commercially valuable female star in the entertainment industry, I feel that Fan Bingbing can pull a man to date at any time during the promotion period.

Fan Bingbing complained to the media that he was "aggrieved"


??At the end of 2014, "The Legend of Wu Meiniang" was on the air, which made this "queen style" still hot. "Big head sticker", "nun look", and "Meiniang makeup" were all hot-searched terms during the TV broadcast, but the most concerned by netizens was "Chen Binglian". Since the TV broadcast, the love affair between the two has been exposed, and on the day of the finale of "The Legend of Wu Meiniang", it was revealed that the two had engaged. The incident originated the night before the finale. Li Chen said on Weibo: "It’s snowing, if we don’t use umbrellas and keep walking, can we go all the way to Baitou…" Less than ten minutes later, Fan Bingbing posted on Weibo: "It’s very simple to love someone. After good night, I want to say good night. It’s snowing in Beijing tonight." Such imaginative words made many people believe it was true. "Fan Bingbing is really getting married!"

Fan Bingbing Li Chen Weibo screenshot


??Recently, Fan Ye was about to be released, and Fan Ye brought his team to start publicity all over the country, and came to one place to leave a topic. Even Wu Mochou, a co-actor who had no sense of existence for a long time, was exposed to have lived with his Bole Haring. Although he later denied that the news was a rumor, he also earned a lot of topics at the time. Wu Mochou’s hype method was too obvious, which caused Harlin to criticize Wu Mochou. In response to the media, he said: "Cohabitation is not a fact, and it is not good for both parties to keep spreading rumors, especially girls." It is not difficult to see from the word "especially" that Harlin is very dissatisfied with the hype of his beloved disciple, and "warned" her that girls should still keep clean.

Wu Mochou was exposed to be living with Harlem


??Even if Fan Bingbing also wants to rely on "dating" to gain attention and achieve the effect of promoting new works, the current star is not ******. When more and more netizens attack her for "hyping a shameful relationship", in order to maintain her ima*****he star will inevitably take corresponding measures to prevent the incident from developing in a bad direction. But the media will not stop there. How can a topic that has finally started, how can it be so easy to end the interest of netizens. So as long as Fan Bingbing appeared at the press conference, all the reporters asked questions with all their strength, even though before the opening, the organizers had stipulated that reporters should not ask questions about love affairs, and various media would always come up with the answers he wanted. So Fan Bingbing also responded "aggrieved" at the press conference: "I especially don’t want to respond to any questions about the relationship. As for the promotion period that everyone said is called’Li Chen and Fan Bingbing ‘, but this is not what I want to say, it’s what you keep asking."


Fan Bingbing was pressed by the media and helplessly drilled into the table

??In fact, this was not the first time that Fan Ye had "complained" about the media. As early as the thank-you meeting of "The Legend of Wu Meiniang", Fan Bingbing had smelled that he would be "complained", or maybe the TV series had ended and there was no need to promote it. At the thank-you banquet, a crowd of media flocked to surround the heroine Fan Bingbing, while Fan Ye changed his previous "Golden Sentence King" style and resolutely did not speak. When a large number of media found that the "containment" still couldn’t pry Fan Ye’s mouth, they changed to "act cute" and said to Fan Bingbing: "Just say a little bit." Faced with this situation, Fan Ye, who had seen all kinds of big scenes, seemed at a loss, got under the table and grabbed the tablecloth on the dining table to cover his head, and his former domineering image was completely gone. Finally, it was the agent Mu Xiaoguang who came to relieve the siege, and Fan Bingbing struggled to leave the main table and enter the elevator. He responded to the media with a sweet smile, without saying a word throughout the process.


??Journalists are really struggling to do this. Journalists from all over the world are now using "all their strength" to interview celebrities in order to get the best and fastest news, no matter the method is inappropriate, the result is the most important. When the media reported the news of Yao Beina’s death earlier, it was criticized by netizens. The incident immediately caused an uproar when three reporters followed the doctor who performed the cornea donation surgery for Yao Beina into the morgue to photograph the body without the permission of the family. Discussion about how the media can properly report the news also sparked a war of words on the Internet. Nowadays, the news of Fan Bingbing’s love affair with Li Chen was reported on the media’s large pages. After earning quite a few hits, he began to "complain" that Fan Bingbing liked to fall in love during the promotion period. He really felt aggrieved for "Fan Ye" and asked, isn’t this what the media just wanted?


??The entertainment industry is like a hot pot. The clear soup pot with clear water is always so unexciting, and no matter what dish is eaten, it tastes the same. But although the spicy pot is sweaty, the taste will always make people unforgettable. The media is like the "spreader", "adjusting oil and vinegar" in the entertainment industry creates various topics to attract attention. No matter what "dish" the star is, it will make consumers taste it with relish when placed in the spicy pot. So stop complaining that stars love to hype, and the media doesn’t help to promote it, how can it be fried?

Gold supporting actor Wu Mengda was admitted to the hospital with cancer, which is not far from us ordinary people

Those who love to watch Hong Kong movies must be familiar with Wu Mengda. The nonsense comedy he once cooperated with Zhou Xingchi swept the Chinese film industry. As an old-timer in the Hong Kong film industry, many peers and juniors respectfully called him "Uncle Da".

On February 20, according to Hong Kong media reports, Wu Mengda was ill and admitted to a cancer hospital in Hong Kong. Tian Qiwen revealed Wu Mengda’s condition in an interview.

"Wu Mengda was found to have liver cancer before the Lunar New Year, and the cancer has begun to spread. He recently completed surgery and entered the chemotherapy stage. He is so weak that he can’t even speak."

Perhaps knowing the danger of liver cancer, Hong Kong media reported that Wu Mengda had made wills for his five children.

When it comes to celebrities suffering from liver cancer, it is actually quite a few. The famous poet Wang Guozhen, the Hong Kong film and television actress Shen Dianxia, Fu Biao, Luo Wen, and the famous musician Zhao Yingjun… They all died of liver cancer.

Liver cancer is not far away from us.

Statistics show that the number of new cases of liver cancer in the world in 2020 is about 910,000, the number of deaths is 830,000, and the number of deaths ranks third among all cancers! In terms of gender, men are far ahead of women in various data!

The scope is narrowed down to domestic,Our country accounts for 55% of the world’s liver cancer patients.Global average liver cancer in 2020The number of new cases is about 410,000, and the number of liver cancer deaths is 390,000, ranking second among all cancers.

Understanding liver cancer

Liver cancer was once called the "king of cancers."In China, on average, one person is diagnosed with liver cancer every 67 secondsOn average, one person dies from liver cancer every 74 seconds (2015 data).

In our country, the high incidence of liver cancer has an important pathogenic factor – more than 100 million people with chronic hepatitis B/C patients. More than 80% of liver cancer patients have a history of chronic hepatitis B/C virus infection, and the course of the vast majority of liver cancer patients in our country follows this path:

Chronic hepatitis such as hepatitis Bliver cirrhosisliver cancer

After being infected with the virus, many patients do not receive timely treatment and gradually develop into chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and liver cirrhosis. On the basis of liver cirrhosis, it is found that there are space-occupying lesions or elevated alpha-fetoprotein in the liver, which basically reaches the level of precancerous lesions of the liver.

Liver cancer is very insidious, with fewer early and mid-stage symptoms that are difficult to detect, and once signs such as ascites, abdominal mass, and severe jaundice appear, it is often advanced…

How to cause liver cancer

The following factors can all contribute to liver cancer, including:

Water pollution, hepatitis virus infection, eating moldy food,Long-term mood changes, long-term consumption of high-salt and smoked foods,heredity.Alcoholism, staying up late, taking too many drugs.

Liver cancer symptoms

There may be no obvious symptoms in the early stage of liver cancer. When patients with liver cancer experience uncomfortable symptoms, they are mostly in the advanced stage of liver cancer

Some liver cancers develop from cirrhosis, and the symptoms of cirrhosis are to some extent equivalent to the symptoms before or in the early stages of liver cancer, including:

Loss of appetite, bloating, weight loss, yellowing of skin and white eyeballs, deepening of urine color, bleeding, "liver palms (red on both sides of the palm) ", red moles on the skin of the chest and back, female menstrual disorders, female amenorrhea, decreased male libido, male hair loss, male breast development, dark skin, low fever, edema, varicose veins in the abdominal wall, etc.

Liver cancer survival

In general,Early liver cancer did not spread and metastasize, Surgical resection is a more effective treatment method. After resection, with radiotherapy and chemotherapy,The 5-year survival rate can reach over 60%.

Once advanced, especially after the tumor has metastasized, the surgical effect is much worse. If the patient cooperates with treatment, the survival time is slightly longer, and vice versa.

Liver cancer tests include

Blood test tumor indicators

Abdominal ultrasound

Puncture biopsy – A small sample of liver tissue is taken under a microscope to determine whether it is cancerous.

Liver cancer treatment options

Surgery to remove the cancerous part

Liver Transplantation – Replacing a diseased liver with a healthy liver

Ablation therapy – kills cancer cells in the liver without surgery and can be done with heat, microwaves, lasers, or radiation

Immunotherapy – ready-to-use drugs work with the immune system to block cancer growth

Chemotherapy – using drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their growth

Prevent liver cancer

1. Vaccination against hepatitis B starts with the prevention of chronic hepatitis B to prevent the occurrence of liver cancer.

2. Patients with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C should receive standard antiviral treatment.

3. Avoid eating moldy foods to reduce aflatoxin exposure.

4. Avoid drinking water containing microcystins.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should pay attention to chronic disease control and strengthen physical examination.

6. People at high risk of liver cancer should undergo regular screening to test for tumor markers and liver imaging.

The emphasis here is on drinking,Drinking alcohol can be said to be the most damaging thing to the liver!

The main component of alcohol is ethanol. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, it only takes 15 minutes for 50% of the ethanol to enter the bloodstream, and 45% of it will go to the liver! It is conceivable how much damage long-term drinking can do to the liver. Over time, fatty liver and alcoholic liver follow one after another. Alcoholic hepatitis is also prone to secondary cirrhosis until the occurrence of liver cancer.

In addition, I would like to say that the elderly must pay attention to their personal health. When we are young, we can do whatever we want with our bodies. However, once we enter the threshold of middle age, our body’s immune function will decline and we will be more susceptible to diseases.

The People’s Daily published an article entitled "How Many People Have Not Survived the Dangerous Period of 45-55?", which states:45-55 years old is a high-risk period in lifeDuring this period, various diseases were highly susceptible to outbreaksThe doctors called it"The Swamp of Life’s Journey"

Doctors divide a person’s life into four important periods:

0-35 years old – healthy period

During the most active period of life, various tissues and organs of the body develop from the beginning to perfection, and their physical functions are at their best.

35-45 years old – the stage of disease formation

People’s physical functions decline, and some organs begin to decline, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, and diabetes symptoms begin to appear.

45-55 years old – during the outbreak of the disease

Many diseases explode at this stage, especially heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

55-65 years old – a safe transition period

If you are lucky enough to have no obvious symptoms of disease after the age of 65, later life is a relatively safe period.

This age group happens to be at the peak of life and career. They often work overtime and are in a state of sub-health. They are burdened with family responsibilities, old and young, and bear both mental and economic pressures. During this period, they have the most frequent interpersonal relationships, social entertainment, frequent drinking and smoking, and are most susceptible to illness.

Therefore, don’t neglect your own health just because you are young and strong, and wait until some diseases are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Therefore, remember one truth:Never make fun of your health!

Football originated in China, why can’t it be played in modern times? It has something to do with Zhu Yuanzhang’s prejudice against Cuju.

When it comes to football, I believe many students will think of ancient cuju in China. There is no doubt that football originated from ancient cuju in China. In 2004, FIFA confirmed that cuju in ancient China was the earliest prototype of football. # You don’t know the history of football #

So, when was Cuju invented in ancient China? The "Ju" in Cuju can be traced back to the stone balls in the cultural site of Ding Cun 100,000 years ago. At first, it should be a hunting tool. In the late primitive society, stone balls kicked by feet and hollowed-out pottery balls appeared.

However, it is not known from the development of stone balls to the inventor of Cuju. According to Liu Xiang’s "Bielu", it is said that Cuju was invented by the Yellow Emperor and began to be used in military training. The bow was made of leather and filled with hair.

The earliest accurate and credible written record of Cuju was in the Warring States Policy and Historical Records. In 285 BC, that is, during the Warring States Period, Cuju was recorded as an activity with both military and recreational nature.

When introducing the living conditions of people in Linzi, the capital of Qi State, Qice wrote: "There are 70,000 households in Linzi … which are very rich and real, and all of them are people who play the flute, drum instruments, percussion, playing the piano, fighting cocks, walking dogs, playing six blogs and squatting."

It can be seen that cuju has developed into a popular way of sports in Linzi, the capital of Qi during the Warring States Period.

During the Han Dynasty, Cuju ushered in a period of rapid development. Cuju can be used not only for entertainment and performance, but also for competition and training. It is estimated that many students can’t believe that Cuju will be used for training. This is because Cuju can not only train soldiers’ physical fitness, but also enrich military life.

If Han Dynasty was the first peak of Cuju’s development, then Tang and Song Dynasties was the second peak. After improvement, Cuju started with a solid ball stuffed with hair and became an inflatable ball. Because of the lower cost of football, more ordinary people could afford to play Cuju. With the increase of the number of Cuju, there were teams and norms dedicated to Cuju, and organizations specializing in Cuju competitions appeared in the Song Dynasty.

Having said that, everyone must first think of Gao Qiu, the first master of cuju in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, because Song Huizong liked cuju very much when he was the king of Duan, and when Gao Qiu sent something to the palace of Duan, he inadvertently showed a few hands, thus being left behind by Zhao Ji. After Zhao Ji became king, he began to promote Gao Qiu.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, due to the gradual popularization of cuju, Japan often sent Tang envoys to China at that time, and brought the game of cuju back to Japan. Today, football is still called "cuqiu" in Japanese and Han Wenzhong, which is also influenced by China’s cuju.

Why did China Cuju, which was still at its peak in the Tang and Song Dynasties, fall out of fashion in the Ming and Qing Dynasties? Even after the mid-Qing Dynasty, football turned from export to domestic sales and reappeared in the eyes of China people.

All this stems from an imperial edict of Zhu Yuanzhang. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, it was different from the situation that the previous generation used cuju as a means of military training. Zhu Yuanzhang thought that cuju was a sign of being a plaything, because Zhu Yuanzhang had an old rival named Zhang Shicheng, and Zhang Shicheng’s troops liked cuju very much. However, when Zhang Shicheng was at war with Zhu Yuanzhang, it was simply vulnerable. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang thought that cuju would not help the improvement of soldiers’ military literacy. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that the Ming army would not be allowed to cuju in the future, and offenders would be punished.

Because this order only prohibits soldiers from playing cuju, but not the people, it actually abandons the function of competition and training, while the people play cuju more for entertainment and viewing.

Therefore, in Ming Dynasty, cuju was still popular among the people, but most of them were women. At that time, cuju was a talent show, just like a brothel woman performing singing and dancing. Although there were several emperors who liked cuju in Ming Dynasty, it was even recorded that the emperor organized eunuchs and maids to play cuju in the palace, but at that time, cuju had developed into a very lightweight thing, and even developed into kicking shuttlecock, which completely deviated from the development of modern football.

During the Qing Dynasty, there were few records about cuju. When the Qing army entered the customs, cuju was banned in the Eight Banners during the Shunzhi period, and cuju was combined with skating, resulting in the movement form of "cuju on the ice".

While the development direction of football in China is crooked, western countries are keen on playing football, and Britain is the first country to popularize modern football.

According to legend, in the 11th century, there was a war between England and Denmark. After the war, when the British were cleaning up the ruins of the war, they found the skull of a Danish invader. They were in resentment, so they kicked the Danish skull with their feet to vent their dissatisfaction. Later, everyone felt that it was very difficult to kick the skull, so some smart people thought of replacing the skull with a cow’s bladder, so there was the origin of modern football.

It can be seen that the birth of modern football itself is full of bloodshed and killing. The initial football match is not just an entertainment, but more like a confrontation.

Generally, two cities take part in a football match. The host throws the football into the air. At the beginning of the game, both sides rush into it, not only shouting, but also running and kicking. Which side can kick the ball to the downtown area of the other side is the winner.

The strong desire to win or lose makes the participants on both sides crazy. In order to win, when the football rushes into the residents’ houses in the middle, the players will rush in and kick around, often leaving the houses in pieces. Therefore, when there is no football match, the people have to close their doors and wait until the end of the game before they dare to leave the house.

Under the strong opposition of the people, the British government had to make a ban, stipulating that football matches can only be played in open spaces, but not in downtown areas, so there was a special football venue.

By 1848, the first written rule of football, Cambridge Rules, was born, which was made between Oxford and Cambridge for a football match. The rule was that only 11 people played in each team, and this rule continued until recently.

In 1862, the world’s first football club was established in Nottinghamshire, England. On October 26th, 1863, the world’s first official football organization, the English Football Association, was established in London, England. This day was also regarded as the birth day of modern football. Since then, with the further improvement of the rules of the game, football has quickly spread around the world.

It can be said that while modern football is flourishing, the ancient cuju in China is evolving into a shuttlecock-kicking sport. Do you think that the decline of modern football in China is related to Zhu Yuanzhang’s ban on military cuju? Welcome to discuss in the comments section below!

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation

    Where does the dream stop? In the blood of thoughtful people, dreams never stop; Just like Meizu, an occasional interview with this low-key and uninhibited style enterprise reminds me vividly. "Many enterprises like Cartier are centuries-old, so we are in no hurry." There is only one new product in a year, which proves Meizu’s seemingly unhurried rhythm. Not radical Meizu has time to accumulate, which brings us many memorable things.

    Back to Meizu, it has been named as a dream work since MX. Since it has such a heavy name, it should be worthy of such a heavy meaning; After three generations of succession, the dream is reborn again. What form does this dream appear?

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The ultimate dream comes again. Meizu comprehensive evaluation

more Easy to use big screen "

    "Easy-to-use big-screen mobile phone", Meizu quietly added a word "more" in front of the press conference. This self-confidence comes from both internal and external considerations. The brand-new big screen design has many details that are invisible and carefully carved for use. The brand-new Flyme 3.0 system has also made countless adaptations to match the big screen.

    Simple, clean, beautiful and easy to use can summarize the overall impression of Meizu; In addition, I’m afraid there is more pragmatism-you can’t see the so-called somatosensory feeling that you gesture for the sake of gestures and put it on the shelf for a few times, but more is the expansion and perfection of the sliding screen operation that you must use every day.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The ultimate dream comes again. Meizu comprehensive evaluation

product name Meizu MX2(16GB) meizu mx3 Main screen size 4. Main screen resolution 1280×800 pixels 1800×1080 pixels Screen pixels per inch 347ppi 415ppi Cell phone size 124.9×64.9×10.2mm 139.0×71.9x9.1mm operating system Flyme 2.0 Flyme 3.0 CPU model MX5S Samsung Exynos 5410 GPU model Mali-400 MP PowerVR SGX544 MP3 RAM capacity 2GB 2GB battery capacity 1750mAh 2400mAh Front camera pixel 920 thousand pixels 2 million pixels Rear camera pixel 8 million pixels 8 million pixels aperture f/2.4 f/2.0

Meizu parameter comparison MX2

    Let’s take a brief look at this better and fresher big-screen mobile phone from a video. Due to the tight production time, many interesting places can’t be reflected in the video. You can continue to look at the detailed evaluation behind.

Survey area: a small survey of mobile phone use(Click preview to see the effect)

Meizu aesthetics, gentle and jade-like fuselage design

    On the exquisiteness of the fuselage, at first glance, there are not many other machines that can compare with Meizu. In flagship machine, which is still in its prime, Meizu’s requirements for the exquisiteness of the fuselage are a bit like One (not counting the Bank of China …), but there is no metallic shadow like the latter. Meizu conference said that this is the most beautiful today, and this statement is true. It is really not easy to achieve this effect and style by polishing the pure plastic texture without the idealism of Meizu.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Meizu with big screen

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
White appearance on the back, the design is basically the same as MX2.

There is inheritance and progress.

    As a "easy-to-use big-screen mobile phone", Meizu adopts a 5.1-inch 1800×1080 resolution screen; Let’s not talk about the resolution of 15:9, but the screen material comes from Sharp’s New Mode2, which is also used in Meizu MX2. In fact, it is the combination of CGS and IPS technology. Aside from the technical terms that are confusing, we will show the actual display effect of Meizu screen in the following screen shots.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The resolution is still strange 1800×1080.

    In addition to the screen, Meizu followed the design of ultra-narrow bezel, which was reduced from the original 3.15mm to 2.9mm; But the visual difference is almost invisible. In addition, the handset design at the top of the screen still follows the MX2 style, and the front camera is moved to the edge of the screen.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Border is narrower than MX2.

The HOME key function has been re-endowed.

    MX2′ s unique small circle HOME button design is still retained on it, with higher brightness and many different gestures; Here is a brief introduction to several functions that the HOME button can play, and we will also introduce them in detail in the introduction of Flyme 3.0.

    1. Long press: the screen will automatically go out and lock the screen;
    2. Screen lock slides upward: unlock the screen directly;
    3. Double-click on the screen lock interface: Start;
    4. Act as breathing light: When there are missed calls or unread text messages.

    The overall size of Meizu is 139.0×71.9×9.1mm, which is about 1mm thinner and 7mm wider than MX2. Because the screen resolution is 15:9, Meizu looks slightly fatter and shorter than ordinary big-screen mobile phones, but it is only a gap of 1~2mm. The weight of the whole machine is 149 grams, which is in the middle level among the mainstream 5-inch models.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The side looks very thin.

product name vivo X3 Samsung S4 sony l36h OPPO Find 5 meizu mx3 Main screen size 5 inches 5 inches 5 inches 5 inches 5.1 inches Cell phone size











Mobile phone weight 150g 130g 146g 165g 143g

 Meizu size and weight contrast mainstream 5-inch screen mobile phone 

   Meizu’s color scheme is still classic black before and white after. Since Meizu MX2 has launched an all-white version, the possibility of launching is not ruled out. The white shell here is no longer a "white+transparent" double-layer injection molding, but an IML thin-walled single-layer white shell, which can be opened with the attached card opener; However, the built-in 2400mAh battery still cannot be disassembled.

    Meizu’s microSIM card slot needs to open the back cover to insert the card, but the attached card opener is not easy to use. Opening the back cover is still as difficult as the previous MX/MX2.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
It is still an 8 megapixel back-illuminated camera, and CMOS has been upgraded.

    The positions of the camera, fill light and logo on the back shell are similar to those of MX2, and the noise-reducing microphone between them is a brand-new element. Meizu MX2 added a metal frame between the screen and the back cover. What is valuable is that this design is also retained on it, which is a good thing for the strength of the fuselage, but the frame is thinner than before.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Integral forming structure

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
metal framework

Meizu aesthetics gentleman is gentle as jade.

    If traced back to the style of founder J.Wong, Meizu has more or less a literary style from beginning to end; Meizu’s big and simple design fits the taste of this company well. On the basis of MX2, it is bigger but thinner, thinner and without losing the touch. Meizu CEO Bai Yongxiang’s sentence "If you have a better-looking mobile phone, let me have a look" is enough; Only from the appearance, there are few mobile phones that can be so exquisite without metal. The only disadvantage is that the back cover is soft and difficult to open. The author is not familiar with this material and technology, and its durability needs to be verified for a long time.

Compared with MX2, it has a larger and thinner curved and comfortable appearance.

    As a big screen for the first time, Meizu and MX2 will have a relationship more or less. Aside from the upgrade of Flyme 2.0, let’s compare it with MX2 in appearance. Of course, first of all, the change in screen size is the most direct, from 4. to; In addition to a better visual experience, it is also more convenient to use with Flyme 3.0. The resolution is increased to nonstandard 1080p (the vertical resolution is reduced compared with 1920), and the ratio of 15:9 is still very special.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Meizu contrast MX2

    In addition, the borders at the top and bottom of the front screen are reduced, and the bottom area is narrower; The receiver design at the top of the screen is very similar, but the 2 megapixel front camera is moved to the corner of the screen instead of the receiver.

    The back is changed from the double-layer acrylic injection shell of MX2 to a single layer, and the thickness is reduced; There is no difference in the layout of the main elements except the addition of noise-reducing microphones.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The back material is changed and the design is basically the same.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
They are all 8 million pixels, and the CMOS models are different.

Convergent edges and corners highlight "smoothness"

    Of course, the advantage of 9.1mm thickness is obvious in vision, especially the original angular periphery of MX2 is completely rounded and curved, which makes it more comfortable to hold in your hand than before. In addition, the thickness of the metal frame connecting the screen and the back cover is also reduced.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The edges and corners become smoother.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Arc design that fits the palm of your hand

    The change of the shape is not particularly big. In my opinion, except for being thinner, the arc treatment around it really makes the hand feel a higher level. Again, at present, you can hardly find such a delicate large-screen mobile phone with a plastic shell.

    Remember the invitation letter sent by Meizu before? Compared with the "handmade wooden model" of the invitation letter, the real machine is still very close in appearance, but Meizu obviously left a hand, and the thickness of the real machine is indeed thinner than this piece of wood.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Meizu MX2, and a unique invitation letter for the conference.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The handmade version is really very close to the real machine, but the real machine is thinner.

Display effect comparison iPhone5/ Meizu MX2

    Bigger and thinner is the common pursuit of this era, and even the screen has become the object of "abuse" for thinner. As we all know, at present, people usually put three screens-Protective glass layer, touch layer, display layer-two of them are fused together to reduce the thickness slightly. On the technology of integrating glass and touch layer, Meizu used TOL from TPK.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Display effect contrast MX2

TOL fusion technology CGS display technology

    This technology is opposite to OGS, which we often hear, and it is a technology that combines the glass of the screen with the touch layer. The difference is that TOL is a large piece of glass cut into small pieces, and the single piece is strengthened and plated with ITO conductive touch layer; OGS, on the other hand, is an ITO conductive touch layer after a large piece of glass is simply strengthened. In principle, the former is stronger. At present, only Meizu MX2 and TOL technology are used for mass production of mobile phones.

    In addition, as for the separate display layer, the New Mode 2 LCD technology adopted by Meizu from Sharp mainly includes the combination of CGS (a variant of LTPS for Apple) +IPS, dynamic brightness adjustment and dynamic refresh rate control PSR. Well, it’s meaningless that so many nouns don’t turn into actual effects, so let’s compare them with real shots.

    Meizu on the left, MX2 in the middle and 5 on the right. Three mobile phones are adjusted to their maximum brightness.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Comparison of solid color display effect

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Comparison of solid color display effect

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Comparison of solid color display effect

    The difference of solid color display effect is extremely small, and it is slightly saturated in blue display, and the other difference is only the difference in brightness; According to official information, the brightness of Meizu is 450 nits. For comparison, the maximum brightness of iPhone 5 is about 522 nits (official data is 500 nits).

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Compare the maximum brightness of Apple’s iPhone in previous dynasties

    The actual picture display effect is real shot, with Meizu on the top, iPhone 5 on the bottom left and Meizu MX 2 on the bottom right; The same is the maximum brightness of each.

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Comparison of actual picture display effect

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Comparison of actual picture display effect

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Comparison of actual picture display effect

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Visual angle contrast

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Visual angle contrast

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Visual angle contrast

    In terms of viewing angle, the iPhone 5 is the best, and some photos of Meizu are warmer, while the color saturation and brightness attenuation of Meizu MX2 are more serious at large angles. In terms of product iteration, Meizu’s improvement in screen display effect is worthy of recognition.

The flat trend of Flyme 3.0 is fresh and eye-catching

    As Meizu’s Android-based customized system, Flyme also inherited Meizu’s simple aesthetics from the beginning. Compared with MIUI’s feature-rich fever style, Flyme strives for simplicity in appearance and function items. During this period, there are also many elements such as gesture operation and animation, and functions such as Smart Bar have also been added to Flyme 2.0.

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Flyme 3.0 and 2.0

    Back to Meizu, first of all, from the lock screen interface, in addition to adding some colors, the original clock, power display and other elements have not changed much. In terms of function, Flyme 3.0 is more simple. The function of sliding to open the phone or SMS interface on Flyme 2.0 was cancelled, and the function of sliding to open the camera left or right was also cancelled. That is to say, on Flyme 3.0, you can only push up to unlock it. I guess that it should be on such a big screen machine. These three places of Flyme 2.0 seem to be difficult to operate because it is not easy for hands to reach the edge of the screen, so Meizu simply took them off on Flyme 3.0.

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The unlocking interface is simpler (Flyme 3.0 on the left, the same below).

    In addition, the double-click function of the original virtual HOME button "dot" has also been cancelled, and it has been changed to slide from bottom to top; Slide over the HOME dot, and the screen will unlock after it flashes twice. Of course, this dot also has the function of "double-clicking to start" in the screen lock interface. 

Fresh? Simple? Well, it’s actually flattening

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Interface design of Meizu Flyme 3.0

    I have to say that the changes in Meizu’s UI are amazing enough. As a technology product, this interface can no longer be literary; Of course, you can also say that it has a lot of shadows of iOS 7. Who made the wallpaper style so similar and flat?

    The icon says that if the previous Flyme 2.0 icon like "camera, map, settings, tape recorder" has some quasi-materialized shadows, it also uses local highlights and shadows. But in Flyme 3.0, it is completely the so-called flat design of Yishui.

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Flyme 3.0 icon with flat design

    Just as many people were not used to it when iOS 7 first came out flat, it depends on your own needs whether you like imitation or flat. However, in the big picture, whether it is mobile Android, iOS or WP8, or desktop system Windows 8, etc., similar flat designs are chosen, and the colors and lines are also very concise.

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Flyme 3.0 icon comparison 2.0

    In terms of visual effects alone, Flyme 3.0 is still excellent-for example, on Flyme 2.0, many icons may be visually protruding and floating on the screen surface, but on Flyme 3.0, the icons are almost integrated with the screen; Regardless of whether it looks good or not, it looks at least comfortable, and the gradient style of the overall tone is also very eye-catching.

Gesture background start mode

    In the era of Flyme 2.0, double-clicking the HOME circle can start the list of recent tasks in the background, and sliding an icon "Throw" up or down can turn it off. The "Settings" icon on the far left side of the slide can empty all the backgrounds.

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Demonstration of background operation mode of Flyme 2.0

    On Flyme 3.0, this function has also been further improved. The startup mode has changed to slide up from the bottom of the screen and on both sides of the HOME button (although there are no physical or virtual buttons on both sides on the surface), and the cleaning mode has changed to just slide up and "throw out", while sliding down in any area is to empty all background tasks. If you want an application to stay in the background without being cleaned up, long press its icon to lock it, and long press it again to unlock it.

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Demonstration of background operation mode of Flyme 2.0

    Because there is only one virtual key on the front of Meizu’s entire fuselage, let’s mention the gestures that this HOME button can achieve;

   1. Long press: the screen will automatically go out and lock the screen;
    2. Screen lock slides upward: unlock the screen directly;
    3. Double-click the screen lock interface: start music;
    4. Act as breathing light: When there are missed calls or unread text messages.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
The HOME button function has been innovated.

    As you can see, it is still different from many gestures on Flyme 2.0/ or Meizu MX2; The highlight of this time is the operation of up =Back, and both sides of the HOME button have also become touch areas that can be up.

One-handed operation Sidebar gesture/card design

    Although it is a big screen, Meizu has not added anything like "one-handed operation". How can it be advertised as "a good big-screen mobile phone"? The reason is that Flyme 3.0 has added a lot of gesture operations. Of course, they are not unreliable operations from a distance, but simple sliding screens like iOS.

    For example, many Meizu applications are designed according to the card type, and Tab is also the standard in the Android design specification Top Bar; Flyme 3.0 supports sliding screen to switch between card tabs, which is smooth and easy to use.

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Card interface design

    There was a favorite function of dragging files in the previous system. Long press and drag a file, and you can directly drop it into the directory on the left.

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File drag function in document

    In addition, in the notification center, Meizu can also slide a notification to delete it; Of course, some notifications cannot be deleted, such as "connecting as a media device". However, the sliding SMS deletion function like iOS did not appear on Flyme 3.0, or it was similar to dragging files.

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Sliding delete notification

    Considering the adaptation of large screen, one-handed operation is impossible, but it must also be considered. After all, no one can spare other hands in an emergency. The change made by Flyme 3.0 for this purpose has become a "sidebar gesture"-it doesn’t sound easy to understand. Let’s take an example: For example, in the setup menu, considering the large screen, it is almost impossible for us to reach the second "network" icon on the left with our right hand, so swipe the screen to the right at this time, and a detailed list with words will appear on the left. At this time, it is easier to find the "network" option.

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Sidebar menu

    Of course, in addition to settings, this sidebar menu can also be seen in many places in the system, such as documents and.

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Sidebar menu in document

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Sidebar menu in music

    The most one-handed action in Meizu is probably "drop-down hovering". The operating range of one hand is always limited on the big screen. For example, the upper left corner is almost a blind spot on any machine, which means it can’t be operated. If it’s a button, it’s fine, but if it’s a list, it’s not necessarily so..

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Drop-down hovering demonstration

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Drop-down hovering demonstration

    Meizu’s Flyme 3.0 has added the patented function of drop-down hovering. For example, if you want to reach the top one in the video list of the document, the range of one hand and finger is beyond your reach. At this time, as long as you have a buffer to drop the list (it’s not possible after the author tries it fast, it must have a rhythm), the list will stop in the center for a second or two, and the video originally at the top will reach the center of the screen, so you can reach it now.

Smart Bar with a long way to go and learning.

    Since Android 4.X, the physical keys have not been used, but the three buttons of "Back, HOME and Menu" have been moved to the screen, and the tangled place has appeared. The reason is that the Navigation Bar of the bottom three buttons has occupied a part of the screen area, and the Action Bar of the application has occupied a part. The original vertical screen space of 1280 or 1920 pixels has been ruthlessly cut off directly.

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Android design specifications Action Bar and Navigation Bar

    Therefore, the appearance of Meizu Smart Bar is to integrate the functions of Navigation Bar and Action Bar. The buttons of the system and the function keys of third-party applications can be integrated into one bar to save screen space and make the visual effect simpler. But the difficulty is that although the Navigation Bar at the bottom is unified and will not change, the Action Bar of each application can be customized, and it will be very difficult to integrate them.

"China Apple" Gorgeous Turn Quad-Core Meizu MX2 Evaluation
The main function in Flyme 2.0-Smart Bar (picture quoted from the network)

    It is said that the Smart Bar in Meizu has added a learning function, which can record the different position of the same "back key" every time you press it. For example, the back key is originally on the left, and you are often used to pressing it on the right, so the Smart Bar will move the virtual position of the "back key" to the right more and more to suit your clicking habits. Because we haven’t used it for a long time, and the maximum range of such changes is 10 pixels, we haven’t found such a function to work.

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Working principle of Smart Bar

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Horizontal screen status Smart Bar

    Meizu’s ideal is very good, but despite the Flyme 3.0, according to the author’s trial, using SmartBar in Meizu system and its own APPlications is still very flowing, but each app will customize Action Bar according to its own needs, and there are not many people who follow the design specifications in the spirit of "open Android", so it is not easy to integrate.

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Usually you need a specially adapted version of the APP.

    What’s more, today’s screen size is getting bigger and bigger, and the area occupied by Navigation Bar and Action Bar is getting smaller and smaller. Whether more and more APP developers will care about "occupying the screen" and "not looking good" and follow the Android 4.0 standard is not an optimistic thing.

High-quality resource cooperation of music and video platform

    As a manufacturer transformed from MP3, Meizu has never taken music as its biggest selling point, but it has always been at the forefront in terms of sound quality (but I really hope that J.Wong, who is such an enthusiast in legend, can launch a mobile phone with better and more professional sound quality); Meizu has always been matched with Ousheng’s independent audio chip before, and this time it still uses Ousheng WM5102 independent decoding chip, and the signal-to-noise ratio of parameters is as high as 113dB. Compared with the previous generation, the signal-to-noise ratio is increased by 7 times, the earphone force is increased by 3 times, and the THD distortion rate is reduced to 0.002%.

    We will not make a detailed sound quality evaluation here, but talk about music and multimedia resources for the time being. As you can see, Meizu not only widely supports lossless music (WAV, APE, etc.), but also cooperates with others to launch online music.

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    It is said that there are as many as 3 million songs in terms of resources. Of course, what is more attractive is that there are as many as 300,000 lossless music. The same is true for video, and the partner is LeTV; However, it seems that there is no VIP and other benefits attached.

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    Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered something. The author also used the last generation Meizu MX2 for a long time. Except for the signal problem, it has always been a tangled problem that the ringtone receiver sound is small. Since Meizu should change the decoding chip and the speaker chip that can increase the volume by three times, it is better to verify this statement.

Meizu external playback volume test

Meizu MX2 external playback volume test

    We used a decibel meter to test the volume output of Meizu and MX2 playing the same song at the maximum volume, and the results showed that it was still 8~9dB larger than MX2 on average. According to the conversion of 3dB, it is also well-founded to increase the volume by three times. Of course, it is still untenable that the sound is not broken. Meizu obviously has a broken sound at the maximum volume. If you really need a loud external sound, it is a perfect state to reduce the maximum volume by one or two files.

Still more than 8 million scenes are actually tested.

    The unexpected Meizu is not too impulsive in taking pictures. The 8-megapixel CMOS is not even the latest stacked type, but the best back-illuminated IMX179. It has a photosensitive pixel size of 1.4μm, which is 36% larger than the common photosensitive pixel area of 1.12 μ m (13 million pixels).

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8 megapixel camera

    Meizu’s brand-new "zero-delay photography" technology can avoid shutter jitter at the moment when you press the camera button and select the best picture from the past 1/5 second; But I am most interested in it.20 high-speed continuous shooting per second, and all of them are full-size with 8 megapixels., is currently the fastest continuous shooting speed.

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Built in filter

    Let’s test Meizu’s photography level in different scenes. All proofs keep the original big picture and EXIF information for reference.

Daytime proof performance:

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 42                      
Exposure Time: 1/2222 Exposure Compensation: 0EV White Balance: Automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 43                      
Exposure Time: 1/1666 Exposure Compensation: 0EV White Balance: Automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 43                      
Exposure Time: 1/1666 Exposure Compensation: 0EV White Balance: Automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 44                      
Exposure Time: 1/2222 Exposure Compensation: 0EV White Balance: Automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 43                      
Exposure time: 1/909 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Backlight proof performance:

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 44                      
Exposure time: 1/5000 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Indoor proof performance:

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 84                      
Exposure time: 1/100 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 42                      
Exposure time: 1/170 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 42                      
Exposure Time: 1/243 Exposure Compensation: 0EV White Balance: Automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 140                      
Exposure time: 1/25 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Macro performance:

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 209                      
Exposure time: 1/10000 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

    Meizu’s camera gives a very low ISO value (less than 100) during the day and in the automatic mode of a small number of indoor proofs, so we can see that it performs very well in the purity of the picture, and it is difficult to see the appearance of noise. Moreover, the outdoor with sufficient light controls the color accurately, and there is less color overflow. However, in some scenes with large light, there is a phenomenon of missing details in the dark.(Comment from Chang Liang, technical editor of Zhongguancun Online Mobile Phone Division)

    As for the night scene, I suggest that you don’t use automatic focusing+metering; For example, in the following scene, when we tried to shoot fully automatically, the ISO soared to 885 as a result of focusing and metering in the center of the picture. Although the exposure was sufficient, the color performance was poor and there was a little more noise.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 885                      
Exposure time: 1/25 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

    After we manually lowered the ISO, we adjusted the ISO to 400 and 200 respectively. Although the overall picture is not so bright, it feels a lot cleaner. However, the ISO here can’t be adjusted too low, because under the influence of the shutter speed threshold, when the shutter speed continues to be adjusted to ISO 50, the shutter speed is still maintained at a relatively safe 1/15s without becoming longer, and the picture at this time is rather gloomy.

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 400.                      
Exposure time: 1/15 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 200                      
Exposure time: 1/15 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

More night proofs:

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 400.                      
Exposure time: 1/15 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 261                      
Exposure time: 1/25 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 400.                      
Exposure time: 1/15 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 200                      
Exposure time: 1/19 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

More proofs indoor and outdoor macro night scenes

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 52                      
Exposure time: 1/50 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 54                      
Exposure time: 1/100 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 43                      
Exposure time: 1/33 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 45                      
Exposure time: 1/50 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 55                      
Exposure time: 1/50 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 44                      
Exposure Time: 1/2857 Exposure Compensation: 0EV White Balance: Automatic

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
                    Focal length: 5mm aperture: f/2.0 ISO sensitivity: 42                      
Exposure time: 1/163 exposure compensation: 0EV white balance: automatic

Eight nuclear’s CPU performance is more than hot and not ideal.

    Meizu unexpectedly adopted Exynos 5410 as the processor; The dual quad-core structure adopts four Cortex-A15 cores with the best performance that ARM has put into practical use, and also adds four Cortex-A7 cores (hereinafter referred to as A15 and A7), which are interconnected by CCI-400 of ARM. Switch between A15/A7 according to the size of the workload.

Analysis of True and False eight nuclear Samsung GALAXY S4 Exynos5410
Exynos 5410 (image from Samsung)

Analysis of True and False eight nuclear Samsung GALAXY S4 Exynos5410
Differences between A15 and A7 core specifications (image from AnandTech)

    The dual quad-core Exynos 5410 uses PowerVR SGX544MP3, which works at 533MHz, and has twice the triangle generation ability of SGX543MP4 used in iPad 3, and its computing power can reach 51.2GFLOPS. This performance is slightly inferior to Apple’s iPad 4, Adreno 320/330 and Tegra4, which has not yet been released, and it is still greatly improved compared with the previous mainstream GPU.

Analysis of True and False eight nuclear Samsung GALAXY S4 Exynos5410
Comparison of mainstream SoC GPU specifications (image from AnandTech)

    As for the actual experience, we haven’t had enough time to collect big game tests in the GPU part, but simply used the frame number test of epic castle to evaluate it; Ultra High has a super high picture quality and the average frame rate is 43.1fps under the condition of approaching 1080p, which is good enough; In contrast, the Xiaomi 2 frame number of Adreno 320 with 720p resolution is close.

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Epic castle test

Comparison of Redmi millet
Epic Castle Runfen 2

    Because the core hardware is similar to, the running points are basically the same; The average score of the three AnTuTu 4.0 Beta tests is about 25,000, which is considered as the top performance in flagship machine at present. See the appendix for more tests.

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Meizu running points summary

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu evaluation summary:

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation
Meizu evaluation summary

    Although there is no metal or skin-friendly coating in appearance, it still feels good, mainly due to the back arc design; Relatively speaking, the edges and corners of MX2 are a bit awkward. The surrounding workmanship is also very exquisite, and the metal frame between them is full of security, except that the battery is not detachable and the back cover is not easy to disassemble.

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Meizu evaluation summary

    The changes in the system are much flatter and more literary, depending on whether you like it or not; To be honest, this tone looks really comfortable and eye-catching. On the contrary, you will feel tired when you go back to see the UI full of highlights and shadows in the iOS 6 era. The HOME gesture is practical, and both sides become touch areas, but the misoperation rate is still quite high when it is often held in the hand. In addition to the HOME button gesture, many sliding screen gestures designed for large screens are a highlight, and one-handed operation is not only a simple and rough way like "one-handed keyboard".

    Although Meizu is inheriting and carrying forward Android design standards, it will take time whether the chaotic situation can satisfy its desire to promote Android UI design back to an orderly state with things like Smart Bar.

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Meizu evaluation summary

    Exynos 5410 in hardware has both advantages and disadvantages, such as high performance, and disadvantages, such as staying at the stage of only opening four cores at the same time, running four cores at the same frequency, and unsatisfactory switching granularity. And although Meizu talked about the heat dissipation technology used on it, the heat and heat dissipation of Exynos 5410 is still not optimistic in the world.

     Simple, clean, beautiful and easy to use can almost summarize the characteristics of Meizu as a big screen; The appearance changes little but it is more convenient, and the system changes little but the sliding screen and sidebar gestures are pragmatic and effective. The products made by a small number of thoughtful manufacturers are getting more and more interesting, which is enough to make many international manufacturers lose their competitiveness.

Attachment: Professional Running Test 1

Comprehensive performance test—


The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation

    Super Rabbit System Evaluation AnTuTu is a software specially designed for Android system, which can run complete test items with one click, and pass many performance tests such as memory performance, CPU integer performance, CPU floating-point performance, 2D and 3D drawing performance, database I/O, SD card reading and writing speed, and score the overall and individual hardware performance of the mobile phone. At the same time, upload scores and check the ranking of the device in the world.

    Basemark OS

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    BasemarkOS is a software for measuring the overall performance of equipment system level, and the test items include system test (standard according to application, message service, Java, file operation, storage, database, and Bluetooth, dialer, etc.). Graphic testing (2D imaging, graphic scaling, JPEG, PNG and GIF encoding and decoding, 3D game testing); Use example tests (calendars, contacts, etc.).

    Quadrant Advanced Edition

    Developed by Aurora Softworks, Quadrant is a veteran mobile device performance testing tool. Its testing scope includes 12 CPU tests, 1 memory test, 4 I/O tests, 1 2D graphics processing test, and 3 3D graphics processing tests, and finally the comprehensive score of a tested device is fed back. Devices without GPU units cannot run this software. Theoretically, the higher the score, the stronger the hardware comprehensive performance of the tested equipment.

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    Quadrant includes three versions: Standard, Advanced and Professional. The Advanced version not only provides the final test results, but also provides offline browsing and advanced settings. There is no difference in function between Professional and Advanced, except that the former is aimed at commercial users (such as agents and mobile phone manufacturers) and the software price is higher. Our test choice: Quadrant Advanced Edition.

CPU performance test—


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    Linpack has become the most popular benchmark for testing the floating-point performance of high-performance computer systems in the world. The floating-point performance of a high-performance computer is evaluated by using gauss elimination to solve a system of linear algebraic equations with density of n degree in one variable. Compared with computers, the Linpack software of Android mobile phone version is relatively simplified, and the latest version only contains single-threaded and multi-threaded tests. As the name implies, the stronger the processor’s computing power, the higher the score. The advantages of dual-core and even future multi-core processors are reflected in the multi-thread testing part, and the test results are given in floating-point operations per second (Flops).

    AndEbench (divided into AndEMark Native and AndEMark Java)

    AndEBench is a software released in 2012, which provides a way to evaluate the performance of Android platform, and can test the performance of CPU and Dalvik(Dalvik is a soft device in Android system, which is responsible for running applications, so it is also one of the main parts of Android), and compare the local and Java performance of different devices. This test software can also prove the multithreading performance of a platform, and its final running is divided into two aspects: the execution efficiency for native pre-installed applications and the execution efficiency for third-party applications installed separately.

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RAM performance test-


    Memory(Stream) is a memory test software. We can know the memory management performance of the mobile phone through the test scores of several sub-items such as Copy (data copy), Scale (capacity), Add (addition) and Triad (synthesis) and the comprehensive scores. The higher the score, the better the memory management performance of the device.

Attachment: Professional Running Test II

GPU graphics test—

    Basemark ES 2.0 Taiji

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation

    Basemark ES 2.0 Taiji is a graphics testing software, which uses a pre-designed screen scene of a girl playing Tai Chi to test the three-dimensional graphics performance of the equipment, from which we can know how fast the tested equipment performs in the background of games and graphics.

    GFXBench 2.7.0(Eygpt HD On/Off Screen; T-Rex HD On/ Off Screen needs to test four parts).

The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation

    GFXBench 2.7.0 is a graphic testing software and an upgraded version of GLBenchmark 2.5.1, which contains more than 30 benchmark projects. It mainly contains high-quality 3D scenes, and the picture is more complicated.



The ultimate dream comes again Meizu MX3 comprehensive evaluation

    Sunspider0.9.1 is aimed at the browser test items. The advantages and disadvantages of the browser are considered by the display speed of various data, including graphics, etc. The test items included are very complicated. Through the test of 3d, bitops, math, string and other items, a total score is obtained, and the score is recorded in milliseconds (ms). The lower the final value, the shorter the time, which proves that the performance of the browser is better.


    Vellamo is a benchmark application developed by Qualcomm (similar to Neocore), which allows you to test the performance and stability of the browser, including Java script performance, rendering, networking and user interface. The result of this tool also includes several sub-items, but we only take the total score. The higher the score, the higher the optimization degree of the mobile phone to the browser and the better the web browsing experience.

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    Vellamo, as a mobile web ruler tool, has now been expanded to include two main modules. HTML5 module can be used to evaluate the performance of mobile web browser, while Metal module can measure the performance of CPU subsystem of mobile processor. The test suite is easy to click and use, and it is managed by modules. Vellamo can evaluate many aspects such as scrolling and zooming, 3D graphics, video performance, memory reading and writing, bandwidth peak performance and so on.

HTML5 test-

    Fishbowl (set to 10 fish) FishIE Tank (set to 50 fish)

    The device’s HTML5 performance is tested by a picture full of fish in the webpage, in which the number of fish can be set. During the test, the fish are swimming constantly. In the case of the same number of fish in different devices, the faster the swimming speed, the stronger the HTML5 performance, and the corresponding fps value will be given in the page. Similarly, the higher the fps value, the better.

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    HTML5 is the next major revision of html, and it is still in the development stage. Its main benefit is to strengthen the performance of Web pages and provide better search engine optimization. The Web APP developed based on HTML5 has shorter startup time and faster networking speed, especially for mobile users, which has better picture speed and more exquisite web animation effect.

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The new head of China Volleyball has a low-key performance, aiming to lead China women’s volleyball team to win the Paris Olympic Games.

Keep a low profile, just like the person. Recently, Lai Yawen became the director of the volleyball management center of the State General Administration of Sport. This news was only announced in another way when she went to the training bases in Zhangzhou, Fujian and Beilun, Ningbo to visit the national men’s and women’s volleyball teams that were preparing for training.

There are Asian Games and Olympic qualifiers in Hangzhou this year. China women’s volleyball coach Cai Bin said in an interview that "the Asian Games must win the championship, and the Olympic qualifiers will qualify for the first time." This will also be a quiz that Lai Yawen will face after taking office.

Looking forward to the Paris Olympic cycle of China women’s volleyball team, Lai Yawen still stressed that women’s volleyball team should further inherit and carry forward the spirit of women’s volleyball in the new era, carry the flag of China women’s volleyball team, and strive to improve their physical fitness and technical and tactical application ability with the goal of reaching the highest podium in Paris Olympic Games.

Lai Yawen, 52, is an "old acquaintance" of volleyball fans. Her appointment as the new head of China volleyball has also made many fans feel: "Let professional people do professional things."

Lai Yawen was the captain of China women’s volleyball team. During his 10 years in the national team, she experienced the struggle of China women’s volleyball team climbing from the bottom. Since 1999, Lai Yawen has served as the assistant coach of China women’s volleyball team, from Hu Jin to Chen Zhonghe, Cai Bin, Yu Juemin, and then to Lang Ping, assisting five head coaches. She also witnessed the whole process of China women’s volleyball team from the trough to the glory.

Lai Yawen’s personality is calm and restrained, and his style of play is unpretentious. From Liaoning, she is 1.87 meters tall. She once served as a deputy attacker, with relatively balanced attack and interception and comprehensive skills. In 1989, Lai Yawen entered the China Women’s Volleyball Team, and was highly valued by three coaches, namely Hu Jin, Li Xiaofeng and Lang Ping. She won the third place in the 1989 World Cup, the 1990 World Championships, the 1991 World Cup, the 1995 World Cup, the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and the 1998 World Championships. The World Championships in 1998 was her farewell battle. She dragged her weak body through the final due to illness, and finally missed the championship and cried, which moved the fans. Although she only lacks a gold medal in the three competitions, it does not prevent her from achieving a legend in her sports career.

Among the teammates in the same period, Lai Yawen was the only one who didn’t leave the China women’s volleyball team after retiring. In 1999, after Hu Jin succeeded Lang Ping and Er Jin Gong as the head coach of China women’s volleyball team, he invited 29-year-old Lai Yawen to be the assistant coach. From captain to teaching assistant, Lai Yawen quickly adapted to complete the transformation. "Lai Dao" is still the former "intimate big sister" in the players’ minds, and she has also become a bridge between the players and the head coach.

China women’s volleyball team changed coaches for two or three years during the London Olympic Games. Lai Yawen wanted to leave the national team after the London Olympics. In 2013, Lang Ping coached the China Women’s Volleyball Team for the second time, and Lai Yawen was invited to join the coaching team again. Lang Ping and Lai Yawen have a tacit cooperation. In 2017, although Lai Yawen was promoted to the position of Deputy Director of Paiguan Center, it was still difficult to leave the team, and she volunteered to be the team leader of China Women’s Volleyball Team. China women’s volleyball team rose again, winning the championship four times in 2015 World Cup, 2016 Rio Olympic Games, 2017 Grand Champions Cup and 2019 World Cup.

Entering the Paris Olympic cycle, Cai Bin once again took charge of the China Women’s Volleyball Team, and Lai Yawen continued to be the team leader in the 2022 World Championships. Over the past 33 years, Lai Yawen has devoted most of her life to the China Women’s Volleyball Team. Experience and connections are Lai Yawen’s advantages, but the head of the company bears a heavy burden. How to keep China’s women’s volleyball team in the advanced ranks in the world, strive to narrow the gap between China’s men’s volleyball team and the world’s top teams, make a good domestic volleyball super league with heart, and insist on the combination of inviting in and going out to connect with the world volleyball, etc., Lai Yawen is facing a series of challenges.

Fortunately, volleyball in China has a new trend. Since this year, men’s and women’s volleyball teams have had national players studying abroad. So far, more than 20 players have fought in overseas leagues. Not only can the players go out in the year of playing, but even some of them are matched by the platoon management center. For example, Zhang Jingyin, the number one main attacker of the men’s volleyball team, landed in the Polish Super League and was accompanied by the Chinese team. China volleyball can be expected in the future by opening the rising channel of players in multiple channels and in all directions.

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Hua

Author: Qin Dongying

Source: Xinhua News Agency