"China Star Jump" uses the secret weapon training of the dream team.

The picture shows Zhejiang Satellite TV exclusive artist @ Tianyue Training Jump.


  "@ China Star Jump" stars of Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "China Trilogy" have used one of the secret weapons of the national diving dream team: dirtfish in intense training. This is a set of motion analysis system used all over the world. Through intuitive image data, athletes can understand the shortcomings of their technical movements. Coupled with the personal demonstration of world champions and Olympic champions and the guidance and protection of top coaches, the diving style of the stars is just around the corner. April weekend prime file attention @ Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue

Guo Fucheng: Stop calling me Guo Tianwang, Andy Lau is old, I’m not old (Photo)

Guo Fucheng profile photo

  "Standing in the rain, with tears in my eyes, I don’t know where to go," Guo Fucheng was always at the bottom of the ranking of the Four Heavenly Kings. In the eyes of the outside world, in addition to having sexy abdominal muscles, he seemed to be the weakest and most controversial among the Heavenly Kings. Time flew, and after the peak of the "Four Heavenly Kings", Guo Fucheng, who has won two consecutive Golden Horse Best Actor, is more concerned about movies.


  Andy Lau is old, I am not old

  When talking to Guo Fucheng, he sat in front of the glass window of the hotel room, wearing a white shirt. Although he happily chatted with reporters about the past and present lives of the Four Heavenly Kings, he no longer wanted anyone to call him "Guo Tianwang" or "idol". "Idols no longer exist for me. Some people say that Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau are old, but I am not old, and I must work hard to win those so-called awards. As an actor, I can accept wrinkles, but if a singer comes out with wrinkles, I can’t stand it myself."


  Let me let go of my idol burden

  In 2005, Guo Fucheng, who had been silent for almost three years, won the Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Actor with his mature image in the movie "Sanchakou".

  Looking back on the experience of winning the first Best Actor Award, he said with a smile: "I feel a little surprised, a little surprised, because for my opponents at the same time, I am more optimistic about Liang Jiahui. Winning this award has a great impetus for my future performances. You know, when you let go of the burden of idols, you realize that there is still so much room for development in the film."


  If there are crocodiles in the river, they have to jump

  "Detective C +" is Guo Fucheng’s first film since he won the title of the best actor in a row. He plays a private investigator who takes the audience step by step to uncover the culprit behind the cold case. In this movie, Guo Fucheng needs to jump into a stinky ditch and get into a garbage heap, which must be very difficult for a person like him who is very careful about his image. To this, he said with a smile: "The garbage is fake, and I thought at the time that it must be very stinky. In fact, the scene I couldn’t stand was jumping into a river, because the color of the river was darker than my hair, and there was oil floating on it. I asked the director’Do you really want to jump? ‘He put on a look of helplessness. The assistant director next to me said to me,’ My assistant and the actor saw a crocodile in the river. ‘"

  This year Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau have both come to the mainland for concerts. Many people expect all four kings to come, but Guo Fucheng said that now he is more focused on doing a musical well. "I will not rest in music, but in the days to come, I will invest less in music and more in movies."

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Reminder | New scam! Do you know the mobile phone extension? Someone lost 50 thousand overnight

  CCTV News:Pretending to be an acquaintance to borrow money, pretending to be a public security bureau, a procuratorate or a court officer to investigate a case, and hiding a Trojan link &hellip in short messages and QR codes; … These tricks must have made everyone immune, but do you know? Some telecommunications services that you have never heard of have also begun to become new traps set by scammers!

The mobile phone was locked and more than 50,000 yuan was stolen.

  When he woke up, Mr. He in Shenzhen found that his mobile phone was locked. At the same time, a shopping platform account was stolen by strangers. Criminals used white bars to spend and apply for loans, and robbed more than 50,000 yuan overnight.


  Later, Mr. He discovered that his mobile phone had been taken over by a strange number. The short message from the operator shows that this is a business to add a secondary number, and Mr. He’s mobile phone number was added as a secondary number by criminals. When the secondary phone is turned off, all short messages will be received by the primary phone, and criminals will receive Mr. He’s short message verification code during this period, and then commit crimes.


"Subnumber" ≠ "kinship number"

  Without an ID card, a bank card or even a real name, the money is gone. What the hell is a minor number?

  Many people think of "family number" at first, but "deputy number" and "family number" are not the same thing.


  Family number usually refers to the phone bill package opened by different owners and different numbers in order to make calls between them cheaper, and the secondary number is the "one card with many numbers" service provided by operators. On the basis of not changing mobile phones and SIM cards, users can add up to three real mobile phones as secondary numbers. The main and auxiliary numbers can stand by at the same time, and you can freely choose any number to dial, answer the phone and send and receive short messages as needed.

Don’t reply to text messages too casually.

  Then, how did Mr. He’s mobile phone number become the "secondary number" of criminals?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Buy materials.Criminals buy leaked names, bank card numbers, ID numbers and reserved mobile phone numbers online, commonly known as "four big pieces".

  Step 2: Fishing.Criminals apply to the users who have mastered the bank card information, initiate the business application of binding the sub-number, and find the target of the crime by casting a net widely. Once you reply by mistake, you are hooked.

  Step 3: Forced shutdown.Because the main number can only take over the SMS when the secondary number is turned off, criminals usually use two means at this time. One is to use SMS bombing to force the target to turn off the mobile phone, and the other is to use the mobile phone cloud service to remotely operate the mobile phone.

  Step 4: White Wolf with Empty Gloves.Using the SMS verification code received by the main number, criminals ransacked the online shopping account bound to the mobile phone number.

  Patterns are stacked, and it is impossible to prevent them! For this kind of fraud, after receiving all kinds of SMS notifications, you must read the content of the SMS clearly and do not reply at will.

"SMS custody" business is also not very secure.

  After the SMS storage service is opened, you can save your mobile phone messages on the server of the operator. Now, many mobile phone manufacturers’ cloud services are doing the same thing. However, this is a hidden danger function.

  Case review

  One morning, Miss Ding saw two short messages from banks and mobile phone operators on her mobile phone, which were sent at 3:43 am and 4:12 am respectively. As soon as the account is checked, the balance of more than 100,000 yuan will be zero overnight! Not only that, Miss Ding also suffered a credit card theft and was "applied" for a bank universal loan of 70,000 yuan.

  How on earth did all this happen?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Hit the database to get all kinds of account information.The so-called "library collision" means using software to try a high probability digital sequence. Using this simple and rude method, the user’s network identity, online banking account number, mobile phone business hall and other accounts can be seen at a glance. Insiders said: "The speed of library collision is very fast, at least thousands per minute. If some good equipment is used, the efficiency is higher and the success rate is above 50%."

  Step 2: Open SMS storage and SMS interception services to obtain verification code.This is the most critical step. After the opening of this service, the dynamic verification code to ensure the safety of landing has successfully become the bag of criminals.

  Step 3: Open the physical SIM card.At this point, criminals can pretend to be victims and apply for 4G card replacement service in the online business hall. For the convenience of the people, some operators can express the card directly to the designated address.

  By intercepting short messages and copying SIM cards, fraudsters can "do whatever they want".

  As we all know, many important services rely on mobile phone authentication. If you back up the SMS to the server synchronously, it will increase the exposure opportunity. Once the service password of the online business hall is stolen, or the login permission of the cloud service is stolen, it is equivalent to "swimming naked".

The loopholes in the unpopular business are targeted by scammers.


  The "Research Report on the Trend of Online Fraud in 2016" released by the anti-fraud reporting platform "Hunting Network Platform" proposes that since 2016, online fraud has mainly shown several obvious characteristics:

  Mobile phone cards have become new theft targets;

  Jump to the phishing website by using short URL and weiyun sharing link;

  Well-known recruitment websites and voice platforms for open recruitment;

  A phishing website that is difficult to distinguish between true and false;

  The implementation of precision fraud;

  Fraud professionalism is getting higher and higher;

  Using loopholes in new business and unpopular business to commit fraud;

  Use cloud disk and synchronization software to steal information.

  Among them, the loopholes in mobile phone cards and unpopular business are mentioned.

  Security experts suggest that we should develop good online habits, don’t click unfamiliar links, don’t fill in our personal information in the website interface with unknown security, and regularly modify the password of social accounts to avoid information such as mobile phone contact information being leaked; Improve safety awareness, develop good habits of using mobile phones, and avoid being infected by mobile phone viruses.