Walking into the "pineapple sea", one out of every three pineapples in China comes from here!

Original title:One out of every three pineapples in China comes from here! "Pineapple Sisters" make waves and pursue dreams in the "Sea of Pineapples"
This year, xuwen county, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, the hometown of pineapple in China, has received higher attention than in previous years.
Here are a pair of "pineapple sisters", who do live broadcast and shoot short videos together in the pineapple field, so that the cold knowledge that "one pineapple in every three in China comes from Xuwen" has become a hot search on the Internet.
"Pineapple Sister" has spent more than 20 years exploring the expansion of production and the establishment of the market, behind which is the gradual development of traditional agriculture in China; "Pineapple Girl" shines brilliantly in a year, behind which is the era of rapid development of information technology and the rapid transformation of China’s agriculture.
Starting: On April 20th, Xinhua Daily Telegraph became a weathered person.
Authors: Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporters Yi Yangang, Wu Tao and Zhang Dianbiao.
Throughout March, 26-year-old Wang Xiaoying and 50-year-old Wu Jianlian were immersed in the "sea".
This year, xuwen county, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, which is known as the "hometown of pineapple in China", has received higher attention than in previous years. Not only does it produce nearly 700,000 tons of pineapples every year, but it also has a 10,000-mu "pineapple sea" that attracts tourists to punch in.
This pair of "pineapple sisters" do live broadcast and shoot short videos together in the pineapple field, which makes the cold knowledge that "one pineapple in every three in China comes from Xuwen" become a hot online search.
They stepped on the red land, witnessed the transformation of Xuwen pineapple from "wild" to the formation of production areas and then to agricultural modernization, and also wrote vivid stories of rural revitalization together.
↑ "pineapple sisters" in the live broadcast. Photo courtesy of respondents
"Pineapple Sister": More than 20 years "refining" into Xuwen Pineapple "First Sister"
On March 26th, Wu Jianlian made a live broadcast with CCTV journalists, without scripts or rehearsals. As a native of Xu Wenren, Wu Jianlian knows everything about the "pineapple sea" and is also willing to "Amway" the "Xu Wen story" about pineapple to outsiders.
Xuwen has red soil formed by volcanic eruption in ten thousand years, and its pH is suitable for pineapple growth. Farmers here have been planting pineapples since more than 90 years ago, but in the past, it was mainly a "free-range" model. Farmers can plant them as they like, and it is their own to plant good ones and bad ones and make money at a loss.
↑ Xu Wen’s golden pineapple in the "pineapple sea". Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
In 1990, Wu Jianlian began to engage in pineapple business after graduating from junior high school. At first, I worked as an intermediary to "lead the way" for foreign buyers who came to Xuwen to purchase pineapples. At that time, Xuwen’s pineapple varieties were single, and the time to market was concentrated. There were often pineapples that could not be sold and rotted in the fields.
Later, Wu Jianlian had the idea of selling Xuwen pineapples in other places. She began to "credit" some villagers’ pineapples and shipped them to Hunan, Jiangsu and other places to try her luck.
A stranger, she has encountered many setbacks. Sometimes, she sells pineapples in front of the car and someone steals pineapples at the back of the car; Sometimes, she is bullied by local evil forces. Not only does she not get a penny for a car full of pineapples, but she also faces personal safety risks. Without making any money, she can only explain to the villagers that "the funds are still in turnover" and need to earn more money to settle accounts for everyone.
However, Wu Jianlian, who was just in his early twenties at that time, never gave up and still went out to sell pineapples every year. I heard that where there is a fruit wholesale market, she will visit it. "Taking a bus for one night and getting there the next day will not only save time, but also save money for staying in a hotel."
Wu Jianlian, who is more and more familiar with the pineapple industry, began to grow pineapples himself around 2001. At this time, Xuwen pineapple planting has gradually entered the stage where large growers take the lead. In the first year, she planted 30 mu, and then expanded the scale year by year, planting more than 3,000 mu at the peak.
In 2008, Wu Jianlian established a cooperative and invested more than 4 million yuan with local farmers to build a cannery. At first, the workers were inexperienced, and it took more than ten days to produce a car (1000 boxes) of cans. Wu Jianlian said that buyers have to wait for more than ten days after coming to Xuwen, and they can only pay for the house and keep people, spending more money than the income from selling canned goods.
The workers in Xuwen’s "pineapple sea" are loading cars. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
The turning point was in 2011, when Wu Jianlian took over Xuwen Pineapple Wholesale Market in Qujiae Town from others. The pineapple trading market has been invested heavily, with an investment of 8 million yuan in 2013 and 2014 alone. At that time, there was not enough money. Relatives, friends and familiar farmers spontaneously went to the Postal Bank to lend a small loan of 30,000 yuan each to Wu Jianlian to build a trading market.
↑ The pineapple workers in Xuwen’s "Sea of Pineapples" are packing the picked pineapples. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
"Everyone really supports me. Someone told me that if the market can’t make a loss, then I don’t need to pay back 30,000 yuan, and they will pay it themselves." Wu Jianlian has always been grateful for the trust of the villagers.
It was at that time that Wu Jianlian, who had been in the pineapple industry for more than 20 years and was familiar with the whole industrial chain, became a well-known figure in Xuwen pineapple industry because of his justice and fairness. Fruit farmers and buyers asked her to coordinate everything, and she was called "Sister Pineapple".
According to Wu Jianlian, the trading market in Qujie Town has now become the largest pineapple trading market in China, and most of the pineapples in xuwen county are sold from here. Wu Jianlian’s processing factory is no longer just making canned food, but also developing a variety of new products such as pineapple moon cakes and pineapple cake.
↑ Xu Wen "pineapple sea". Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
"Pineapple Girl": A live broadcast sold 1.65 million Jin of pineapples.
Compared with Wu Jianlian, who took 20 years to become a "pineapple sister", Wang Xiaoying, a famous "pineapple sister" in Xuwen and even online celebrity, caught up with the good times in just one year.
When Wang Xiaoying was a child, she didn’t want to have a school holiday, which meant that she had to go to the pineapple field to help her parents. From an early age, she made up her mind to stay as far away from pineapples as possible. Unexpectedly, after going around, she will return to her hometown and run to the pineapple field every day.
At Hongxing Farm in Xuwen, Zhanjiang, farm workers are harvesting pineapples. Xinhua news agency information piece
In Xuwen, pineapple is the main source of income for many families. Only when pineapples are sold at home can children get tuition. However, because of unscientific planting and asymmetric information, slow sales and losses are like ghosts, hovering over pineapple fields all the year round. Sometimes, Wang Xiaoying will go to the pineapple field with her classmates to pick up the "secondary fruit" abandoned by the villagers and change her living expenses.
In Xu Wen’s "pineapple sea", workers are picking pineapples. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
After graduation, Wang Xiaoying became a host of Xuwen TV Station. During the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, agricultural products in many places were "difficult to sell", and Xuwen was no exception. However, the live broadcast during the epidemic brought new opportunities for Xuwen’s pineapple industry for a hundred years.
Wang Xiaoying also caught up with the east wind of live broadcast. On February 26th last year, she made a live broadcast with the county magistrate of xuwen county. At that time, there were tens of thousands of buyers interacting online, and the pineapple transaction volume reached 1.65 million Jin. Since then, the story of "Pineapple Girl" has spread all over Xuwen.
"That delivery gave me a subversive understanding of the live broadcast. I used to think that live broadcast was to brush a face on the platform and let people give gifts and rewards. However, after I participated in it, I realized that live broadcast requires professional knowledge and can empower my hometown. " Wang Xiaoying said.
That live broadcast made Wang Xiaoying famous in World War I, and an agricultural Internet company extended an olive branch. Wang Xiaoying decided to quit the TV station and go to a bigger platform to "speak" for his hometown pineapple.
"Pineapple Girl" has her own live broadcast style. She never shouts "Oh my god, buy it" in the live broadcast room like a beauty blogger, but often interacts with farmers in the pineapple field under the scorching sun. Now, the object of "Pineapple Girl" is not limited to pineapples. Guangdong, which has a wide variety of agricultural products, provides rich options for her live broadcast room.
"I used to send a video that was probably watched by Xu Wenren, and now it is watched by the whole country. It was the supplier who might have been looking for me before. Now I am looking for a buyer from all over the country. I can connect the buyer with the supplier. "
↑ "Pineapple Girl" Wang Xiaoying (second from left) is broadcasting live with fruit farmers. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
When the "net sea" is connected with the "pineapple sea"
At present, it is the season when Xuwen pineapples are on the market in large quantities. In March this year, Xuwen pineapple ushered in the "best price in 30 years", and the highest price in the field even exceeded 4 yuan per catty.
In Xu Wen’s "pineapple sea", workers are picking pineapples. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
The so-called "land price" means that after the pineapple is ripe, the buyer directly buys the pineapple in a certain field at a certain price, and then pays for it to be harvested and transported. At present, the planting cost of Xuwen pineapple is less than that of 1 yuan per catty, and this year’s market situation makes farmers smile.
The pineapple workers in Xuwen’s "pineapple sea" are sorting the picked pineapples. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
But in the past, Xuwen farmers had suffered from slow sales. In 2018, pineapples were unsalable, and the money for selling pineapples was not enough. Wu Jianlian had 200 acres of pineapples all rotted in the ground. The good price in recent years, a very important reason comes from the modernization transformation and reform of Xuwen pineapple.
A growing pineapple. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
Live delivery is one of the most significant changes. This pair of "pineapple sisters", one is the "front wave" who has been deeply involved in the pineapple industry for many years, and the other is the "back wave" who is familiar with network communication, and jointly deduces the story of the successful transformation of China’s local characteristic agricultural industry in the Internet era.
Wang Xiaoying’s first report on pineapple on Xuwen TV was to interview Wu Jianlian’s pineapple processing factory. After the interview, she also sent a circle of friends. But at that time, she knew that Wu Jianlian was called "pineapple sister", but she never thought that she would become "pineapple sister" in the future. It is the "net sea" that makes the two people on the side of the "pineapple sea" closely linked.
↑ "Pineapple Sister" Wu Jianlian (left) and "Pineapple Sister" Wang Xiaoying (right) made a promotion on Xuwen Pineapple High-speed Train.
"Pineapple Sister" wears glasses and has short hair. She is neat and capable, and even if she does live broadcast with many central media one day, she doesn’t have to rehearse. But at the beginning, Wu Jianlian in front of the camera often forgot his words nervously. He needed to prepare five or six hours in advance and rehearse five or six times.
Now the graceful "pineapple girl" used to wear a skirt and stick it in the pineapple field for a short video shot. Pineapple leaves are like saws. Farmers who pick pineapples have to wear three pairs of trousers, and the calf of "Pineapple Girl" is cut.
The stage fright "pineapple sister" once wanted to give up, but she couldn’t bear to "block" the door at dawn every day. "We can’t let the audience think that there is something wrong with our pineapple because of nervousness." Seeing the spelling of "pineapple sister", "pineapple sister" does not fall behind. After constant practice, Wu Jianlian became more and more comfortable in front of the camera. Wang Xiaoying also often learns from Wu Jianlian how to plant, pick and pick pineapples, and gradually becomes a veteran in the pineapple industry.
↑ Sorted pineapple. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
The story of "pineapple sisters" has also been circulated. In their live broadcast, at most 40,000 buyers pick goods online at the same time, which is a grand occasion that has never been seen before in offline transactions.
According to Huang Jiatuan, director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of xuwen county, the transition and upgrading of pineapple industry from traditional to modern is reflected from "Sister Pineapple" riding alone to "Sister Pineapple" echo each other.
Since 2018, Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has explored the construction of "12221" market system to solve the problem of pineapple sales, that is, establishing "1" big data of agricultural products, guiding production and leading sales with big data, forming "2" teams of buyers and brokers in sales areas, expanding "2" big markets in sales areas and production areas, and planning buyers to enter production areas and agricultural products to enter "2" markets in sales areas to realize
↑ Xu Wen pineapple big data platform. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Zhang Dianbiao photo
"Pineapple Sisters" is the third "2" participant in the "12221" market system. Since the operation of the "12221" market system, the price of Xuwen pineapple has fluctuated with the market, but it has never been as unsalable as it was in previous years.
↑ Xu Wen pineapple big data platform. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Wu Tao photo
"Now more and more people have built a pineapple building and bought a pineapple cart." Wang Xiaoying said, "Fruit farmers have an income of five or six thousand yuan per mu. They used to hide from the camera, but now they are all rushing to be photographed, and the joy of increasing income is on their faces. "
According to reports, in 2019, when the "12221" market system was in operation, the annual deposits of 25 postal savings bank outlets in xuwen county increased by 680 million yuan, and only the annual net deposits of Qujiae Town Branch in the main pineapple producing area exceeded 100 million yuan; In 2020, the deposits of Qujiae Town Branch increased by 365 million yuan against the trend.
The reputation of "Pineapple Sister" is based on the gradual development of traditional agriculture in China. It took one year to shine brilliantly, and it was famous as "Pineapple Girl" all over the country, with the rapid development of information technology behind it, and the rapid transformation of China’s agriculture under the support of policies and the investment of new production factors.
Use big data and other technologies in circulation to build a new agricultural product market system and open up sales blocking points; Introduce good products in the planting process, adjust the variety structure, extend the market period of products and improve the quality of products; Strengthen the shaping of regional public brands; Reinforce shortcomings such as deep processing and research and development in the industrial chain …
This is the self-improvement of Xuwen pineapple industry under the wave of reform, and it is also the silhouette of the high-quality road for the prosperity of agricultural industry in Guangdong and even the whole country. Xuwen pineapple welcomes the hope of soaring in the new era, and the aftereffect is worth looking forward to.
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