Cursing Yang Mi, it seems that it is really a business, and online word-of-mouth manipulation reveals the secrets

Cursing Yang Mi, it seems that it is really a business

In early May, a Douyin blogger who had continuously commented on "Harbin 1944" changed his attitude, saying that the drama was just passable, and talked about "collecting black money" in the comment area, which caused a heated discussion. #netizens said that they received black money Yang Mi was pitted #topic quickly heated up. This not only kept Yang Mi’s new drama "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" in the focus of public opinion during the launch, but also once again aroused public attention to the phenomenon of "black artists" in the entertainment industry. Cursing Yang Mi, it seems that it is really a business!

Cursing Yang Mi, it seems that it is really a business

Competition between artists and negative marketing are not new, according to industry insiders. Show promoters Xiaoxiao and Lingling shared their experiences, revealing behind-the-scenes techniques such as using social media platforms to publish diverse posts to guide public opinion, or preparing strategies in advance for potential negative feedback. These practices are designed to divert attention or recover word of mouth. At a relatively low cost. These methods, although not glamorous, exist in the background of series marketing.

Yang Mi has recently been at the centre of a storm of criticism for her acting in works such as Harbin 1944, Nothing That Can’t Be Solved by a Hot Pot and The Little Matchmaker of the Fox. Upon closer inspection, although Yang Mi’s performance is not impeccable, it is not entirely unsatisfactory. For example, in "The Little Matchmaker of the Fox Demon", her performance is positive and negative, and certain scenes in "Harbin 1944" show her delicacy as an actor. However, audiences are increasingly demanding and have limited patience for film and television works. When the work fails to meet expectations, it often requires an obvious object to carry the dissatisfaction. Yang Mi unfortunately became this character.

Cursing Yang Mi, it seems that it is really a business, and online word-of-mouth manipulation reveals the secrets

Why has Yang Mi often become a target? On the one hand, her distinct label and rich acting history have made her synonymous with the big lady in the entertainment industry, and it is easy to become the focus while bringing her own traffic; on the other hand, with the development of technology and the opening of platforms, the distance between celebrities and the public has shortened, and the personal disputes of celebrities are more likely to become the focus of attention than works. In addition, in recent years, the public’s tolerance for the moral flaws of artists has decreased, making stars like Yang Mi an outlet for public opinion to vent.

Cursing Yang Mi, it seems that it is really a business, and online word-of-mouth manipulation reveals the secrets

This phenomenon reflects the subtle changes in the relationship between the public and artists in the current entertainment ecosystem, as well as the complexity of the public opinion field. People desire real and down-to-earth stars, but once the star’s behavior exceeds the boundaries set by the public, it may encounter a strong backlash. How to define a reasonable scope of discussion and avoid over-interpretation and personal attacks has become an urgent problem to be solved. Despite the challenges, Yang Mi and other artists still need to constantly try new roles and new genres, respond to public expectations with professionalism and quality of work, and strive to maintain themselves in the complex public opinion environment and win recognition.

What do you feel most about the big pk in winter in the north and south?

It’s another year, north and south"hidden temperature difference"It’s the biggest season. Some people say that the biggest misunderstanding between people in the north and the south is that southerners think northerners are more frost-resistant, while northerners think that winter in the south is not cold. In fact, apart from the temperature difference between the north and the south, there are also these. ……
Recently, there are always friends who punch in one after another in Weibo:
"It’s cool to have heating!"
"I can finally have a good bath."
"It was too hot to sleep, so I opened the window."
"I just hoarded three boxes of Mattel."
At the same time,
The mood of the babies in the south is sauce purple
So, what is the real situation in winter in the north and south?
Let’s start with two scenes.
Outdoor articles
Judging from the weather forecast, after entering the deep winter, the average outdoor temperature in the north is basically below zero, and the northeast, Inner Mongolia and other places can even reach below-30℃, which is properly cold!
However, the average temperature in winter in many places in the south is basically above 0℃, which is obviously higher than that in the north in terms of temperature figures.
However, friends who have experienced winter in the north and south all feel that it is colder in the south. ……
What is the reason?
As for whether it is cold in winter in the south or cold in winter in the north, there is a saying circulating on the Internet:The cold in the south is a "magic attack" and the cold in the north is a "physical attack".
Obviously, the temperature is higher but it feels colder. This is actually the feeling of "somatosensory temperature". Somatosensory temperature is a kind of feeling that people get physically or mentally when they come into contact with the external environment through the skin. Because of other climate-related conditions, the thermal convection between air and human body is affected, which makes the temperature that people feel different from the actual situation, so it is also called apparent temperature or perceived temperature, which is affected by many factors such as temperature, humidity, wind and solar radiation.
For example,Humidity effect-Although the temperature in the south is not very low in winter, it is humid wind blowing in the south. The thermal conductivity of humid air is much higher than that of dry air. In cold winter, people will lose more heat in contact with the outside world, and the temperature of the human body is easy to radiate. The temperature of the human body surface is often as low as that of the surrounding area. It is dry wind blowing in the north. Although it is cold, it is only that the surrounding temperature drops, and the temperature of human body surface has not changed much. This is dry and cold.
Studies have shown that for every 10% increase in humidity, people’s somatosensory temperature will decrease by 1℃. In other words, even if the temperature in the south is 3℃ higher, if the humidity is 30% higher than that in the north, the somatosensory temperature will be the same.
Image source: Network
Indoor articles
It is often said on the Internet that "I show my waist in the bright sun in the south, and you are wrapped in mink in the cold winter in the north". However, after the heating came in the north, the painting style changed into "You are snowing in the sunny south, and I am like spring in the cold night in the north".
Except for the occasional outdoor activities, most of us spend most of our time indoors during the day. Therefore,From the outdoor to the indoor, this began the real contest of the temperature pk between the north and the south.
Heating is widely used in the north in winter, whether it is unified heating or self-heating, the indoor temperature is generally above 20℃, which is still very warm compared with outdoor. From the outdoor to the indoor, the temperature difference is 30℃ upward, which often has the feeling of changing seasons.
In the south, although it is cold outdoors, it is occasionally blessed by sunlight. The warmth index is not high, but it is not as cold as indoor. There is no sunshine indoors, and the temperature is the same as that outside. The "wet and cold" version is cool for you.
Read this,
Maybe a little friend asked,
I’m in the south. I’m not cold here. ……
In fact,Not all places have four seasons.. For example, Kunming, Xining and Lhasa have no summer all the year round because of their geographical location and topographical characteristics, and spring and autumn are connected. However, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Nanning, Haikou, Taipei, Hong Kong and Macao are connected by autumn and spring because of their southerly latitudes.
It’s getting colder every day,
Whether it is a northern friend who lives by heating,
Or the friends who are blessed by quilts in the south,
Keeping warm is king!
References: China Meteorological News Agency, Sina Weibo, Sohu, China News Network, Baidu Search.
Editor in charge: Shirley

The Table Tennis World Cup will be held in Macau, China in April 2024.

On December 11th, according to Mi Gu Sports, the ITTF announced that the men’s singles World Cup and the women’s singles World Cup will return at the same time, and the competition will be held in April, 2024 at the Galaxy Variety Hall in Macau, China.

Liu Guoliang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of WTT World Table Tennis Federation, First Vice Chairman of ITTF and Chairman of China Table Tennis Association, said: "In April next year, the men’s and women’s singles World Cup will return to Macau, and table tennis fans from all over the world are welcome to gather in Macau again."

[Source: Mi Gu Sports]

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