Chen He’s "Super Express" press conference incarnates a courier man and speaks for the courier

1905 movie network news On November 29, Chen He attended the film’s premiere press conference in Shanghai. Super Express is an action comedy blockbuster directed by Song Xiao and starring Chen He, Song Zhixiao, David Bell, Xiao Yang, and Li Chun. The film has dense punchlines and wonderful action scenes. Chen He is the first to try action comedy, and has a lot of tense and exciting action scenes in the film.

Chen He blew himself up to practice driving skills for filming, and completed Song Zhixiao’s mysterious task with wit

As the lead actor of the film, Chen He shared many stories in front of and behind the scenes with the audience at the press conference, and even more self-proclaimed "motorcycle skills specially trained for a period of time for filming", which made fans praise him for his professionalism. Song Zhixiao, who was not present, made a surprise appearance by video, and brought task packages representing "Bojun Yixiao", "Customer" and "Difficult" to the creators present.

Chen He took the lead in accepting the task. Facing the challenge of the "Bojun Yixiao" task, Chen He, as the "funny responsibility", did his best to give full play to his funny talent and easily amused his girlfriend Li Yuan in the film. When completing the task sent by Xiao Yang, the "customer representative", Chen He’s difficult physical movements also made the screams at the press conference one after another. The representatives of the "difficult" task package are David Bell, the "father of global parkour" and Li Chun, the son of the famous director Li An. Chen He, who refused to admit defeat, challenged the "difficult" task on the spot and had an "arm wrestle" competition with David Bell. The atmosphere of the scene was once again pushed to a climax by the sound of fans.

Chen He incarnated as "Express Man" to speak for the courier

Not only did he complete the mysterious task arranged by Song Zhixiao on the spot, but the courier played by Chen He in the film also completed a series of thrilling "treasure hunting" tasks. Chen He admitted that the action scenes were difficult and dangerous, and the "whole team is very amazing" to be able to complete the shooting of the film with high quality. Chen He also said that in the process of playing the courier, he fully realized the hard work and difficulty of every courier, and called on the fans to be more understanding and tolerant of the courier in their lives. Whether it is personally shooting the difficult action scenes or speaking out for the couriers, Chen He’s dedication and responsibility have been unanimously recognized by the audience and fans, and everyone expressed their high expectations for the film.


It is reported that "Super Express" will land in major theaters across the country on December 2 to meet audiences.

Andy Lau tied up female fans to perform magic tricks and was interviewed to talk about the true state of marriage (Photos)

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

  At 5:40 last night, the excited Andy Lau gave an interview to the reporter. When it came to the upcoming solo concert in Shenyang, Andy Lau was full of anticipation: "I hope I can chat with you on the spot."

  This year is Andy Lau’s natal year, and attentive fans have woven a red bracelet and put it on Andy’s right wrist in the hope that their idol will be happy and safe. However, despite years of rumors that he is married and even has an almost adult son, Andy Lau’s true marital status has always been a mystery.

  Liaoshen Evening News: When you were on stage just now, Ando and Hei Zai called you "Mom", but once you suddenly called yourself "Dad". In real life, do you really have the identity of "Dad"?

  Andy Lau: That’s just wrong. I don’t know why everyone talks about me like that. If I get married, if I have a son, I will definitely not lie to you, and I will definitely let my fans know.

  Liaoshen Evening News: Would you quit the entertainment industry if you got married?

  Andy Lau: I haven’t considered quitting yet. If I’m married and need me to quit, then I’ll quit. But even if I quit, my "Andy World" will still exist.

  Liaoshen Evening News: Last year, many "old people" in the entertainment industry got married. Do you have any wedding plans? Are you worried that you will be abandoned by fans after getting married?

  Andy Lau: There are no plans yet, nor have there been any concerns in this regard.

  Liaoshen Evening News: Your magic performance today is very good. Liu Qian said in an interview in Shanghai a few days ago that you and Jay Chou are both his apprentices. Have you officially worshipped Liu Qian as a teacher? How is your cooperation plan with Jay Chou going?

  Andy Lau: Liu Qian did teach me magic tricks on a show he hosted, and I was playing poker at that time. The script for Jay Chou’s "The Magician" has not yet been finalized, and the cooperation will not be determined until at least a year later.

  Liaoshen Evening News: You once said that you were going to be a director in two years. How are you preparing now? Will you act by yourself then?

  Andy Lau: My career as a director is still being planned. I may not have any actors willing to act as a director, so I guess I can only act by myself…

  Liaoshen Evening News: How do you feel about facing so many fans today?

  Andy Lau: I am very touched that everyone likes me and has supported me for so many years.

  Liaoshen Evening News: When communicating with female fans today, you said that you hope she will get married as soon as possible. Before singing "Love You for 10,000 Years", you said that you don’t want to delay everyone’s youth.

  Andy Lau: I want to teach them how to face life. I believe that the power of the masses is great. During the earthquake relief, one of my fans who is a doctor rushed to the front line of disaster relief to treat patients and save people, which is very touching. I hope that "Andy World" can gather a group of people to do charity, and my fans will also go in the direction of charity in the future.

  Liaoshen Evening News: The outside world said that you will co-produce a love movie with Gillian?

  Andy Lau: I don’t know about this yet. I had dinner with Mr. Yang to discuss the script, and Ah SA didn’t tell me about working with Gillian.

  Liaoshen Evening News: Do you support Gillian’s comeback?

  Andy Lau: Yes. But every time I am asked this question, I feel very sad. I don’t know how she will go in the future. If she wants to come back, we will wait quietly for her to come back. If she doesn’t come back, it’s really sad.

Editor in charge: Li Xiuwei

Covers an area of 718,000 square meters! The Secret of Xiaomi Automobile Factory: The roof is covered with photovoltaic panels to generate 16.4 million kWh of electricity every year.

  On April 17 th, Xiaomi technical officer Wei issued a document today, officially revealing the Xiaomi automobile factory.

  Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, covering an area of 718,000 ㎡, including R&D test base, six workshops of stamping, die casting, body, painting, battery and final assembly specially built for new energy vehicles, and a test track with a total length of 2.5km.

  In addition, there is Xiaomi Automobile Factory Store, which is a smart park integrating R&D, production, sales and experience.

  Xiaomi emphasized that the group has always been committed to sustainable development, and Xiaomi Automobile Factory also adhered to this concept at the beginning of its establishment.

  In addition to the control of waste gas and wastewater in production, a variety of green renewable resources have been utilized.

  All the domestic wastewater and production wastewater are brought into the sewage station for treatment, which greatly improves the efficiency of sewage treatment. After pretreatment of production wastewater, mixed sewage treatment, miscellaneous water treatment and reclaimed water treatment system, the proportion of wastewater in the factory can reach 50%.

  The roof of the factory is equipped with a 16.2MW distributed photovoltaic power station with a total area of 154,579 square meters, and the estimated annual power generation is about 16.4 million kWh.

  The photovoltaic project is expected to have a service life of more than 25 years, which can provide renewable energy for Xiaomi automobile manufacturing for a long time, reduce carbon emissions by about 9905 tons annually, and absorb carbon dioxide equivalent to 540,000 trees annually.

Beijing announced that the proportion of drugs with bimonthly effectiveness in medical reform dropped by nearly 7%.

Since the implementation of the comprehensive reform of Beijing medicine separation on April 8, it has attracted much attention from all walks of life. On June 9, the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission held a symposium on medical reform. The health sector learned from the symposium that in the past two months, the total drugs in major hospitals in Beijing accounted for 36.6%, a decrease of 6.87 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Gao Xiaojun, spokesman of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission, said that there was no general decline in the income of large hospitals after the start of medical reform in Beijing. "If the medical reform makes the hospital’s income drop, then it means that the reform policy design is a failure." Gao Xiaojun said.

The total number of outpatients in medical institutions in Beijing decreased.

The medical reform made it clear that public medical institutions in Beijing canceled drug addition (excluding Chinese medicine drinks), registration fees and medical treatment fees, and set up medical service fees, with the goal of getting rid of medicine to supplement medicine. From April 8 to June 2, Beijing monitored the progress of medical reform in 373 tertiary and secondary hospitals, some first-class hospitals and community health service institutions. It shows that in the past two months, the total number of outpatient and emergency services in monitoring units has exceeded 20 million, which is 8.46% lower than the same period of last year. The total number of outpatient and emergency services in tertiary hospitals has decreased by 12.58%, that in secondary hospitals has decreased by 4.54%, and that in primary hospitals and community health service institutions has increased by 7.6% compared with the same period of last year.

The data shows that the number of visits to secondary and tertiary hospitals in Beijing has decreased correspondingly, while the number of visits to primary hospitals and community health service institutions has increased. The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission said that since the reform, the situation of graded diagnosis and treatment in Beijing has gradually emerged.

Compared with the same period of last year, the number of outpatients in monitoring medical institutions decreased by 7.58%. Among them, the number of visits by deputy chief physicians decreased by 9.3%, the number of visits by chief physicians decreased by 20.8%, and the number of visits by well-known experts decreased by 14.8%. This shows that the problem of difficulty in seeing experts generally tends to be alleviated.

In terms of the number of discharged patients, the total number of discharged patients in the monitoring unit was 510,000, a decrease of 0.24% compared with the same period of last year. This data has not changed much compared with the same period of last year. Gao Xiaojun believes that the number of discharged patients has not changed much, indicating that the medical reform has not affected the diagnosis and treatment of hospitalized patients.

Drug procurement is one of the important contents in this medical reform. By June 7th, the cumulative expenditure of Beijing Pharmaceutical Sunshine Procurement was 10.27 billion yuan, saving 842 million yuan and 8.2%.

After the medical reform, has the medical expenses been effectively controlled? According to the data provided by the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission, medical expenses are generally stable. Compared with the same period of last year, the average drug cost of outpatient and emergency departments in monitoring units decreased by 6.38%. Since the reform, the average drug cost of outpatient and emergency departments has shown a gradual decrease trend.

The proportion of drugs decreased by nearly 7%, and the hospital income did not drop.

This medical reform canceled the drug addition, aiming at changing the income structure of medical institutions. The data shows that in the two months after the medical reform, the proportion of drugs in monitoring units was 36.6%, a decrease of 6.87 percentage points compared with the same period last year. The proportion of drugs in tertiary hospitals was 33.84%, a decrease of 7.31 percentage points compared with the same period of last year; The proportion of drugs in secondary hospitals was 40.07%, a decrease of 7.14 percentage points compared with the same period last year. The proportion of first-class and community drugs was 72.53%, which was 4.06 percentage points lower than the same period of last year. The proportion of discharged drugs in monitoring units was 26.29%, a decrease of 6.05 percentage points compared with the same period of last year.

At the symposium, individual hospitals mentioned that the total income of hospitals decreased by nearly 20% after the reform. Gao Xiaojun believes that the reform requires medical institutions to carry out refined management, thus improving their operational capabilities. "There is no general decline in the income of large hospitals in Beijing." Gao Xiaojun stressed.

Encourage large hospitals to independently set up comprehensive outpatient clinics for geriatric diseases.

At present, major hospitals in Beijing have shut down simple prescription clinics one after another, and some patients feel that it is inconvenient to seek medical treatment.

In this regard, Liu Ying, deputy director of the Medical Administration Department of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission, believes that government departments hope that the functional orientation of tertiary hospitals is to diagnose and treat difficult and severe diseases, rather than to deal with common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases. Only by strengthening the grass-roots units can patients truly appreciate the convenience of seeking medical treatment. "Large hospitals can independently set up comprehensive outpatient clinics for geriatrics according to the development of their own disciplines to provide services for patients." Liu Ying said.

"Doctors no longer work for pharmaceutical companies"

Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital is the only third-class hospital specializing in obstetrics and gynecology in Beijing. As a hospital with a small amount of drugs, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital has benefited greatly from this round of medical reform. According to Chen Jing, secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital, the income of the hospital has been slightly improved by canceling the registration fee and medical treatment fee and setting up the medical service fee. Outpatient medical income increased by 9.68% from 54.14 million yuan in May 2016 to 59.38 million yuan in May 2017; In-patient medical income increased by 9.73% from 24.24 million yuan in May 2016 to 26.6 million yuan in May 2017.

It is worth mentioning that, while the income of Beijing Maternity Hospital has increased, the increase in the average outpatient expenses has slowed down, which is due to the fact that the hospital has promoted and reduced the burden on patients after canceling the drug addition.

This round of medical reform emphasizes that medical institutions should strengthen refined management. Following the "baton" of reform, Beijing Maternity Hospital adopted a new version of performance distribution scheme on June 1, improving internal performance appraisal and establishing a performance appraisal distribution mechanism suitable for medical reform.

Chen Jing said that the new performance appraisal index system includes four dimensions: work quality, work efficiency, cost control and annual special projects. "Doctors are no longer people who work for pharmaceutical companies, but earn money by trying to improve their services."

Highlights of other medical institutions

Beijing Aviation General Hospital

Two months after the implementation of the "Beijing Edition" medical reform, the drug sales of Beijing Aviation General Hospital decreased by 6.72% compared with the same period of last year, the prescription amount decreased by 14% compared with the same period of last year, the inspection income decreased by 13.25%, the total number of outpatient and emergency visits decreased by 16.31%, and the total hospital income decreased by 20%.

Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University

For two consecutive months, the number of outpatients in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University decreased by 10.86% year-on-year, and the number of outpatients in six departments kept increasing, while the number of outpatients in other departments decreased. Medical beauty, dermatology, cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology, Chinese medicine, general surgery, neurology and other departments have dropped significantly.

Nanmofang community health service center

Since the reform of separating medicine from medicine, the community and large hospitals have achieved unity in the variety of drugs that can be purchased. After purchasing sunshine, patients also enjoy the benefits brought by drug price reduction. For example, the use of "Gehuazhi" by patients decreased by 8.9%.

Just ST Line! 2022 Fox Car Handbook

  [car home Car Handbook] During the Chongqing Auto Show that ended last month, the 2022 (|) was officially launched, with 7 models with different configurations, with the guide price range of 119.8-145.8 million yuan, slightly adjusted compared with the 2021 model. The appearance of the new car has changed greatly, the interior has been modified for details, and all models have returned to the four-cylinder 1.5T engine. Today, let me show you which model of the 2022 Focus is more cost-effective.

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  The 2022 Focus still has hatchback and sedan models to choose from. Except for the entry-level version of EcoBoost 180, which only has sedan models, the other three versions, EcoBoost 180, automatic racing version, automatic ST-Line and automatic S version, can choose hatchback or sedan models according to their own preferences. The hatchback and sedan models of the same version have the same overall configuration level, with only slight differences, which will be briefly explained in this paper.

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Home of the car

  Although the new Focus has all returned to the four-cylinder engine, you must have noticed carefully that the transmission system of the new Focus has become a 6-speed automatic gearbox, while on the old models, the 8AT gearbox is matched with the 1.5T engine. Such a wave of operation is the reduction of the guiding price. However, after comparing the new and old two EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line, it will be found that in addition to the gearbox becoming 6AT, the 10-speaker B&O audio has also become an option, and the rear armrest with cup holder and the rear air outlet are gone. Therefore, the extent of the decrease in the guide price … You can experience it yourself.

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  Here’s a brief introduction to the new Focus. If you want to know more about the static experience of the new car, you may wish to click on the picture link above. Next, let’s take a look at the configuration performance of various models of the 2022 Focus.

EcoBoost 180 automatic competition edition

Recommended index: ★★★

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  As the entry-level version of the new Focus, the automatic competition version is the only one without a hatchback. From the configuration point of view, all-LED headlights and 8-inch all-LCD instruments are among the available configurations, while others belong to the mainstream level of the same class. Of course, one thing to be said here is that the automatic racing version is also the only model in the whole department that uses the rear torsion beam non-independent suspension. I believe that friends who choose to buy Fox still attach great importance to the rear wheel independent suspension, so this entry-level version still lowers the guide price threshold.

EcoBoost 180 automatic racing edition

Recommended index: ★★★

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  Compared with the automatic racing version, the automatic racing version with a guide price of 10,000 yuan has replaced the rear multi-link independent suspension, and also added practical configurations such as keyless entry/start, reversing image, 12.3-inch central control panel and automatic air conditioning. This 10,000 yuan can be regarded as a "comfortable sports bag". So we might as well increase the budget a little and change to an automatic racing version with improved driving comfort.

EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line

Recommended index: ★★★

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  Focus is a compact car that focuses on sports, so this time I chose the automatic ST Line as the most recommended model, because I think the exterior sports kit is necessary, and the 18-inch rim with Michelin PS4 tires is also quite attractive. In addition, the automatic ST Line is also equipped with shift paddles, which can provide more driving pleasure; At the same time, the driver’s assistance function is more comprehensive, and it is also the only optional L2 driver’s assistance in all models. Of course, if your budget is limited, the automatic racing version is also a relatively good choice, but I think the automatic ST Line is a more "real" Fox.

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EcoBoost 180 automatic s version

Recommended index: ★★★

  In all the new Focus models, an EcoBoost 180 automatic S version has been added, and the guide price is 2000 yuan higher than that of the automatic ST Line. If we only look at the configuration table, the configuration difference between the two cars is only the different seat materials, and the latter uses leather/fabric to mix and match seats, while the former is leather/suede mix and match seats. So let’s talk with new car pictures.

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Home of the car

  Whether you are willing to spend an extra 2000 yuan to get this lace, seat material and blue seat belt depends on you. I don’t think the automatic S version of the flower-pulling is meaningful, but the fur-turning seat should be liked by some friends. One more thing, the automatic S version can’t be equipped with B&O stereo and L2 driver assistance, so friends who want to install these can only choose automatic ST Line.

Editor’s comment:

  In this mid-term change, it is undoubtedly the most important point that Fox will return to the four-cylinder engine. The change of design is still a matter of opinion. I think it is not bad, and my colleagues will think it is not as good as the old one. As far as the configuration of all models of the new Focus is concerned, the automatic ST Line is undoubtedly the most comprehensive one. The exterior sports kit, 18-inch rim, shift paddles and rear multi-link independent suspension are all elements that sports cars should have; Of course, if your budget is so poor, it is not bad to choose the automatic racing version. (Text/car home Zhou You)

Whoever has a better mentality will win when the college entrance examination encounters an emergency.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  Another year of college entrance examination. This year’s college entrance examination students have experienced the ups and downs of COVID-19 epidemic in high school for three years, and online classes have become the collective memory of this year’s students.

  Zhang Lishan, the founder of "Lishan Happiness Psychology" and a psychological teacher of Yaohua Middle School in Tianjin, found in the process of consultation that an obvious impact of the epidemic on students is "to make children who want to learn more want to learn, and children who don’t learn more don’t learn".

  Zhang Lishan has received a large number of candidates who are psychologically troubled by online and offline "jumping". There is a kind of examinee. When his parents are not at home at work, he opens online classes and secretly plays games. The other kind of candidates, on the contrary, get up at 6 o’clock every morning for early self-study and concentrate on online classes, but the harder they work, the more anxious they are, fearing that compared with other children who attend offline classes, online classes are inefficient and they will fall behind.

  Zhang Lishan especially wants to tell these anxious children that the college entrance examination is a ranking in a province (city, district), so if you take classes online, there is a high probability that other children who compete with you are also taking classes online, and the external environment in which everyone lives is the same. In this case, whoever has a more stable mentality is more likely to win.

  One or two days before the exam, it is impossible to master knowledge by leaps and bounds. What can be adjusted is the mentality.

  In Zhang Lishan’s view, home-based classes actually test a person’s self-management ability just like home office. "Children who lack self-management used to be stared at by teachers at school. When they got home, parents stared at them. Teachers and parents often communicated to help children regulate themselves. When the external supervision is lost, the teacher can’t catch it, and the parents go to work, the child may be out of control. "

  One or two days before the exam, I am afraid it is impossible to make rapid progress in the level of knowledge mastery. What children can adjust is their mentality. "One of the successful experiences of the college entrance examination is that it is possible to win in mentality, good mentality, normal play and even extraordinary play." Zhang Lishan said.

  Zhiyan Chen, a professor at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that psychological research has proved that "mindfulness training" should be done within five days before the college entrance examination (Mindfulness Group of Clinical and Counseling Psychology Committee of Chinese Psychological Association and Mindfulness Group of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Committee of Chinese Mental Health Association have been organized by Mindfulness Committee on WeChat WeChat official account to open professional mindfulness audio materials to the public free of charge — — Reporter’s note), it will obviously ease the mood, even if it is a single training, it will have a certain effect.

  It is not only students who enter the examination room, but also parents who are actually experiencing a big exam, and they also need to face it with a peaceful attitude.

  A few days before the exam, parents must keep their mouths shut and not expose their anxiety or complaints, otherwise it will only affect their children’s mentality. After the exam, parents should not ask their children about the exam on that day, how it went, and whether the questions were all right … … "What’s the use of asking these questions? After all the exams, are you satisfying your curiosity?" Zhang Lishan said, "Parents must do it themselves first, so as to help their children do one exam and throw one."

  Zhang Lishan also specially reminded that during the exam, life should be as peaceful as the mentality. Parents should never give their children "tricks" in food. "I heard that it is most undesirable to make up the brain and give them something they are most familiar with, used to and like to eat every day. In case of eating new food, the child’s body will not adapt, but it will be self-defeating. "

  What should I do if I encounter an emergency? Should I tell my children about the death of my loved ones?

  Before and during the college entrance examination, some unexpected situations may also occur, such as being affected by the epidemic situation and encountering special circumstances such as closure and control. This is a difficulty that other students around the child do not have. How can children’s anxiety be alleviated?

  Zhang Lishan said: "Maintaining a positive and healthy mental state is the most important way to minimize the impact and harm caused by the epidemic. Complaining about others can only increase negative emotions, and the adjustment suggestion is to accept the reality and give yourself positive psychological hints every day. For example, if the sky is going to be a big responsibility for Sri Lanka, you must first suffer its mind … …”

  Zhang Lishan coached some candidates who were sick before the college entrance examination, but these children did better in the exam. "First, if they are sick, they can’t go to school, they can’t feel the tension, and they are more likely to be peaceful; Second, the expectations of parents and people around him for this exam have decreased, and I am no longer anxious. I am more focused during the exam and will not suffer from loss. "

  "Candidates should believe in their learning status, knowledge reserve and skills to take the exam. After years of training, they are at a relatively stable level. I believe that these capabilities will not be zero because of an emergency. " Zhiyan Chen said. Unexpected situations will interfere with and affect emotions and energy. What candidates should do is not to be restless and restless for these things, and to maintain physical and mental health.

  Zhiyan Chen suggested that candidates should not be allowed to do nothing but review before the college entrance examination, but should have normal exercise, socialize and live a balanced life. Especially after the eyes and brain are tired, some transformational activities are needed, such as running, planting flowers and walking the dog.

  There are reports in the media that parents deliberately concealed the news of their family’s death in order to reassure their children about the exam. If there is a major change in the family before the college entrance examination, do you want to let the children know?

  Zhiyan Chen believes that specific problems need to be analyzed. Some parents endure the divorce after their children finish the college entrance examination. In fact, on the one hand, parents think their children are too fragile, on the other hand, they think their children are too slow. In fact, children have a hunch about the relationship between their parents, but they just don’t tell each other. But for those things that don’t have much impact in a short period of time, Zhiyan Chen suggested that they can not be done for the time being.

  There are still some things, such as the death of relatives, especially those who are closely related to their children. If they don’t tell their children at the first time, they will leave him with huge and irreversible regrets. Then, "it is one thing to say it or not, and how to say it is another thing. This will be a very specific choice."

  "Some children have strong self-regulation ability, and this relative is very close to him. The cause of death is not extremely traumatic, and it is difficult to hide it. Then you can consider it; If it is traumatic like a car accident, it still needs to be cautious. " Zhiyan Chen suggested that in such cases, family members should first call the psychological hotline to ask for the support of professionals, and analyze the specific problems.

  For some major events that have little to do with the candidates themselves, such as social news, Zhiyan Chen’s suggestion is — — Brush less.

  In exams, moderate nervousness is common and necessary.

  When children enter the examination room, moderate nervousness is needed in the examination, but excessive anxiety should also be prevented.

  "Anxiety is widespread, and I hope candidates can moderately accept their anxiety. Don’t look too narrow-minded, and don’t take a little difficulty in front of you as a difficulty for yourself. A problem stumbles you. You are not fighting alone. It is a difficult problem for many people. The college entrance examination is not to look at this question, but to compare the total score. " Zhiyan Chen said. No matter before, during or after the exam, "candidates should not scare themselves".

  "I haven’t taken the exam yet, and I feel that I will definitely do badly; If you can’t do the first question when you open the test paper, you feel that this subject is over; After the exam, I felt that the university was hopeless. " Zhiyan Chen said, "Although scaring yourself after the exam does not affect the performance of the exam, it also harms physical and mental health."

  Zhiyan Chen specially reminded that during the examination, if you can’t do a question, you need to make "moderate" efforts on this question. If you still can’t do it, make a mark and come back to see it when you have time. "After moderate efforts, there is another advantage, that is, you will have an impression on this problem. Perhaps some of the latter topics can trigger inspiration for solving this problem, and it may be solved if you go back and do it again. And the worst arrangement is that if you don’t do it, you will despair. If you do something wrong now, you won’t lose points, and the steps to solve the problem will also be scored. "

  Zhang Lishan provides some ways to relieve emotions that can be operated in the examination room: if you are too nervous, take a deep breath, inhale fully, and exhale completely, so that you can clear your brain and feel much calmer after basically doing three groups; It is normal for some children to cause intestinal peristalsis under extreme tension, but people with sensitive constitution need to go to the toilet. At this time, don’t endure it. You should communicate with the invigilator immediately, take the time to go, and you will be refreshed when you come back.

  "Of course, the college entrance examination is very important, but it is not a one-shot deal in life. You have to fill in your volunteers later, and you can take the postgraduate entrance examination in the future and find a job … … Don’t feel that your life’s position in society is determined by the college entrance examination. " Zhang Lishan said, "In fact, everyone in the workplace knows that as long as we have a lifelong learning attitude, life will always bloom and reach or even surpass our ideals."

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Jiang Xiaobin Source: China Youth Daily