Reminder | New scam! Do you know the mobile phone extension? Someone lost 50 thousand overnight

  CCTV News:Pretending to be an acquaintance to borrow money, pretending to be a public security bureau, a procuratorate or a court officer to investigate a case, and hiding a Trojan link &hellip in short messages and QR codes; … These tricks must have made everyone immune, but do you know? Some telecommunications services that you have never heard of have also begun to become new traps set by scammers!

The mobile phone was locked and more than 50,000 yuan was stolen.

  When he woke up, Mr. He in Shenzhen found that his mobile phone was locked. At the same time, a shopping platform account was stolen by strangers. Criminals used white bars to spend and apply for loans, and robbed more than 50,000 yuan overnight.


  Later, Mr. He discovered that his mobile phone had been taken over by a strange number. The short message from the operator shows that this is a business to add a secondary number, and Mr. He’s mobile phone number was added as a secondary number by criminals. When the secondary phone is turned off, all short messages will be received by the primary phone, and criminals will receive Mr. He’s short message verification code during this period, and then commit crimes.


"Subnumber" ≠ "kinship number"

  Without an ID card, a bank card or even a real name, the money is gone. What the hell is a minor number?

  Many people think of "family number" at first, but "deputy number" and "family number" are not the same thing.


  Family number usually refers to the phone bill package opened by different owners and different numbers in order to make calls between them cheaper, and the secondary number is the "one card with many numbers" service provided by operators. On the basis of not changing mobile phones and SIM cards, users can add up to three real mobile phones as secondary numbers. The main and auxiliary numbers can stand by at the same time, and you can freely choose any number to dial, answer the phone and send and receive short messages as needed.

Don’t reply to text messages too casually.

  Then, how did Mr. He’s mobile phone number become the "secondary number" of criminals?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Buy materials.Criminals buy leaked names, bank card numbers, ID numbers and reserved mobile phone numbers online, commonly known as "four big pieces".

  Step 2: Fishing.Criminals apply to the users who have mastered the bank card information, initiate the business application of binding the sub-number, and find the target of the crime by casting a net widely. Once you reply by mistake, you are hooked.

  Step 3: Forced shutdown.Because the main number can only take over the SMS when the secondary number is turned off, criminals usually use two means at this time. One is to use SMS bombing to force the target to turn off the mobile phone, and the other is to use the mobile phone cloud service to remotely operate the mobile phone.

  Step 4: White Wolf with Empty Gloves.Using the SMS verification code received by the main number, criminals ransacked the online shopping account bound to the mobile phone number.

  Patterns are stacked, and it is impossible to prevent them! For this kind of fraud, after receiving all kinds of SMS notifications, you must read the content of the SMS clearly and do not reply at will.

"SMS custody" business is also not very secure.

  After the SMS storage service is opened, you can save your mobile phone messages on the server of the operator. Now, many mobile phone manufacturers’ cloud services are doing the same thing. However, this is a hidden danger function.

  Case review

  One morning, Miss Ding saw two short messages from banks and mobile phone operators on her mobile phone, which were sent at 3:43 am and 4:12 am respectively. As soon as the account is checked, the balance of more than 100,000 yuan will be zero overnight! Not only that, Miss Ding also suffered a credit card theft and was "applied" for a bank universal loan of 70,000 yuan.

  How on earth did all this happen?

  Reduction of criminal modus operandi

  Step 1: Hit the database to get all kinds of account information.The so-called "library collision" means using software to try a high probability digital sequence. Using this simple and rude method, the user’s network identity, online banking account number, mobile phone business hall and other accounts can be seen at a glance. Insiders said: "The speed of library collision is very fast, at least thousands per minute. If some good equipment is used, the efficiency is higher and the success rate is above 50%."

  Step 2: Open SMS storage and SMS interception services to obtain verification code.This is the most critical step. After the opening of this service, the dynamic verification code to ensure the safety of landing has successfully become the bag of criminals.

  Step 3: Open the physical SIM card.At this point, criminals can pretend to be victims and apply for 4G card replacement service in the online business hall. For the convenience of the people, some operators can express the card directly to the designated address.

  By intercepting short messages and copying SIM cards, fraudsters can "do whatever they want".

  As we all know, many important services rely on mobile phone authentication. If you back up the SMS to the server synchronously, it will increase the exposure opportunity. Once the service password of the online business hall is stolen, or the login permission of the cloud service is stolen, it is equivalent to "swimming naked".

The loopholes in the unpopular business are targeted by scammers.


  The "Research Report on the Trend of Online Fraud in 2016" released by the anti-fraud reporting platform "Hunting Network Platform" proposes that since 2016, online fraud has mainly shown several obvious characteristics:

  Mobile phone cards have become new theft targets;

  Jump to the phishing website by using short URL and weiyun sharing link;

  Well-known recruitment websites and voice platforms for open recruitment;

  A phishing website that is difficult to distinguish between true and false;

  The implementation of precision fraud;

  Fraud professionalism is getting higher and higher;

  Using loopholes in new business and unpopular business to commit fraud;

  Use cloud disk and synchronization software to steal information.

  Among them, the loopholes in mobile phone cards and unpopular business are mentioned.

  Security experts suggest that we should develop good online habits, don’t click unfamiliar links, don’t fill in our personal information in the website interface with unknown security, and regularly modify the password of social accounts to avoid information such as mobile phone contact information being leaked; Improve safety awareness, develop good habits of using mobile phones, and avoid being infected by mobile phone viruses.

The new head of China Volleyball has a low-key performance, aiming to lead China women’s volleyball team to win the Paris Olympic Games.

Keep a low profile, just like the person. Recently, Lai Yawen became the director of the volleyball management center of the State General Administration of Sport. This news was only announced in another way when she went to the training bases in Zhangzhou, Fujian and Beilun, Ningbo to visit the national men’s and women’s volleyball teams that were preparing for training.

There are Asian Games and Olympic qualifiers in Hangzhou this year. China women’s volleyball coach Cai Bin said in an interview that "the Asian Games must win the championship, and the Olympic qualifiers will qualify for the first time." This will also be a quiz that Lai Yawen will face after taking office.

Looking forward to the Paris Olympic cycle of China women’s volleyball team, Lai Yawen still stressed that women’s volleyball team should further inherit and carry forward the spirit of women’s volleyball in the new era, carry the flag of China women’s volleyball team, and strive to improve their physical fitness and technical and tactical application ability with the goal of reaching the highest podium in Paris Olympic Games.

Lai Yawen, 52, is an "old acquaintance" of volleyball fans. Her appointment as the new head of China volleyball has also made many fans feel: "Let professional people do professional things."

Lai Yawen was the captain of China women’s volleyball team. During his 10 years in the national team, she experienced the struggle of China women’s volleyball team climbing from the bottom. Since 1999, Lai Yawen has served as the assistant coach of China women’s volleyball team, from Hu Jin to Chen Zhonghe, Cai Bin, Yu Juemin, and then to Lang Ping, assisting five head coaches. She also witnessed the whole process of China women’s volleyball team from the trough to the glory.

Lai Yawen’s personality is calm and restrained, and his style of play is unpretentious. From Liaoning, she is 1.87 meters tall. She once served as a deputy attacker, with relatively balanced attack and interception and comprehensive skills. In 1989, Lai Yawen entered the China Women’s Volleyball Team, and was highly valued by three coaches, namely Hu Jin, Li Xiaofeng and Lang Ping. She won the third place in the 1989 World Cup, the 1990 World Championships, the 1991 World Cup, the 1995 World Cup, the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games and the 1998 World Championships. The World Championships in 1998 was her farewell battle. She dragged her weak body through the final due to illness, and finally missed the championship and cried, which moved the fans. Although she only lacks a gold medal in the three competitions, it does not prevent her from achieving a legend in her sports career.

Among the teammates in the same period, Lai Yawen was the only one who didn’t leave the China women’s volleyball team after retiring. In 1999, after Hu Jin succeeded Lang Ping and Er Jin Gong as the head coach of China women’s volleyball team, he invited 29-year-old Lai Yawen to be the assistant coach. From captain to teaching assistant, Lai Yawen quickly adapted to complete the transformation. "Lai Dao" is still the former "intimate big sister" in the players’ minds, and she has also become a bridge between the players and the head coach.

China women’s volleyball team changed coaches for two or three years during the London Olympic Games. Lai Yawen wanted to leave the national team after the London Olympics. In 2013, Lang Ping coached the China Women’s Volleyball Team for the second time, and Lai Yawen was invited to join the coaching team again. Lang Ping and Lai Yawen have a tacit cooperation. In 2017, although Lai Yawen was promoted to the position of Deputy Director of Paiguan Center, it was still difficult to leave the team, and she volunteered to be the team leader of China Women’s Volleyball Team. China women’s volleyball team rose again, winning the championship four times in 2015 World Cup, 2016 Rio Olympic Games, 2017 Grand Champions Cup and 2019 World Cup.

Entering the Paris Olympic cycle, Cai Bin once again took charge of the China Women’s Volleyball Team, and Lai Yawen continued to be the team leader in the 2022 World Championships. Over the past 33 years, Lai Yawen has devoted most of her life to the China Women’s Volleyball Team. Experience and connections are Lai Yawen’s advantages, but the head of the company bears a heavy burden. How to keep China’s women’s volleyball team in the advanced ranks in the world, strive to narrow the gap between China’s men’s volleyball team and the world’s top teams, make a good domestic volleyball super league with heart, and insist on the combination of inviting in and going out to connect with the world volleyball, etc., Lai Yawen is facing a series of challenges.

Fortunately, volleyball in China has a new trend. Since this year, men’s and women’s volleyball teams have had national players studying abroad. So far, more than 20 players have fought in overseas leagues. Not only can the players go out in the year of playing, but even some of them are matched by the platoon management center. For example, Zhang Jingyin, the number one main attacker of the men’s volleyball team, landed in the Polish Super League and was accompanied by the Chinese team. China volleyball can be expected in the future by opening the rising channel of players in multiple channels and in all directions.

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Hua

Author: Qin Dongying

Source: Xinhua News Agency

The policy is good again and again! Real estate rose for three consecutive days, leading the industry sector today.

China Business Daily (Reporter Wang Tongxu)On January 26th, the three major indexes of A shares were mixed. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.14%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell by 1.06%, the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell by 2.23%, the Beizheng 50 Index fell by 2.4%, and the turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 828.7 billion yuan. More than 3,000 stocks in the two cities fell, with a net purchase of 1.51 billion yuan in northbound funds.
On the theme of the plate, real estate rose for three consecutive days, and today’s increase is ahead of the industry plate; Affected by good news, the concepts of Hainan Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port were also among the top gainers.
Today, the fever of real estate stocks continues. Real estate services and real estate development sectors were among the top gainers. Special service 20cm daily limit; Hainan Expressway, Shahe Shares and Pudong Jinqiao have a daily limit of over 10cm; China Communications Real Estate, Sunshine, Waigaoqiao, Everbright Jiabao, Cinda Real Estate, Chinese Enterprises and Guangming Real Estate all rose by more than 9%. In addition, SI Development and Shanghai Lingang also have daily limit.
Recently, there have been frequent policies in the real estate sector, which have been beneficial again and again. After yesterday’s close, the press conference of the State Council Office was held. Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Administration of Financial Supervision, said at the meeting that the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing will be accelerated and effective, and financial institutions will be guided to implement the management requirements for operating property loans; Support local city governments and housing construction departments, and further optimize individual housing loan policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate due to city policies.
Today, another good news was released. In the morning, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a deployment meeting of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. The meeting emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and concerns the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should take projects as the object, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.
Guojin Securities believes that the central government attaches importance to the health of real estate financing, and the financial industry is duty-bound to strongly support the real estate sector. The follow-up will further optimize the down payment ratio and loan interest rate. The support of the financing side can improve the cash flow of housing enterprises to a certain extent, and the key to the stable and healthy development of the industry lies in the stabilization of sales, which still needs the continuous support of comprehensive easing policies at both ends of supply and demand. Or we can focus on the improved central enterprises and state-owned enterprises with the bottom of the current valuation, good operating conditions and benefiting from the optimization of the industry structure.
In addition, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has not diminished, and the Hainan Free Trade Zone has also "come from behind".
This morning, the volume of Hainan’s free trade sector rose by more than 4%, and the half-day transaction exceeded the whole day yesterday. Kangzhi Pharmaceutical once hit a daily limit of 20%, and then fell back to an increase of about 9%.
In addition, Hainan Ruize, Jingliang Holdings, Hainan Development, Hainan Coconut Island, Hainan Expressway, Haiqi Group, Strait Shares and Huawen Group all had daily limit.
In the news, Dai Zhen, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, answered a reporter’s question at the "Director’s Channel" of the Third Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress of Hainan Province yesterday, saying that 30 free trade zones around the world have actively responded to the initiative of joining the global free trade zone (Hong Kong) partnership, and Hainan’s international "circle of friends" is growing.
In addition, the three-dimensional and diversified international network of contacts in Hainan Free Trade Port has taken shape. Last year, Hainan added four foreign friendship cities, resumed and opened 50 overseas passenger and cargo routes, and more than 500 batches of foreign dignitaries, heads of international organizations, representatives of diplomatic envoys in China, executives of Fortune 500 companies and media leaders from more than 100 countries visited Qionglai.
According to Haikou Customs data, in 2023, Haikou Customs supervised a total of 43.76 billion yuan of duty-free sales from outlying islands, up 25.4% year-on-year; The number of duty-free shopping was 6.756 million, a year-on-year increase of 59.9%.
Guosen Securities said that the third phase reconstruction and expansion project of Sanya Airport will start at the end of November 2023, which can meet the annual throughput demand of 30 million passengers in the future. From the mid-line, Hainan Airport has core advantages such as the key airport card position of Hainan Free Trade Port and the duty-free benchmark commercial resources of Haikou Riyue Plaza. In the future, the mid-line is expected to directly benefit from the customs clearance construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.
(Note: The picture comes from a straight flush, and this article does not constitute any investment advice.)

Lu Yu’s tea, I heard that he didn’t take fame and fortune: tea smells like the past.

  Grandpa’s tea has a taste called home.

  Lu Yu’s tea is said to be neither famous nor profitable.

  Grandpa’s tea tastes good.

  Lu Yu’s tea is like a splash-ink landscape painting.

  The sandstorm of the Tang dynasty for thousands of years is still blowing.

  — — Vincent fang and Jay Chou’s Tea Made by Grandpa (Excerpt)

  When I was young, I listened to "Grandpa’s Tea" sung in the streets and lanes, so I liked to sip the jasmine tea that Grandpa had just brewed. In the sweet tea fragrance, I guessed the appearance of Lu Yu thousands of years ago and wondered whether the landscape-like Tang tea was as elegant and free as him. Until today, I saw a seemingly unremarkable model of white porcelain tea set in the "Ancient China" exhibition hall of China National Museum, and finally understood Lu Yu’s unique, lofty and carefree elegance.

  White porcelain tea set and Lu Yu statue

  Five Dynasties (907-— 960)

  It was unearthed in Tangxian County, Hebei Province.

  Collected by China National Museum.

  At present, this set of tea sets is rich in categories, including an air-stove tea pot for boiling tea, a tea mortar for grinding tea powder, a slag bucket for holding tea residue and a tea bottle for ordering tea, and a white porcelain portrait with a long scroll in hand. If you look at it carefully and listen to it, you will find that every little thing seems to be telling the story of tea.

  Since Lu Yu was born in the world, the world has learned from each other.

  — — Song Mei Yaochen

  This set of tea sets is mostly used for decocting tea in Tang Dynasty. What is interesting is this white porcelain portrait. Who is the portrait and why is it put with the tea set? Scholars began to speculate.

  It is recorded in the Book of the New Tang Dynasty, Biography of Hermitage: "When you drink tea, you will be worshipped as a tea god when you are in the shape of Tao Yu." It turned out that because of the far-reaching influence of the Book of Tea written by Lu Yu, since the late Tang Dynasty, tea sellers have regarded Lu Yu as a sacrifice to the tea god and also offered a small statue to put in a tea stall. At that time, whenever tea ware was bought to a certain amount, the store would give away a statue of Lu Yu, which was similar to the means of sales promotion of today’s merchants. This figurine was unearthed together with this tea set model, so it is supposed to be Lu Yu, the tea god with the Tea Classic.

  ▲ Lu Yu porcelain statue.

  Although the tea culture in China has a long history, according to the literature records, early tea may have been used as a food. As a special beverage, it should be no later than the Western Han Dynasty. By the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, tea had once become a luxury drink, which was a symbol of scholar-officials boasting of simplicity.

  After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, tea became more popular, from the royal family down to the common people, all loved tea, and tasting and discussing tea became a fashion. However, it was not until Lu Yu wrote Tea Classic that tea culture was systematically combed and written. Lu Yu was fascinated by tea art, carefully studied the experience of predecessors in making tea, and constantly summed up the practice, creating a book "Tea Classics".

  ▲ Lu Yu’s "Tea Classic" book shadow.

  The Book of Tea is divided into three volumes and ten sections, which systematically summarizes the knowledge of the origin, production, utensils and other aspects of tea at that time, setting a precedent for Chinese tea art. With the rapid popularization of the Book of Tea, Chinese people are paying more and more attention to the taste of tea itself, which is more elegant, more exquisite and more ceremonial. The appearance of Tea Classic promoted the prevalence of tea ceremony in Tang and Song Dynasties, and influenced every aspect of politics, economy, culture and life in Tang Dynasty and later generations, becoming one of the three largest tea books in the world.

  Gong Le Tu is partially anonymous.

  The painting reflects the elegant scene of tea and drinking by the court ladies in the Tang Dynasty, and the ladies hold it as porcelain tea set of Yueyao.

  Yueyao green glazed lotus leaf with tea cup

  Tang (618— 907)

  Unearthed in Heyi Road, Ningbo City in 1975

  Collection of Ningbo Museum

  As soon as the fragrant spring is combined with milk, it is fried to make the beads boil.

  — — Don Pi Rixiu

  The way of drinking tea in Tang Dynasty was different from today. Instead of soaking, it was boiled. When drinking tea, first crush the tea cake into tea powder, boil the water from the pot and always pay attention to the boiling degree of the water. When it boils, it will be "seasoned with salt". When it boils, a bowl of water will be filled out, and the tea powder will be put into the pot for boiling. When it boils again, it will be poured back into the pot to "cultivate its beauty". When the tea soup is cooked, share it with everyone and drink it while it is hot. If you want to cook a good pot of tea, it is necessary to have an air furnace and a tea pot. The first words in The Four Instruments of Tea Classic show their importance.

  ▲ "Xiao Yi Earns Lanting Map" (partial) was passed on to Yan Liben in Tang Dynasty.

  Tea drinking in the Tang Dynasty is elegant, and the temperature of boiling water is quite particular. "The Five Boils of Tea Classics" said: "It boils like a fish’s eye, with a slight sound as one boiling, and the edge of it is like a spring and beads as two boiling, and the waves are three boiling." There are also many descriptions of boiling water in Tang poems, such as "rabbit hair is light and fragrant, and shrimp eye soup is fine and full of waves" (Lv Yan’s Dayun Temple Tea Poetry); Another example is "a fragrant spring with milk, fried and boiled." When you look at the crab’s eyes splashing, you can see the scales rising at first sight "(Pi Rixiu’s" Tea in Tea "). "Shrimp’s Eye", "Crab’s Eye", "Fishes" and "Spring and Beads" describe the appearance of bubbles rising from small to large in the water before boiling, and the water is already boiling when the waves are surging. The vivid description is not as accurate as the thermometer-type numerical expression today, but it is full of vivid poetry and meaningful aftertaste.

  Gold-plated lotus petal silver saucer

  Tang (618— 907)

  In 1957, Pingkangfang site in Tang Chang ‘an City, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province was unearthed.

  Collected by China National Museum.

  The words "Zuo ce makes the house tea storehouse" are engraved in the saucer foot.

  When I woke up at noon, I only felt the silence of the earth, and the sound of a cup of tea when the new tea was smashed in the bamboo grove.

  — — Tang Liu Zongyuan

  The tea mortar in the tea set is shallow and has no glaze on the inner wall, so it should be used for grinding tea powder. In the Tang Dynasty, tea cakes must be crushed into tea powder before they can be decocted in water. Therefore, grinding tools such as mortar, grinding and grinding are essential. Liu Zongyuan, who loves tea, also wrote "Shan Tong knocks on the tea mortar across the bamboo" in My Occasional Works in Summer and Day.

  ▲ Tang Dynasty Yue Kiln Celadon Teapot.

  In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the tradition of making tea with tea powder in the Tang Dynasty was continued, and images such as tea mortar were common in poems and murals in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. After the tea-boiling method rose in Ming and Qing dynasties, tea no longer needed grinding and drinking, and the tea mortar slowly withdrew. However, today, many places still retain the tradition of tea smashing, and we can still see the figure of tea mortar in the tools of tea smashing.

  ▲ Gannan Hakka tea.

  The more common tea grinding tool is the tea mill. "The Four Instruments of Tea Classics" says that "the grinding trough is best made of orange wood, followed by pear wood, Sang Mu, tung wood and zhe wood." Recently, many ceramic tea mills have been discovered in archaeology. It can be seen that in the Tang Dynasty, tea ceremony flourished, and tea mills made of ceramics, wood and stone were more convenient to use and spread.

  In 1987, the discovery of the underground palace of the Tangta in Famen Temple made the royal treasure that had been treasured for more than 1000 years reappear in the world. A complete set of Tang Dynasty court tea set was unearthed in the underground palace, which is the earliest, highest grade and most complete court tea set known today. In the underground palace, the "Monument to the Clothing Account of the Gifted Props and Gifts for the Real Person" was also unearthed, which recorded in detail the names and other information of the offerings, including a set of exquisite grinding tools: the gold-plated flower silver enamel shaft and the gold-plated Hongyan tattooed silver tea trough. The shaft and the tea trough are used in a complete set, and the usage is similar to that of grinding herbs with traditional Chinese medicine today. The shaft is covered with gold-plated flowers and the silver-plated tea trough is covered with gold-plated Hongyan, which is magnificent and represents the highest level at that time.

  Gold-plated silver ball shaft, gold-plated Hongyan tattoo silver tea trough

  In 1987, the back room of the Tangta underground palace of Famen Temple in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province was unearthed.

  Famen Temple Museum

  The fire in the soup bottle speaks for itself, and the wine lamp is the first to make spring.

  — — Song Yang Wanli

  Tea bottles, also known as soup bottles, are used for heating or holding hot water. Tea bottles are generally short-flowing, and may be mixed with holding pots for pouring warm wine at first, and then slowly separated from wine utensils. A porcelain vase unearthed in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province in the third year of Taihe in the Tang Dynasty (AD 829) was similar in shape to a pot-holding one, and the ink book at the bottom was "old"

  The words "home tea club bottle" show that at the latest in the middle Tang Dynasty, this kind of holding pot has been used as the exclusive tea bottle for tea sets.

  Tea bottles were generally not needed when frying tea in the Tang Dynasty, and there was no relevant record in Tea Classic, but it was an indispensable part of tea ordering in the late Tang Dynasty. When ordering tea, first boil water in a bottle, put the tea powder in a bowl, then hold the bottle and pour water into the bowl to make tea, and then blow it properly.

  Lushan kiln snow ash glaze soup bottle

  Tang (618— 907)

  Collected by China National Museum.

  The process of tea-ordering and water injection is somewhat similar to that of hand-brewing coffee today. When water is injected, it is necessary to control both the water flow speed and the water quantity, and the amount and weight of each water injection are particular. It turned out that the flow of holding the pot was short, and the water quantity and speed were difficult to control, so it was difficult to meet the demand. So the flow began to lengthen slowly, and the volume of the tea bottle gradually decreased, making it lighter and easier to order.

  According to Mr. Sun Ji’s textual research, the white porcelain tea set and Lu Yu statue in the National Museum of China, the tea bottle and the tea pot came out together, "showing that it was in the period of alternating frying tea and ordering tea". A small tea set, not only let us appreciate the elegant demeanour of fried tea in Tang Dynasty, but also get a glimpse of the rise of tea and feel the continuous development and evolution of China tea culture.

  Poetry is not tired of pounding fragrant teas, and it is appropriate to listen to elegant plays on the spur of the moment.

  — — Japan’s Emperor Xie ‘e

  1500 years ago, with the spread of Chinese culture, tea culture gradually went to the world. In the Tang Dynasty, Japanese monks Zuichi, Konghai and others sailed across the sea, came to China to study culture, and brought China’s tea drinking methods and tea seeds back to Japan.

  Emperor Emei (Hong Ren, year 810-824) admired Chinese culture and loved tea. He not only ordered the planting of tea trees, but also left a poem "Never tire of pounding fragrant teas when reciting poems, but should listen to elegant plays on the spur of the moment". Under the vigorous promotion of Emperor Xie, Japanese aristocrats appeared the trend of imitating China people to taste tea, and later generations called it "Hong Ren Tea Style" because of its year number "Hong Ren". During the Silla period in North China, tea culture was imported in an all-round way, and tea was spread and developed from the upper class, monks and scribes to the people, and tea was planted and made. Tea culture has thus developed into a distinctive feature of East Asian culture.

  "Liu Yu bubble tea, I heard that fame and fortune don’t take, he took a thin horse in the end of the world. The sandstorm of the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years is still blowing. " In fact, it’s not only the sandstorm that has traveled through the Millennium, but also the fragrant tea that China people are attached to. China people love tea, its elegant and mellow quality, the lingering aftertaste and the lingering smell of home. As Mr. Lin Yutang once wrote, "As long as there is a teapot, China people are happy everywhere."

  About the author:

  Yang Yue, Ph.D. in history, is an associate researcher at the National Museum of China. He is mainly engaged in exhibition planning and implementation, museum policy research, etc. He has presided over or participated in many key projects of the National Social Science Fund and cultural think tank projects, and has published articles such as Archaeological Observation of the Zodiac Pattern in the Epitaph of Liao Dynasty, Comparative Analysis of the Tombs of Xianbei and Han People in Luoyang Area, and Textual Research on Wuchuan Military and Political Affairs in the Northern Dynasties.

  Producer | Xiao Jingfang Yang Xinhua

  Overall planning | Weng Huainan Liang Li

  Editor | Liang Li Yu Ling

  Production | Hu Qi